cd3d_si[D,H:posreal,B:nnreal,T: {AB: posreal|AB>B},N:above[1]] : THEORY
s,v,vo,vi,so,si : VAR Vect3
k,i,ki : VAR below[N]
j : VAR below[N-1]
to : VAR real
% The following type is a flight plan. It consists of pairs (t (time),p (position)), where t is a time and
% p is a vector. At the corresponding segement of the flight plan, the aircraft will have
% position p at time t.
% Times are strictly increasing, but may be negative.
% A flightplan where there is some actual overlap with the lookahead range [B+to,T+to]
FlightPlanRelevant(to): TYPE+ = {flp: FlightPlan | flp(0)`time < to+T AND to+B < flp(N-1)`time}
flp: VAR FlightPlan
% sequence of all times listed in a flightplan that overlap wth the lookahead range
FlightTimesRelevant(to,flp): TYPE = {aa: FlightTimes(flp) | to+B <= aa AND aa <= to+T}
% Conflict
% There exists a conflict (at time tt)
% so, vo are position & velocity at time to
conflict_3D?(so,to,vo,flp): bool =
EXISTS (tt: FlightTimesRelevant(to,flp)):
horizontal_los?[D]((so + (tt-to)*vo) - location_at(flp)(tt)) AND
vertical_los?[H](so`z + (tt-to)*vo`z - location_at(flp)(tt)`z)
% returns the time from beginning of segment to the end of the time range of interest
% the (relative) segment lookahead end time
% a negative result indicates the segment starts after the lookahead time
seg_lh_top(flp,to)(j: below[N-1]): real = min(flp(j+1)`time,to+T)-flp(j)`time
% returns the time from beginning of segment to the start of the time range of interest
% the (relative) segment lookahead start time
% a time > flp(j+1)`time indicates the segment ends before the lookahead range starts
seg_lh_bottom(flp,to)(j: below[N-1]): nnreal = max(flp(j)`time,to+B)-flp(j)`time
% if the segment lookahead start time < the segment lookahead end time, the seg lookahead end time will be positive
seg_lh_top_positive: LEMMA FORALL (j:below[N-1],to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j) < seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j) IMPLIES seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j)>0
% returns the flightplan position at which the lookahead range starts
lh_start_position(flp,to)(j: below[N-1]): Vect3 =
flp(j)`position + (seg_lh_bottom(flp,to)(j)-flp(j)`time)*velocity(flp)(j)
% for a relevant flightplan, if a segment k's start time is within the lookahead range, then either
% seg_lh_top > seg_lh_bottom for k (if T+to > k`time) or k-1 (if T+to = k`time)
LEMMA FORALL (k: below[N],to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
to+B<=flpl(k)`time AND flpl(k)`time<=to+T
(k<N-1 AND seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(k) - seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(k) > 0) OR % k < N-1
(k > 0 AND seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(k-1) - seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(k-1) > 0) % k can equal N-1
% There is a conflict IFF there exists some segment j where you have a conflict.
conflict_3D_rew: LEMMA
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
conflict_3D?(so,to,vo,flpl) IFF
EXISTS (j: below[N-1]):
(seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j) < seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j)
conflict_3D?[D,H,seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j),seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j)]((so + (flpl(j)`time-to)*vo)-flpl(j)`position,vo-velocity(flpl)(j)))
conflict_3D_flightplan_open_interval: LEMMA
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
conflict_3D?(so,to,vo,flpl) IFF
(EXISTS (tt: FlightTimesRelevant(to,flpl)):
to+B < tt AND tt<to+T AND tt < flpl(N-1)`time AND
horizontal_los?[D]((so + (tt-to)*vo) - location_at(flpl)(tt)) AND
vertical_los?[H](so`z + (tt-to)*vo`z - location_at(flpl)(tt)`z))
% There is a conflict IFF there exists some segment j where you have a conflict (uses absolute time)
conflict_3D_rew_absolute_time: LEMMA
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
conflict_3D?(so,to,vo,flpl) IFF
EXISTS (j: below[N-1]):
lb = seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j)+flpl(j)`time-to,
ub = seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j)+flpl(j)`time-to
(lb < ub
conflict_3D?[D,H,lb,ub](so - (flpl(j)`position - (flpl(j)`time-to)*velocity(flpl)(j)),vo-velocity(flpl)(j)))
% conflict_3D inductive definition version
cd3d_ind?(so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to))(j: below[N-1]): INDUCTIVE bool =
(seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j) < seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j)
cd3d?[D,H,seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j),seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j)]((so + (flpl(j)`time-to)*vo)-flpl(j)`position,vo-velocity(flpl)(j))) OR
(j>0 AND cd3d_ind?(so,vo,to,flpl)(j-1))
% conflict_3D based on inductive definition
% algorithm that is equivalent to conflict_3D?
cd3d_si?(so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)): bool = cd3d_ind?(so,vo,to,flpl)(N-2)
% if cd3d_ind says it is in conflict at or below some segement i, then there is a segment j<=i where
% conflict_3d? says it is in conflict
cd3d_ind_correct: LEMMA
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
(FORALL (i: below[N-1]): cd3d_ind?(so,vo,to,flpl)(i) IMPLIES
EXISTS (j: below[N-1]):
(j<=i AND seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j) < seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j) AND
((so + (flpl(j)`time-to)*vo)-flpl(j)`position,vo-velocity(flpl)(j))))
% if there is a segment j where conflict_3d? says it is in conflict, then cd3d_ind says it is in conflict at
% segment i >= j
cd3d_ind_complete: LEMMA
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
(FORALL (i: below[N-1]):
(EXISTS (j: below[N-1]):
(j<=i AND seg_lh_bottom(flpl,to)(j) < seg_lh_top(flpl,to)(j) AND
((so + (flpl(j)`time-to)*vo)-flpl(j)`position,vo-velocity(flpl)(j))))
cd3d_si_correct: THEOREM
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
cd3d_si?(so,vo,to,flpl) IMPLIES
cd3d_si_complete: Theorem
FORALL (so,vo:Vect3,to:real,flpl:FlightPlanRelevant(to)):
conflict_3D?(so,to,vo,flpl) IMPLIES
END cd3d_si
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.23 Sekunden
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