* Copyright (c) 2003, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "memory/metadataFactory.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspaceClosure.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "oops/constMethod.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepointVerifiers.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
// Static initialization
const u2 ConstMethod::MAX_IDNUM = 0xFFFE;
const u2 ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM = 0xFFFF;
ConstMethod* ConstMethod::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
int byte_code_size,
InlineTableSizes* sizes,
MethodType method_type,
int size = ConstMethod::size(byte_code_size, sizes);
return new (loader_data, size, MetaspaceObj::ConstMethodType, THREAD) ConstMethod(
byte_code_size, sizes, method_type, size);
ConstMethod::ConstMethod(int byte_code_size,
InlineTableSizes* sizes,
MethodType method_type,
int size) {
NoSafepointVerifier no_safepoint;
set_inlined_tables_length(sizes); // sets _flags
assert(this->size() == size, "wrong size for object");
// Accessor that copies to metadata.
void ConstMethod::copy_stackmap_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
u1* sd, int length, TRAPS) {
_stackmap_data = MetadataFactory::new_array<u1>(loader_data, length, CHECK);
memcpy((void*)_stackmap_data->adr_at(0), (void*)sd, length);
// Deallocate metadata fields associated with ConstMethod*
void ConstMethod::deallocate_contents(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
if (stackmap_data() != NULL) {
MetadataFactory::free_array<u1>(loader_data, stackmap_data());
// deallocate annotation arrays
if (has_method_annotations())
MetadataFactory::free_array<u1>(loader_data, method_annotations());
if (has_parameter_annotations())
MetadataFactory::free_array<u1>(loader_data, parameter_annotations());
if (has_type_annotations())
MetadataFactory::free_array<u1>(loader_data, type_annotations());
if (has_default_annotations())
MetadataFactory::free_array<u1>(loader_data, default_annotations());
// How big must this constMethodObject be?
int ConstMethod::size(int code_size,
InlineTableSizes* sizes) {
int extra_bytes = code_size;
if (sizes->compressed_linenumber_size() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizes->compressed_linenumber_size();
if (sizes->checked_exceptions_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(u2);
extra_bytes += sizes->checked_exceptions_length() * sizeof(CheckedExceptionElement);
if (sizes->localvariable_table_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(u2);
extra_bytes +=
sizes->localvariable_table_length() * sizeof(LocalVariableTableElement);
if (sizes->exception_table_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(u2);
extra_bytes += sizes->exception_table_length() * sizeof(ExceptionTableElement);
if (sizes->generic_signature_index() != 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(u2);
// This has to be a less-than-or-equal check, because we might be
// storing information from a zero-length MethodParameters
// attribute. We have to store these, because in some cases, they
// cause the reflection API to throw a MalformedParametersException.
if (sizes->method_parameters_length() >= 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(u2);
extra_bytes += sizes->method_parameters_length() * sizeof(MethodParametersElement);
// Align sizes up to a word.
extra_bytes = align_up(extra_bytes, BytesPerWord);
// One pointer per annotation array
if (sizes->method_annotations_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(AnnotationArray*);
if (sizes->parameter_annotations_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(AnnotationArray*);
if (sizes->type_annotations_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(AnnotationArray*);
if (sizes->default_annotations_length() > 0) {
extra_bytes += sizeof(AnnotationArray*);
int extra_words = align_up(extra_bytes, BytesPerWord) / BytesPerWord;
assert(extra_words == extra_bytes/BytesPerWord, "should already be aligned");
return align_metadata_size(header_size() + extra_words);
Method* ConstMethod::method() const {
return _constants->pool_holder()->method_with_idnum(_method_idnum);
// linenumber table - note that length is unknown until decompression,
// see class CompressedLineNumberReadStream.
u_char* ConstMethod::compressed_linenumber_table() const {
// Located immediately following the bytecodes.
assert(has_linenumber_table(), "called only if table is present");
return code_end();
// Last short in ConstMethod* before annotations
u2* ConstMethod::last_u2_element() const {
int offset = 0;
if (has_method_annotations()) offset++;
if (has_parameter_annotations()) offset++;
if (has_type_annotations()) offset++;
if (has_default_annotations()) offset++;
return (u2*)((AnnotationArray**)constMethod_end() - offset) - 1;
u2* ConstMethod::generic_signature_index_addr() const {
// Located at the end of the constMethod.
assert(has_generic_signature(), "called only if generic signature exists");
return last_u2_element();
u2* ConstMethod::method_parameters_length_addr() const {
assert(has_method_parameters(), "called only if table is present");
return has_generic_signature() ? (last_u2_element() - 1) :
u2* ConstMethod::checked_exceptions_length_addr() const {
// Located immediately before the generic signature index.
assert(has_checked_exceptions(), "called only if table is present");
if(has_method_parameters()) {
// If method parameters present, locate immediately before them.
return (u2*)method_parameters_start() - 1;
} else {
// Else, the exception table is at the end of the constMethod.
return has_generic_signature() ? (last_u2_element() - 1) :
u2* ConstMethod::exception_table_length_addr() const {
assert(has_exception_handler(), "called only if table is present");
if (has_checked_exceptions()) {
// If checked_exception present, locate immediately before them.
return (u2*) checked_exceptions_start() - 1;
} else {
if(has_method_parameters()) {
// If method parameters present, locate immediately before them.
return (u2*)method_parameters_start() - 1;
} else {
// Else, the exception table is at the end of the constMethod.
return has_generic_signature() ? (last_u2_element() - 1) :
u2* ConstMethod::localvariable_table_length_addr() const {
assert(has_localvariable_table(), "called only if table is present");
if (has_exception_handler()) {
// If exception_table present, locate immediately before them.
return (u2*) exception_table_start() - 1;
} else {
if (has_checked_exceptions()) {
// If checked_exception present, locate immediately before them.
return (u2*) checked_exceptions_start() - 1;
} else {
if(has_method_parameters()) {
// If method parameters present, locate immediately before them.
return (u2*)method_parameters_start() - 1;
} else {
// Else, the exception table is at the end of the constMethod.
return has_generic_signature() ? (last_u2_element() - 1) :
// Update the flags to indicate the presence of these optional fields.
void ConstMethod::set_inlined_tables_length(InlineTableSizes* sizes) {
_flags = 0;
if (sizes->compressed_linenumber_size() > 0)
_flags |= _has_linenumber_table;
if (sizes->generic_signature_index() != 0)
_flags |= _has_generic_signature;
if (sizes->method_parameters_length() >= 0)
_flags |= _has_method_parameters;
if (sizes->checked_exceptions_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_checked_exceptions;
if (sizes->exception_table_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_exception_table;
if (sizes->localvariable_table_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_localvariable_table;
// annotations, they are all pointer sized embedded objects so don't have
// a length embedded also.
if (sizes->method_annotations_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_method_annotations;
if (sizes->parameter_annotations_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_parameter_annotations;
if (sizes->type_annotations_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_type_annotations;
if (sizes->default_annotations_length() > 0)
_flags |= _has_default_annotations;
// This code is extremely brittle and should possibly be revised.
// The *_length_addr functions walk backwards through the
// constMethod data, using each of the length indexes ahead of them,
// as well as the flags variable. Therefore, the indexes must be
// initialized in reverse order, or else they will compute the wrong
// offsets. Moving the initialization of _flags into a separate
// block solves *half* of the problem, but the following part will
// still break if the order is not exactly right.
// Also, the servicability agent needs to be informed anytime
// anything is added here. It might be advisable to have some sort
// of indication of this inline.
if (sizes->generic_signature_index() != 0)
*(generic_signature_index_addr()) = sizes->generic_signature_index();
// New data should probably go here.
if (sizes->method_parameters_length() >= 0)
*(method_parameters_length_addr()) = sizes->method_parameters_length();
if (sizes->checked_exceptions_length() > 0)
*(checked_exceptions_length_addr()) = sizes->checked_exceptions_length();
if (sizes->exception_table_length() > 0)
*(exception_table_length_addr()) = sizes->exception_table_length();
if (sizes->localvariable_table_length() > 0)
*(localvariable_table_length_addr()) = sizes->localvariable_table_length();
int ConstMethod::method_parameters_length() const {
return has_method_parameters() ? *(method_parameters_length_addr()) : -1;
MethodParametersElement* ConstMethod::method_parameters_start() const {
u2* addr = method_parameters_length_addr();
u2 length = *addr;
addr -= length * sizeof(MethodParametersElement) / sizeof(u2);
return (MethodParametersElement*) addr;
int ConstMethod::checked_exceptions_length() const {
return has_checked_exceptions() ? *(checked_exceptions_length_addr()) : 0;
CheckedExceptionElement* ConstMethod::checked_exceptions_start() const {
u2* addr = checked_exceptions_length_addr();
u2 length = *addr;
assert(length > 0, "should only be called if table is present");
addr -= length * sizeof(CheckedExceptionElement) / sizeof(u2);
return (CheckedExceptionElement*) addr;
int ConstMethod::localvariable_table_length() const {
return has_localvariable_table() ? *(localvariable_table_length_addr()) : 0;
LocalVariableTableElement* ConstMethod::localvariable_table_start() const {
u2* addr = localvariable_table_length_addr();
u2 length = *addr;
assert(length > 0, "should only be called if table is present");
addr -= length * sizeof(LocalVariableTableElement) / sizeof(u2);
return (LocalVariableTableElement*) addr;
int ConstMethod::exception_table_length() const {
return has_exception_handler() ? *(exception_table_length_addr()) : 0;
ExceptionTableElement* ConstMethod::exception_table_start() const {
u2* addr = exception_table_length_addr();
u2 length = *addr;
assert(length > 0, "should only be called if table is present");
addr -= length * sizeof(ExceptionTableElement) / sizeof(u2);
return (ExceptionTableElement*)addr;
AnnotationArray** ConstMethod::method_annotations_addr() const {
assert(has_method_annotations(), "should only be called if method annotations are present");
return (AnnotationArray**)constMethod_end() - 1;
AnnotationArray** ConstMethod::parameter_annotations_addr() const {
assert(has_parameter_annotations(), "should only be called if method parameter annotations are present");
int offset = 1;
if (has_method_annotations()) offset++;
return (AnnotationArray**)constMethod_end() - offset;
AnnotationArray** ConstMethod::type_annotations_addr() const {
assert(has_type_annotations(), "should only be called if method type annotations are present");
int offset = 1;
if (has_method_annotations()) offset++;
if (has_parameter_annotations()) offset++;
return (AnnotationArray**)constMethod_end() - offset;
AnnotationArray** ConstMethod::default_annotations_addr() const {
assert(has_default_annotations(), "should only be called if method default annotations are present");
int offset = 1;
if (has_method_annotations()) offset++;
if (has_parameter_annotations()) offset++;
if (has_type_annotations()) offset++;
return (AnnotationArray**)constMethod_end() - offset;
Array<u1>* copy_annotations(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, AnnotationArray* from, TRAPS) {
int length = from->length();
Array<u1>* a = MetadataFactory::new_array<u1>(loader_data, length, 0, CHECK_NULL);
memcpy((void*)a->adr_at(0), (void*)from->adr_at(0), length);
return a;
// copy annotations from 'cm' to 'this'
// Must make copy because these are deallocated with their constMethod, if redefined.
void ConstMethod::copy_annotations_from(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, ConstMethod* cm, TRAPS) {
Array<u1>* a;
if (cm->has_method_annotations()) {
assert(has_method_annotations(), "should be allocated already");
a = copy_annotations(loader_data, cm->method_annotations(), CHECK);
if (cm->has_parameter_annotations()) {
assert(has_parameter_annotations(), "should be allocated already");
a = copy_annotations(loader_data, cm->parameter_annotations(), CHECK);
if (cm->has_type_annotations()) {
assert(has_type_annotations(), "should be allocated already");
a = copy_annotations(loader_data, cm->type_annotations(), CHECK);
if (cm->has_default_annotations()) {
assert(has_default_annotations(), "should be allocated already");
a = copy_annotations(loader_data, cm->default_annotations(), CHECK);
void ConstMethod::metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {
log_trace(cds)("Iter(ConstMethod): %p", this);
if (!method()->method_holder()->is_rewritten()) {
it->push(&_constants, MetaspaceClosure::_writable);
} else {
if (has_method_annotations()) {
if (has_parameter_annotations()) {
if (has_type_annotations()) {
if (has_default_annotations()) {
// Printing
void ConstMethod::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
ResourceMark rm;
st->print_cr("%s", internal_name());
Method* m = method();
st->print(" - method: " PTR_FORMAT " ", p2i(m));
if (m != NULL) {
if (has_stackmap_table()) {
st->print(" - stackmap data: ");
// Short version of printing ConstMethod* - just print the name of the
// method it belongs to.
void ConstMethod::print_value_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print(" const part of method " );
Method* m = method();
if (m != NULL) {
} else {
// Verification
void ConstMethod::verify_on(outputStream* st) {
// Verification can occur during oop construction before the method or
// other fields have been initialized.
guarantee(method() != NULL && method()->is_method(), "should be method");
address m_end = (address)((intptr_t) this + size());
address compressed_table_start = code_end();
guarantee(compressed_table_start <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
address compressed_table_end = compressed_table_start;
// Verify line number table
if (has_linenumber_table()) {
CompressedLineNumberReadStream stream(compressed_linenumber_table());
while (stream.read_pair()) {
guarantee(stream.bci() >= 0 && stream.bci() <= code_size(), "invalid bci in line number table");
compressed_table_end += stream.position();
guarantee(compressed_table_end <= m_end, "invalid method layout");
// Verify checked exceptions, exception table and local variable tables
if (has_method_parameters()) {
u2* addr = method_parameters_length_addr();
guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
if (has_checked_exceptions()) {
u2* addr = checked_exceptions_length_addr();
guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
if (has_exception_handler()) {
u2* addr = exception_table_length_addr();
guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
if (has_localvariable_table()) {
u2* addr = localvariable_table_length_addr();
guarantee(*addr > 0 && (address) addr >= compressed_table_end && (address) addr < m_end, "invalid method layout");
// Check compressed_table_end relative to uncompressed_table_start
u2* uncompressed_table_start;
if (has_localvariable_table()) {
uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) localvariable_table_start();
} else if (has_exception_handler()) {
uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) exception_table_start();
} else if (has_checked_exceptions()) {
uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) checked_exceptions_start();
} else if (has_method_parameters()) {
uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) method_parameters_start();
} else {
uncompressed_table_start = (u2*) m_end;
int gap = (intptr_t) uncompressed_table_start - (intptr_t) compressed_table_end;
int max_gap = align_metadata_size(1)*BytesPerWord;
guarantee(gap >= 0 && gap < max_gap, "invalid method layout");
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