Untersuchungsergebnis.lyx Download desDelphi {Delphi[82] CS[132] Abap[144]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
#This file was created by <jug> Mon Jan 12 11:44:48 1998
#LyX 0.12 (C) 1995-1997 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
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<Il mio Nome>
<La mia Via>
<La mia citta>
\layout Send To Address
<Il tuo nome>
<La tua via>
<La tua citta>
\layout Citta
<Citta per la data>
\layout Signature
<La mia firma>
\layout Oggetto
\layout Opening
Egregio ...
\layout Standard
<Qui c'e il testo.>
\layout Standard
<Anche in piu paragrafi>
\layout Closing
Cordiali saluti
\layout cc
\layout encl
[ zur Elbe Produktseite wechseln0.92Quellennavigators