sort_fseq[T: TYPE+, <= : (total_order?[T]) ]: THEORY
% sort_fseq (basic definitions and properties)
% -------------------------------------------
% Author: Ricky W. Butler
% This theory defines the sort function over an seq of
% values. Most of the text of this theory is scaffolding to
% demonstrate that the definition of "sort" is sound. In particular,
% the function "asort" is a witness function and not intended
% to be used externally.
% The following definitions should be used exclusively:
% is_permutation(A1,A2): bool = (EXISTS (f: [below(N) -> below(N)]):
% bijective?(f) AND (FORALL ii: A1(ii) = A2(f(ii))))
% increasing(A): bool = (FORALL i,j: 0 <= i AND i < j AND j < N
% IMPLIES A(i) <= A(j))
% sort(A): {a: seqs | is_permutation(A,a) AND increasing(a)}
% Note:
% The properties of sort are readily obtained via
% TYPEPRED "sort" or through use of sort_lem.
EXPORTING ALL BUT seq_to_array % i.e. do not export sort_array
WITH permutations_fseq[T,<=], fseqs[T], fsq[T]
s,s1,s2,ss: VAR fseq
x, t: VAR T
i,j: VAR nat
%% <(x,y: T): bool = x <= y AND x /= y %% CAUSED SOME PROBLEMS
IMPORTING sort_array, below_arrays, permutations_fseq
seq_to_array(s): below_array[length(s),T] =
(LAMBDA (i: below(length(s))): seq(s)(i))
increasing?(s): bool = (FORALL i,j: 0 <= i AND i < j AND j < length(s)
IMPLIES seq(s)(i) <= seq(s)(j))
strictly_increasing?(s): bool = (FORALL i,j: 0 <= i AND i < j AND j < length(s)
IMPLIES (seq(s)(i) <= seq(s)(j) AND seq(s)(i) /= seq(s)(j)))
sort(s): {ss: fseq | permutation?[T,<=](s,ss) AND increasing?(ss)}
sort_length : LEMMA length(sort(s)) = length(s)
AUTO_REWRITE+ sort_length
sort_fseq_lem : LEMMA permutation?[T,<=](s,sort(s)) AND increasing?(sort(s))
sort_fseq_in? : LEMMA in?(x,s) IFF in?(x,sort(s))
sort_fseq_in : LEMMA FORALL (ii: below(length(s))):
sort_fseq_in2 : LEMMA FORALL (ii: below(length(s))): in?(seq(s)(ii),sort(s))
sort_fseq_lt : LEMMA FORALL (i,j: below(length(s))):
sort(s)(i) <= sort(s)(j) AND sort(s)(i) /= sort(s)(j) IMPLIES i < j
sort_singleton : LEMMA sort(singleton(x)) = singleton(x)
member_sort : LEMMA member(x,s) IFF member(x,sort(s))
%----------------- Strictly Sorting ----------------%
strictly_sort(s): {ss: fseq | strictly_increasing?(ss) AND (FORALL (x:T): member(x,s) IFF member(x,ss))}
strictly_sort_length: LEMMA strictly_sort(s)`length <= s`length
strictly_sort_subint_eq: LEMMA LET sss = strictly_sort(s) IN increasing?(s) IMPLIES FORALL (ii:below(sss`length-1)):
EXISTS (jj:below(s`length-1)): sss`seq(ii+1)=s`seq(jj+1) AND sss`seq(ii) = s`seq(jj)
strictly_sort_map(s): {sq: [below(strictly_sort(s)`length)->below(s`length)] |
LET sss = strictly_sort(s) IN
(increasing?(s) AND sss`length >= 1 IMPLIES sq(sss`length-1) = s`length-1) AND
(FORALL (ii:below(sss`length)): (sss`seq(ii) = s`seq(sq(ii)) AND
(increasing?(s) AND ii<sss`length-1 IMPLIES sss`seq(ii+1) = s`seq(sq(ii)+1))))}
strictly_sort_map_between: LEMMA LET sss = strictly_sort(s) IN
FORALL (ii:below(sss`length-1)): FORALL (jj:below(s`length)):
increasing?(s) AND strictly_sort_map(s)(ii)<jj AND jj<=strictly_sort_map(s)(ii+1) IMPLIES
s`seq(strictly_sort_map(s)(ii+1)) = s`seq(jj)
strictly_sort_map_increasing: LEMMA increasing?(s) IMPLIES FORALL (ii,jj:below(strictly_sort(s)`length)):
LET sq = strictly_sort_map(s) IN ii<jj IMPLIES sq(ii)<sq(jj)
% ------------------ NEW ------------------%
sort_map(s): { map: [below(length(s)) -> below(length(s))] |
bijective?(map) AND
(FORALL (i: below(length(s))): seq(s)(i) = seq(sort(s))(map(i)))}
sort_map_def: LEMMA FORALL (i: below(length(s))):
seq(s)(i) = seq(sort(s))(sort_map(s)(i))
sort_map_bij: LEMMA bijective?(sort_map(s))
isort_map(s: {ss: fseq | length(ss) > 0}):
{ map: [below(length(s)) -> below(length(s))] |
bijective?(map) AND
(FORALL (i:below(length(s))): seq(s)(map(i)) = seq(sort(s))(i))}
isort_map_def: LEMMA FORALL (i: below(length(s))):
seq(s)(isort_map(s)(i)) = seq(sort(s))(i)
isort_map_bij: LEMMA FORALL (s: {ss: fseq | length(ss) > 0}):
END sort_fseq
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.22 Sekunden
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