(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Pp
(** Aliases *)
let push = Backtrace.add_backtrace
(* Errors *)
exception Anomaly of string option * Pp.t (* System errors *)
let _ =
let pr = function
| Anomaly (s, pp) -> Some ("\"Anomaly: " ^ string_of_ppcmds pp ^ "\"")
| _ -> None
Printexc.register_printer pr
let make_anomaly ?label pp =
Anomaly (label, pp)
let anomaly ?loc ?label pp =
Loc.raise ?loc (Anomaly (label, pp))
let is_anomaly = function
| Anomaly _ -> true
| _ -> false
exception UserError of string option * Pp.t (* User errors *)
let todo s = prerr_string ("TODO: "^s^"\n")
let user_err ?loc ?hdr strm = Loc.raise ?loc (UserError (hdr, strm))
let invalid_arg ?loc s = Loc.raise ?loc (Invalid_argument s)
exception AlreadyDeclared of Pp.t (* for already declared Schemes *)
let alreadydeclared pps = raise (AlreadyDeclared(pps))
exception Timeout
let handle_stack = ref []
exception Unhandled
let register_handler h = handle_stack := h::!handle_stack
(** [print_gen] is a general exception printer which tries successively
all the handlers of a list, and finally a [bottom] handler if all
others have failed *)
let rec print_gen bottom stk e =
match stk with
| [] -> bottom e
| h::stk' ->
try h e
| Unhandled -> print_gen bottom stk' e
| any -> print_gen bottom stk' any
(** Only anomalies should reach the bottom of the handler stack.
In usual situation, the [handle_stack] is treated as it if was always
non-empty with [print_anomaly] as its bottom handler. *)
let where = function
| None -> mt ()
| Some s ->
if !Flags.debug then str "in " ++ str s ++ str ":" ++ spc () else mt ()
let raw_anomaly e = match e with
| Anomaly (s, pps) -> where s ++ pps
| Assert_failure _ | Match_failure _ -> str (Printexc.to_string e) ++ str "."
| _ -> str "Uncaught exception " ++ str (Printexc.to_string e) ++ str "."
let print_backtrace e = match Backtrace.get_backtrace e with
| None -> mt ()
| Some bt ->
let bt = Backtrace.repr bt in
let pr_frame f = str (Backtrace.print_frame f) in
let bt = prlist_with_sep fnl pr_frame bt in
fnl () ++ hov 0 bt
let print_anomaly askreport e =
if askreport then
hov 0 (str "Anomaly" ++ spc () ++ quote (raw_anomaly e)) ++ spc () ++
hov 0 (str "Please report at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++ str ".")
hov 0 (raw_anomaly e)
(** The standard exception printer *)
let print ?(info = Exninfo.null) e =
print_gen (print_anomaly true) !handle_stack e ++ print_backtrace info
let iprint (e, info) = print ~info e
(** Same as [print], except that the "Please report" part of an anomaly
isn't printed (used in Ltac debugging). *)
let print_no_report e = print_gen (print_anomaly false) !handle_stack e
let iprint_no_report (e, info) =
print_gen (print_anomaly false) !handle_stack e ++ print_backtrace info
(** Predefined handlers **)
let _ = register_handler begin function
| UserError(s, pps) ->
where s ++ pps
| _ -> raise Unhandled
(** Critical exceptions should not be caught and ignored by mistake
by inner functions during a [vernacinterp]. They should be handled
only at the very end of interp, to be displayed to the user. *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "-52"]
let noncritical = function
| Sys.Break | Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow
| Assert_failure _ | Match_failure _ | Anomaly _
| Timeout -> false
| Invalid_argument "equal: functional value" -> false
| _ -> true
[@@@ocaml.warning "+52"]
(** Check whether an exception is handled *)
exception Bottom
let handled e =
let bottom _ = raise Bottom in
try let _ = print_gen bottom !handle_stack e in true
with Bottom -> false
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