flightplan[N:above[1]] : THEORY
IMPORTING definitions_3D,
k,i,ki : VAR below[N]
j : VAR below[N-1]
% The following type is a flight plan. It consists of pairs (t (time),p (position)), where t is a time and
% p is a vector. At the corresponding segement of the flight plan, the aircraft will have
% position p at time t.
% Times are strictly increasing, but may be negative.
FlightPlan: TYPE+ = {fp: [below[N] -> [# time: real,position: Vect3 #]] |
FORALL (i: below[N]): i-1 >= 0 IMPLIES fp(i)`time > fp(i-1)`time}
flp: VAR FlightPlan
start_time(flp): real = flp(0)`time
end_time(flp): real = flp(N-1)`time
%%%%%%%%% < over flightplan times is transitive
flight_plan_ascending_time: LEMMA
k < i IMPLIES flp(k)`time < flp(i)`time
flight_plan_unique_times: LEMMA
flp(k)`time = flp(i)`time IFF k=i
% the times that the flightplan covers (range)
FlightTimes(flp): TYPE+ ={a: real | start_time(flp) <= a AND a <= end_time(flp)}
% the velocity after leaving the k-th waypoint and on the way to the k+1-st waypoint
velocity(flp: FlightPlan)(j: below[N-1]): Vect3 =
(1/(flp(j+1)`time-flp(j)`time))*(flp(j+1)`position - flp(j)`position)
velocity_def: LEMMA
flp(j)`position + (flp(j+1)`time-flp(j)`time)*velocity(flp)(j) = flp(j+1)`position
% bands require that flightplans have nonzero horizontal velocities
FlightPlan_nz: TYPE+ = {flp: FlightPlan | FORALL(i:below[N-1]): nz_vect2?(velocity(flp)(i))}
segment_max: [SS: non_empty_finite_set[nat] -> {a: nat | SS(a) AND (FORALL (x: nat): SS(x) IMPLIES x <= a)}] =
finite_sets@finite_sets_minmax[naturalnumbers.nat,restrict[[real, real], [nat, nat], boolean].restrict(reals.<=)].max
% Lookup of the flightplan segment index, given a time
segment(flp: FlightPlan)(tt: FlightTimes(flp)): below[N] = segment_max({j: below[N] | tt >= flp(j)`time})
% time tt is either between two indices or after the last one
segment_def: LEMMA
FORALL (tt: FlightTimes(flp)):
flp(segment(flp)(tt))`time <= tt AND
(segment(flp)(tt) < N-1 IMPLIES tt < flp(segment(flp)(tt) + 1)`time)
% if we have index bounds on the time, we have the segment
segment_index: LEMMA
FORALL (tt:FlightTimes(flp)):
flp(j)`time <= tt AND tt < flp(j+1)`time IFF segment(flp)(tt) = j
segment_max : LEMMA
FORALL (tt:FlightTimes(flp)): segment(flp)(tt) = N-1 IFF tt = flp(N-1)`time
segment_ident : LEMMA
FORALL (tt:FlightTimes(flp)):segment(flp)(flp(segment(flp)(tt))`time) = segment(flp)(tt)
% the position at a given time tt in the flightplan
location_at(flp)(tt: FlightTimes(flp)): Vect3 =
Let seg = segment(flp)(tt) IN
IF seg = N-1 THEN flp(N-1)`position
flp(seg)`position + (tt - flp(seg)`time)*velocity(flp)(seg)
location_at_check: LEMMA
location_at(flp)(flp(k)`time) = flp(k)`position
END flightplan
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
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