% Scaffolding to connect Riemann and Lebesgue Integration
% Author: David Lester, Manchester University
% Using the proof given in AJ Weir, "Lebesgue Integration and Measure"
% CUP, 1973. Pages 51-53.
% Version 1.0 1/5/09 Initial Version
riemann_scaf[a:real,b:{x:real | a < x}]: THEORY
sets_aux@countability[real] % Proof Only
c,l,x,y,z: VAR real
n,m: VAR nat
MACRO bool= continuity_def.continuous_at?(f,x)
zeroed?(f:[real->real]):bool = FORALL (x:real): x < a OR b < x => f(x) = 0
step?(f:[real->real]):bool = step_function?(a,b,f) AND zeroed?(f)
zeroed_bounded?(f:[real->real]):bool = sup_norm.bounded?(f) AND zeroed?(f)
step: TYPE+ = (step?) CONTAINING (lambda x: 0)
bounded: TYPE+ = (zeroed_bounded?) CONTAINING (lambda x: 0)
restrict[[real, real], [nat, nat], boolean](reals.<=),
P,P1,P2: VAR partition(a,b)
PS: VAR sequence[partition(a,b)]
epsilon: VAR posreal
X: VAR set[real]
g: VAR [real->real]
f,f1,f2: VAR bounded
phi,psi: VAR step
Phi: VAR (increasing?[nat,step,
restrict[[real, real], [nat, nat], boolean](reals.<=),
Psi: VAR (decreasing?[nat,step,
restrict[[real, real], [nat, nat], boolean](reals.<=),
% The following converts a partion (as defined in analysis@integral_def)
% into a finite partition (as defined in integration@isf).
= union(union(singleton({x | x < a}),
singleton({x | b < x})),
union({X | EXISTS (i:below(length(P))): X = singleton(seq(P)(i))},
{X | EXISTS (i:below(length(P)-1)):
X = {x | seq(P)(i) < x AND x < seq(P)(i+1)}}))
% Note carefully: the step functions defined in analysis@integral_def
% are constant over OPEN intervals. They are therefore simple functions
% (as defined in measure_theory@measure_space).
% Put simply: step_function? => simple?, but not vice versa.
% Consider f = phi(fullset[rational])
% Then simple?(phi({x | a <= x AND x <= b})*f), but
% NOT step_function?(a,b,f)
riemann_lebesgue_step_isf: LEMMA
Integrable?(a,b,phi) AND isf?(phi) AND
Integral(a,b,phi) = isf_integral(phi)
riemann_lebesgue_step_integrable: LEMMA % A(ii) p51
Integrable?(a,b,phi) AND integrable?(phi) AND
Integral(a,b,phi) = integral(phi)
step_function_is_simple: JUDGEMENT step SUBTYPE_OF simple
step_function_is_bounded: JUDGEMENT step SUBTYPE_OF bounded
lower_step_exists: LEMMA EXISTS phi: phi <= f
upper_step_exists: LEMMA EXISTS psi: f <= psi
= sup({z | EXISTS phi: phi <= f AND z = integral(phi)})
= inf({z | EXISTS psi: f <= psi AND z = integral(psi)})
lower_riemann_prop1: LEMMA EXISTS phi: phi <= f AND
integral(phi) > lower_riemann_integral(f)-epsilon
upper_riemann_prop1: LEMMA EXISTS psi: f <= psi AND
integral(psi) < upper_riemann_integral(f)+epsilon
lower_riemann_prop2: LEMMA phi <= f =>
integral(phi) <= lower_riemann_integral(f)
upper_riemann_prop2: LEMMA f <= psi =>
upper_riemann_integral(f) <= integral(psi)
lower_upper_riemann_prop: LEMMA % A(i) p51
lower_riemann_integral(f) <= upper_riemann_integral(f)
riemann_integrable_def1: LEMMA
Integrable?(a,b,f) IFF
lower_riemann_integral(f) = upper_riemann_integral(f)
riemann_integrable_def2: LEMMA Integrable?(a,b,f) =>
Integral(a,b,f) = lower_riemann_integral(f)
ii_of_x(P)(x:{x | a <= x AND x < b}): below(length(P)-1)
= choose[below(length(P)-1)]({ii:below(length(P)-1) |
seq(P)(ii) <= x AND x < seq(P)(ii+1)})
ii_of_x_def: LEMMA FORALL (x:{x | a <= x AND x < b},ii:below(length(P)-1)):
ii_of_x(P)(x) = ii IFF seq(P)(ii) <= x AND x < seq(P)(ii+1)
ii_of_x_prop: LEMMA FORALL (x,y:{x | a <= x AND x < b}):
ii_of_x(P)(x) = ii_of_x(P)(y) IFF
EXISTS (ii:below(length(P)-1)):
seq(P)(ii) <= x AND x < seq(P)(ii+1) AND
seq(P)(ii) <= y AND y < seq(P)(ii+1)
part_set_of(P)(x:{x | a <= x AND x < b}):(nonempty?[real])
= {y | seq(P)(ii_of_x(P)(x)) < y AND y < seq(P)(ii_of_x(P)(x)+1)}
part_set_of_prop: LEMMA a <= x AND x < b AND
(NOT EXISTS (ii:below(length(P)-1)): x = seq(P)(ii))
lower_step(f,P):step % C p52
= lambda x: IF x < a OR b < x THEN 0
ELSIF in_part?(a,b,P,x) OR x = b THEN f(x)
ELSE inf(image(f,part_set_of(P)(x))) ENDIF
lower_step(f)(P):step = lower_step(f,P)
= lambda x: IF x < a OR b < x THEN 0
ELSIF in_part?(a,b,P,x) OR x = b THEN f(x)
ELSE sup(image(f,part_set_of(P)(x))) ENDIF
upper_step(f)(P):step = upper_step(f,P)
lower_step_prop: LEMMA lower_step(f,P) <= f
upper_step_prop: LEMMA f <= upper_step(f,P)
lower_step_neg: LEMMA lower_step(-f,P) = -upper_step(f,P)
% Probably not needed..
lower_step_part: LEMMA step_function_on?(a,b,lower_step(f,P),P)
riemann_sequence: LEMMA % B p52
(FORALL n: Phi(n) <= f AND f <= Psi(n)) AND
convergence?(integral o (Psi-Phi),0) =>
EXISTS l: convergence?(integral o Psi, l) AND
convergence?(integral o Phi, l) AND
Integrable?(a,b,f) AND
Integral(a,b,f) = l
part_norm(P):posreal = width(a,b,P)
lower_step_error: LEMMA
phi = lower_step(f,P1) AND
psi = lower_step(f,P2) =>
integral(psi) >= integral(phi) - (length(P1)-2)*2*sup_norm(f)*part_norm(P2)
darboux: THEOREM % C p52-3
convergence?(part_norm o PS,0) =>
(convergence?(integral o lower_step(f) o PS, lower_riemann_integral(f)) AND
convergence?(integral o upper_step(f) o PS, upper_riemann_integral(f)))
= FORALL (ii:below(length(P1)-1)):
EXISTS (jj:below(length(P2)-1)):
seq(P2)(jj) <= seq(P1)(ii) AND seq(P1)(ii+1) <= seq(P2)(jj+1)
partition_2n(n):partition(a,b) = eq_partition(a,b,2^n+1)
part_norm_partition_2n: LEMMA part_norm(partition_2n(n)) = (b-a)/2^n
partion_2n_refines: LEMMA n <= m =>
lower_refines: LEMMA part_refines?(P2,P1) =>
lower_step(f,P1) <= lower_step(f,P2)
upper_refines: LEMMA part_refines?(P2,P1) =>
upper_step(f,P2) <= upper_step(f,P1)
continuous_step: LEMMA continuous_at?(f,x) =>
EXISTS n: LET phi = lower_step(f,partition_2n(n)) IN
f(x) - epsilon <= phi(x)
= {x | a < x AND x < b AND NOT EXISTS n,m: x = ((b-a)*n)/2^m+a}
= {x | a <= x AND x <= b AND EXISTS n,m: x = ((b-a)*n)/2^m+a}
countable_2n_exterior: LEMMA is_countable(partition_2n_exterior)
partition_2n_ext_int_disjoint: LEMMA
partition_2n_ext_int_union: LEMMA
union(partition_2n_interior,partition_2n_exterior) = closed(a,b)
= inf(image(f,part_set_of(partition_2n(n))(x)))
= sup(image(f,part_set_of(partition_2n(n))(x)))
lower_limit_n_prop: LEMMA partition_2n_interior(x) =>
lower_limit_n(f,x)(n) = lower_step(f,partition_2n(n))(x)
upper_limit_n_prop: LEMMA partition_2n_interior(x) =>
upper_limit_n(f,x)(n) = upper_step(f,partition_2n(n))(x)
= IF NOT partition_2n_interior(x) THEN f(x)
ELSE sup(image(lower_limit_n(f,x),fullset[nat])) ENDIF
= IF NOT partition_2n_interior(x) THEN f(x)
ELSE inf(image(upper_limit_n(f,x),fullset[nat])) ENDIF
lower_limit_prop: LEMMA
lower_step(f,partition_2n(n))(x) <= lower_limit(f)(x) AND
lower_limit(f)(x) <= f(x)
upper_limit_prop: LEMMA
f(x) <= upper_limit(f)(x) AND
upper_limit(f)(x) <= upper_step(f,partition_2n(n))(x)
continuous_at_prop: LEMMA partition_2n_interior(x) =>
(continuous_at?(f,x) <=> upper_limit(f)(x) = lower_limit(f)(x))
lower_limit_integrable: LEMMA
integrable?(lower_limit(f)) AND
integral(lower_limit(f)) = lower_riemann_integral(f)
upper_limit_integrable: LEMMA
integrable?(upper_limit(f)) AND
integral(upper_limit(f)) = upper_riemann_integral(f)
ae_continuity_implies_integrable: LEMMA % Thm 1, P47
ae_continuous?(a,b,f) => integrable?(f)
ae_continuity_implies_Integrable: LEMMA
ae_continuous?(a,b,f) => Integrable?(a,b,f)
Integrable_implies_ae_continuity: LEMMA
Integrable?(a,b,f) => ae_continuous?(a,b,f)
ae_continuity_implies_integrals: LEMMA
ae_continuous?(a,b,f) => integral(f) = Integral(a,b,f)
END riemann_scaf
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