;; proveit-init.lisp
;; Release: ProofLite-6.0.9 (3/14/14)
;; Contact: Cesar Munoz ([email protected])
;; NASA Langley Research Center
;; http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/people/cam/ProofLite
;; Copyright (c) 2011-2012 United States Government as represented by
;; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright
;; is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other
;; Rights Reserved.
(in-package :pvs)
(defun eq-thf (decl thf)
(and (string= (format nil "~a" (id decl))
(car thf))))
;; Split string given a character
(defun split (str char)
(when str
(let ((pos (position char str)))
(if pos
(let ((hd (subseq str 0 pos))
(tl (subseq str (+ pos 1))))
(cons hd (split tl char)))
(list str)))))
;; Converts a string "th.f1:..:fn into a list ("th" "f1" ... "fn"),
(defun thf2list (thf)
(let* ((l (split thf #\.)))
(cons (car l) (split (cadr l) #\:))))
;; l is a sorted list of the form (("th" "f1" .. "fm") ...),
;; thf is an element of the form ("thg" "g1" .. "gk")
(defun thmerge (l thf)
(cond ((and l thf)
(if (string= (caar l) (car thf))
(thmerge (cdr l) (append thf (cdar l)))
(cons thf (thmerge (cdr l) (car l)))))
(thmerge (cdr l) (car l)))
(list thf))))
;; Converts a list ("th.f1:..fn" ...) into a list (... ("th" "f1" .. "fm") ...)
;; that is alpabethically ordered and where formulas of the same theory are
;; put together (theories without formulas are removed)
(defun thfs2list (thsf)
(let* ((l (sort (remove-if-not
(mapcar #'thf2list thsf))
#'string<= :key #'car)))
(thmerge l nil)))
(defun proveit-status-proof-theories (theories thfs)
(if theories
(let ((*disable-gc-printout* t))
(pvs-buffer "PVS Status"
(proveit-proof-summaries theories thfs))
(pvs-message "No theories given")))
(defun proveit-proof-summaries (theory-ids thfs
&optional filename)
(let ((tot 0) (proved 0) (unfin 0) (untried 0) (time 0))
(when filename
(format t "~2%Proof summary for file ~a.pvs" filename))
(dolist (theory theory-ids)
(let ((thf (car (member theory thfs :test #'eq-thf))))
(multiple-value-bind (to pr uf ut tm)
(proveit-proof-summary theory thf (when filename 2))
(incf tot to) (incf proved pr) (incf unfin uf) (incf untried ut)
(incf time tm))))
(if filename
(format t "~2% Totals for ~a.pvs: " filename)
(format t "~2%Grand Totals: "))
(format t "~d proofs, ~d attempted, ~d succeeded (~,2f s)"
tot (+ proved unfin) proved time)
(values tot proved unfin untried time)))
(defun proveit-proof-summary (theory-id thf &optional (indent 0))
(if (null thf)
(format t "~2%~vTProof summary for theory ~a" indent (ref-to-id theory-id))
(format t "~2%~vTProof summary for formulas ~a in theory ~a" indent
(cdr thf) (ref-to-id theory-id)))
(let* ((tot 0) (proved 0) (unfin 0) (untried 0) (time 0)
(theory (get-theory theory-id))
(valid? (or (and theory
(from-prelude? theory))
(valid-proofs-file (context-entry-of theory-id)))))
(if (and theory
(typechecked? theory))
(let* ((fdecls (provable-formulas theory))
(maxtime (/ (reduce #'max fdecls
:key #'(lambda (d)
(or (run-proof-time d) 0))
:initial-value 0)
(statuslength 20) ; "proved - incomplete "
(dplength (+ (apply #'max
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (length (string x)))
(timelength (length (format nil "~,2f" maxtime)))
(idlength (- 79 4 statuslength dplength timelength 4 3)))
(dolist (decl fdecls)
(let ((dof (member (format nil "~a" (id decl)) (cdr thf)
:test #'string=)))
(when (or (null thf) dof)
(let ((tm (if (run-proof-time decl)
(/ (run-proof-time decl)
internal-time-units-per-second 1.0)
(incf tot)
(cond ((proved? decl)
(incf proved))
((justification decl) (incf unfin))
(t (incf untried)))
(incf time tm)
(format t "~% ~v,1,0,'.a...~19a [~a](~a s)"
(id decl)
(proof-status-string decl)
(if (justification decl)
(decision-procedure-used decl)
(if (run-proof-time decl)
(format nil "~v,2f" timelength tm)
(format nil "~v" timelength))))))))
(let ((te (get-context-theory-entry theory-id)))
(mapc #'(lambda (fe)
(let ((status (fe-status fe)))
(format t "~% ~52,1,0,'.a...~(~10a~)"
(fe-id fe)
(fe-proof-status-string fe valid?))
(incf tot)
(case status
((proved-complete proved-incomplete)
(if valid?
(incf proved)
(incf unfin)))
((unchecked unfinished)
(incf unfin))
(t (incf untried)))))
(te-formula-info te))))
(format t "~% Theory totals: ~d formulas, ~d attempted, ~d succeeded ~
(~,2f s)"
tot (+ proved unfin) proved
(/ (reduce #'+ (provable-formulas theory)
:key #'(lambda (d) (or (run-proof-time d) 0))
:initial-value 0)
(values tot proved unfin untried time)))
(defun proveit-theories (theories retry? thfs traces
&optional txtproofs texproofs use-default-dp?)
(let ((*use-default-dp?* use-default-dp?))
(when texproofs
(pathname "pvstex/README.txt"))
:direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create
:if-exists :supersede)
(format texfile "To generate PDF files type: pdflatex main-.tex~%")))
(dolist (theory theories)
(let ((thf (car (member theory thfs :test #'eq-thf))))
(if (null thf)
(pvs-message "Proving theory ~a" (id theory))
(pvs-message "Proving formulas ~a in theory ~a"
(cdr thf) (id theory)))
(let ((*justifications-changed?* nil))
(dolist (decl (provable-formulas theory))
(let ((dof (member (format nil "~a" (id decl)) (cdr thf)
:test #'string=)))
(when (or (null thf) dof)
(setq *last-proof* (pvs-prove-decl decl retry?))
(when txtproofs
(pathname (format nil "pvstxt/~a.txt" (id decl))))
:direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create
:if-exists :supersede)
(report-proof *last-proof*)))
(when texproofs
(latex-proof (format nil "~a.tex" (id decl)) t)
(rename-file (format nil "~a.tex" (id decl))
(format nil "pvstex/~a.tex" (id decl)))
(rename-file "pvs-files.tex"
(format nil "pvstex/main-~a.tex" (id decl)))))))
(when *justifications-changed?*
(save-all-proofs *current-theory*)))))))
(defun now-today ()
(multiple-value-bind (s mi h d mo y dow dst tz)
(declare (ignore tz dst dow))
(format nil "~a:~a:~a ~a/~a/~a" h mi s mo d y)))
(defun proveit ()
(let* ((proveitversion (environment-variable "PROVEITVERSION"))
(context (environment-variable "PROVEITPVSCONTEXT"))
(pvsfile (environment-variable "PROVEITPVSFILE"))
(baseout (environment-variable "PROVEITBASEOUT"))
(import (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPIMPORT")))
(scripts (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPSCRIPTS")))
(traces (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPTRACES")))
(force (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPFORCE")))
(typecheckonly (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPTYPECHECK")))
(txtproofs (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPTXTPROOFS")))
(texproofs (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPTEXPROOFS")))
(preludext (remove-duplicates
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPPRELUDEXT"))
:test #'string=))
(disable (remove-duplicates
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPDISABLE"))
:test #'string=))
(enable (remove-duplicates
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPENABLE"))
:test #'string=))
(thfs (thfs2list (read-from-string
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPTHFS"))))
(theories (remove-duplicates
(environment-variable "PROVEITLISPTHEORIES"))
:test #'string=))
(dependencies (environment-variable "PROVEITLISPDEPENDENCIES"))
(*print-readably* nil)
(*noninteractive* t)
(*pvs-verbose* (if traces 3 2)))
(when (and pvsfile (string/= pvsfile ""))
(val err)
(format t "~%*** ~%*** ~a (~a)~%*** Generated by ~a~%"
pvsfile (now-today) proveitversion)
(extra-disable-but disable enable)
(let ((orcls (extra-list-oracles)))
(when orcls
(format t "*** Trusted Oracles~%")
(loop for orcl in orcls
do (format t "*** ~a: ~a~%"
(car orcl) (cdr orcl)))))
(format t "*** ")
(change-context (probe-file context))
(dolist (prelude preludext) (load-prelude-library prelude t))
(typecheck-file pvsfile nil nil nil t)
(let* ((theory-names (or theories (theories-in-file pvsfile)))
(if import (imported-theories-in-theories theory-names)
(mapcar #'get-typechecked-theory theory-names)))
(depfile (pathname (format nil "pvsbin/~a.dep" baseout))))
(when (equal dependencies "t")
(stream (ensure-directories-exist depfile)
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format stream "/~{~a~^,~}~%" (mapcar #'id pvstheories))
#'(lambda (k e)
(format stream "~a~{~a~^,~}~%" k
(loop for th being the hash-keys in (car e) collect th)))
(loop for th in pvstheories
for idth = (id th)
do (format stream "~a:~{~a~^,~}~%" idth
(if (typep x '(or library-theory
(format nil "~a@~a"
"/" (lib-ref x))
(id x))
(id x)))
(immediate-theories-in-theory idth))))))
(if typecheckonly
(format t "~%File ~a.pvs typechecked" pvsfile)
(let ((pvstheories
(remove-if #'(lambda (th) (typep th '(or datatype codatatype)))
(when scripts
(dolist (theory pvstheories)
(install-prooflite-scripts (filename theory) (id theory) 0
(proveit-theories pvstheories force thfs traces txtproofs texproofs)
(proveit-status-proof-theories pvstheories thfs))))
(values nil condition)))
(when err
(format t "~%~a (~a)~%" err pvsfile)
(bye 0))))
(bye 1)))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.