% An Axiomatic Theory of Trigonometry (Demonstrated to be sound in trig_fnd
% library)
% by Cesar Munoz Langley ICASE Institute
% Victor Carreno NASA Langley
% Ricky Butler NASA Langley
% Gilles Dowek INRIA, Domaine de Voluceau
% Alfons Geser Langley ICASE Institute
% Ben Di Vito NASA Langley
% Version 1.0 3/27/01
% Version 1.1 6/27/01 New lemmas added:
% --------------------------------
% tan_period, sin_k_pi , cos_2k_pi,
% cos_k_pi , sin_k_pi2, tan_k_pi,
% sin_eq_1 , cos_eq_1 , sin_eq_sin,
% cos_eq_cos, tan_eq_tan, sin_eq_pm1,
% cos_eq_pm1, and prelude_aux lemmas
% Version 1.2 6/28/01 Theory "trig_rew" added
% Version 1.3 10/27/03 Corrected, foundational theory
% (David Lester)
% Version 1.31 11/29/03 Renamed PI to pi (Cesar A. Munoz)
% Version 1.32 2/6/04 Theory "tan_approx" added (C. Munoz)
% Version 1.33 5/23/04 atan2 added (D Lester)
% Version 1.34 5/30/04 atan/asin/acos added (D Lester)
% Version 1.4 4/15/05 approx made consistent with trig_fnd
% ------
% trig_basic:
% -----------
% - definition of pi with crude upper and lower bounds
% - definition of sin, cos, and tan
% - pythagorean properties: sq(sin(a)) + sq(cos(a)) = 1
% - sum and difference of two angles
% - double angle formulas
% - negative properties, e.g. sin(-a)
% - periodicity, e.g. sin(a) = sin(a + 2 * j * pi)
% - co-function identities, e.g. sin(pi/2 - a) = cos(a)
% - location of zeros of trig functions
% trig_values Lemma names
% ----------- ------------------------------------
% - trig functions at 0 : sin_0 , cos_0 , tan_0
% - trig functions at pi/6 : sin_pi6 , cos_pi6 , tan_pi6
% - trig functions at pi/4 : sin_pi4 , cos_pi4 , tan_pi4
% - trig functions at pi/3 : sin_pi3 , cos_pi3 , tan_pi3
% - trig functions at pi/2 : sin_pi2 , cos_pi2 , tan_pi2
% - trig functions at pi : sin_pi , cos_pi , tan_pi
% - trig functions at 2*pi/3 : sin_2pi3 , cos_2pi3 , tan_2pi3
% - trig functions at 3*pi/4 : sin_3pi4 , cos_3pi4 , tan_3pi4
% - trig functions at 5*pi/4 : sin_5pi4 , cos_5pi4 , tan_5pi4
% trig_ineq
% ---------
% - regions where functions are greater than 0
% - regions where functions are less than 0
% - regions where functions are increasing
% - regions where functions are decreasing
% trig_extra
% ----------
% - reduction theorems
% - sum and product identities
% - half-angle identities and zeros
% - triple angle formulas
% trig_approx
% -----------
% - taylor series approximations to trig functions:
% sin_approx(a,n): sum first n terms of taylor expansion of sin
% cos_approx(a,n): sum first n terms of taylor expansion of cos
% tan_approx
% ----------
% - taylor series approximations for tangent
% law_cosines
% -----------
% - the law of cosines in a coordinate geometry formulation
% trig_degree
% -----------
% - trig functions that take arguments in degrees: sind, cosd
% - defines conversions toRad, toDeg
% trig_inv
% -------------
% - provides interface to atan, asin, acos, atan2
% -------------
% - defines inverse trig functions: arcsin, arccos, and arctan
% trig_rew
% -------------
% - Experimental auto-rewrite-theory background library
IMPORTING trig_doc, % Some more documentation (Rationale)
trig, % typical needs
trig_full, % everything
% --------------------- The above import the following ------------------
trig_basic, % basic properties
trig_values, % values of functions for special arguments
trig_ineq, % trig inequalities
trig_extra, % sum and product, half-angle, reductions and zeros
trig_approx, % taylor series approximations to trig functions:
tan_approx, % approximatan2_propsations fprior tangent
law_cosines, % law of cosines
trig_degree, % conversions to degrees
trig_inverses, % interface to atan, asin, acos, atan2
trig_rew, % auto-rewrites
asin, % asin properties
acos, % acos properties
atan, % atan properties
atan_values, % atan for specific values
atan2, % two-argument arc tangent
atan2_props, % additional properties of atan2 and values
jatan2, % Java atan2
to2pi, % normalization of radians to 2pi
sincos, % continuity, derivablility of sin, cos
END top
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