(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* File created around Apr 1994 for CiC V5.10.5 by Chet Murthy collecting
parts of file initial.ml from CoC V4.8, Dec 1988, by Gérard Huet,
Thierry Coquand and Christine Paulin *)
(* Hash-consing by Bruno Barras in Feb 1998 *)
(* Extra functions for splitting/generation of identifiers by Hugo Herbelin *)
(* Restructuration by Jacek Chrzaszcz as part of the implementation of
the module system, Aug 2002 *)
(* Abstraction over the type of constant for module inlining by Claudio
Sacerdoti, Nov 2004 *)
(* Miscellaneous features or improvements by Hugo Herbelin,
Élie Soubiran, ... *)
open Pp
open Util
(** {6 Identifiers } *)
(** Representation and operations on identifiers. *)
module Id =
type t = string
let equal = String.equal
let compare = String.compare
let hash = String.hash
let check_valid ?(strict=true) x =
let iter (fatal, x) = if fatal || strict then CErrors.user_err Pp.(str x) in
Option.iter iter (Unicode.ident_refutation x)
let is_valid s = match Unicode.ident_refutation s with
| None -> true
| Some _ -> false
let of_bytes s =
let s = Bytes.to_string s in
check_valid s;
String.hcons s
let of_string s =
let () = check_valid s in
String.hcons s
let of_string_soft s =
let () = check_valid ~strict:false s in
String.hcons s
let to_string id = id
let print id = str id
module Self =
type t = string
let compare = compare
module Set = Set.Make(Self)
module Map = CMap.Make(Self)
module Pred = Predicate.Make(Self)
module List = String.List
let hcons = String.hcons
(** Representation and operations on identifiers that are allowed to be anonymous
(i.e. "_" in concrete syntax). *)
module Name =
type t = Anonymous (** anonymous identifier *)
| Name of Id.t (** non-anonymous identifier *)
let mk_name id =
Name id
let is_anonymous = function
| Anonymous -> true
| Name _ -> false
let is_name = is_anonymous %> not
let compare n1 n2 = match n1, n2 with
| Anonymous, Anonymous -> 0
| Name id1, Name id2 -> Id.compare id1 id2
| Anonymous, Name _ -> -1
| Name _, Anonymous -> 1
let equal n1 n2 = match n1, n2 with
| Anonymous, Anonymous -> true
| Name id1, Name id2 -> String.equal id1 id2
| _ -> false
let hash = function
| Anonymous -> 0
| Name id -> Id.hash id
let print = function
| Anonymous -> str "_"
| Name id -> Id.print id
module Self_Hashcons =
type nonrec t = t
type u = Id.t -> Id.t
let hashcons hident = function
| Name id -> Name (hident id)
| n -> n
let eq n1 n2 =
n1 == n2 ||
match (n1,n2) with
| (Name id1, Name id2) -> id1 == id2
| (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> true
| _ -> false
let hash = hash
module Hname = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hname.generate Hname.hcons Id.hcons
(** Alias, to import constructors. *)
type name = Name.t = Anonymous | Name of Id.t
(** {6 Various types based on identifiers } *)
type variable = Id.t
type module_ident = Id.t
module ModIdset = Id.Set
module ModIdmap = Id.Map
(** {6 Directory paths = section names paths } *)
(** Dirpaths are lists of module identifiers.
The actual representation is reversed to optimise sharing:
Coq.A.B is ["B";"A";"Coq"] *)
let default_module_name = "If you see this, it's a bug"
module DirPath =
type t = module_ident list
let compare = List.compare Id.compare
let equal = List.equal Id.equal
let rec hash accu = function
| [] -> accu
| id :: dp ->
let accu = Hashset.Combine.combine (Id.hash id) accu in
hash accu dp
let hash dp = hash 0 dp
let make x = x
let repr x = x
let empty = []
let is_empty = List.is_empty
let to_string = function
| [] -> "<>"
| sl -> String.concat "." (List.rev_map Id.to_string sl)
let print dp = str (to_string dp)
let initial = [default_module_name]
module Hdir = Hashcons.Hlist(Id)
let hcons = Hashcons.recursive_hcons Hdir.generate Hdir.hcons Id.hcons
(** {6 Unique names for bound modules } *)
module MBId =
type t = int * Id.t * DirPath.t
let gen =
let seed = ref 0 in fun () ->
let ans = !seed in
let () = incr seed in
let make dir s = (gen(), s, dir)
let repr mbid = mbid
let to_string (_i, s, p) =
DirPath.to_string p ^ "." ^ s
let debug_to_string (i, s, p) =
"<"^DirPath.to_string p ^"#" ^ s ^"#"^ string_of_int i^">"
let compare (x : t) (y : t) =
if x == y then 0
else match (x, y) with
| (nl, idl, dpl), (nr, idr, dpr) ->
let ans = Int.compare nl nr in
if not (Int.equal ans 0) then ans
let ans = Id.compare idl idr in
if not (Int.equal ans 0) then ans
DirPath.compare dpl dpr
let equal x y = x == y ||
let (i1, id1, p1) = x in
let (i2, id2, p2) = y in
Int.equal i1 i2 && Id.equal id1 id2 && DirPath.equal p1 p2
let to_id (_, s, _) = s
open Hashset.Combine
let hash (i, id, dp) =
combine3 (Int.hash i) (Id.hash id) (DirPath.hash dp)
module Self_Hashcons =
type nonrec t = t
type u = (Id.t -> Id.t) * (DirPath.t -> DirPath.t)
let hashcons (hid,hdir) (n,s,dir) = (n,hid s,hdir dir)
let eq ((n1,s1,dir1) as x) ((n2,s2,dir2) as y) =
(x == y) ||
(Int.equal n1 n2 && s1 == s2 && dir1 == dir2)
let hash = hash
module HashMBId = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons HashMBId.generate HashMBId.hcons (Id.hcons, DirPath.hcons)
module MBImap = CMap.Make(MBId)
module MBIset = Set.Make(MBId)
(** {6 Names of structure elements } *)
module Label =
include Id
let make = Id.of_string
let of_id id = id
let to_id id = id
(** {6 The module part of the kernel name } *)
module ModPath = struct
type t =
| MPfile of DirPath.t
| MPbound of MBId.t
| MPdot of t * Label.t
type module_path = t
let rec is_bound = function
| MPbound _ -> true
| MPdot(mp,_) -> is_bound mp
| _ -> false
let rec to_string = function
| MPfile sl -> DirPath.to_string sl
| MPbound uid -> MBId.to_string uid
| MPdot (mp,l) -> to_string mp ^ "." ^ Label.to_string l
let rec debug_to_string = function
| MPfile sl -> DirPath.to_string sl
| MPbound uid -> MBId.debug_to_string uid
| MPdot (mp,l) -> debug_to_string mp ^ "." ^ Label.to_string l
(** we compare labels first if both are MPdots *)
let rec compare mp1 mp2 =
if mp1 == mp2 then 0
else match mp1, mp2 with
| MPfile p1, MPfile p2 -> DirPath.compare p1 p2
| MPbound id1, MPbound id2 -> MBId.compare id1 id2
| MPdot (mp1, l1), MPdot (mp2, l2) ->
let c = String.compare l1 l2 in
if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
else compare mp1 mp2
| MPfile _, _ -> -1
| MPbound _, MPfile _ -> 1
| MPbound _, MPdot _ -> -1
| MPdot _, _ -> 1
let rec equal mp1 mp2 = mp1 == mp2 ||
match mp1, mp2 with
| MPfile p1, MPfile p2 -> DirPath.equal p1 p2
| MPbound id1, MPbound id2 -> MBId.equal id1 id2
| MPdot (mp1, l1), MPdot (mp2, l2) -> String.equal l1 l2 && equal mp1 mp2
| (MPfile _ | MPbound _ | MPdot _), _ -> false
open Hashset.Combine
let rec hash = function
| MPfile dp -> combinesmall 1 (DirPath.hash dp)
| MPbound id -> combinesmall 2 (MBId.hash id)
| MPdot (mp, lbl) ->
combinesmall 3 (combine (hash mp) (Label.hash lbl))
let initial = MPfile DirPath.initial
let rec dp = function
| MPfile sl -> sl
| MPbound (_,_,dp) -> dp
| MPdot (mp,_l) -> dp mp
module Self_Hashcons = struct
type t = module_path
type u = (DirPath.t -> DirPath.t) * (MBId.t -> MBId.t) *
(string -> string)
let rec hashcons (hdir,huniqid,hstr as hfuns) = function
| MPfile dir -> MPfile (hdir dir)
| MPbound m -> MPbound (huniqid m)
| MPdot (md,l) -> MPdot (hashcons hfuns md, hstr l)
let eq d1 d2 =
d1 == d2 ||
match d1,d2 with
| MPfile dir1, MPfile dir2 -> dir1 == dir2
| MPbound m1, MPbound m2 -> m1 == m2
| MPdot (mod1,l1), MPdot (mod2,l2) -> l1 == l2 && equal mod1 mod2
| _ -> false
let hash = hash
module HashMP = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
let hcons =
Hashcons.simple_hcons HashMP.generate HashMP.hcons
module MPset = Set.Make(ModPath)
module MPmap = CMap.Make(ModPath)
(** {6 Kernel names } *)
module KerName = struct
type t = {
modpath : ModPath.t;
knlabel : Label.t;
mutable refhash : int;
(** Lazily computed hash. If unset, it is set to negative values. *)
type kernel_name = t
let make modpath knlabel =
{ modpath; knlabel; refhash = -1; }
let repr kn = (kn.modpath, kn.knlabel)
let make2 = make
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Please use [KerName.make]"]
let modpath kn = kn.modpath
let label kn = kn.knlabel
let to_string_gen mp_to_string kn =
mp_to_string kn.modpath ^ "." ^ Label.to_string kn.knlabel
let to_string kn = to_string_gen ModPath.to_string kn
let debug_to_string kn = to_string_gen ModPath.debug_to_string kn
let print kn = str (to_string kn)
let debug_print kn = str (debug_to_string kn)
let compare (kn1 : kernel_name) (kn2 : kernel_name) =
if kn1 == kn2 then 0
let c = String.compare kn1.knlabel kn2.knlabel in
if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
ModPath.compare kn1.modpath kn2.modpath
let equal kn1 kn2 =
let h1 = kn1.refhash in
let h2 = kn2.refhash in
if 0 <= h1 && 0 <= h2 && not (Int.equal h1 h2) then false
Label.equal kn1.knlabel kn2.knlabel &&
ModPath.equal kn1.modpath kn2.modpath
open Hashset.Combine
let hash kn =
let h = kn.refhash in
if h < 0 then
let { modpath = mp; knlabel = lbl; _ } = kn in
let h = combine (ModPath.hash mp) (Label.hash lbl) in
(* Ensure positivity on all platforms. *)
let h = h land 0x3FFFFFFF in
let () = kn.refhash <- h in
else h
module Self_Hashcons = struct
type t = kernel_name
type u = (ModPath.t -> ModPath.t) * (DirPath.t -> DirPath.t)
* (string -> string)
let hashcons (hmod,_hdir,hstr) kn =
let { modpath = mp; knlabel = l; refhash; } = kn in
{ modpath = hmod mp; knlabel = hstr l; refhash; }
let eq kn1 kn2 =
kn1.modpath == kn2.modpath && kn1.knlabel == kn2.knlabel
let hash = hash
module HashKN = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
let hcons =
Hashcons.simple_hcons HashKN.generate HashKN.hcons
module KNmap = HMap.Make(KerName)
module KNpred = Predicate.Make(KerName)
module KNset = KNmap.Set
(** {6 Kernel pairs } *)
(** For constant and inductive names, we use a kernel name couple (kn1,kn2)
where kn1 corresponds to the name used at toplevel (i.e. what the user see)
and kn2 corresponds to the canonical kernel name i.e. in the environment
we have {% kn1 \rhd_{\delta}^* kn2 \rhd_{\delta} t %}
Invariants :
- the user and canonical kn may differ only on their [module_path],
the dirpaths and labels should be the same
- when user and canonical parts differ, we cannot be in a section
anymore, hence the dirpath must be empty
- two pairs with the same user part should have the same canonical part
in a given environment (though with backtracking, the hash-table can
contains pairs with same user part but different canonical part from
a previous state of the session)
Note: since most of the time the canonical and user parts are equal,
we handle this case with a particular constructor to spare some memory *)
module KerPair = struct
type t =
| Same of KerName.t (** user = canonical *)
| Dual of KerName.t * KerName.t (** user then canonical *)
type kernel_pair = t
let canonical = function
| Same kn -> kn
| Dual (_,kn) -> kn
let user = function
| Same kn -> kn
| Dual (kn,_) -> kn
let same kn = Same kn
let make knu knc = if KerName.equal knu knc then Same knc else Dual (knu,knc)
let make1 = same
let make2 mp l = same (KerName.make mp l)
let repr2 kp = KerName.repr (user kp)
let label kp = KerName.label (user kp)
let modpath kp = KerName.modpath (user kp)
let change_label kp lbl =
let (mp1,l1) = KerName.repr (user kp)
and (mp2,l2) = KerName.repr (canonical kp) in
assert (String.equal l1 l2);
if String.equal lbl l1 then kp
let kn = KerName.make mp1 lbl in
if mp1 == mp2 then same kn
else make kn (KerName.make mp2 lbl)
let to_string kp = KerName.to_string (user kp)
let print kp = str (to_string kp)
let debug_to_string = function
| Same kn -> "(" ^ KerName.debug_to_string kn ^ ")"
| Dual (knu,knc) ->
"(" ^ KerName.debug_to_string knu ^ "," ^ KerName.debug_to_string knc ^ ")"
let debug_print kp = str (debug_to_string kp)
(** For ordering kernel pairs, both user or canonical parts may make
sense, according to your needs: user for the environments, canonical
for other uses (ex: non-logical things). *)
module UserOrd = struct
type t = kernel_pair
let compare x y = KerName.compare (user x) (user y)
let equal x y = x == y || KerName.equal (user x) (user y)
let hash x = KerName.hash (user x)
module CanOrd = struct
type t = kernel_pair
let compare x y = KerName.compare (canonical x) (canonical y)
let equal x y = x == y || KerName.equal (canonical x) (canonical y)
let hash x = KerName.hash (canonical x)
module SyntacticOrd = struct
let compare x y = match x, y with
| Same knx, Same kny -> KerName.compare knx kny
| Dual (knux,kncx), Dual (knuy,kncy) ->
let c = KerName.compare knux knuy in
if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
else KerName.compare kncx kncy
| Same _, _ -> -1
| Dual _, _ -> 1
let equal x y = x == y || compare x y = 0
let hash = function
| Same kn -> KerName.hash kn
| Dual (knu, knc) ->
Hashset.Combine.combine (KerName.hash knu) (KerName.hash knc)
(** Default (logical) comparison and hash is on the canonical part *)
let equal = CanOrd.equal
let hash = CanOrd.hash
module Self_Hashcons =
type t = kernel_pair
type u = KerName.t -> KerName.t
let hashcons hkn = function
| Same kn -> Same (hkn kn)
| Dual (knu,knc) -> make (hkn knu) (hkn knc)
let eq x y = (* physical comparison on subterms *)
x == y ||
match x,y with
| Same x, Same y -> x == y
| Dual (ux,cx), Dual (uy,cy) -> ux == uy && cx == cy
| (Same _ | Dual _), _ -> false
(** Hash-consing (despite having the same user part implies having
the same canonical part is a logical invariant of the system, it
is not necessarily an invariant in memory, so we treat kernel
names as they are syntactically for hash-consing) *)
let hash = function
| Same kn -> KerName.hash kn
| Dual (knu, knc) ->
Hashset.Combine.combine (KerName.hash knu) (KerName.hash knc)
module HashKP = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
(** {6 Constant Names} *)
module Constant = KerPair
module Cmap = HMap.Make(Constant.CanOrd)
(** A map whose keys are constants (values of the {!Constant.t} type).
Keys are ordered wrt. "canonical form" of the constant. *)
module Cmap_env = HMap.Make(Constant.UserOrd)
(** A map whose keys are constants (values of the {!Constant.t} type).
Keys are ordered wrt. "user form" of the constant. *)
module Cpred = Predicate.Make(Constant.CanOrd)
module Cset = Cmap.Set
module Cset_env = Cmap_env.Set
(** {6 Names of mutual inductive types } *)
module MutInd = KerPair
module Mindmap = HMap.Make(MutInd.CanOrd)
module Mindset = Mindmap.Set
module Mindmap_env = HMap.Make(MutInd.UserOrd)
(** Designation of a (particular) inductive type. *)
type inductive = MutInd.t (* the name of the inductive type *)
* int (* the position of this inductive type
within the block of mutually-recursive inductive types.
BEWARE: indexing starts from 0. *)
(** Designation of a (particular) constructor of a (particular) inductive type. *)
type constructor = inductive (* designates the inductive type *)
* int (* the index of the constructor
BEWARE: indexing starts from 1. *)
let ind_modpath (mind,_) = MutInd.modpath mind
let constr_modpath (ind,_) = ind_modpath ind
let ith_mutual_inductive (mind, _) i = (mind, i)
let ith_constructor_of_inductive ind i = (ind, i)
let inductive_of_constructor (ind, _i) = ind
let index_of_constructor (_ind, i) = i
let eq_ind (m1, i1) (m2, i2) = Int.equal i1 i2 && MutInd.equal m1 m2
let eq_user_ind (m1, i1) (m2, i2) =
Int.equal i1 i2 && MutInd.UserOrd.equal m1 m2
let eq_syntactic_ind (m1, i1) (m2, i2) =
Int.equal i1 i2 && MutInd.SyntacticOrd.equal m1 m2
let ind_ord (m1, i1) (m2, i2) =
let c = Int.compare i1 i2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then MutInd.CanOrd.compare m1 m2 else c
let ind_user_ord (m1, i1) (m2, i2) =
let c = Int.compare i1 i2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then MutInd.UserOrd.compare m1 m2 else c
let ind_syntactic_ord (m1, i1) (m2, i2) =
let c = Int.compare i1 i2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then MutInd.SyntacticOrd.compare m1 m2 else c
let ind_hash (m, i) =
Hashset.Combine.combine (MutInd.hash m) (Int.hash i)
let ind_user_hash (m, i) =
Hashset.Combine.combine (MutInd.UserOrd.hash m) (Int.hash i)
let ind_syntactic_hash (m, i) =
Hashset.Combine.combine (MutInd.SyntacticOrd.hash m) (Int.hash i)
let eq_constructor (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) = Int.equal j1 j2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2
let eq_user_constructor (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) =
Int.equal j1 j2 && eq_user_ind ind1 ind2
let eq_syntactic_constructor (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) =
Int.equal j1 j2 && eq_syntactic_ind ind1 ind2
let constructor_ord (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) =
let c = Int.compare j1 j2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then ind_ord ind1 ind2 else c
let constructor_user_ord (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) =
let c = Int.compare j1 j2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then ind_user_ord ind1 ind2 else c
let constructor_syntactic_ord (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) =
let c = Int.compare j1 j2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then ind_syntactic_ord ind1 ind2 else c
let constructor_hash (ind, i) =
Hashset.Combine.combine (ind_hash ind) (Int.hash i)
let constructor_user_hash (ind, i) =
Hashset.Combine.combine (ind_user_hash ind) (Int.hash i)
let constructor_syntactic_hash (ind, i) =
Hashset.Combine.combine (ind_syntactic_hash ind) (Int.hash i)
module InductiveOrdered = struct
type t = inductive
let compare = ind_ord
module InductiveOrdered_env = struct
type t = inductive
let compare = ind_user_ord
module Indmap = Map.Make(InductiveOrdered)
module Indmap_env = Map.Make(InductiveOrdered_env)
module ConstructorOrdered = struct
type t = constructor
let compare = constructor_ord
module ConstructorOrdered_env = struct
type t = constructor
let compare = constructor_user_ord
module Constrmap = Map.Make(ConstructorOrdered)
module Constrmap_env = Map.Make(ConstructorOrdered_env)
(** {6 Hash-consing of name objects } *)
module Hind = Hashcons.Make(
type t = inductive
type u = MutInd.t -> MutInd.t
let hashcons hmind (mind, i) = (hmind mind, i)
let eq (mind1,i1) (mind2,i2) = mind1 == mind2 && Int.equal i1 i2
let hash = ind_hash
module Hconstruct = Hashcons.Make(
type t = constructor
type u = inductive -> inductive
let hashcons hind (ind, j) = (hind ind, j)
let eq (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) = ind1 == ind2 && Int.equal j1 j2
let hash = constructor_hash
let hcons_con = Hashcons.simple_hcons Constant.HashKP.generate Constant.HashKP.hcons KerName.hcons
let hcons_mind = Hashcons.simple_hcons MutInd.HashKP.generate MutInd.HashKP.hcons KerName.hcons
let hcons_ind = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hind.generate Hind.hcons hcons_mind
let hcons_construct = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hconstruct.generate Hconstruct.hcons hcons_ind
type 'a tableKey =
| ConstKey of 'a
| VarKey of Id.t
| RelKey of Int.t
type inv_rel_key = int (* index in the [rel_context] part of environment
starting by the end, {\em inverse}
of de Bruijn indice *)
let eq_table_key f ik1 ik2 =
if ik1 == ik2 then true
else match ik1,ik2 with
| ConstKey c1, ConstKey c2 -> f c1 c2
| VarKey id1, VarKey id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
| RelKey k1, RelKey k2 -> Int.equal k1 k2
| _ -> false
let eq_mind_chk = MutInd.UserOrd.equal
let eq_ind_chk (kn1,i1) (kn2,i2) = Int.equal i1 i2 && eq_mind_chk kn1 kn2
(** Compatibility layers *)
let eq_constant_key = Constant.UserOrd.equal
(** Compatibility layer for [ModPath] *)
type module_path = ModPath.t =
| MPfile of DirPath.t
| MPbound of MBId.t
| MPdot of module_path * Label.t
(** Compatibility layer for [Constant] *)
module Projection =
module Repr = struct
type t =
{ proj_ind : inductive;
proj_npars : int;
proj_arg : int;
proj_name : Label.t; }
let make proj_ind ~proj_npars ~proj_arg proj_name =
let inductive c = c.proj_ind
let mind c = fst c.proj_ind
let constant c = KerPair.change_label (mind c) c.proj_name
let label c = c.proj_name
let npars c = c.proj_npars
let arg c = c.proj_arg
let equal a b =
eq_ind a.proj_ind b.proj_ind && Int.equal a.proj_arg b.proj_arg
let hash p =
Hashset.Combine.combinesmall p.proj_arg (ind_hash p.proj_ind)
module SyntacticOrd = struct
let compare a b =
let c = ind_syntactic_ord a.proj_ind b.proj_ind in
if c == 0 then Int.compare a.proj_arg b.proj_arg
else c
let equal a b =
a.proj_arg == b.proj_arg && eq_syntactic_ind a.proj_ind b.proj_ind
let hash p =
Hashset.Combine.combinesmall p.proj_arg (ind_hash p.proj_ind)
module CanOrd = struct
let compare a b =
let c = ind_ord a.proj_ind b.proj_ind in
if c == 0 then Int.compare a.proj_arg b.proj_arg
else c
let equal a b =
a.proj_arg == b.proj_arg && eq_ind a.proj_ind b.proj_ind
let hash p =
Hashset.Combine.combinesmall p.proj_arg (ind_hash p.proj_ind)
module UserOrd = struct
let compare a b =
let c = ind_user_ord a.proj_ind b.proj_ind in
if c == 0 then Int.compare a.proj_arg b.proj_arg
else c
let equal a b =
a.proj_arg == b.proj_arg && eq_user_ind a.proj_ind b.proj_ind
let hash p =
Hashset.Combine.combinesmall p.proj_arg (ind_user_hash p.proj_ind)
let compare a b =
let c = ind_ord a.proj_ind b.proj_ind in
if c == 0 then Int.compare a.proj_arg b.proj_arg
else c
module Self_Hashcons = struct
type nonrec t = t
type u = (inductive -> inductive) * (Id.t -> Id.t)
let hashcons (hind,hid) p =
{ proj_ind = hind p.proj_ind;
proj_npars = p.proj_npars;
proj_arg = p.proj_arg;
proj_name = hid p.proj_name }
let eq p p' =
p == p' || (p.proj_ind == p'.proj_ind && p.proj_npars == p'.proj_npars && p.proj_arg == p'.proj_arg && p.proj_name == p'.proj_name)
let hash = hash
module HashRepr = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons HashRepr.generate HashRepr.hcons (hcons_ind,Id.hcons)
let map_npars f p =
let ind = fst p.proj_ind in
let npars = p.proj_npars in
let ind', npars' = f ind npars in
if ind == ind' && npars == npars' then p
else {p with proj_ind = (ind',snd p.proj_ind); proj_npars = npars'}
let map f p = map_npars (fun mind n -> f mind, n) p
let to_string p = Constant.to_string (constant p)
let print p = Constant.print (constant p)
type t = Repr.t * bool
let make c b = (c, b)
let mind (c,_) = Repr.mind c
let inductive (c,_) = Repr.inductive c
let npars (c,_) = Repr.npars c
let arg (c,_) = Repr.arg c
let constant (c,_) = Repr.constant c
let label (c,_) = Repr.label c
let repr = fst
let unfolded = snd
let unfold (c, b as p) = if b then p else (c, true)
let equal (c, b) (c', b') = Repr.equal c c' && b == b'
let repr_equal p p' = Repr.equal (repr p) (repr p')
let hash (c, b) = (if b then 0 else 1) + Repr.hash c
module SyntacticOrd = struct
let compare (c, b) (c', b') =
if b = b' then Repr.SyntacticOrd.compare c c' else -1
let equal (c, b as x) (c', b' as x') =
x == x' || b = b' && Repr.SyntacticOrd.equal c c'
let hash (c, b) = (if b then 0 else 1) + Repr.SyntacticOrd.hash c
module CanOrd = struct
let compare (c, b) (c', b') =
if b = b' then Repr.CanOrd.compare c c' else -1
let equal (c, b as x) (c', b' as x') =
x == x' || b = b' && Repr.CanOrd.equal c c'
let hash (c, b) = (if b then 0 else 1) + Repr.CanOrd.hash c
module Self_Hashcons =
type nonrec t = t
type u = Repr.t -> Repr.t
let hashcons hc (c,b) = (hc c,b)
let eq ((c,b) as x) ((c',b') as y) =
x == y || (c == c' && b == b')
let hash = hash
module HashProjection = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons HashProjection.generate HashProjection.hcons Repr.hcons
let compare (c, b) (c', b') =
if b == b' then Repr.compare c c'
else if b then 1 else -1
let map f (c, b as x) =
let c' = Repr.map f c in
if c' == c then x else (c', b)
let map_npars f (c, b as x) =
let c' = Repr.map_npars f c in
if c' == c then x else (c', b)
let to_string p = Constant.to_string (constant p)
let print p = Constant.print (constant p)
module GlobRefInternal = struct
type t =
| VarRef of variable (** A reference to the section-context. *)
| ConstRef of Constant.t (** A reference to the environment. *)
| IndRef of inductive (** A reference to an inductive type. *)
| ConstructRef of constructor (** A reference to a constructor of an inductive type. *)
let equal gr1 gr2 =
gr1 == gr2 || match gr1,gr2 with
| ConstRef con1, ConstRef con2 -> Constant.equal con1 con2
| IndRef kn1, IndRef kn2 -> eq_ind kn1 kn2
| ConstructRef kn1, ConstructRef kn2 -> eq_constructor kn1 kn2
| VarRef v1, VarRef v2 -> Id.equal v1 v2
| (ConstRef _ | IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ | VarRef _), _ -> false
let global_eq_gen eq_cst eq_ind eq_cons x y =
x == y ||
match x, y with
| ConstRef cx, ConstRef cy -> eq_cst cx cy
| IndRef indx, IndRef indy -> eq_ind indx indy
| ConstructRef consx, ConstructRef consy -> eq_cons consx consy
| VarRef v1, VarRef v2 -> Id.equal v1 v2
| (VarRef _ | ConstRef _ | IndRef _ | ConstructRef _), _ -> false
let global_ord_gen ord_cst ord_ind ord_cons x y =
if x == y then 0
else match x, y with
| VarRef v1, VarRef v2 -> Id.compare v1 v2
| VarRef _, _ -> -1
| _, VarRef _ -> 1
| ConstRef cx, ConstRef cy -> ord_cst cx cy
| ConstRef _, _ -> -1
| _, ConstRef _ -> 1
| IndRef indx, IndRef indy -> ord_ind indx indy
| IndRef _, _ -> -1
| _ , IndRef _ -> 1
| ConstructRef consx, ConstructRef consy -> ord_cons consx consy
let global_hash_gen hash_cst hash_ind hash_cons gr =
let open Hashset.Combine in
match gr with
| ConstRef c -> combinesmall 1 (hash_cst c)
| IndRef i -> combinesmall 2 (hash_ind i)
| ConstructRef c -> combinesmall 3 (hash_cons c)
| VarRef id -> combinesmall 4 (Id.hash id)
module GlobRef = struct
type t = GlobRefInternal.t =
| VarRef of variable (** A reference to the section-context. *)
| ConstRef of Constant.t (** A reference to the environment. *)
| IndRef of inductive (** A reference to an inductive type. *)
| ConstructRef of constructor (** A reference to a constructor of an inductive type. *)
let equal = GlobRefInternal.equal
(* By default, [global_reference] are ordered on their canonical part *)
module Ordered = struct
open Constant.CanOrd
type t = GlobRefInternal.t
let compare gr1 gr2 =
GlobRefInternal.global_ord_gen compare ind_ord constructor_ord gr1 gr2
let equal gr1 gr2 = GlobRefInternal.global_eq_gen equal eq_ind eq_constructor gr1 gr2
let hash gr = GlobRefInternal.global_hash_gen hash ind_hash constructor_hash gr
module Ordered_env = struct
open Constant.UserOrd
type t = GlobRefInternal.t
let compare gr1 gr2 =
GlobRefInternal.global_ord_gen compare ind_user_ord constructor_user_ord gr1 gr2
let equal gr1 gr2 =
GlobRefInternal.global_eq_gen equal eq_user_ind eq_user_constructor gr1 gr2
let hash gr = GlobRefInternal.global_hash_gen hash ind_user_hash constructor_user_hash gr
module Map = HMap.Make(Ordered)
module Set = Map.Set
(* Alternative sets and maps indexed by the user part of the kernel names *)
module Map_env = HMap.Make(Ordered_env)
module Set_env = Map_env.Set
type evaluable_global_reference =
| EvalVarRef of Id.t
| EvalConstRef of Constant.t
(* Better to have it here that in closure, since used in grammar.cma *)
let eq_egr e1 e2 = match e1, e2 with
EvalConstRef con1, EvalConstRef con2 -> Constant.equal con1 con2
| EvalVarRef id1, EvalVarRef id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
| _, _ -> false
(** Located identifiers and objects with syntax. *)
type lident = Id.t CAst.t
type lname = Name.t CAst.t
type lstring = string CAst.t
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