products/Sources/formale Sprachen/C/Lyx/src image not shown  


© Kompilation durch diese Firma

[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]

Datei: lyx_gui.C   Sprache: C

Original von: Lyx©

/* This file is part of
* ======================================================

*           LyX, The Document Processor
*     Copyright (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
*           Copyright (C) 1995-1998 The LyX Team.

#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation

#include <fcntl.h>
#include "lyx_gui.h"
#include "combox.h"
#include "lyx.h"
#include "form1.h"
#include "layout_forms.h"
#include "print_form.h"
#include "tex-strings.h"
#include "lyx_main.h"
#include "latexoptions.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "LyXView.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "lyxserver.h"
#include "lyxdraw.h"
#include "lyxrc.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "lyx_gui_misc.h"
#include "lyx_cb.h"
#include "lyxlookup.h"
#include "bufferlist.h"

//  $Id: lyx_gui.C,v 1.7 1998/10/16 16:59:01 larsbj Exp $

#if !defined(lint) && !defined(WITH_WARNINGS)
static char vcid[] = "$Id: lyx_gui.C,v 1.7 1998/10/16 16:59:01 larsbj Exp $";
#endif /* lint */

#include "banner_bw.xbm"
#include "banner.xpm"

FD_form_title *fd_form_title;
FD_form_paragraph *fd_form_paragraph;
FD_form_paragraph_extra *fd_form_paragraph_extra;
FD_form_search *fd_form_search;
FD_form_character *fd_form_character;
FD_form_document *fd_form_document;
FD_form_paper *fd_form_paper;
FD_form_table_options *fd_form_table_options;
FD_form_table_extra *fd_form_table_extra;
FD_form_quotes *fd_form_quotes;
FD_form_preamble *fd_form_preamble;
FD_form_table *fd_form_table;
FD_form_print *fd_form_print;
FD_form_sendto *fd_form_sendto;
FD_form_figure *fd_form_figure;
FD_form_screen *fd_form_screen;
FD_form_toc *fd_form_toc;
FD_form_ref *fd_form_ref;
FD_LaTeXOptions *fd_latex_options; // from latexoptions.h
FD_LaTeXLog *fd_latex_log; // from latexoptions.h
Combox *combo_language;

extern LyXServer *lyxserver;
extern bool finished; // flag, that we are quitting the program
extern BufferList bufferlist;

FL_CMD_OPT cmdopt[] =
 {"-width""*.width", XrmoptionSepArg, "690"},
 {"-height""*.height", XrmoptionSepArg, "510"},
 {"-xpos""*.xpos", XrmoptionSepArg, "-1"},
 {"-ypos""*.ypos", XrmoptionSepArg, "-1"},
 {"-Reverse""*.Reverse", XrmoptionNoArg, "1"},
 {"-Mono""*.Mono", XrmoptionNoArg, "1"},
 {"-FastSelection""*.FastSelection", XrmoptionNoArg, "1"},
 {"-MathColor""*.MathColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "blue"},
 {"-MathFrameColor""*.MathFrameColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "magenta"},
 {"-FootColor""*.FootColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "red"}, 
 {"-NewLineColor""*.NewLineColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "red"},
 {"-LabelColor""*.LabelColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "palegreen"},
 {"-FillColor""*.FillColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "magenta"},
 {"-OnOffLineColor""*.OnOffLineColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "magenta"},
 {"-LatexColor""*.LatexColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "red"},
 {"-NoteColor""*.NoteColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "yellow"},
 {"-NoteFrameColor""*.NoteFrameColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "black"},
 {"-LightedColor""*.LightedColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "gray80"},
 {"-BackgroundColor""*.BackgroundColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "linen"},
 {"-SelectionColor""*.SelectionColor", XrmoptionSepArg, "lightblue"}

static int width;
static int height;
static int xpos;
static int ypos;
int    reverse_video;
int    mono_video;
int    fast_selection;
bool    cursor_follows_scrollbar;
char    math_color[32];
char    math_frame_color[32];
char    foot_color[32];
char       new_line_color[32];
char    label_color[32];
char    fill_color[32];
char    on_off_line_color[32];
char    latex_color[32];
char    note_color[32];
char       note_frame_color[32];
char    lighted_color[32];
LString    background_color;
char    b_c[32];
char    selection_color[32];

FL_resource res[] =
 {"width""widthClass", FL_INT, &width, "690"},
 {"height""heightClass", FL_INT, &height, "510"},
 {"xpos""xposClass", FL_INT, &xpos, "-1"},
 {"ypos""yposClass", FL_INT, &ypos, "-1"},
 {"Reverse""reverseClass", FL_INT, &reverse_video, "0"},
 {"Mono""monoClass", FL_INT, &mono_video, "0"},
 {"FastSelection""selectionClass", FL_INT, &fast_selection, "0"},
 {"MathColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, math_color, "blue", 31},
 {"MathFrameColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, math_frame_color, "magenta", 31},
 {"FootColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, foot_color, "red", 31},
 {"NewLineColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, new_line_color, "red", 31},
 {"LabelColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, label_color, "palegreen", 31},
 {"FillColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, fill_color, "magenta", 31},
 {"OnOffLineColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, on_off_line_color, "magenta", 31},
 {"LatexColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, latex_color, "red", 31},
 {"NoteColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, note_color, "yellow", 31},
 {"NoteFrameColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, note_frame_color, "black", 31},
 {"LightedColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, lighted_color, "gray80", 31},
 {"BackgroundColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, b_c, "linen", 31},
 {"SelectionColor""colorClass", FL_STRING, selection_color, "lightblue", 31}

static int LyX_XErrHandler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *xeev)
//#warning Please see if you can trigger this!
 // emergency save
 if (!bufferlist.isEmpty())

 // Get the reason for the crash.
 char etxt[513];
 XGetErrorText(display, xeev->error_code, etxt, 512);
 // By doing an abort we get a nice backtrace. (hopefully)
 return 0; // Solaris CC wants us to return something

LyXGUI::LyXGUI(LyX *owner, int *argc, char *argv[], bool GUI)
 gui = GUI;
 if (!gui)

 static const int num_res = sizeof(res)/sizeof(FL_resource);
 fl_initialize(argc, argv, "LyX", cmdopt, num_res);
 fl_get_app_resources(res, num_res);
 fcntl(ConnectionNumber(fl_get_display()), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 // X Error handler install goes here
 background_color = b_c;
 // Make sure default screen is not larger than monitor
 if (width == 690 && height == 510) {
  Screen * scr=(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(fl_get_display()));
  if (HeightOfScreen(scr)-24<height)
   height = HeightOfScreen(scr)-24;
  if (WidthOfScreen(scr)-8<width)
   width = WidthOfScreen(scr)-8;


// A destructor is always necessary  (asierra-970604)
        // Lyxserver was created in this class so should be destroyed
        // here.  asierra-970604
        if (lyxserver) {
  delete lyxserver;
  lyxserver = 0;



void LyXGUI::setDefaults()
 FL_IOPT cntl;
 cntl.buttonFontSize = FL_NORMAL_SIZE;
 cntl.browserFontSize = FL_NORMAL_SIZE;
 cntl.labelFontSize = FL_NORMAL_SIZE;
 cntl.choiceFontSize = FL_NORMAL_SIZE;
 cntl.inputFontSize = FL_NORMAL_SIZE;
 cntl.menuFontSize  = FL_NORMAL_SIZE;
 cntl.borderWidth = -1;
 cntl.vclass = FL_DefaultVisual;
   | FL_PDButtonFontSize
   | FL_PDBrowserFontSize
   | FL_PDLabelFontSize
   | FL_PDChoiceFontSize
   | FL_PDInputFontSize
   | FL_PDMenuFontSize
   | FL_PDBorderWidth, &cntl);

// This is called after we have parsed lyxrc
void LyXGUI::init()
 if (!gui)

 // Set the font name for popups and menus
        LString menufontname = lyxrc->menu_font_name 
                 + "-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-"  
                 + lyxrc->font_norm; 
  // "?" means "scale that font"
        LString popupfontname = lyxrc->popup_font_name 
                 + "-*-*-*-?-*-*-*-*-"  
                 + lyxrc->font_norm; 
#if FL_REVISION > 85
        if (fl_set_font_name(FL_BOLD_STYLE, menufontname.c_str()) < 0)
        int nfonts;
        char ** list = XListFonts(fl_display, menufontname.c_str(), 
      1, &nfonts);
        if (nfonts > 0)
                fl_set_font_name(FL_BOLD_STYLE, menufontname.c_str());
                lyxerr.print("Could not set menu font to " + menufontname);

#if FL_REVISION > 85
        if (fl_set_font_name(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, popupfontname.c_str()) < 0)
        list = XListFonts(fl_display, popupfontname.c_str(), 
     1, &nfonts);
        if (nfonts > 0)
                fl_set_font_name(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, popupfontname.c_str());
                lyxerr.print("Could not set popup font to " + popupfontname);

  // put here (after fl_initialize) to avoid segfault. Cannot be done
 // in setDefaults() (Matthias 140496)
 // Moved from ::LyXGUI to ::init to allow popup font customization 
 // (petr 120997).
 fl_set_goodies_font(FL_NORMAL_STYLE, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);

        // all lyxrc settings has to be done here as lyxrc has not yet
        // been read when the GUI is created (Jug)

 // the print form
 // the sendto form
        if (!lyxrc->custom_export_command.empty())
 if (lyxrc->custom_export_format == "lyx")
  fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_lyx, 1);
 else if (lyxrc->custom_export_format == "tex")
  fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_latex, 1);
 else if (lyxrc->custom_export_format == "dvi")
  fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_dvi, 1);
 else if (lyxrc->custom_export_format == "ps")
  fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_ps, 1);
        else if (lyxrc->custom_export_format == "ascii")
                fl_set_button(fd_form_sendto->radio_ftype_ascii, 1);

 // Update parameters.

 // Initialize the views.

 // in 0.12 the initialisation of the LyXServer must be done here
 // 0.13 it should be moved again...
 lyxserver = new LyXServer(lyxViews->getLyXFunc(), lyxrc->lyxpipes);

 // This is to make sure we get the selection color
 // This is to make sure we set the background_pixels

void LyXGUI::create_forms()
 lyxerr.debug("Initializing LyXView...");
 lyxViews = new LyXView(width, height);
 lyxerr.debug("Initializing LyXView...done");

 // From here down should be done by somebody else. (Lgb)

 // Create forms

 // the title form
 fd_form_title = create_form_form_title();
 fl_set_form_dblbuffer(fd_form_title->form_title, 1); // use dbl buffer
 fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_title->form_title, CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
 FL_OBJECT *obj = fl_add_bitmapbutton(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,0,0,425,290,"");
       banner_bw_height, banner_bw_bits);
 FL_OBJECT *obj = fl_add_pixmapbutton(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON,0,0,425,290,"");
   fl_set_pixmapbutton_data(obj, (char**)banner);
#if FL_REVISION > 85
   fl_set_button_shortcut(obj,"^M ^[",1);

 obj = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT,248,265,170,16, LYX_VERSION);
//   fl_set_object_color(obj,FL_WHITE, FL_WHITE);
//   fl_set_object_lcol(obj,FL_BLACK);
          fl_mapcolor(FL_FREE_COL2, 0x05, 0x2e, 0x4c);
          fl_mapcolor(FL_FREE_COL3, 0xe1, 0xd2, 0x9b);
   fl_set_object_color(obj,FL_FREE_COL2, FL_FREE_COL2);

 // the paragraph form
 fd_form_paragraph = create_form_form_paragraph();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
   _(" None | Defskip | Smallskip "
   "| Medskip | Bigskip | VFill | Length "));
   _(" None | Defskip | Smallskip "
   "| Medskip | Bigskip | VFill | Length ")); 

        // the paragraph extra form
 fd_form_paragraph_extra = create_form_form_paragraph_extra();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the search form
 fd_form_search = create_form_form_search();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the character form
 fd_form_character = create_form_form_character();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
   _(" No change %l| Roman | Sans Serif | Typewriter %l| Reset "));
   _(" No change %l| Medium | Bold %l| Reset "));
   _(" No change %l| Upright | Italic | Slanted | Small Caps "
   "%l| Reset "));
   _(" No change %l| Tiny | Smallest | Smaller | Small "
   "| Normal | Large | Larger | Largest | Huge | Huger "
   "%l| Increase | Decrease | Reset "));
   _(" No change %l| Emph | Underbar | Noun | LaTeX mode %l| Reset "));
   _(" No change %l| No color | Black | White | Red | Green "
   "| Blue | Cyan | Magenta | Yellow %l| Reset "));

 // the document form
 fd_form_document = create_form_form_document();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
   _(" Single | OneHalf | Double | Other "));

 fl_set_counter_precision(fd_form_document->slider_secnumdepth, 0);
 fl_set_counter_precision(fd_form_document->slider_tocdepth, 0);
 combo_language = new Combox(FL_COMBOX_DROPLIST);
 FL_OBJECT *ob = fd_form_document->choice_language;
 combo_language->add(ob->x, ob->y, ob->w, ob->h, 200);
 int n; // declared here because DEC cxx does not like multiple
        // declarations of variables in for() loops (JMarc)
        for (n=0; tex_babel[n][0]; n++) {

 // not really necessary, but we can do it anyway.
 fl_addto_choice(fd_form_document->choice_fontsize, "default|10|11|12");
        for (n=0; tex_fonts[n][0]; n++) {


        for (n=0; tex_graphics[n][0]; n++) {
 // not really necessary, but we can do it anyway.
   _(" Smallskip | Medskip | Bigskip | Length "));

        // the paper form
 fd_form_paper = create_form_form_paper();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
   _(" Default | Custom | USletter | USlegal "
                        "| USexecutive | A3 | A4 | A5 | B3 | B4 | B5 "));
   _(" None "
   "| A4 small Margins (only portrait) "
   "| A4 very small Margins (only portrait) "
   "| A4 very wide margins (only portrait) "));

        // the table_options form
 fd_form_table_options = create_form_form_table_options();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

        // the table_extra form
 fd_form_table_extra = create_form_form_table_extra();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the quotes form
 fd_form_quotes = create_form_form_quotes();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
 // Is it wrong of me to use « » instead of << >> ? (Lgb)
 // Maybe if people use a font other than latin1... (JMarc)
   _(" ``text'' | ''text'' | ,,text`` | ,,text'' | «text» | »text« "));

 // the preamble form
 fd_form_preamble = create_form_form_preamble();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the table form
 fd_form_table = create_form_form_table();
 fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_table->form_table, CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
 fl_set_slider_value(fd_form_table->slider_rows, 5);
 fl_set_slider_value(fd_form_table->slider_columns, 5);
 fl_set_slider_precision(fd_form_table->slider_rows, 0);
 fl_set_slider_precision(fd_form_table->slider_columns, 0);

 // the print form
 fd_form_print = create_form_form_print();
 fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_print->form_print, CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
        fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_printer, 1);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_file, 0);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_order_normal, 1);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_order_reverse, 0);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_all_pages, 1);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_odd_pages, 0);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_print->radio_even_pages, 0);

 // the sendto form
 fd_form_sendto = create_form_form_sendto();

 // the figure form
 fd_form_figure = create_form_form_figure();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);
 fl_set_button(fd_form_figure->radio_postscript, 1);

 // the screen form
 fd_form_screen = create_form_form_screen();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the toc form
 fd_form_toc = create_form_form_toc();
 fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_toc->form_toc, CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the ref form
 fd_form_ref = create_form_form_ref();
 fl_set_form_atclose(fd_form_ref->form_ref, CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the latex options form
 fd_latex_options = create_form_LaTeXOptions();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // the latex log form
 fd_latex_log = create_form_LaTeXLog();
       CancelCloseBoxCB, NULL);

 // Show the main & title form
 int main_placement = FL_PLACE_CENTER | FL_FREE_SIZE;
 int title_placement = FL_PLACE_CENTER;
 // Did we get a valid position?
 if (xpos>=0 && ypos>=0) {
  lyxViews->setPosition(xpos, ypos);
  // show the title form in the middle of the main form
   abs(xpos + (width/2) - (370 / 2)),
   abs(ypos + (height/2) - (290 / 2)));
  // The use of abs() above is a trick to ensure valid positions
  main_placement = FL_PLACE_POSITION;
  title_placement = FL_PLACE_GEOMETRY;
 lyxViews->show(main_placement, FL_FULLBORDER, "LyX");
       title_placement, FL_NOBORDER, 
       _("LyX Banner"));

 // Show the title form at most 7 secs (lowered from 10 secs)
 fl_set_timer(fd_form_title->timer_title, 7);

void LyXGUI::runTime()
 /* This will usually be toolkit (GUI) specific. This is
 * also usually the XEvent dispatcher of the GUI. */

 if (!gui)

 // XForms specific
 XEvent ev;

 while (!finished) {
  if (fl_check_forms() == FL_EVENT) {
   lyxerr.print("LyX: This shouldn't happen...");

void LyXGUI::regBuf(Buffer *b)

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