(* Title: ZF/ex/LList.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1994 University of Cambridge
Codatatype definition of Lazy Lists.
Equality for llist(A) as a greatest fixed point
Functions for Lazy Lists
co_recursion for defining lconst, flip, etc.
a typing rule for it, based on some notion of "productivity..."
theory LList imports ZF begin
llist :: "i=>i"
"llist(A)" = LNil | LCons ("a \ A", "l \ llist(A)")
(*Coinductive definition of equality*)
lleq :: "i=>i"
(*Previously used <*> in the domain and variant pairs as elements. But
standard pairs work just as well. To use variant pairs, must change prefix
a q/Q to the Sigma, Pair and converse rules.*)
domains "lleq(A)" \<subseteq> "llist(A) * llist(A)"
LNil: " \ lleq(A)"
LCons: "[| a \ A; \ lleq(A) |]
==> <LCons(a,l), LCons(a,l')> \ lleq(A)"
type_intros llist.intros
(*Lazy list functions; flip is not definitional!*)
lconst :: "i => i" where
"lconst(a) == lfp(univ(a), %l. LCons(a,l))"
axiomatization flip :: "i => i"
flip_LNil: "flip(LNil) = LNil" and
flip_LCons: "[| x \ bool; l \ llist(bool) |]
==> flip(LCons(x,l)) = LCons(not(x), flip(l))"
(*These commands cause classical reasoning to regard the subset relation
as primitive, not reducing it to membership*)
declare subsetI [rule del]
subsetCE [rule del]
declare subset_refl [intro!]
cons_subsetI [intro!]
subset_consI [intro!]
Union_least [intro!]
UN_least [intro!]
Un_least [intro!]
Inter_greatest [intro!]
Int_greatest [intro!]
RepFun_subset [intro!]
Un_upper1 [intro!]
Un_upper2 [intro!]
Int_lower1 [intro!]
Int_lower2 [intro!]
(*An elimination rule, for type-checking*)
inductive_cases LConsE: "LCons(a,l) \ llist(A)"
(*Proving freeness results*)
lemma LCons_iff: "LCons(a,l)=LCons(a',l') \ a=a' & l=l'"
by auto
lemma LNil_LCons_iff: "~ LNil=LCons(a,l)"
by auto
lemma llist_unfold: "llist(A) = {0} <+> (A <*> llist(A))";
let open llist val rew = rewrite_rule con_defs in
by (fast_tac (claset() addSIs (subsetI ::map rew intros) addEs [rew elim]) 1)
(*** Lemmas to justify using "llist" in other recursive type definitions ***)
lemma llist_mono: "A \ B ==> llist(A) \ llist(B)"
apply (unfold llist.defs )
apply (rule gfp_mono)
apply (rule llist.bnd_mono)
apply (assumption | rule quniv_mono basic_monos)+
(** Closure of quniv(A) under llist -- why so complex? Its a gfp... **)
declare QPair_Int_Vset_subset_UN [THEN subset_trans, intro!]
QPair_subset_univ [intro!]
empty_subsetI [intro!]
one_in_quniv [THEN qunivD, intro!]
declare qunivD [dest!]
declare Ord_in_Ord [elim!]
lemma llist_quniv_lemma:
"Ord(i) ==> l \ llist(quniv(A)) \ l \ Vset(i) \ univ(eclose(A))"
proof (induct i arbitrary: l rule: trans_induct)
case (step i l)
show ?case using \<open>l \<in> llist(quniv(A))\<close>
proof (cases l rule: llist.cases)
case LNil thus ?thesis
by (simp add: QInl_def QInr_def llist.con_defs)
case (LCons a l) thus ?thesis using step.hyps
proof (simp add: QInl_def QInr_def llist.con_defs)
show "<1; > \ Vset(i) \ univ(eclose(A))" using LCons \Ord(i)\
by (fast intro: step Ord_trans Int_lower1 [THEN subset_trans])
lemma llist_quniv: "llist(quniv(A)) \ quniv(A)"
apply (rule qunivI [THEN subsetI])
apply (rule Int_Vset_subset)
apply (assumption | rule llist_quniv_lemma)+
lemmas llist_subset_quniv =
subset_trans [OF llist_mono llist_quniv]
(*** Lazy List Equality: lleq ***)
declare QPair_Int_Vset_subset_UN [THEN subset_trans, intro!]
QPair_mono [intro!]
declare Ord_in_Ord [elim!]
(*Lemma for proving finality. Unfold the lazy list; use induction hypothesis*)
lemma lleq_Int_Vset_subset:
"Ord(i) ==> \ lleq(A) \ l \ Vset(i) \ l'"
proof (induct i arbitrary: l l' rule: trans_induct)
case (step i l l')
show ?case using \<open>\<langle>l, l'\<rangle> \<in> lleq(A)\<close>
proof (cases rule: lleq.cases)
case LNil thus ?thesis
by (auto simp add: QInr_def llist.con_defs)
case (LCons a l l') thus ?thesis using step.hyps
by (auto simp add: QInr_def llist.con_defs intro: Ord_trans)
(*lleq(A) is a symmetric relation because qconverse(lleq(A)) is a fixedpoint*)
lemma lleq_symmetric: " \ lleq(A) ==> \ lleq(A)"
apply (erule lleq.coinduct [OF converseI])
apply (rule lleq.dom_subset [THEN converse_type], safe)
apply (erule lleq.cases, blast+)
lemma lleq_implies_equal: " \ lleq(A) ==> l=l'"
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (assumption | rule lleq_Int_Vset_subset [THEN Int_Vset_subset] |
erule lleq_symmetric)+
lemma equal_llist_implies_leq:
"[| l=l'; l \ llist(A) |] ==> \ lleq(A)"
apply (rule_tac X = "{. l \ llist (A) }" in lleq.coinduct)
apply blast
apply safe
apply (erule_tac a=la in llist.cases, fast+)
(*** Lazy List Functions ***)
(*Examples of coinduction for type-checking and to prove llist equations*)
(*** lconst -- defined directly using lfp, but equivalent to a LList_corec ***)
lemma lconst_fun_bnd_mono: "bnd_mono(univ(a), %l. LCons(a,l))"
apply (unfold llist.con_defs )
apply (rule bnd_monoI)
apply (blast intro: A_subset_univ QInr_subset_univ)
apply (blast intro: subset_refl QInr_mono QPair_mono)
(* lconst(a) = LCons(a,lconst(a)) *)
lemmas lconst = def_lfp_unfold [OF lconst_def lconst_fun_bnd_mono]
lemmas lconst_subset = lconst_def [THEN def_lfp_subset]
lemmas member_subset_Union_eclose = arg_into_eclose [THEN Union_upper]
lemma lconst_in_quniv: "a \ A ==> lconst(a) \ quniv(A)"
apply (rule lconst_subset [THEN subset_trans, THEN qunivI])
apply (erule arg_into_eclose [THEN eclose_subset, THEN univ_mono])
lemma lconst_type: "a \ A ==> lconst(a): llist(A)"
apply (rule singletonI [THEN llist.coinduct])
apply (erule lconst_in_quniv [THEN singleton_subsetI])
apply (fast intro!: lconst)
(*** flip --- equations merely assumed; certain consequences proved ***)
declare flip_LNil [simp]
flip_LCons [simp]
not_type [simp]
lemma bool_Int_subset_univ: "b \ bool ==> b \ X \ univ(eclose(A))"
by (fast intro: Int_lower1 [THEN subset_trans] elim!: boolE)
declare not_type [intro!]
declare bool_Int_subset_univ [intro]
(*Reasoning borrowed from lleq.ML; a similar proof works for all
"productive" functions -- cf Coquand's "Infinite Objects in Type Theory".*)
lemma flip_llist_quniv_lemma:
"Ord(i) ==> l \ llist(bool) \ flip(l) \ Vset(i) \ univ(eclose(bool))"
proof (induct i arbitrary: l rule: trans_induct)
case (step i l)
show ?case using \<open>l \<in> llist(bool)\<close>
proof (cases l rule: llist.cases)
case LNil thus ?thesis
by (simp, simp add: QInl_def QInr_def llist.con_defs)
case (LCons a l) thus ?thesis using step.hyps
proof (simp, simp add: QInl_def QInr_def llist.con_defs)
show "<1; > \ Vset(i) \ univ(eclose(bool))" using LCons step.hyps
by (auto intro: Ord_trans)
lemma flip_in_quniv: "l \ llist(bool) ==> flip(l) \ quniv(bool)"
by (rule flip_llist_quniv_lemma [THEN Int_Vset_subset, THEN qunivI], assumption+)
lemma flip_type: "l \ llist(bool) ==> flip(l): llist(bool)"
apply (rule_tac X = "{flip (l) . l \ llist (bool) }" in llist.coinduct)
apply blast
apply (fast intro!: flip_in_quniv)
apply (erule RepFunE)
apply (erule_tac a=la in llist.cases, auto)
lemma flip_flip: "l \ llist(bool) ==> flip(flip(l)) = l"
apply (rule_tac X1 = "{ . l \ llist (bool) }" in
lleq.coinduct [THEN lleq_implies_equal])
apply blast
apply (fast intro!: flip_type)
apply (erule RepFunE)
apply (erule_tac a=la in llist.cases)
apply (simp_all add: flip_type not_not)
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