(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Printf
open Cdglobals
type loc = int
type entry_type =
| Library
| Module
| Definition
| Inductive
| Constructor
| Lemma
| Record
| Projection
| Instance
| Class
| Method
| Variable
| Axiom
| TacticDefinition
| Abbreviation
| Notation
| Section
type index_entry =
| Def of string * entry_type
| Ref of coq_module * string * entry_type
let current_library = ref ""
(** refers to the file being parsed *)
(** [deftable] stores only definitions and is used to build the index *)
let deftable = Hashtbl.create 97
(** [byidtable] is used to interpolate idents inside comments, which are not
globalized otherwise. *)
let byidtable = Hashtbl.create 97
(** [reftable] stores references and definitions *)
let reftable = Hashtbl.create 97
let full_ident sp id =
if sp <> "<>" then
if id <> "<>" then
sp ^ "." ^ id
else sp
else if id <> "<>"
then id
else ""
let add_def loc1 loc2 ty sp id =
let fullid = full_ident sp id in
let def = Def (fullid, ty) in
for loc = loc1 to loc2 do
Hashtbl.add reftable (!current_library, loc) def
Hashtbl.add deftable !current_library (fullid, ty);
Hashtbl.add byidtable id (!current_library, fullid, ty)
let add_ref m loc m' sp id ty =
let fullid = full_ident sp id in
if Hashtbl.mem reftable (m, loc) then ()
else Hashtbl.add reftable (m, loc) (Ref (m', fullid, ty));
let idx = if id = "<>" then m' else id in
if Hashtbl.mem byidtable idx then ()
else Hashtbl.add byidtable idx (m', fullid, ty)
let find m l = Hashtbl.find reftable (m, l)
let find_string s = let (m,s,t) = Hashtbl.find byidtable s in Ref (m,s,t)
(* Coq modules *)
let split_sp s =
let i = String.rindex s '.' in
String.sub s 0 i, String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1)
Not_found -> "", s
let modules = Hashtbl.create 97
let local_modules = Hashtbl.create 97
let add_module m =
let _,id = split_sp m in
Hashtbl.add modules id m;
Hashtbl.add local_modules m ()
type module_kind = Local | External of string | Unknown
let external_libraries = ref []
let add_external_library logicalpath url =
external_libraries := (logicalpath,url) :: !external_libraries
let find_external_library logicalpath =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (l,u)::rest ->
if String.length logicalpath > String.length l &&
String.sub logicalpath 0 (String.length l + 1) = l ^"."
then u
else aux rest
in aux !external_libraries
let init_coqlib_library () = add_external_library "Coq" !coqlib
let find_module m =
if Hashtbl.mem local_modules m then
try External (find_external_library m ^ "/" ^ m)
with Not_found -> Unknown
(* Building indexes *)
type 'a index = {
idx_name : string;
idx_entries : (char * (string * 'a) list) list;
idx_size : int }
let map f i =
{ i with idx_entries =
(fun (c,l) -> (c, List.map (fun (s,x) -> (s,f s x)) l))
i.idx_entries }
let compare_entries (s1,_) (s2,_) = Alpha.compare_string s1 s2
let sort_entries el =
let t = Hashtbl.create 97 in
(fun c -> Hashtbl.add t c [])
['A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; 'G'; 'H'; 'I'; 'J'; 'K'; 'L'; 'M'; 'N';
'O'; 'P'; 'Q'; 'R'; 'S'; 'T'; 'U'; 'V'; 'W'; 'X'; 'Y'; 'Z'; '_'; '*'];
(fun ((s,_) as e) ->
let c = Alpha.norm_char s.[0] in
let c,l =
try c,Hashtbl.find t c with Not_found -> '*',Hashtbl.find t '*' in
Hashtbl.replace t c (e :: l))
let res = ref [] in
Hashtbl.iter (fun c l -> res := (c, List.sort compare_entries l) :: !res) t;
List.sort (fun (c1,_) (c2,_) -> Alpha.compare_char c1 c2) !res
let display_letter c = if c = '*' then "other" else String.make 1 c
let type_name = function
| Library ->
let ln = !lib_name in
if ln <> "" then String.lowercase_ascii ln else "library"
| Module -> "module"
| Definition -> "definition"
| Inductive -> "inductive"
| Constructor -> "constructor"
| Lemma -> "lemma"
| Record -> "record"
| Projection -> "projection"
| Instance -> "instance"
| Class -> "class"
| Method -> "method"
| Variable -> "variable"
| Axiom -> "axiom"
| TacticDefinition -> "tactic"
| Abbreviation -> "abbreviation"
| Notation -> "notation"
| Section -> "section"
let prepare_entry s = function
| Notation ->
(* We decode the encoding done in Dumpglob.cook_notation of coqtop *)
(* Encoded notations have the form section:entry:sc:x_'++'_x *)
(* where: *)
(* - the section, if any, ends with a "." *)
(* - the scope can be empty *)
(* - tokens are separated with "_" *)
(* - non-terminal symbols are conventionally represented by "x" *)
(* - terminals are enclosed within simple quotes *)
(* - existing simple quotes (that necessarily are parts of *)
(* terminals) are doubled *)
(* (as a consequence, when a terminal contains "_" or "x", these *)
(* necessarily appear enclosed within non-doubled simple quotes) *)
(* - non-printable characters < 32 are left encoded so that they *)
(* are human-readable in index files *)
(* Example: "x ' %x _% y %'x %'_' z" is encoded as *)
(* "x_''''_'%x'_'_%'_x_'%''x'_'%''_'''_x" *)
let err () = eprintf "Invalid notation in globalization file\n"; exit 1 in
let h = try String.index_from s 0 ':' with _ -> err () in
let i = try String.index_from s (h+1) ':' with _ -> err () in
let m = try String.index_from s (i+1) ':' with _ -> err () in
let entry = String.sub s (h+1) (i-h-1) in
let sc = String.sub s (i+1) (m-i-1) in
let ntn = Bytes.make (String.length s - m) ' ' in
let k = ref 0 in
let j = ref (m+1) in
let quoted = ref false in
let l = String.length s - 1 in
while !j <= l do
if not !quoted then begin
(match s.[!j] with
| '_' -> Bytes.set ntn !k ' '; incr k
| 'x' -> Bytes.set ntn !k '_'; incr k
| '\'' -> quoted := true
| _ -> assert false)
if s.[!j] = '\'' then
if (!j = l || s.[!j+1] = '_') then quoted := false
else (incr j; Bytes.set ntn !k s.[!j]; incr k)
else begin
Bytes.set ntn !k s.[!j];
incr k
incr j
let ntn = Bytes.sub_string ntn 0 !k in
let ntn = if sc = "" then ntn else ntn ^ " (" ^ sc ^ ")" in
if entry = "" then ntn else entry ^ ":" ^ ntn
| _ ->
let all_entries () =
let gl = ref [] in
let add_g s m t = gl := (s,(m,t)) :: !gl in
let bt = Hashtbl.create 11 in
let add_bt t s m =
let l = try Hashtbl.find bt t with Not_found -> [] in
Hashtbl.replace bt t ((s,m) :: l)
let classify m (s,t) = (add_g s m t; add_bt t s m) in
Hashtbl.iter classify deftable;
Hashtbl.iter (fun id m -> add_g id m Library; add_bt Library id m) modules;
{ idx_name = "global";
idx_entries = sort_entries !gl;
idx_size = List.length !gl },
Hashtbl.fold (fun t e l -> (t, { idx_name = type_name t;
idx_entries = sort_entries e;
idx_size = List.length e }) :: l) bt []
let type_of_string = function
| "def" | "coe" | "subclass" | "canonstruc" | "fix" | "cofix"
| "ex" | "scheme" -> Definition
| "prf" | "thm" -> Lemma
| "ind" | "variant" | "coind" -> Inductive
| "constr" -> Constructor
| "indrec" | "rec" | "corec" -> Record
| "proj" -> Projection
| "class" -> Class
| "meth" -> Method
| "inst" -> Instance
| "var" -> Variable
| "defax" | "prfax" | "ax" -> Axiom
| "syndef" -> Abbreviation
| "not" -> Notation
| "lib" -> Library
| "mod" | "modtype" -> Module
| "tac" -> TacticDefinition
| "sec" -> Section
| s -> invalid_arg ("type_of_string:" ^ s)
let ill_formed_glob_file f =
eprintf "Warning: ill-formed file %s (links will not be available)\n" f
let outdated_glob_file f =
eprintf "Warning: %s not consistent with corresponding .v file (links will not be available)\n" f
let correct_file vfile f c =
let s = input_line c in
if String.length s < 7 || String.sub s 0 7 <> "DIGEST " then
(ill_formed_glob_file f; false)
let s = String.sub s 7 (String.length s - 7) in
match vfile, s with
| None, "NO" -> true
| Some _, "NO" -> ill_formed_glob_file f; false
| None, _ -> ill_formed_glob_file f; false
| Some vfile, s ->
s = Digest.to_hex (Digest.file vfile) || (outdated_glob_file f; false)
let read_glob vfile f =
let c = open_in f in
if correct_file vfile f c then
let cur_mod = ref "" in
while true do
let s = input_line c in
let n = String.length s in
if n > 0 then begin
match s.[0] with
| 'F' ->
cur_mod := String.sub s 1 (n - 1);
current_library := !cur_mod
| 'R' ->
Scanf.sscanf s "R%d:%d %s %s %s %s"
(fun loc1 loc2 lib_dp sp id ty ->
for loc=loc1 to loc2 do
add_ref !cur_mod loc lib_dp sp id (type_of_string ty);
(* Also add an entry for each module mentioned in [lib_dp],
* to use in interpolation. *)
ignore (List.fold_right (fun thisPiece priorPieces ->
let newPieces = match priorPieces with
| "" -> thisPiece
| _ -> thisPiece ^ "." ^ priorPieces in
add_ref !cur_mod loc "" "" newPieces Library;
newPieces) (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ".") lib_dp) "")
with _ -> ())
| _ ->
try Scanf.sscanf s "%s %d:%d %s %s"
(fun ty loc1 loc2 sp id ->
add_def loc1 loc2 (type_of_string ty) sp id)
with Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> ()
done; assert false
with End_of_file ->
close_in c
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.