;; pvs-lib.lisp
;; Release: PVSio-6.0.9 (3/14/14)
;; Contact: Cesar Munoz ([email protected])
;; NASA Langley Research Center
;; http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/people/cam/PVSio
;; Copyright (c) 2011-2012 United States Government as represented by
;; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright
;; is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other
;; Rights Reserved.
;; This code implements the functionality to load PVSio semantic
;; attachments from the files pvs-attachments and ~/.pvs-attachments
(in-package :pvs)
(defparameter *pvsio-version* "PVSio-6.0.9 (3/14/14)")
(defparameter *pvsio-imported* nil)
(defparameter *pvsio-update-files* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defun load-update-attachments (dir filename &optional force (verbose t))
(let* ((file (merge-pathnames dir filename)))
(when (probe-file file)
(let ((date (gethash file *pvsio-update-files*))
(newdate (file-write-date file)))
(when (or force (not date) (not newdate) (< date newdate))
(setf (gethash file *pvsio-update-files*) newdate)
(load file :verbose verbose))))))
(defun libload-attachments (dir file &optional force (verbose t))
(if (probe-file (merge-pathnames dir file))
(load-update-attachments dir file force verbose)
(some #'(lambda (path)
(let ((lib (format nil "~a~a" path dir)))
(load-update-attachments lib file force verbose)))
(defun load-imported-attachments (libs &optional force (verbose t))
(loop for dir being the hash-key of libs
when (or (and (not (member dir *pvsio-imported* :test #'string=))
(push dir *pvsio-imported*))
do (libload-attachments dir "pvs-attachments" force verbose)))
(defun load-pvs-attachments (&optional force (verbose t))
(format t "Loading semantic attachments~%")
(when force (initialize-prelude-attachments))
(load-imported-attachments *prelude-libraries* force verbose)
(load-imported-attachments *imported-libraries* force verbose)
(load-update-attachments "~/" ".pvs-attachments" force verbose)
(load-update-attachments *pvs-context-path* "pvs-attachments" force verbose))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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