(* Title: ZF/UNITY/ClientImpl.thy
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2002 University of Cambridge
Distributed Resource Management System: Client Implementation.
theory ClientImpl imports AllocBase Guar begin
abbreviation "ask == Var(Nil)" (* input history: tokens requested *)
abbreviation "giv == Var([0])" (* output history: tokens granted *)
abbreviation "rel == Var([1])" (* input history: tokens released *)
abbreviation "tok == Var([2])" (* the number of available tokens *)
axiomatization where
"type_of(ask) = list(tokbag) & type_of(giv) = list(tokbag) &
type_of(rel) = list(tokbag) & type_of(tok) = nat" and
"default_val(ask) = Nil & default_val(giv) = Nil &
default_val(rel) = Nil & default_val(tok) = 0"
(*Array indexing is translated to list indexing as A[n] == nth(n-1,A). *)
(** Release some client_tokens **)
"client_rel_act ==
{<s,t> \<in> state*state.
\<exists>nrel \<in> nat. nrel = length(s`rel) &
t = s(rel:=(s`rel)@[nth(nrel, s`giv)]) &
nrel < length(s`giv) &
nth(nrel, s`ask) \<le> nth(nrel, s`giv)}"
(** Choose a new token requirement **)
(** Including t=s suppresses fairness, allowing the non-trivial part
of the action to be ignored **)
"client_tok_act == { \ state*state. t=s |
t = s(tok:=succ(s`tok mod NbT))}"
"client_ask_act == { \ state*state. t=s | (t=s(ask:=s`ask@[s`tok]))}"
"client_prog ==
mk_program({s \<in> state. s`tok \<le> NbT & s`giv = Nil &
s`ask = Nil & s`rel = Nil},
{client_rel_act, client_tok_act, client_ask_act},
\<Union>G \<in> preserves(lift(rel)) Int
preserves(lift(ask)) Int
preserves(lift(tok)). Acts(G))"
declare type_assumes [simp] default_val_assumes [simp]
(* This part should be automated *)
lemma ask_value_type [simp,TC]: "s \ state ==> s`ask \ list(nat)"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = ask in apply_type, auto)
lemma giv_value_type [simp,TC]: "s \ state ==> s`giv \ list(nat)"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = giv in apply_type, auto)
lemma rel_value_type [simp,TC]: "s \ state ==> s`rel \ list(nat)"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = rel in apply_type, auto)
lemma tok_value_type [simp,TC]: "s \ state ==> s`tok \ nat"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = tok in apply_type, auto)
(** The Client Program **)
lemma client_type [simp,TC]: "client_prog \ program"
apply (unfold client_prog_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
declare client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Init, simp]
declare client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_AllowedActs, simp]
declare client_prog_def [program]
declare client_rel_act_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare client_tok_act_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare client_ask_act_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
lemma client_prog_ok_iff:
"\G \ program. (client_prog ok G) \
(G \<in> preserves(lift(rel)) & G \<in> preserves(lift(ask)) &
G \<in> preserves(lift(tok)) & client_prog \<in> Allowed(G))"
by (auto simp add: ok_iff_Allowed client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Allowed])
lemma client_prog_preserves:
"client_prog:(\x \ var-{ask, rel, tok}. preserves(lift(x)))"
apply (rule Inter_var_DiffI, force)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (rule preservesI, safety, auto)
lemma preserves_lift_imp_stable:
"G \ preserves(lift(ff)) ==> G \ stable({s \ state. P(s`ff)})"
apply (drule preserves_imp_stable)
apply (simp add: lift_def)
lemma preserves_imp_prefix:
"G \ preserves(lift(ff))
==> G \<in> stable({s \<in> state. \<langle>k, s`ff\<rangle> \<in> prefix(nat)})"
by (erule preserves_lift_imp_stable)
(*Safety property 1 \<in> ask, rel are increasing: (24) *)
lemma client_prog_Increasing_ask_rel:
"client_prog: program guarantees Incr(lift(ask)) \ Incr(lift(rel))"
apply (unfold guar_def)
apply (auto intro!: increasing_imp_Increasing
simp add: client_prog_ok_iff Increasing.increasing_def preserves_imp_prefix)
apply (safety, force, force)+
declare nth_append [simp] append_one_prefix [simp]
lemma NbT_pos2: "0
apply (cut_tac NbT_pos)
apply (rule Ord_0_lt, auto)
(*Safety property 2 \<in> the client never requests too many tokens.
With no Substitution Axiom, we must prove the two invariants simultaneously. *)
lemma ask_Bounded_lemma:
"[| client_prog ok G; G \ program |]
==> client_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
Always({s \<in> state. s`tok \<le> NbT} \<inter>
{s \<in> state. \<forall>elt \<in> set_of_list(s`ask). elt \<le> NbT})"
apply (rotate_tac -1)
apply (auto simp add: client_prog_ok_iff)
apply (rule invariantI [THEN stable_Join_Always2], force)
prefer 2
apply (fast intro: stable_Int preserves_lift_imp_stable, safety)
apply (auto dest: ActsD)
apply (cut_tac NbT_pos)
apply (rule NbT_pos2 [THEN mod_less_divisor])
apply (auto dest: ActsD preserves_imp_eq simp add: set_of_list_append)
(* Export version, with no mention of tok in the postcondition, but
unfortunately tok must be declared local.*)
lemma client_prog_ask_Bounded:
"client_prog \ program guarantees
Always({s \<in> state. \<forall>elt \<in> set_of_list(s`ask). elt \<le> NbT})"
apply (rule guaranteesI)
apply (erule ask_Bounded_lemma [THEN Always_weaken], auto)
(*** Towards proving the liveness property ***)
lemma client_prog_stable_rel_le_giv:
"client_prog \ stable({s \ state. \ prefix(nat)})"
by (safety, auto)
lemma client_prog_Join_Stable_rel_le_giv:
"[| client_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(giv)); G \ preserves(lift(rel)) |]
==> client_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Stable({s \<in> state. <s`rel, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat)})"
apply (rule client_prog_stable_rel_le_giv [THEN Increasing_preserves_Stable])
apply (auto simp add: lift_def)
lemma client_prog_Join_Always_rel_le_giv:
"[| client_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(giv)); G \ preserves(lift(rel)) |]
==> client_prog \<squnion> G \<in> Always({s \<in> state. <s`rel, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat)})"
by (force intro!: AlwaysI client_prog_Join_Stable_rel_le_giv)
lemma def_act_eq:
"A == { \ state*state. P(s, t)} ==> A={ \ state*state. P(s, t)}"
by auto
lemma act_subset: "A={ \ state*state. P(s, t)} ==> A<=state*state"
by auto
lemma transient_lemma:
"client_prog \
transient({s \<in> state. s`rel = k & <k, h> \<in> strict_prefix(nat)
& <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) & h pfixGe s`ask})"
apply (rule_tac act = client_rel_act in transientI)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts])
apply (simp (no_asm) add: client_rel_act_def [THEN def_act_eq, THEN act_subset])
apply (auto simp add: client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Acts] domain_def)
apply (rule ReplaceI)
apply (rule_tac x = "x (rel:= x`rel @ [nth (length (x`rel), x`giv) ]) " in exI)
apply (auto intro!: state_update_type app_type length_type nth_type, auto)
apply (blast intro: lt_trans2 prefix_length_le strict_prefix_length_lt)
apply (blast intro: lt_trans2 prefix_length_le strict_prefix_length_lt)
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: gen_prefix_iff_nth)
apply (subgoal_tac "h \ list(nat)")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: prefix_type [THEN subsetD, THEN SigmaD1])
apply (auto simp add: prefix_def Ge_def)
apply (drule strict_prefix_length_lt)
apply (drule_tac x = "length (x`rel) " in spec)
apply auto
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: gen_prefix_iff_nth)
apply (auto simp add: id_def lam_def)
lemma strict_prefix_is_prefix:
" \ strict_prefix(A) \ \ prefix(A) & xs\ys"
apply (unfold strict_prefix_def id_def lam_def)
apply (auto dest: prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
lemma induct_lemma:
"[| client_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(giv)); client_prog ok G; G \ program |]
==> client_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s \<in> state. s`rel = k & <k,h> \<in> strict_prefix(nat)
& <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) & h pfixGe s`ask}
\<longmapsto>w {s \<in> state. <k, s`rel> \<in> strict_prefix(nat)
& <s`rel, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) &
<h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) &
h pfixGe s`ask}"
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I)
prefer 2 apply simp
apply (frule client_prog_Increasing_ask_rel [THEN guaranteesD])
apply (rotate_tac [3] 2)
apply (auto simp add: client_prog_ok_iff)
apply (rule transient_lemma [THEN Join_transient_I1, THEN transient_imp_leadsTo, THEN leadsTo_imp_LeadsTo, THEN PSP_Stable, THEN LeadsTo_weaken])
apply (rule Stable_Int [THEN Stable_Int, THEN Stable_Int])
apply (erule_tac f = "lift (giv) " and a = "s`giv" in Increasing_imp_Stable)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (erule_tac f = "lift (ask) " and a = "s`ask" in Increasing_imp_Stable)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (erule_tac f = "lift (rel) " and a = "s`rel" in Increasing_imp_Stable)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (erule client_prog_Join_Stable_rel_le_giv, blast, simp_all)
prefer 2
apply (blast intro: sym strict_prefix_is_prefix [THEN iffD2] prefix_trans prefix_imp_pfixGe pfixGe_trans)
apply (auto intro: strict_prefix_is_prefix [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1]
lemma rel_progress_lemma:
"[| client_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(giv)); client_prog ok G; G \ program |]
==> client_prog \<squnion> G \<in>
{s \<in> state. <s`rel, h> \<in> strict_prefix(nat)
& <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) & h pfixGe s`ask}
\<longmapsto>w {s \<in> state. <h, s`rel> \<in> prefix(nat)}"
apply (rule_tac f = "\x \ state. length(h) #- length(x`rel)"
in LessThan_induct)
apply (auto simp add: vimage_def)
prefer 2 apply (force simp add: lam_def)
apply (rule single_LeadsTo_I)
prefer 2 apply simp
apply (subgoal_tac "h \ list(nat)")
prefer 2 apply (blast dest: prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
apply (rule induct_lemma [THEN LeadsTo_weaken])
apply (simp add: length_type lam_def)
apply (auto intro: strict_prefix_is_prefix [THEN iffD2]
dest: common_prefix_linear prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
apply (erule swap)
apply (rule imageI)
apply (force dest!: simp add: lam_def)
apply (simp add: length_type lam_def, clarify)
apply (drule strict_prefix_length_lt)+
apply (drule less_imp_succ_add, simp)+
apply clarify
apply simp
apply (erule diff_le_self [THEN ltD])
lemma progress_lemma:
"[| client_prog \ G \ Incr(lift(giv)); client_prog ok G; G \ program |]
==> client_prog \<squnion> G
\<in> {s \<in> state. <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) & h pfixGe s`ask}
\<longmapsto>w {s \<in> state. <h, s`rel> \<in> prefix(nat)}"
apply (rule client_prog_Join_Always_rel_le_giv [THEN Always_LeadsToI],
apply (force simp add: client_prog_ok_iff)
apply (rule LeadsTo_weaken_L)
apply (rule LeadsTo_Un [OF rel_progress_lemma
subset_refl [THEN subset_imp_LeadsTo]])
apply (auto intro: strict_prefix_is_prefix [THEN iffD2]
dest: common_prefix_linear prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
(*Progress property: all tokens that are given will be released*)
lemma client_prog_progress:
"client_prog \ Incr(lift(giv)) guarantees
(\<Inter>h \<in> list(nat). {s \<in> state. <h, s`giv> \<in> prefix(nat) &
h pfixGe s`ask} \<longmapsto>w {s \<in> state. <h, s`rel> \<in> prefix(nat)})"
apply (rule guaranteesI)
apply (blast intro: progress_lemma, auto)
lemma client_prog_Allowed:
"Allowed(client_prog) =
preserves(lift(rel)) \<inter> preserves(lift(ask)) \<inter> preserves(lift(tok))"
apply (cut_tac v = "lift (ask)" in preserves_type)
apply (auto simp add: Allowed_def client_prog_def [THEN def_prg_Allowed]
cons_Int_distrib safety_prop_Acts_iff)
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