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# -*- mode: makefile -*-
# Dune Makefile for Coq

.PHONY: help voboot states world watch check          # Main developer targets
.PHONY: coq coqide coqide-server                      # Package targets
.PHONY: quickbyte quickopt quickide                   # Partial / quick developer targets
.PHONY: refman-html stdlib-html apidoc                # Documentation targets
.PHONY: test-suite release                            # Accessory targets
.PHONY: ocheck trunk ireport clean                    # Maintenance targets

# use DUNEOPT=--display=short for a more verbose build
# DUNEOPT=--display=short


 @echo "Welcome to Coq's Dune-based build system. Targets are:"
 @echo ""
 @echo " - states: build a minimal functional coqtop"
 @echo " - world: build all binaries and libraries"
 @echo " - watch: build all binaries and libraries [continuous build]"
 @echo " - check: build all ML files as fast as possible"
 @echo ""
 @echo " - coq: build package Coq [toplevel compilers, tools, stdlib, no GTK]"
 @echo " - coqide-server: build package coqide-server [XML protocol language server]"
 @echo " - coqide: build package CoqIDE [gtk application]"
 @echo ""
 @echo " - quickbyte: build main ML files [coqtop + plugins + ide + printers] using the bytecode compiler"
 @echo " - quickopt: build main ML files [coqtop + plugins + ide + printers] using the optimizing compiler"
 @echo " - quickide: build main IDE files [client + server + prelude] using the optimizing compiler"
 @echo ""
 @echo " - test-suite: run Coq's test suite"
 @echo " - refman-html: build Coq's reference manual [HTML version]"
 @echo " - stdlib-html: build Coq's Stdlib documentation [HTML version]"
 @echo " - apidoc: build ML API documentation"
 @echo " - release: build Coq in release mode"
 @echo ""
 @echo " - ocheck: build for all supported OCaml versions [requires OPAM]"
 @echo " - trunk: build with a configuration compatible with OCaml trunk"
 @echo " - ireport: build with optimized flambda settings and emit an inline report"
 @echo " - clean: remove build directory and autogenerated files"
 @echo " - help: show this message"

# We need to bootstrap with a dummy coq.plugins.ltac so install targets do work.
 @echo "(library (name ltac_plugin) (public_name coq.plugins.ltac) (modules_without_implementation extraargs extratactics))" > plugins/ltac/dune

voboot: plugins/ltac/dune
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @vodeps
 dune exec ./tools/coq_dune.exe $(BUILD_CONTEXT)/.vfiles.d

states: voboot
 dune build --display=short $(DUNEOPT) dev/shim/coqtop-prelude

world: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @install

coq: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) coq.install

coqide: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) coqide.install

coqide-server: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) coqide-server.install

watch: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @install -w

check: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @check

COQTOP_FILES=ide/idetop.bc ide/coqide_main.bc checker/coqchk.bc
PLUGIN_FILES=$(wildcard plugins/*/*.mlpack)
QUICKBYTE_TARGETS=$(COQTOP_FILES) $(PLUGIN_FILES:.mlpack=.cma) $(PRINTER_FILES) topbin/coqtop_byte_bin.bc
QUICKOPT_TARGETS=$(COQTOP_FILES:.bc=.exe) $(PLUGIN_FILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) $(PRINTER_FILES:.cma=.cmxa) topbin/coqtop_bin.exe

quickbyte: voboot

quickopt: voboot

quickide: states
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) dev/shim/coqide-prelude

test-suite: voboot
 dune runtest --no-buffer $(DUNEOPT)

refman-html: voboot
 dune build @refman-html

stdlib-html: voboot
 dune build @stdlib-html

apidoc: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @doc

release: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) -p coq

ocheck: voboot
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @install --workspace=dev/dune-workspace.all

 dune build $(DUNEOPT) --profile=ocaml409 @vodeps
 dune exec coq_dune $(BUILD_CONTEXT)/.vfiles.d
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) --profile=ocaml409 coq.install coqide-server.install

 dune clean
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @vodeps --profile=ireport
 dune exec coq_dune $(BUILD_CONTEXT)/.vfiles.d --profile=ireport
 dune build $(DUNEOPT) @install --profile=ireport

 dune clean

# Other common dev targets:
# dune build coq.install
# dune build coqide.install
# Packaging / OPAM targets:
# dune -p coq @install
# dune -p coqide @install

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