zn[N: posnat]: THEORY
% Integer Groups
% Author: Rick Butler, NASA Langley Research Center
% Goal: show that Z_n is isomorphic to Z/nZ
% Version 1.0 12/14/07
IMPORTING group, group_rew
++(a,b: below(N)): below(N) = mod(a+b,N)
floor_help: LEMMA FORALL (x: below(N)): floor(x / N) = 0
AUTO_REWRITE+ floor_help
Z_group: LEMMA group?[int, +, 0](fullset[int]);
Z: group[int,+,0] = fullset[int]
Z_prep: LEMMA group?[below(N), ++, 0](fullset[below(N)]);
Z_: group[below(N),++,0] = fullset[below(N)]
%% IMPORTING ints@primes
%% zn_prime_field: LEMMA prime?(N) IMPLIES field?[below(N),++,0] = fullset[below(N)]
nZ_TYPE: TYPE = {x: int | EXISTS (k: int): x = k*N}
nZ_plus(x,y: nZ_TYPE): nZ_TYPE = x + y
nZ_prep: LEMMA group?[nZ_TYPE, nZ_plus, 0](fullset[(nZ_TYPE)]);
nZ: group[nZ_TYPE, +, 0] = fullset[nZ_TYPE]
IMPORTING factor_groups
nZ_normal: LEMMA normal_subgroup?(nZ,Z)
%% THE FOLLOWING currently breaks PVS 4.1 with
%% Break: set-type-for-application-parameters
% Z_fact_test: LEMMA FORALL (G: factor_type(Z,nZ)): group?[factor_type(Z,nZ),mult(Z,nZ),nZ](G)
Z_fact_test: LEMMA group?[factor_type(Z,nZ),mult(Z,nZ),nZ](Z/nZ)
END zn
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