product[T: TYPE FROM int]: THEORY
% The products theory introduces and defines properties of the product
% function that multiples an arbitrary function F: [T -> int] over a range
% from low to high
% high
% ----
% product(low, high, F) = | | F(j)
% | |
% j = low
% Rick Butler NASA Langley Research Center
% Paul Miner NASA Langley Research Center
connected_domain: ASSUMPTION (FORALL (x, y: T), (z: integer):
x <= z AND z <= y IMPLIES T_pred(z))
T_low?: MACRO set[int] = {i:int | EXISTS (j:T): j <= i}
T_low : TYPE = {i:int | T_pred(i) OR T_low?(i)}
T_high?: MACRO set[int] = {i:int | EXISTS (j:T): i <= j}
T_high : TYPE = {i:int | T_pred(i) OR T_high?(i)}
low : VAR T_low
high : VAR T_high
l,h,n,m,i : VAR T
rng, nn : VAR nat
pn : VAR posnat
z : VAR int
a,x : VAR int
nzr : VAR nzint
T_pred_lem : LEMMA low <= z AND z <= high IMPLIES T_pred(z)
high_low_rewrite: LEMMA
(FORALL (p: pred[[T_high, T_low]]):
(FORALL (high: T_high), (low: T_low):
IF high < low THEN p(high, low)
ELSE (FORALL (n: subrange(low, high)): p(n, low))
(FORALL high, low: p(high, low)))
F, G: VAR function[T -> int]
product(low, high, F): RECURSIVE int
= IF low > high THEN 1
ELSE F(high)*product(low, high-1, F)
MEASURE (LAMBDA low, high, F: abs(high+1-low))
product_spl : THEOREM T_pred(low + nn + rng) IMPLIES
product(low, low+nn+rng, F) =
product(low,low+nn,F) * product(low+nn+1,low+nn+rng,F)
product_split : THEOREM low - 1 <= z AND z <= high IMPLIES
product(low, high, F) =
product(low, z, F) * product(z+1, high, F)
product_div : THEOREM low - 1 <= z AND z <= high AND product(low, z, F) /= 0 IMPLIES
product(low, high, F) / product(low, z, F) = product(z+1, high, F)
product_div_neg : THEOREM low - 1 <= z AND z <= high AND
product(low, high, F) /= 0 AND product(z+1, high, F) /= 0
product(low, z, F) / product(low, high, F) = 1/product(z+1, high, F)
product_eq_arg : THEOREM product(m, m, F) = F(m)
product_first : THEOREM high >= low IMPLIES
product(low, high, F) = F(low) * product(low+1, high, F)
product_last : THEOREM high >= low IMPLIES
product(low, high, F) = product(low, high-1, F) * F(high)
product_middle : THEOREM high >= i AND i >= low IMPLIES
product(low, high, F) = product(low, i-1, F) * F(i) *
product(i+1, high, F)
product_const : THEOREM product(low, high, (LAMBDA i: nzr)) =
IF high >= low THEN nzr^(high-low+1) ELSE 1 ENDIF
product_zero : THEOREM low <= high IMPLIES product(low, high, (LAMBDA i: 0)) = 0
product_scal : THEOREM low <= high AND a /= 0 IMPLIES product(low, high, (LAMBDA i: a * F(i)))
= a^(high-low+1) * product(low, high, F)
% B: VAR posint
% product_bound : THEOREM low - 1 <= high AND
% (FORALL i: i >= low AND i <= high IMPLIES 0 <= F(i) AND F(i) <= B)
% IMPLIES product(low, high, F) <= B^(high-low+1)
product_ge_0 : THEOREM (FORALL (n: subrange(low,high)): F(n) >= 0)
IMPLIES product(low,high,F) >= 0
product_gt_0 : THEOREM (FORALL (n: subrange(low,high)): F(n) > 0)
IMPLIES product(low,high,F) > 0
product_shift_T : THEOREM (FORALL (i:T): T_pred(i+z)) IMPLIES
product(low+z,high+z,F) =
product(low,high, (LAMBDA (i:T): F(i+z)))
product_shift_T2 : THEOREM T_pred(low+z) AND T_pred(high+z) IMPLIES
product(low+z,high+z,F) =
product(low,high, (LAMBDA (i:T): IF T_pred(i+z) THEN F(i+z)
% ------------------ Summation Involving Two Functions ------------------
product_prod : THEOREM product(low, high, F) * product(low, high, G)
= product(low, high, (LAMBDA i: F(i) * G(i)))
% product_minus : THEOREM (FORALL (i: int): T_pred(i) IMPLIES G(i) /= 0) IMPLIES
% product(low, high, F) / product(low, high, G)
% = product(low, high, (LAMBDA i: F(i) / G(i)))
% product_abs_bnd : THEOREM (FORALL (i: subrange(low,high)): abs(F(i)) <= G(i))
% IMPLIES product(low, high, LAMBDA (n: T): abs(F(n))) <=
% product(low, high, G)
restrict(F, low, high): function[T -> int] =
(LAMBDA i: IF i < low OR i > high THEN 0 ELSE F(i) ENDIF )
product_restrict : THEOREM l <= low AND h >= high IMPLIES
product(low,high,F) = product(low,high,restrict(F,l,h))
product_restrict_to: THEOREM product(low,high,F) =
product_restrict_eq: THEOREM restrict(F,low,high) = restrict(G,low,high)
IMPLIES product(low,high,F) = product(low,high,G)
product_eq : THEOREM (FORALL (n: subrange(low,high)): F(n) = G(n))
IMPLIES product(low,high,F) = product(low,high,G)
% product_le : THEOREM (FORALL (n: subrange(low,high)): 0 <= F(n) AND F(n) <= G(n))
% IMPLIES product(low,high,F) <= product(low,high,G)
% product_lt : THEOREM low <= high AND
% (FORALL (n: subrange(low,high)): 0 <= F(n) AND F(n) < G(n))
% IMPLIES product(low,high,F) < product(low,high,G)
product_with : THEOREM low <= i AND i <= high AND G(i) /= 0 AND
F = G WITH [i := a] IMPLIES
product(low, high,F) = a*product(low,high,G) / G(i)
% ------------------------ Special Arguments --------------------------------
product_nonneg : THEOREM (FORALL i: F(i) >= 0)
IMPLIES product(low, high, F) >= 0
Fnat: VAR function[T -> nat]
Fposnat: VAR function[T -> posnat]
prod_nat: JUDGEMENT product(low,high,Fnat) HAS_TYPE nat
prod_posnat: JUDGEMENT product(low,high,Fposnat) HAS_TYPE posnat
AUTO_REWRITE+ product_eq_arg
% product_nonneg_eq_0 : THEOREM product(low,high,Fnni) = 0
% IMPLIES EXISTS (i: subrange(low,high)): Fnni(i) = 0
END product
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