% Zorn's lemma: if every chain in a partially ordered set has an upper
% bound, then the set has a maximal element.
% For PVS version 3.2. January 14, 2005
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author: Jerry James ([email protected]), University of Kansas
% -------
% prelude: orders[T], relations[T], sets[T]
% orders: bounded_orders[T], chain[T,<=], minmax_orders[T],
% relations_extra[T], zorn[T,<=]
zorn[T: TYPE, <=: (partial_order?[T])]: THEORY
% Hide the technical lemmas and supporting theories from public view
EXPORTING zorn WITH orders[T], relations[T], sets[T], bounded_orders[T],
minmax_orders[T], relations_extra[T], chain[T, <=]
IMPORTING chain_chain[T, <=], subset_chain[T], ordered_subset[T]
IMPORTING minmax_orders[T], minmax_orders[subchain]
t, r: VAR T
ch, ch1, ch2: VAR subchain
CH: VAR chain_chain
% An alternative characterization of a maximal element
maximal_upto_subset: LEMMA
(FORALL r: subset?(upto(t, <=), upto(r, <=)) IMPLIES t = r) IFF
maximal?[T](t, fullset[T], <=)
% If every chain of Ts is bounded above, then for each chain of Ts, there
% exists some T that is that bound; its upto set then includes the chain
bounded_chain_upto: LEMMA
(FORALL ch: bounded_above?[T](ch, <=)) IMPLIES
(FORALL ch: EXISTS t: subset?(ch, upto(t, <=)))
% The set of all Ts that, when added to ch, produce a (longer) chain
add_set(ch): set[T] =
{t | NOT member(t, ch) AND chain?[T, <=](add(t, ch))}
% Given a maximal chain, return it; otherwise, increase the length of the
% chain by one
succ(ch): subchain =
IF empty?(add_set(ch)) THEN ch ELSE add(choose(add_set(ch)), ch) ENDIF
% If the add set is empty, then succ doesn't add anything
empty_succ: LEMMA FORALL ch: empty?(add_set(ch)) IFF ch = succ(ch)
% If the add set is empty, then the chain is maximal
maximal_chain_add_set: LEMMA
empty?(add_set(ch)) IFF
maximal?[subchain[T, <=]](ch, fullset[subchain], chain_incl)
% A tower is a set of chains of Ts containing the emptyset, and closed
% under succ and chain_union
tower?(tow: set[subchain]): bool =
member(emptyset[T], tow) AND
(FORALL (ch: (tow)): member(succ(ch), tow)) AND
(FORALL (ch: (CH)): member(ch, tow)) IMPLIES
member(chain_union(CH), tow))
% The intersection of a set of towers is also a tower
tower_intersection: LEMMA
FORALL (Tow: set[set[subchain]]):
(FORALL (t: (Tow)): tower?(t)) IMPLIES
% The smallest tower
T0: (tower?) = Intersection[subchain]({CH: set[subchain] | tower?(CH)})
% An element of T0 is T0_comparable? if it is related by set inclusion to
% all other elements of T0
T0_comparable?(ch1: (T0)): bool =
FORALL (ch2: (T0)): subset?(ch1, ch2) OR subset?(ch2, ch1)
% A proof that T0 is the smallest tower
T0_smallest: LEMMA FORALL (tow: (tower?)): subset?(T0, tow)
% Construct a tower from some element ch1 of T0 by taking all elements of T0
% that are included in ch1, and all those that include ch1's sucessor
make_tower(ch1: (T0_comparable?)): (tower?) =
{ch2 | T0(ch2) AND (subset?(ch2, ch1) OR subset?(succ(ch1), ch2))}
% Every T0_comparable? element of T0 constructs T0 via make_tower
T0_construct: LEMMA FORALL (ch: (T0_comparable?)): T0 = make_tower(ch)
% Every successor of a T0_comparable? element is also T0_comparable?
T0_comparable: JUDGEMENT
succ(ch: (T0_comparable?)) HAS_TYPE (T0_comparable?)
% Every element of T0 is T0_comparable?
T0_all_comparable: LEMMA FORALL (ch: (T0)): T0_comparable?(ch)
% T0 is a chain of chains
T0_chain: JUDGEMENT T0 HAS_TYPE chain_chain
% Zorn's Lemma
(FORALL (ch: chain[T, <=]): bounded_above?[T](ch, <=)) IMPLIES
(EXISTS t: maximal?[T](t, fullset[T], <=))
END zorn
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