Require Import TestSuite.admit.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Polymorphic Record SpecializedCategory@{l k} (obj : Type@{l}) := Build_SpecializedCategory' {
Object :> Type@{l} := obj;
Morphism' : obj -> obj -> Type@{k};
Identity' : forall o, Morphism' o o;
Compose' : forall s d d', Morphism' d d' -> Morphism' s d -> Morphism' s d'
Polymorphic Definition Morphism obj (C : @SpecializedCategory obj) : forall s d : C, _ := Eval cbv beta delta [Morphism'] in C.(Morphism').
(* eh, I'm not terribly happy. meh. *)
Polymorphic Definition SmallSpecializedCategory (obj : Set) (*mor : obj -> obj -> Set*) := SpecializedCategory@{Set Set} obj.
Polymorphic Identity Coercion SmallSpecializedCategory_LocallySmallSpecializedCategory_Id : SmallSpecializedCategory >-> SpecializedCategory.
Polymorphic Record Category := {
CObject : Type;
UnderlyingCategory :> @SpecializedCategory CObject
Polymorphic Definition GeneralizeCategory `(C : @SpecializedCategory obj) : Category.
refine {| CObject := C.(Object) |}; auto.
Polymorphic Coercion GeneralizeCategory : SpecializedCategory >-> Category.
Section SpecializedFunctor.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Context `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC).
Context `(D : @SpecializedCategory objD).
Unset Universe Polymorphism.
Polymorphic Record SpecializedFunctor := {
ObjectOf' : objC -> objD;
MorphismOf' : forall s d, C.(Morphism') s d -> D.(Morphism') (ObjectOf' s) (ObjectOf' d);
FCompositionOf' : forall s d d' (m1 : C.(Morphism') s d) (m2: C.(Morphism') d d'),
MorphismOf' _ _ (C.(Compose') _ _ _ m2 m1) = D.(Compose') _ _ _ (MorphismOf' _ _ m2) (MorphismOf' _ _ m1);
FIdentityOf' : forall o, MorphismOf' _ _ (C.(Identity') o) = D.(Identity') (ObjectOf' o)
End SpecializedFunctor.
Global Polymorphic Coercion ObjectOf' : SpecializedFunctor >-> Funclass.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Section Functor.
Variable C D : Category.
Polymorphic Definition Functor := SpecializedFunctor C D.
End Functor.
Unset Universe Polymorphism.
Polymorphic Identity Coercion Functor_SpecializedFunctor_Id : Functor >-> SpecializedFunctor.
Polymorphic Definition GeneralizeFunctor objC C objD D (F : @SpecializedFunctor objC C objD D) : Functor C D := F.
Polymorphic Coercion GeneralizeFunctor : SpecializedFunctor >-> Functor.
Arguments SpecializedFunctor {objC} C {objD} D.
Polymorphic Record SmallCategory := {
SObject : Set;
SUnderlyingCategory :> @SmallSpecializedCategory SObject
Polymorphic Definition GeneralizeSmallCategory `(C : @SmallSpecializedCategory obj) : SmallCategory.
refine {| SObject := obj |}; destruct C; econstructor; eassumption.
Polymorphic Coercion GeneralizeSmallCategory : SmallSpecializedCategory >-> SmallCategory.
Bind Scope category_scope with SmallCategory.
Polymorphic Definition TypeCat : @SpecializedCategory Type := (@Build_SpecializedCategory' Type
(fun s d => s -> d)
(fun _ => (fun x => x))
(fun _ _ _ f g => (fun x => f (g x)))).
(*Unset Universe Polymorphism.*)
Polymorphic Definition FunctorCategory objC (C : @SpecializedCategory objC) objD (D : @SpecializedCategory objD) :
@SpecializedCategory (SpecializedFunctor C D).
Polymorphic Definition DiscreteCategory (O : Type) : @SpecializedCategory O.
Polymorphic Definition ComputableCategory (I : Type) (Index2Object : I -> Type) (Index2Cat : forall i : I, @SpecializedCategory (@Index2Object i)) :
@SpecializedCategory I.
Polymorphic Definition is_unique (A : Type) (x : A) := forall x' : A, x' = x.
Polymorphic Definition InitialObject obj {C : SpecializedCategory obj} (o : C) :=
forall o', { m : Morphism C o o' | is_unique m }.
Polymorphic Definition SmallCat := ComputableCategory _ SUnderlyingCategory.
Lemma InitialCategory_Initial : InitialObject (C := SmallCat) (DiscreteCategory Empty_set : SmallSpecializedCategory _).
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Section GraphObj.
Context `(C : @SpecializedCategory objC).
Inductive GraphIndex := GraphIndexSource | GraphIndexTarget.
Definition GraphIndex_Morphism (a b : GraphIndex) : Set :=
match (a, b) with
| (GraphIndexSource, GraphIndexSource) => unit
| (GraphIndexTarget, GraphIndexTarget) => unit
| (GraphIndexTarget, GraphIndexSource) => Empty_set
| (GraphIndexSource, GraphIndexTarget) => GraphIndex
Global Arguments GraphIndex_Morphism a b /.
Definition GraphIndex_Compose s d d' (m1 : GraphIndex_Morphism d d') (m2 : GraphIndex_Morphism s d) :
GraphIndex_Morphism s d'.
Proof using. (* This makes no sense, but it makes this test behave as before the no admit commit *)
Definition GraphIndexingCategory : @SpecializedCategory GraphIndex.
refine {|
Morphism' := GraphIndex_Morphism;
Identity' := (fun x => match x with GraphIndexSource => tt | GraphIndexTarget => tt end);
Compose' := GraphIndex_Compose
Definition UnderlyingGraph_ObjectOf x :=
match x with
| GraphIndexSource => { sd : objC * objC & Morphism C (fst sd) (snd sd) }
| GraphIndexTarget => objC
Global Arguments UnderlyingGraph_ObjectOf x /.
Definition UnderlyingGraph_MorphismOf s d (m : Morphism GraphIndexingCategory s d) :
UnderlyingGraph_ObjectOf s -> UnderlyingGraph_ObjectOf d.
Definition UnderlyingGraph : SpecializedFunctor GraphIndexingCategory TypeCat.
match goal with
| [ |- SpecializedFunctor ?C ?D ] =>
refine (Build_SpecializedFunctor C D
End GraphObj.
Set Printing Universes.
Set Printing All.
Print Coercions.
Section test.
Fail Polymorphic Definition UnderlyingGraphFunctor_MorphismOf' (C D : SmallCategory) (F : SpecializedFunctor C D) :
Morphism (FunctorCategory TypeCat GraphIndexingCategory)
(@UnderlyingGraph (SObject C)
(SmallSpecializedCategory_LocallySmallSpecializedCategory_Id (SUnderlyingCategory C)))
(UnderlyingGraph D).
(* Toplevel input, characters 216-249:
In environment
C : SmallCategory (* Top.594 *)
D : SmallCategory (* Top.595 *)
F :
@SpecializedFunctor (* Top.25 Set Top.25 Set *) (SObject (* Top.25 *) C)
(SUnderlyingCategory (* Top.25 *) C) (SObject (* Top.25 *) D)
(SUnderlyingCategory (* Top.25 *) D)
The term
"SUnderlyingCategory (* Top.25 *) C
:SpecializedCategory (* Top.25 Set *) (SObject (* Top.25 *) C)" has type
"SpecializedCategory (* Top.618 Top.619 *) (SObject (* Top.25 *) C)"
while it is expected to have type
"SpecializedCategory (* Top.224 Top.225 *) (SObject (* Top.617 *) C)"
(Universe inconsistency: Cannot enforce Set = Top.225)).
Fail Admitted.
Fail Polymorphic Definition UnderlyingGraphFunctor_MorphismOf (C D : SmallCategory) (F : SpecializedFunctor C D) :
Morphism (FunctorCategory TypeCat GraphIndexingCategory) (UnderlyingGraph C) (UnderlyingGraph D). (* Anomaly: apply_coercion. Please report.*)
Fail Admitted.
Polymorphic Definition UnderlyingGraphFunctor_MorphismOf (C D : SmallCategory) (F : SpecializedFunctor C D) :
Morphism (FunctorCategory GraphIndexingCategory TypeCat) (UnderlyingGraph C) (UnderlyingGraph D). (* Anomaly: apply_coercion. Please report.*)
End test.
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