/* Title: Tools/VSCode/src/language_server.scala
Author: Makarius
Server for VS Code Language Server Protocol 2.0/3.0, see also
PIDE protocol extensions depend on system option "vscode_pide_extensions".
package isabelle.vscode
import isabelle._
import java.io.{PrintStream, OutputStream, File => JFile}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
object Language_Server
type Editor = isabelle.Editor[Unit]
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
private lazy val default_logic = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_LOGIC")
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("vscode_server", "VSCode Language Server for PIDE", Scala_Project.here, args =>
try {
var logic_ancestor: Option[String] = None
var log_file: Option[Path] = None
var logic_requirements = false
var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
var include_sessions: List[String] = Nil
var logic = default_logic
var modes: List[String] = Nil
var options = Options.init()
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle vscode_server [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-A NAME ancestor session for option -R (default: parent)
-L FILE logging on FILE
-R NAME build image with requirements from other sessions
-d DIR include session directory
-i NAME include session in name-space of theories
-l NAME logic session name (default ISABELLE_LOGIC=""" + quote(default_logic) + """)
-m MODE add print mode for output
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-v verbose logging
Run the VSCode Language Server protocol (JSON RPC) over stdin/stdout.
"A:" -> (arg => logic_ancestor = Some(arg)),
"L:" -> (arg => log_file = Some(Path.explode(File.standard_path(arg)))),
"R:" -> (arg => { logic = arg; logic_requirements = true }),
"d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(File.standard_path(arg)))),
"i:" -> (arg => include_sessions = include_sessions ::: List(arg)),
"l:" -> (arg => logic = arg),
"m:" -> (arg => modes = arg :: modes),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
val log = Logger.make(log_file)
val channel = new Channel(System.in, System.out, log, verbose)
val server =
new Language_Server(channel, options, session_name = logic, session_dirs = dirs,
include_sessions = include_sessions, session_ancestor = logic_ancestor,
session_requirements = logic_requirements, modes = modes, log = log)
// prevent spurious garbage on the main protocol channel
val orig_out = System.out
try {
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new OutputStream { def write(n: Int) {} }))
finally { System.setOut(orig_out) }
catch {
case exn: Throwable =>
val channel = new Channel(System.in, System.out, No_Logger)
class Language_Server(
val channel: Channel,
options: Options,
session_name: String = Language_Server.default_logic,
session_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
include_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
session_ancestor: Option[String] = None,
session_requirements: Boolean = false,
modes: List[String] = Nil,
log: Logger = No_Logger)
server =>
/* prover session */
private val session_ = Synchronized(None: Option[Session])
def session: Session = session_.value getOrElse error("Server inactive")
def resources: VSCode_Resources = session.resources.asInstanceOf[VSCode_Resources]
def rendering_offset(node_pos: Line.Node_Position): Option[(VSCode_Rendering, Text.Offset)] =
for {
model <- resources.get_model(new JFile(node_pos.name))
rendering = model.rendering()
offset <- model.content.doc.offset(node_pos.pos)
} yield (rendering, offset)
private val dynamic_output = Dynamic_Output(server)
/* input from client or file-system */
private val delay_input: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_input_delay"), channel.Error_Logger)
{ resources.flush_input(session, channel) }
private val delay_load: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_load_delay"), channel.Error_Logger) {
val (invoke_input, invoke_load) =
resources.resolve_dependencies(session, editor, file_watcher)
if (invoke_input) delay_input.invoke()
if (invoke_load) delay_load.invoke
private val file_watcher =
File_Watcher(sync_documents, options.seconds("vscode_load_delay"))
private def close_document(file: JFile)
if (resources.close_model(file)) {
private def sync_documents(changed: Set[JFile])
private def change_document(file: JFile, version: Long, changes: List[LSP.TextDocumentChange])
val norm_changes = new mutable.ListBuffer[LSP.TextDocumentChange]
@tailrec def norm(chs: List[LSP.TextDocumentChange])
if (chs.nonEmpty) {
val (full_texts, rest1) = chs.span(_.range.isEmpty)
val (edits, rest2) = rest1.span(_.range.nonEmpty)
norm_changes ++= full_texts
norm_changes ++= edits.sortBy(_.range.get.start)(Line.Position.Ordering).reverse
norm_changes.foreach(change =>
resources.change_model(session, editor, file, version, change.text, change.range))
/* caret handling */
private val delay_caret_update: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_input_delay"), channel.Error_Logger)
{ session.caret_focus.post(Session.Caret_Focus) }
private def update_caret(caret: Option[(JFile, Line.Position)])
/* preview */
private lazy val preview_panel = new Preview_Panel(resources)
private lazy val delay_preview: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_output_delay"), channel.Error_Logger)
if (preview_panel.flush(channel)) delay_preview.invoke()
private def request_preview(file: JFile, column: Int)
preview_panel.request(file, column)
/* output to client */
private val delay_output: Delay =
Delay.last(options.seconds("vscode_output_delay"), channel.Error_Logger)
if (resources.flush_output(channel)) delay_output.invoke()
def update_output(changed_nodes: Traversable[JFile])
def update_output_visible()
private val prover_output =
Session.Consumer[Session.Commands_Changed](getClass.getName) {
case changed =>
private val syslog_messages =
Session.Consumer[Prover.Output](getClass.getName) {
case output => channel.log_writeln(resources.output_xml(output.message))
/* init and exit */
def init(id: LSP.Id)
def reply_ok(msg: String)
channel.write(LSP.Initialize.reply(id, ""))
def reply_error(msg: String)
channel.write(LSP.Initialize.reply(id, msg))
val try_session =
try {
val base_info =
options, session_name, dirs = session_dirs, include_sessions = include_sessions,
session_ancestor = session_ancestor, session_requirements = session_requirements).check
def build(no_build: Boolean = false): Build.Results =
selection = Sessions.Selection.session(base_info.session),
build_heap = true, no_build = no_build, dirs = session_dirs, infos = base_info.infos)
if (!build(no_build = true).ok) {
val start_msg = "Build started for Isabelle/" + base_info.session + " ..."
val fail_msg = "Session build failed -- prover process remains inactive!"
val progress = channel.progress(verbose = true)
progress.echo(start_msg); channel.writeln(start_msg)
if (!build().ok) { progress.echo(fail_msg); error(fail_msg) }
val resources = new VSCode_Resources(options, base_info, log)
override def commit(change: Session.Change): Unit =
if (change.deps_changed || undefined_blobs(change.version.nodes).nonEmpty)
val session_options = options.bool("editor_output_state") = true
val session = new Session(session_options, resources)
Some((base_info, session))
catch { case ERROR(msg) => reply_error(msg); None }
for ((base_info, session) <- try_session) {
session_.change(_ => Some(session))
session.commands_changed += prover_output
session.syslog_messages += syslog_messages
try {
Isabelle_Process(session, options, base_info.sessions_structure, Sessions.store(options),
modes = modes, logic = base_info.session).await_startup
reply_ok("Welcome to Isabelle/" + base_info.session + " (" + Distribution.version + ")")
catch { case ERROR(msg) => reply_error(msg) }
def shutdown(id: LSP.Id)
def reply(err: String): Unit = channel.write(LSP.Shutdown.reply(id, err))
case Some(session) =>
session.commands_changed -= prover_output
session.syslog_messages -= syslog_messages
val result = session.stop()
if (result.ok) reply("")
else reply("Prover shutdown failed: " + result.rc)
case None =>
reply("Prover inactive")
def exit() {
sys.exit(if (session_.value.isDefined) 2 else 0)
/* completion */
def completion(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position)
val result =
(for ((rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos))
yield rendering.completion(node_pos.pos, offset)) getOrElse Nil
channel.write(LSP.Completion.reply(id, result))
/* spell-checker dictionary */
def update_dictionary(include: Boolean, permanent: Boolean)
for {
spell_checker <- resources.spell_checker.get
caret <- resources.get_caret()
rendering = caret.model.rendering()
range = rendering.before_caret_range(caret.offset)
Text.Info(_, word) <- Spell_Checker.current_word(rendering, range)
} {
spell_checker.update(word, include, permanent)
def reset_dictionary()
for (spell_checker <- resources.spell_checker.get)
/* hover */
def hover(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position)
val result =
for {
(rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos)
info <- rendering.tooltips(VSCode_Rendering.tooltip_elements, Text.Range(offset, offset + 1))
} yield {
val range = rendering.model.content.doc.range(info.range)
val contents = info.info.map(t => LSP.MarkedString(resources.output_pretty_tooltip(List(t))))
(range, contents)
channel.write(LSP.Hover.reply(id, result))
/* goto definition */
def goto_definition(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position)
val result =
(for ((rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos))
yield rendering.hyperlinks(Text.Range(offset, offset + 1))) getOrElse Nil
channel.write(LSP.GotoDefinition.reply(id, result))
/* document highlights */
def document_highlights(id: LSP.Id, node_pos: Line.Node_Position)
val result =
(for ((rendering, offset) <- rendering_offset(node_pos))
yield {
val model = rendering.model
rendering.caret_focus_ranges(Text.Range(offset, offset + 1), model.content.text_range)
.map(r => LSP.DocumentHighlight.text(model.content.doc.range(r)))
}) getOrElse Nil
channel.write(LSP.DocumentHighlights.reply(id, result))
/* main loop */
def start()
log("Server started " + Date.now())
def handle(json: JSON.T)
try {
json match {
case LSP.Initialize(id) => init(id)
case LSP.Initialized(()) =>
case LSP.Shutdown(id) => shutdown(id)
case LSP.Exit(()) => exit()
case LSP.DidOpenTextDocument(file, _, version, text) =>
change_document(file, version, List(LSP.TextDocumentChange(None, text)))
case LSP.DidChangeTextDocument(file, version, changes) =>
change_document(file, version, changes)
case LSP.DidCloseTextDocument(file) => close_document(file)
case LSP.Completion(id, node_pos) => completion(id, node_pos)
case LSP.Include_Word(()) => update_dictionary(true, false)
case LSP.Include_Word_Permanently(()) => update_dictionary(true, true)
case LSP.Exclude_Word(()) => update_dictionary(false, false)
case LSP.Exclude_Word_Permanently(()) => update_dictionary(false, true)
case LSP.Reset_Words(()) => reset_dictionary()
case LSP.Hover(id, node_pos) => hover(id, node_pos)
case LSP.GotoDefinition(id, node_pos) => goto_definition(id, node_pos)
case LSP.DocumentHighlights(id, node_pos) => document_highlights(id, node_pos)
case LSP.Caret_Update(caret) => update_caret(caret)
case LSP.State_Init(()) => State_Panel.init(server)
case LSP.State_Exit(id) => State_Panel.exit(id)
case LSP.State_Locate(id) => State_Panel.locate(id)
case LSP.State_Update(id) => State_Panel.update(id)
case LSP.State_Auto_Update(id, enabled) => State_Panel.auto_update(id, enabled)
case LSP.Preview_Request(file, column) => request_preview(file, column)
case LSP.Symbols_Request(()) => channel.write(LSP.Symbols())
case _ => if (!LSP.ResponseMessage.is_empty(json)) log("### IGNORED")
catch { case exn: Throwable => channel.log_error_message(Exn.message(exn)) }
@tailrec def loop()
channel.read() match {
case Some(json) =>
json match {
case bulk: List[_] => bulk.foreach(handle)
case _ => handle(json)
case None => log("### TERMINATE")
/* abstract editor operations */
object editor extends Language_Server.Editor
/* session */
override def session: Session = server.session
override def flush(): Unit = resources.flush_input(session, channel)
override def invoke(): Unit = delay_input.invoke()
/* current situation */
override def current_node(context: Unit): Option[Document.Node.Name] =
override def current_node_snapshot(context: Unit): Option[Document.Snapshot] =
override def node_snapshot(name: Document.Node.Name): Document.Snapshot =
resources.get_model(name) match {
case Some(model) => model.snapshot()
case None => session.snapshot(name)
def current_command(snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Option[Command] =
resources.get_caret() match {
case Some(caret) => snapshot.current_command(caret.node_name, caret.offset)
case None => None
override def current_command(context: Unit, snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Option[Command] =
/* overlays */
override def node_overlays(name: Document.Node.Name): Document.Node.Overlays =
override def insert_overlay(command: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Unit =
resources.insert_overlay(command, fn, args)
override def remove_overlay(command: Command, fn: String, args: List[String]): Unit =
resources.remove_overlay(command, fn, args)
/* hyperlinks */
override def hyperlink_command(
focus: Boolean, snapshot: Document.Snapshot, id: Document_ID.Generic,
offset: Symbol.Offset = 0): Option[Hyperlink] =
if (snapshot.is_outdated) None
snapshot.find_command_position(id, offset).map(node_pos =>
new Hyperlink {
def follow(unit: Unit) { channel.write(LSP.Caret_Update(node_pos, focus)) }
/* dispatcher thread */
override def assert_dispatcher[A](body: => A): A = session.assert_dispatcher(body)
override def require_dispatcher[A](body: => A): A = session.require_dispatcher(body)
override def send_dispatcher(body: => Unit): Unit = session.send_dispatcher(body)
override def send_wait_dispatcher(body: => Unit): Unit = session.send_wait_dispatcher(body)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.61 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.