\title{Specifying the operations performed in a Pub}
\author{Kevin Blackburn\\ ICL Enterprise Engineering}
\date{March 1995}
This note was produced a VDM-SL course presented by Peter Gorm Larsen
to ICL Enterprise Engineering. The modelling of bags was one of the
exercises the attendees (including myself) was confronted with during
the course. Because I have a background in the Z specification
language I finished this exercise before the other attendees. Thus I
was asked to use the definitions of the bags to model the operations
performed in a pub with a cellar and a bar. This specification is
mainly intended for the purpose of illustrating how bags can be used.
¤ Diese beiden folgenden Angebotsgruppen bietet das Unternehmen0.19Angebot
Wie Sie bei der Firma Beratungs- und Dienstleistungen beauftragen können
Die hierunter aufgelisteten Ziele sind für diese Firma wichtig
Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse