(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* This file uses the (non-compressed) union-find structure to generate *)
(* proof-trees that will be transformed into proof-terms in cctac.ml4 *)
open CErrors
open Constr
open Ccalgo
open Pp
type rule=
Ax of constr
| SymAx of constr
| Refl of term
| Trans of proof*proof
| Congr of proof*proof
| Inject of proof*pconstructor*int*int
and proof =
let prefl t = {p_lhs=t;p_rhs=t;p_rule=Refl t}
let pcongr p1 p2 =
match p1.p_rule,p2.p_rule with
Refl t1, Refl t2 -> prefl (Appli (t1,t2))
| _, _ ->
{p_lhs=Appli (p1.p_lhs,p2.p_lhs);
p_rhs=Appli (p1.p_rhs,p2.p_rhs);
p_rule=Congr (p1,p2)}
let rec ptrans p1 p3=
match p1.p_rule,p3.p_rule with
Refl _, _ ->p3
| _, Refl _ ->p1
| Trans(p1,p2), _ ->ptrans p1 (ptrans p2 p3)
| Congr(p1,p2), Congr(p3,p4) ->pcongr (ptrans p1 p3) (ptrans p2 p4)
| Congr(p1,p2), Trans({p_rule=Congr(p3,p4)},p5) ->
ptrans (pcongr (ptrans p1 p3) (ptrans p2 p4)) p5
| _, _ ->
if term_equal p1.p_rhs p3.p_lhs then
p_rule=Trans (p1,p3)}
else anomaly (Pp.str "invalid cc transitivity.")
let rec psym p =
match p.p_rule with
Refl _ -> p
| SymAx s ->
p_rule=Ax s}
| Ax s->
p_rule=SymAx s}
| Inject (p0,c,n,a)->
p_rule=Inject (psym p0,c,n,a)}
| Trans (p1,p2)-> ptrans (psym p2) (psym p1)
| Congr (p1,p2)-> pcongr (psym p1) (psym p2)
let pax axioms s =
let l,r = Constrhash.find axioms s in
p_rule=Ax s}
let psymax axioms s =
let l,r = Constrhash.find axioms s in
p_rule=SymAx s}
let rec nth_arg t n=
match t with
Appli (t1,t2)->
if n>0 then
nth_arg t1 (n-1)
else t2
| _ -> anomaly ~label:"nth_arg" (Pp.str "not enough args.")
let pinject p c n a =
{p_lhs=nth_arg p.p_lhs (n-a);
p_rhs=nth_arg p.p_rhs (n-a);
let rec equal_proof env sigma uf i j=
debug (fun () -> str "equal_proof " ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf i ++ brk (1,20) ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf j);
if i=j then prefl (term uf i) else
let (li,lj)=join_path uf i j in
ptrans (path_proof env sigma uf i li) (psym (path_proof env sigma uf j lj))
and edge_proof env sigma uf ((i,j),eq)=
debug (fun () -> str "edge_proof " ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf i ++ brk (1,20) ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf j);
let pi=equal_proof env sigma uf i eq.lhs in
let pj=psym (equal_proof env sigma uf j eq.rhs) in
let pij=
match eq.rule with
Axiom (s,reversed)->
if reversed then psymax (axioms uf) s
else pax (axioms uf) s
| Congruence ->congr_proof env sigma uf eq.lhs eq.rhs
| Injection (ti,ipac,tj,jpac,k) -> (* pi_k ipac = p_k jpac *)
let p=ind_proof env sigma uf ti ipac tj jpac in
let cinfo= get_constructor_info uf ipac.cnode in
pinject p cinfo.ci_constr cinfo.ci_nhyps k in
ptrans (ptrans pi pij) pj
and constr_proof env sigma uf i ipac=
debug (fun () -> str "constr_proof " ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf i ++ brk (1,20));
let t=find_oldest_pac uf i ipac in
let eq_it=equal_proof env sigma uf i t in
if ipac.args=[] then
let fipac=tail_pac ipac in
let (fi,arg)=subterms uf t in
let targ=term uf arg in
let p=constr_proof env sigma uf fi fipac in
ptrans eq_it (pcongr p (prefl targ))
and path_proof env sigma uf i l=
debug (fun () -> str "path_proof " ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf i ++ brk (1,20) ++ str "{" ++
(prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str ",") (fun ((_,j),_) -> int j) l) ++ str "}");
match l with
| [] -> prefl (term uf i)
| x::q->ptrans (path_proof env sigma uf (snd (fst x)) q) (edge_proof env sigma uf x)
and congr_proof env sigma uf i j=
debug (fun () -> str "congr_proof " ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf i ++ brk (1,20) ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf j);
let (i1,i2) = subterms uf i
and (j1,j2) = subterms uf j in
pcongr (equal_proof env sigma uf i1 j1) (equal_proof env sigma uf i2 j2)
and ind_proof env sigma uf i ipac j jpac=
debug (fun () -> str "ind_proof " ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf i ++ brk (1,20) ++ pr_idx_term env sigma uf j);
let p=equal_proof env sigma uf i j
and p1=constr_proof env sigma uf i ipac
and p2=constr_proof env sigma uf j jpac in
ptrans (psym p1) (ptrans p p2)
let build_proof env sigma uf=
| `Prove (i,j) -> equal_proof env sigma uf i j
| `Discr (i,ci,j,cj)-> ind_proof env sigma uf i ci j cj
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