(* Title: ZF/Constructible/WFrec.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
section\<open>Relativized Well-Founded Recursion\<close>
theory WFrec imports Wellorderings begin
subsection\<open>General Lemmas\<close>
(*Many of these might be useful in WF.thy*)
lemma apply_recfun2:
"[| is_recfun(r,a,H,f); :f |] ==> i = H(x, restrict(f,r-``{x}))"
apply (frule apply_recfun)
apply (blast dest: is_recfun_type fun_is_rel)
apply (simp add: function_apply_equality [OF _ is_recfun_imp_function])
text\<open>Expresses \<open>is_recfun\<close> as a recursion equation\<close>
lemma is_recfun_iff_equation:
"is_recfun(r,a,H,f) \
f \<in> r -`` {a} \<rightarrow> range(f) &
(\<forall>x \<in> r-``{a}. f`x = H(x, restrict(f, r-``{x})))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: is_recfun_type apply_recfun Ball_def vimage_singleton_iff,
apply (simp add: is_recfun_def)
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply assumption
apply (fast intro: lam_type, simp)
lemma is_recfun_imp_in_r: "[|is_recfun(r,a,H,f); \x,i\ \ f|] ==> \x, a\ \ r"
by (blast dest: is_recfun_type fun_is_rel)
lemma trans_Int_eq:
"[| trans(r); \ r |] ==> r -`` {x} \ r -`` {y} = r -`` {y}"
by (blast intro: transD)
lemma is_recfun_restrict_idem:
"is_recfun(r,a,H,f) ==> restrict(f, r -`` {a}) = f"
apply (drule is_recfun_type)
apply (auto simp add: Pi_iff subset_Sigma_imp_relation restrict_idem)
lemma is_recfun_cong_lemma:
"[| is_recfun(r,a,H,f); r = r'; a = a'; f = f';
!!x g. [| <x,a'> \ r'; relation(g); domain(g) \ r' -``{x} |]
==> H(x,g) = H'(x,g) |]
==> is_recfun(r',a',H',f')"
apply (simp add: is_recfun_def)
apply (erule trans)
apply (rule lam_cong)
apply (simp_all add: vimage_singleton_iff Int_lower2)
text\<open>For \<open>is_recfun\<close> we need only pay attention to functions
whose domains are initial segments of \<^term>\<open>r\<close>.\<close>
lemma is_recfun_cong:
"[| r = r'; a = a'; f = f';
!!x g. [| <x,a'> \ r'; relation(g); domain(g) \ r' -``{x} |]
==> H(x,g) = H'(x,g) |]
==> is_recfun(r,a,H,f) \<longleftrightarrow> is_recfun(r',a',H',f')"
apply (rule iffI)
txt\<open>Messy: fast and blast don't work for some reason\<close>
apply (erule is_recfun_cong_lemma, auto)
apply (erule is_recfun_cong_lemma)
apply (blast intro: sym)+
subsection\<open>Reworking of the Recursion Theory Within \<^term>\<open>M\<close>\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_separation':
"[| f \ r -`` {a} \ range(f); g \ r -`` {b} \ range(g);
M(r); M(f); M(g); M(a); M(b) |]
==> separation(M, \<lambda>x. \<not> (\<langle>x, a\<rangle> \<in> r \<longrightarrow> \<langle>x, b\<rangle> \<in> r \<longrightarrow> f ` x = g ` x))"
apply (insert is_recfun_separation [of r f g a b])
apply (simp add: vimage_singleton_iff)
text\<open>Stated using \<^term>\<open>trans(r)\<close> rather than
\<^term>\<open>transitive_rel(M,A,r)\<close> because the latter rewrites to
the former anyway, by \<open>transitive_rel_abs\<close>.
As always, theorems should be expressed in simplified form.
The last three M-premises are redundant because of \<^term>\<open>M(r)\<close>,
but without them we'd have to undertake
more work to set up the induction formula.\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_equal [rule_format]:
"[|is_recfun(r,a,H,f); is_recfun(r,b,H,g);
wellfounded(M,r); trans(r);
M(f); M(g); M(r); M(x); M(a); M(b) |]
==> <x,a> \<in> r \<longrightarrow> <x,b> \<in> r \<longrightarrow> f`x=g`x"
apply (frule_tac f=f in is_recfun_type)
apply (frule_tac f=g in is_recfun_type)
apply (simp add: is_recfun_def)
apply (erule_tac a=x in wellfounded_induct, assumption+)
txt\<open>Separation to justify the induction\<close>
apply (blast intro: is_recfun_separation')
txt\<open>Now the inductive argument itself\<close>
apply clarify
apply (erule ssubst)+
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: vimage_singleton_iff restrict_def)
apply (rename_tac x1)
apply (rule_tac t="%z. H(x1,z)" in subst_context)
apply (subgoal_tac "\y \ r-``{x1}. \z. \f \ \g")
apply (blast intro: transD)
apply (simp add: apply_iff)
apply (blast intro: transD sym)
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_cut:
"[|is_recfun(r,a,H,f); is_recfun(r,b,H,g);
wellfounded(M,r); trans(r);
M(f); M(g); M(r); <b,a> \<in> r |]
==> restrict(f, r-``{b}) = g"
apply (frule_tac f=f in is_recfun_type)
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply (blast intro: transD restrict_type2)
apply (erule is_recfun_type, simp)
apply (blast intro: is_recfun_equal transD dest: transM)
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_functional:
"[|is_recfun(r,a,H,f); is_recfun(r,a,H,g);
wellfounded(M,r); trans(r); M(f); M(g); M(r) |] ==> f=g"
apply (rule fun_extension)
apply (erule is_recfun_type)+
apply (blast intro!: is_recfun_equal dest: transM)
text\<open>Tells us that \<open>is_recfun\<close> can (in principle) be relativized.\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_relativize:
"[| M(r); M(f); \x[M]. \g[M]. function(g) \ M(H(x,g)) |]
==> is_recfun(r,a,H,f) \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<forall>z[M]. z \<in> f \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>x[M]. <x,a> \<in> r & z = <x, H(x, restrict(f, r-``{x}))>))"
apply (simp add: is_recfun_def lam_def)
apply (safe intro!: equalityI)
apply (drule equalityD1 [THEN subsetD], assumption)
apply (blast dest: pair_components_in_M)
apply (blast elim!: equalityE dest: pair_components_in_M)
apply (frule transM, assumption)
apply simp
apply blast
apply (subgoal_tac "is_function(M,f)")
txt\<open>We use \<^term>\<open>is_function\<close> rather than \<^term>\<open>function\<close> because
the subgoal's easier to prove with relativized quantifiers!\
prefer 2 apply (simp add: is_function_def)
apply (frule pair_components_in_M, assumption)
apply (simp add: is_recfun_imp_function function_restrictI)
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_restrict:
"[| wellfounded(M,r); trans(r); is_recfun(r,x,H,f); \y,x\ \ r;
M(r); M(f);
\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) \<longrightarrow> M(H(x,g)) |]
==> is_recfun(r, y, H, restrict(f, r -`` {y}))"
apply (frule pair_components_in_M, assumption, clarify)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: is_recfun_relativize restrict_iff
apply safe
apply (simp_all add: vimage_singleton_iff is_recfun_type [THEN apply_iff])
apply (frule_tac x=xa in pair_components_in_M, assumption)
apply (frule_tac x=xa in apply_recfun, blast intro: transD)
apply (simp add: is_recfun_type [THEN apply_iff]
is_recfun_imp_function function_restrictI)
apply (blast intro: apply_recfun dest: transD)
lemma (in M_basic) restrict_Y_lemma:
"[| wellfounded(M,r); trans(r); M(r);
\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) \<longrightarrow> M(H(x,g)); M(Y);
b \<in> Y \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>x[M]. <x,a1> \<in> r &
(\<exists>y[M]. b = \<langle>x,y\<rangle> & (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(r,x,H,g) \<and> y = H(x,g))));
\<langle>x,a1\<rangle> \<in> r; is_recfun(r,x,H,f); M(f) |]
==> restrict(Y, r -`` {x}) = f"
apply (subgoal_tac "\y \ r-``{x}. \z. :Y \ :f")
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: restrict_def)
apply (thin_tac "rall(M,P)" for P)+ \<comment> \<open>essential for efficiency\<close>
apply (frule is_recfun_type [THEN fun_is_rel], blast)
apply (frule pair_components_in_M, assumption, clarify)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (frule_tac y="" in transM, assumption)
apply (clarsimp simp add: vimage_singleton_iff is_recfun_type [THEN apply_iff]
apply_recfun is_recfun_cut)
txt\<open>Opposite inclusion: something in f, show in Y\<close>
apply (frule_tac y="" in transM, assumption)
apply (simp add: vimage_singleton_iff)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (blast dest: transD)
apply (rule_tac x="restrict(f, r -`` {y})" in rexI)
apply (simp_all add: is_recfun_restrict
apply_recfun is_recfun_type [THEN apply_iff])
text\<open>For typical applications of Replacement for recursive definitions\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) univalent_is_recfun:
"[|wellfounded(M,r); trans(r); M(r)|]
==> univalent (M, A, \<lambda>x p.
\<exists>y[M]. p = \<langle>x,y\<rangle> & (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r,x,H,f) & y = H(x,f)))"
apply (simp add: univalent_def)
apply (blast dest: is_recfun_functional)
text\<open>Proof of the inductive step for \<open>exists_is_recfun\<close>, since
we must prove two versions.\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) exists_is_recfun_indstep:
"[|\y. \y, a1\ \ r \ (\f[M]. is_recfun(r, y, H, f));
wellfounded(M,r); trans(r); M(r); M(a1);
strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z.
\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>g[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & is_recfun(r,x,H,g) & y = H(x,g));
\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) \<longrightarrow> M(H(x,g))|]
==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r,a1,H,f)"
apply (drule_tac A="r-``{a1}" in strong_replacementD)
apply blast
txt\<open>Discharge the "univalent" obligation of Replacement\<close>
apply (simp add: univalent_is_recfun)
txt\<open>Show that the constructed object satisfies \<open>is_recfun\<close>\<close>
apply clarify
apply (rule_tac x=Y in rexI)
txt\<open>Unfold only the top-level occurrence of \<^term>\<open>is_recfun\<close>\<close>
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: is_recfun_relativize [of concl: _ a1])
txt\<open>The big iff-formula defining \<^term>\<open>Y\<close> is now redundant\<close>
apply safe
apply (simp add: vimage_singleton_iff restrict_Y_lemma [of r H _ a1])
txt\<open>one more case\<close>
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Bex_def vimage_singleton_iff)
apply (drule_tac x1=x in spec [THEN mp], assumption, clarify)
apply (rename_tac f)
apply (rule_tac x=f in rexI)
apply (simp_all add: restrict_Y_lemma [of r H])
txt\<open>FIXME: should not be needed!\<close>
apply (subst restrict_Y_lemma [of r H])
apply (simp add: vimage_singleton_iff)+
apply blast+
text\<open>Relativized version, when we have the (currently weaker) premise
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_exists_is_recfun:
"[|wellfounded(M,r); trans(r);
separation(M, \<lambda>x. ~ (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r, x, H, f)));
strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z.
\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>g[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & is_recfun(r,x,H,g) & y = H(x,g));
M(r); M(a);
\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) \<longrightarrow> M(H(x,g)) |]
==> \<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r,a,H,f)"
apply (rule wellfounded_induct, assumption+, clarify)
apply (rule exists_is_recfun_indstep, assumption+)
lemma (in M_basic) wf_exists_is_recfun [rule_format]:
"[|wf(r); trans(r); M(r);
strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z.
\<exists>y[M]. \<exists>g[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & is_recfun(r,x,H,g) & y = H(x,g));
\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) \<longrightarrow> M(H(x,g)) |]
==> M(a) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>f[M]. is_recfun(r,a,H,f))"
apply (rule wf_induct, assumption+)
apply (frule wf_imp_relativized)
apply (intro impI)
apply (rule exists_is_recfun_indstep)
apply (blast dest: transM del: rev_rallE, assumption+)
subsection\<open>Relativization of the ZF Predicate \<^term>\<open>is_recfun\<close>\<close>
M_is_recfun :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i]=>o, i, i, i] => o" where
"M_is_recfun(M,MH,r,a,f) ==
\<forall>z[M]. z \<in> f \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>x[M]. \<exists>y[M]. \<exists>xa[M]. \<exists>sx[M]. \<exists>r_sx[M]. \<exists>f_r_sx[M].
pair(M,x,y,z) & pair(M,x,a,xa) & upair(M,x,x,sx) &
pre_image(M,r,sx,r_sx) & restriction(M,f,r_sx,f_r_sx) &
xa \<in> r & MH(x, f_r_sx, y))"
is_wfrec :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i]=>o, i, i, i] => o" where
"is_wfrec(M,MH,r,a,z) ==
\<exists>f[M]. M_is_recfun(M,MH,r,a,f) & MH(a,f,z)"
wfrec_replacement :: "[i=>o, [i,i,i]=>o, i] => o" where
"wfrec_replacement(M,MH,r) ==
\<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M]. pair(M,x,y,z) & is_wfrec(M,MH,r,x,y))"
lemma (in M_basic) is_recfun_abs:
"[| \x[M]. \g[M]. function(g) \ M(H(x,g)); M(r); M(a); M(f);
relation2(M,MH,H) |]
==> M_is_recfun(M,MH,r,a,f) \<longleftrightarrow> is_recfun(r,a,H,f)"
apply (simp add: M_is_recfun_def relation2_def is_recfun_relativize)
apply (rule rall_cong)
apply (blast dest: transM)
lemma M_is_recfun_cong [cong]:
"[| r = r'; a = a'; f = f';
!!x g y. [| M(x); M(g); M(y) |] ==> MH(x,g,y) \<longleftrightarrow> MH'(x,g,y) |]
==> M_is_recfun(M,MH,r,a,f) \<longleftrightarrow> M_is_recfun(M,MH',r',a',f')"
by (simp add: M_is_recfun_def)
lemma (in M_basic) is_wfrec_abs:
"[| \x[M]. \g[M]. function(g) \ M(H(x,g));
relation2(M,MH,H); M(r); M(a); M(z) |]
==> is_wfrec(M,MH,r,a,z) \<longleftrightarrow>
(\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(r,a,H,g) & z = H(a,g))"
by (simp add: is_wfrec_def relation2_def is_recfun_abs)
text\<open>Relating \<^term>\<open>wfrec_replacement\<close> to native constructs\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) wfrec_replacement':
\<forall>x[M]. \<forall>g[M]. function(g) \<longrightarrow> M(H(x,g));
relation2(M,MH,H); M(r)|]
==> strong_replacement(M, \<lambda>x z. \<exists>y[M].
pair(M,x,y,z) & (\<exists>g[M]. is_recfun(r,x,H,g) & y = H(x,g)))"
by (simp add: wfrec_replacement_def is_wfrec_abs)
lemma wfrec_replacement_cong [cong]:
"[| !!x y z. [| M(x); M(y); M(z) |] ==> MH(x,y,z) \ MH'(x,y,z);
r=r' |]
==> wfrec_replacement(M, %x y. MH(x,y), r) \<longleftrightarrow>
wfrec_replacement(M, %x y. MH'(x,y), r')"
by (simp add: is_wfrec_def wfrec_replacement_def)
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