(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
(* Dump of globalization (to be used by coqdoc) *)
let glob_file = ref Pervasives.stdout
let open_glob_file f =
glob_file := Pervasives.open_out f
let close_glob_file () =
Pervasives.close_out !glob_file
type glob_output =
| NoGlob
| Feedback
| MultFiles
| File of string
let glob_output = ref NoGlob
let dump () = !glob_output <> NoGlob
let set_glob_output mode =
glob_output := mode
let dump_string s =
if dump () && !glob_output != Feedback then
Pervasives.output_string !glob_file s
let start_dump_glob ~vfile ~vofile =
match !glob_output with
| MultFiles ->
open_glob_file (Filename.chop_extension vofile ^ ".glob");
output_string !glob_file "DIGEST ";
output_string !glob_file (Digest.to_hex (Digest.file vfile));
output_char !glob_file '\n'
| File f ->
open_glob_file f;
output_string !glob_file "DIGEST NO\n"
| NoGlob | Feedback ->
let end_dump_glob () =
match !glob_output with
| MultFiles | File _ -> close_glob_file ()
| NoGlob | Feedback -> ()
let previous_state = ref MultFiles
let pause () = previous_state := !glob_output; glob_output := NoGlob
let continue () = glob_output := !previous_state
open Decl_kinds
open Declarations
let type_of_logical_kind = function
| IsDefinition def ->
(match def with
| Definition | Let -> "def"
| Coercion -> "coe"
| SubClass -> "subclass"
| CanonicalStructure -> "canonstruc"
| Example -> "ex"
| Fixpoint -> "def"
| CoFixpoint -> "def"
| Scheme -> "scheme"
| StructureComponent -> "proj"
| IdentityCoercion -> "coe"
| Instance -> "inst"
| Method -> "meth")
| IsAssumption a ->
(match a with
| Definitional -> "defax"
| Logical -> "prfax"
| Conjectural -> "prfax")
| IsProof th ->
(match th with
| Theorem
| Lemma
| Fact
| Remark
| Property
| Proposition
| Corollary -> "thm")
| IsPrimitive -> "prim"
let type_of_global_ref gr =
if Typeclasses.is_class gr then
match gr with
| Globnames.ConstRef cst ->
type_of_logical_kind (Decls.constant_kind cst)
| Globnames.VarRef v ->
"var" ^ type_of_logical_kind (Decls.variable_kind v)
| Globnames.IndRef ind ->
let (mib,oib) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env ()) ind in
if mib.Declarations.mind_record <> Declarations.NotRecord then
begin match mib.Declarations.mind_finite with
| Finite -> "indrec"
| BiFinite -> "rec"
| CoFinite -> "corec"
begin match mib.Declarations.mind_finite with
| Finite -> "ind"
| BiFinite -> "variant"
| CoFinite -> "coind"
| Globnames.ConstructRef _ -> "constr"
let remove_sections dir =
let cwd = Lib.cwd_except_section () in
if Libnames.is_dirpath_prefix_of cwd dir then
(* Not yet (fully) discharged *)
(* Theorem/Lemma outside its outer section of definition *)
let interval loc =
let loc1,loc2 = Loc.unloc loc in
loc1, loc2-1
let dump_ref ?loc filepath modpath ident ty =
match !glob_output with
| Feedback ->
Option.iter (fun loc ->
Feedback.feedback (Feedback.GlobRef (loc, filepath, modpath, ident, ty))
) loc
| NoGlob -> ()
| _ -> Option.iter (fun loc ->
let bl,el = interval loc in
dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s %s %s %s\n"
bl el filepath modpath ident ty)
) loc
let dump_reference ?loc modpath ident ty =
let filepath = Names.DirPath.to_string (Lib.library_dp ()) in
dump_ref ?loc filepath modpath ident ty
let dump_modref ?loc mp ty =
let (dp, l) = Lib.split_modpath mp in
let filepath = Names.DirPath.to_string dp in
let modpath = Names.DirPath.to_string (Names.DirPath.make l) in
let ident = "<>" in
dump_ref ?loc filepath modpath ident ty
let dump_libref ?loc dp ty =
dump_ref ?loc (Names.DirPath.to_string dp) "<>" "<>" ty
let cook_notation (from,df) sc =
(* We encode notations so that they are space-free and still human-readable *)
(* - all spaces are replaced by _ *)
(* - all _ denoting a non-terminal symbol are replaced by x *)
(* - all terminal tokens are surrounded by single quotes, including '_' *)
(* which already denotes terminal _ *)
(* - all single quotes in terminal tokens are doubled *)
(* - characters < 32 are represented by '^A, '^B, '^C, etc *)
(* The output is decoded in function Index.prepare_entry of coqdoc *)
let ntn = Bytes.make (String.length df * 5) '_' in
let j = ref 0 in
let l = String.length df - 1 in
let i = ref 0 in
let open Bytes in (* Bytes.set *)
while !i <= l do
assert (df.[!i] != ' ');
if df.[!i] == '_' && (Int.equal !i l || df.[!i+1] == ' ') then
(* Next token is a non-terminal *)
(set ntn !j 'x'; incr j; incr i)
else begin
(* Next token is a terminal *)
set ntn !j '\''; incr j;
while !i <= l && df.[!i] != ' ' do
if df.[!i] < ' ' then
let c = char_of_int (int_of_char 'A' + int_of_char df.[!i] - 1) in
(String.blit ("'^" ^ String.make 1 c) 0 ntn !j 3; j := !j+3; incr i)
else begin
if df.[!i] == '\'' then (set ntn !j '\''; incr j);
set ntn !j df.[!i]; incr j; incr i
set ntn !j '\''; incr j
if !i <= l then (set ntn !j '_'; incr j; incr i)
let df = Bytes.sub_string ntn 0 !j in
let df_sc = match sc with Some sc -> ":" ^ sc ^ ":" ^ df | _ -> "::" ^ df in
let from_df_sc = match from with Constrexpr.InCustomEntryLevel (from,_) -> ":" ^ from ^ df_sc | Constrexpr.InConstrEntrySomeLevel -> ":" ^ df_sc in
let dump_notation_location posl df (((path,secpath),_),sc) =
if dump () then
let path = Names.DirPath.to_string path in
let secpath = Names.DirPath.to_string secpath in
let df = cook_notation df sc in
List.iter (fun l ->
dump_ref ~loc:(Loc.make_loc l) path secpath df "not")
let add_glob_gen ?loc sp lib_dp ty =
if dump () then
let mod_dp,id = Libnames.repr_path sp in
let mod_dp = remove_sections mod_dp in
let mod_dp_trunc = Libnames.drop_dirpath_prefix lib_dp mod_dp in
let filepath = Names.DirPath.to_string lib_dp in
let modpath = Names.DirPath.to_string mod_dp_trunc in
let ident = Names.Id.to_string id in
dump_ref ?loc filepath modpath ident ty
let add_glob ?loc ref =
if dump () then
let sp = Nametab.path_of_global ref in
let lib_dp = Lib.library_part ref in
let ty = type_of_global_ref ref in
add_glob_gen ?loc sp lib_dp ty
let mp_of_kn kn =
let mp,l = Names.KerName.repr kn in
Names.MPdot (mp,l)
let add_glob_kn ?loc kn =
if dump () then
let sp = Nametab.path_of_syndef kn in
let lib_dp = Lib.dp_of_mp (mp_of_kn kn) in
add_glob_gen ?loc sp lib_dp "syndef"
let dump_binding ?loc id = ()
let dump_def ?loc ty secpath id = Option.iter (fun loc ->
if !glob_output = Feedback then
Feedback.feedback (Feedback.GlobDef (loc, id, secpath, ty))
let bl,el = interval loc in
dump_string (Printf.sprintf "%s %d:%d %s %s\n" ty bl el secpath id)
) loc
let dump_definition {CAst.loc;v=id} sec s =
dump_def ?loc s (Names.DirPath.to_string (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (Names.Id.to_string id)
let dump_constraint { CAst.loc; v = n } sec ty =
match n with
| Names.Name id -> dump_definition CAst.(make ?loc id) sec ty
| Names.Anonymous -> ()
let dump_moddef ?loc mp ty =
let (dp, l) = Lib.split_modpath mp in
let mp = Names.DirPath.to_string (Names.DirPath.make l) in
dump_def ?loc ty "<>" mp
let dump_notation (loc,(df,_)) sc sec = Option.iter (fun loc ->
(* We dump the location of the opening '"' *)
let i = fst (Loc.unloc loc) in
let location = (Loc.make_loc (i, i+1)) in
dump_def ~loc:location "not" (Names.DirPath.to_string (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (cook_notation df sc)
) loc
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