(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
type loc = {
loc_start : Lexing.position;
loc_end : Lexing.position;
type code = { code : string; loc : loc; }
type user_symbol =
| Ulist1 of user_symbol
| Ulist1sep of user_symbol * string
| Ulist0 of user_symbol
| Ulist0sep of user_symbol * string
| Uopt of user_symbol
| Uentry of string
| Uentryl of string * int
type token_data =
| TokNone
| TokName of string
type ext_token =
| ExtTerminal of string
| ExtNonTerminal of user_symbol * token_data
type tactic_rule = {
tac_toks : ext_token list;
tac_body : code;
type level = string
type position =
| First
| Last
| Before of level
| After of level
| Level of level
type assoc =
| LeftA
| RightA
| NonA
type gram_symbol =
| GSymbString of string
| GSymbQualid of string * level option
| GSymbParen of gram_symbol list
| GSymbProd of gram_prod list
and gram_prod = {
gprod_symbs : (string option * gram_symbol list) list;
gprod_body : code;
type symb =
| SymbToken of string * string option
| SymbEntry of string * string option
| SymbSelf
| SymbNext
| SymbList0 of symb * symb option
| SymbList1 of symb * symb option
| SymbOpt of symb
| SymbRules of ((string option * symb) list * code) list
| SymbQuote of string (** Not used by GRAMMAR EXTEND *)
type gram_rule = {
grule_label : string option;
grule_assoc : assoc option;
grule_prods : gram_prod list;
type grammar_entry = {
gentry_name : string;
gentry_pos : position option;
gentry_rules : gram_rule list;
type grammar_ext = {
gramext_name : string;
gramext_globals : string list;
gramext_entries : grammar_entry list;
type tactic_ext = {
tacext_name : string;
tacext_level : int option;
tacext_deprecated : code option;
tacext_rules : tactic_rule list;
type classification =
| ClassifDefault
| ClassifCode of code
| ClassifName of string
type vernac_rule = {
vernac_atts : (string * string) list option;
vernac_state: string option;
vernac_toks : ext_token list;
vernac_class : code option;
vernac_depr : bool;
vernac_body : code;
type vernac_ext = {
vernacext_name : string;
vernacext_entry : code option;
vernacext_class : classification;
vernacext_rules : vernac_rule list;
type vernac_argument_ext = {
vernacargext_name : string;
vernacargext_printer : code option;
vernacargext_rules : tactic_rule list;
type argument_type =
| ListArgType of argument_type
| OptArgType of argument_type
| PairArgType of argument_type * argument_type
| ExtraArgType of string
type argument_ext = {
argext_name : string;
argext_rules : tactic_rule list;
argext_type : argument_type option;
argext_interp : code option;
argext_glob : code option;
argext_subst : code option;
argext_rprinter : code option;
argext_gprinter : code option;
argext_tprinter : code option;
type node =
| Code of code
| Comment of string
| DeclarePlugin of string
| GramExt of grammar_ext
| VernacExt of vernac_ext
| VernacArgumentExt of vernac_argument_ext
| TacticExt of tactic_ext
| ArgumentExt of argument_ext
type t = node list
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.