(* Title: HOL/Algebra/Order.thy
Author: Clemens Ballarin, started 7 November 2003
Copyright: Clemens Ballarin
Most congruence rules by Stephan Hohe.
With additional contributions from Alasdair Armstrong and Simon Foster.
theory Order
section \<open>Orders\<close>
subsection \<open>Partial Orders\<close>
record 'a gorder = "'a eq_object" +
le :: "['a, 'a] => bool" (infixl "\\" 50)
abbreviation inv_gorder :: "_ \ 'a gorder" where
"inv_gorder L \
\<lparr> carrier = carrier L,
eq = (.=\<^bsub>L\<^esub>),
le = (\<lambda> x y. y \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>L \<^esub>x) \<rparr>"
lemma inv_gorder_inv:
"inv_gorder (inv_gorder L) = L"
by simp
locale weak_partial_order = equivalence L for L (structure) +
assumes le_refl [intro, simp]:
"x \ carrier L \ x \ x"
and weak_le_antisym [intro]:
"\x \ y; y \ x; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x .= y"
and le_trans [trans]:
"\x \ y; y \ z; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L; z \ carrier L\ \ x \ z"
and le_cong:
"\x .= y; z .= w; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L; z \ carrier L; w \ carrier L\ \
x \<sqsubseteq> z \<longleftrightarrow> y \<sqsubseteq> w"
lless :: "[_, 'a, 'a] => bool" (infixl "\\" 50)
where "x \\<^bsub>L\<^esub> y \ x \\<^bsub>L\<^esub> y \ x .\\<^bsub>L\<^esub> y"
subsubsection \<open>The order relation\<close>
context weak_partial_order
lemma le_cong_l [intro, trans]:
"\x .= y; y \ z; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L; z \ carrier L\ \ x \ z"
by (auto intro: le_cong [THEN iffD2])
lemma le_cong_r [intro, trans]:
"\x \ y; y .= z; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L; z \ carrier L\ \ x \ z"
by (auto intro: le_cong [THEN iffD1])
lemma weak_refl [intro, simp]: "\x .= y; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x \ y"
by (simp add: le_cong_l)
lemma weak_llessI:
fixes R (structure)
assumes "x \ y" and "\(x .= y)"
shows "x \ y"
using assms unfolding lless_def by simp
lemma lless_imp_le:
fixes R (structure)
assumes "x \ y"
shows "x \ y"
using assms unfolding lless_def by simp
lemma weak_lless_imp_not_eq:
fixes R (structure)
assumes "x \ y"
shows "\ (x .= y)"
using assms unfolding lless_def by simp
lemma weak_llessE:
fixes R (structure)
assumes p: "x \ y" and e: "\x \ y; \ (x .= y)\ \ P"
shows "P"
using p by (blast dest: lless_imp_le weak_lless_imp_not_eq e)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_cong_l [trans]:
assumes xx': "x .= x'"
and xy: "x' \ y"
and carr: "x \ carrier L" "x' \ carrier L" "y \ carrier L"
shows "x \ y"
using assms unfolding lless_def by (auto intro: trans sym)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_cong_r [trans]:
assumes xy: "x \ y"
and yy': "y .= y'"
and carr: "x \ carrier L" "y \ carrier L" "y' \ carrier L"
shows "x \ y'"
using assms unfolding lless_def by (auto intro: trans sym) (*slow*)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_antisym:
assumes "a \ carrier L" "b \ carrier L"
and "a \ b" "b \ a"
shows "P"
using assms
by (elim weak_llessE) auto
lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_trans [trans]:
assumes "a \ b" "b \ c"
and carr[simp]: "a \ carrier L" "b \ carrier L" "c \ carrier L"
shows "a \ c"
using assms unfolding lless_def by (blast dest: le_trans intro: sym)
lemma weak_partial_order_subset:
assumes "weak_partial_order L" "A \ carrier L"
shows "weak_partial_order (L\ carrier := A \)"
proof -
interpret L: weak_partial_order L
by (simp add: assms)
interpret equivalence "(L\ carrier := A \)"
by (simp add: L.equivalence_axioms assms(2) equivalence_subset)
show ?thesis
apply (unfold_locales, simp_all)
using assms(2) apply auto[1]
using assms(2) apply auto[1]
apply (meson L.le_trans assms(2) contra_subsetD)
apply (meson L.le_cong assms(2) subsetCE)
subsubsection \<open>Upper and lower bounds of a set\<close>
Upper :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a set"
where "Upper L A = {u. (\x. x \ A \ carrier L \ x \\<^bsub>L\<^esub> u)} \ carrier L"
Lower :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a set"
where "Lower L A = {l. (\x. x \ A \ carrier L \ l \\<^bsub>L\<^esub> x)} \ carrier L"
lemma Lower_dual [simp]:
"Lower (inv_gorder L) A = Upper L A"
by (simp add:Upper_def Lower_def)
lemma Upper_dual [simp]:
"Upper (inv_gorder L) A = Lower L A"
by (simp add:Upper_def Lower_def)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) equivalence_dual: "equivalence (inv_gorder L)"
by (rule equivalence.intro) (auto simp: intro: sym trans)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) dual_weak_order: "weak_partial_order (inv_gorder L)"
by intro_locales (auto simp add: weak_partial_order_axioms_def le_cong intro: equivalence_dual le_trans)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) dual_eq_iff [simp]: "A {.=}\<^bsub>inv_gorder L\<^esub> A' \ A {.=} A'"
by (auto simp: set_eq_def elem_def)
lemma dual_weak_order_iff:
"weak_partial_order (inv_gorder A) \ weak_partial_order A"
assume "weak_partial_order (inv_gorder A)"
then interpret dpo: weak_partial_order "inv_gorder A"
rewrites "carrier (inv_gorder A) = carrier A"
and "le (inv_gorder A) = (\ x y. le A y x)"
and "eq (inv_gorder A) = eq A"
by (simp_all)
show "weak_partial_order A"
by (unfold_locales, auto intro: dpo.sym dpo.trans dpo.le_trans)
assume "weak_partial_order A"
thus "weak_partial_order (inv_gorder A)"
by (metis weak_partial_order.dual_weak_order)
lemma Upper_closed [iff]:
"Upper L A \ carrier L"
by (unfold Upper_def) clarify
lemma Upper_memD [dest]:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\u \ Upper L A; x \ A; A \ carrier L\ \ x \ u \ u \ carrier L"
by (unfold Upper_def) blast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_elemD [dest]:
"\u .\ Upper L A; u \ carrier L; x \ A; A \ carrier L\ \ x \ u"
unfolding Upper_def elem_def
by (blast dest: sym)
lemma Upper_memI:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\!! y. y \ A \ y \ x; x \ carrier L\ \ x \ Upper L A"
by (unfold Upper_def) blast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_elemI:
"\!! y. y \ A \ y \ x; x \ carrier L\ \ x .\ Upper L A"
unfolding Upper_def by blast
lemma Upper_antimono:
"A \ B \ Upper L B \ Upper L A"
by (unfold Upper_def) blast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_is_closed [simp]:
"A \ carrier L \ is_closed (Upper L A)"
by (rule is_closedI) (blast intro: Upper_memI)+
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_mem_cong:
assumes "a' \ carrier L" "A \ carrier L" "a .= a'" "a \ Upper L A"
shows "a' \ Upper L A"
by (metis assms Upper_closed Upper_is_closed closure_of_eq complete_classes)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_semi_cong:
assumes "A \ carrier L" "A {.=} A'"
shows "Upper L A \ Upper L A'"
unfolding Upper_def
by clarsimp (meson assms equivalence.refl equivalence_axioms le_cong set_eqD2 subset_eq)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_cong:
assumes "A \ carrier L" "A' \ carrier L" "A {.=} A'"
shows "Upper L A = Upper L A'"
using assms by (simp add: Upper_semi_cong set_eq_sym subset_antisym)
lemma Lower_closed [intro!, simp]:
"Lower L A \ carrier L"
by (unfold Lower_def) clarify
lemma Lower_memD [dest]:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\l \ Lower L A; x \ A; A \ carrier L\ \ l \ x \ l \ carrier L"
by (unfold Lower_def) blast
lemma Lower_memI:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\!! y. y \ A \ x \ y; x \ carrier L\ \ x \ Lower L A"
by (unfold Lower_def) blast
lemma Lower_antimono:
"A \ B \ Lower L B \ Lower L A"
by (unfold Lower_def) blast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Lower_is_closed [simp]:
"A \ carrier L \ is_closed (Lower L A)"
by (rule is_closedI) (blast intro: Lower_memI dest: sym)+
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Lower_mem_cong:
assumes "a' \ carrier L" "A \ carrier L" "a .= a'" "a \ Lower L A"
shows "a' \ Lower L A"
by (meson assms Lower_closed Lower_is_closed is_closed_eq subsetCE)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) Lower_cong:
assumes "A \ carrier L" "A' \ carrier L" "A {.=} A'"
shows "Lower L A = Lower L A'"
unfolding Upper_dual [symmetric]
by (rule weak_partial_order.Upper_cong [OF dual_weak_order]) (simp_all add: assms)
text \<open>Jacobson: Theorem 8.1\<close>
lemma Lower_empty [simp]:
"Lower L {} = carrier L"
by (unfold Lower_def) simp
lemma Upper_empty [simp]:
"Upper L {} = carrier L"
by (unfold Upper_def) simp
subsubsection \<open>Least and greatest, as predicate\<close>
least :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
where "least L l A \ A \ carrier L \ l \ A \ (\x\A. l \\<^bsub>L\<^esub> x)"
greatest :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
where "greatest L g A \ A \ carrier L \ g \ A \ (\x\A. x \\<^bsub>L\<^esub> g)"
text (in weak_partial_order) \<open>Could weaken these to \<^term>\<open>l \<in> carrier L \<and> l .\<in> A\<close> and \<^term>\<open>g \<in> carrier L \<and> g .\<in> A\<close>.\<close>
lemma least_dual [simp]:
"least (inv_gorder L) x A = greatest L x A"
by (simp add:least_def greatest_def)
lemma greatest_dual [simp]:
"greatest (inv_gorder L) x A = least L x A"
by (simp add:least_def greatest_def)
lemma least_closed [intro, simp]:
"least L l A \ l \ carrier L"
by (unfold least_def) fast
lemma least_mem:
"least L l A \ l \ A"
by (unfold least_def) fast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_least_unique:
"\least L x A; least L y A\ \ x .= y"
by (unfold least_def) blast
lemma least_le:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\least L x A; a \ A\ \ x \ a"
by (unfold least_def) fast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) least_cong:
"\x .= x'; x \ carrier L; x' \ carrier L; is_closed A\ \ least L x A = least L x' A"
unfolding least_def
by (meson is_closed_eq is_closed_eq_rev le_cong local.refl subset_iff)
abbreviation is_lub :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
where "is_lub L x A \ least L x (Upper L A)"
text (in weak_partial_order) \<open>\<^const>\<open>least\<close> is not congruent in the second parameter for
\<^term>\<open>A {.=} A'\<close>\<close>
lemma (in weak_partial_order) least_Upper_cong_l:
assumes "x .= x'"
and "x \ carrier L" "x' \ carrier L"
and "A \ carrier L"
shows "least L x (Upper L A) = least L x' (Upper L A)"
apply (rule least_cong) using assms by auto
lemma (in weak_partial_order) least_Upper_cong_r:
assumes "A \ carrier L" "A' \ carrier L" "A {.=} A'"
shows "least L x (Upper L A) = least L x (Upper L A')"
using Upper_cong assms by auto
lemma least_UpperI:
fixes L (structure)
assumes above: "!! x. x \ A \ x \ s"
and below: "!! y. y \ Upper L A \ s \ y"
and L: "A \ carrier L" "s \ carrier L"
shows "least L s (Upper L A)"
proof -
have "Upper L A \ carrier L" by simp
moreover from above L have "s \ Upper L A" by (simp add: Upper_def)
moreover from below have "\x \ Upper L A. s \ x" by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: least_def)
lemma least_Upper_above:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\least L s (Upper L A); x \ A; A \ carrier L\ \ x \ s"
by (unfold least_def) blast
lemma greatest_closed [intro, simp]:
"greatest L l A \ l \ carrier L"
by (unfold greatest_def) fast
lemma greatest_mem:
"greatest L l A \ l \ A"
by (unfold greatest_def) fast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_greatest_unique:
"\greatest L x A; greatest L y A\ \ x .= y"
by (unfold greatest_def) blast
lemma greatest_le:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\greatest L x A; a \ A\ \ a \ x"
by (unfold greatest_def) fast
lemma (in weak_partial_order) greatest_cong:
"\x .= x'; x \ carrier L; x' \ carrier L; is_closed A\ \
greatest L x A = greatest L x' A"
unfolding greatest_def
by (meson is_closed_eq_rev le_cong_r local.sym subset_eq)
abbreviation is_glb :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
where "is_glb L x A \ greatest L x (Lower L A)"
text (in weak_partial_order) \<open>\<^const>\<open>greatest\<close> is not congruent in the second parameter for
\<^term>\<open>A {.=} A'\<close> \<close>
lemma (in weak_partial_order) greatest_Lower_cong_l:
assumes "x .= x'"
and "x \ carrier L" "x' \ carrier L"
shows "greatest L x (Lower L A) = greatest L x' (Lower L A)"
proof -
have "\A. is_closed (Lower L (A \ carrier L))"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Lower_def assms greatest_cong)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) greatest_Lower_cong_r:
assumes "A \ carrier L" "A' \ carrier L" "A {.=} A'"
shows "greatest L x (Lower L A) = greatest L x (Lower L A')"
using Lower_cong assms by auto
lemma greatest_LowerI:
fixes L (structure)
assumes below: "!! x. x \ A \ i \ x"
and above: "!! y. y \ Lower L A \ y \ i"
and L: "A \ carrier L" "i \ carrier L"
shows "greatest L i (Lower L A)"
proof -
have "Lower L A \ carrier L" by simp
moreover from below L have "i \ Lower L A" by (simp add: Lower_def)
moreover from above have "\x \ Lower L A. x \ i" by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: greatest_def)
lemma greatest_Lower_below:
fixes L (structure)
shows "\greatest L i (Lower L A); x \ A; A \ carrier L\ \ i \ x"
by (unfold greatest_def) blast
subsubsection \<open>Intervals\<close>
at_least_at_most :: "('a, 'c) gorder_scheme \ 'a => 'a => 'a set" ("(1\_.._\\)")
where "\l..u\\<^bsub>A\<^esub> = {x \ carrier A. l \\<^bsub>A\<^esub> x \ x \\<^bsub>A\<^esub> u}"
context weak_partial_order
lemma at_least_at_most_upper [dest]:
"x \ \a..b\ \ x \ b"
by (simp add: at_least_at_most_def)
lemma at_least_at_most_lower [dest]:
"x \ \a..b\ \ a \ x"
by (simp add: at_least_at_most_def)
lemma at_least_at_most_closed: "\a..b\ \ carrier L"
by (auto simp add: at_least_at_most_def)
lemma at_least_at_most_member [intro]:
"\x \ carrier L; a \ x; x \ b\ \ x \ \a..b\"
by (simp add: at_least_at_most_def)
subsubsection \<open>Isotone functions\<close>
definition isotone :: "('a, 'c) gorder_scheme \ ('b, 'd) gorder_scheme \ ('a \ 'b) \ bool"
"isotone A B f \
weak_partial_order A \<and> weak_partial_order B \<and>
(\<forall>x\<in>carrier A. \<forall>y\<in>carrier A. x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>A\<^esub> y \<longrightarrow> f x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>B\<^esub> f y)"
lemma isotoneI [intro?]:
fixes f :: "'a \ 'b"
assumes "weak_partial_order L1"
"weak_partial_order L2"
"(\x y. \x \ carrier L1; y \ carrier L1; x \\<^bsub>L1\<^esub> y\
\<Longrightarrow> f x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>L2\<^esub> f y)"
shows "isotone L1 L2 f"
using assms by (auto simp add:isotone_def)
abbreviation Monotone :: "('a, 'b) gorder_scheme \ ('a \ 'a) \ bool" ("Mono\")
where "Monotone L f \ isotone L L f"
lemma use_iso1:
"\isotone A A f; x \ carrier A; y \ carrier A; x \\<^bsub>A\<^esub> y\ \
f x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>A\<^esub> f y"
by (simp add: isotone_def)
lemma use_iso2:
"\isotone A B f; x \ carrier A; y \ carrier A; x \\<^bsub>A\<^esub> y\ \
f x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>B\<^esub> f y"
by (simp add: isotone_def)
lemma iso_compose:
"\f \ carrier A \ carrier B; isotone A B f; g \ carrier B \ carrier C; isotone B C g\ \
isotone A C (g \<circ> f)"
by (simp add: isotone_def, safe, metis Pi_iff)
lemma (in weak_partial_order) inv_isotone [simp]:
"isotone (inv_gorder A) (inv_gorder B) f = isotone A B f"
by (auto simp add:isotone_def dual_weak_order dual_weak_order_iff)
subsubsection \<open>Idempotent functions\<close>
definition idempotent ::
"('a, 'b) gorder_scheme \ ('a \ 'a) \ bool" ("Idem\") where
"idempotent L f \ \x\carrier L. f (f x) .=\<^bsub>L\<^esub> f x"
lemma (in weak_partial_order) idempotent:
"\Idem f; x \ carrier L\ \ f (f x) .= f x"
by (auto simp add: idempotent_def)
subsubsection \<open>Order embeddings\<close>
definition order_emb :: "('a, 'c) gorder_scheme \ ('b, 'd) gorder_scheme \ ('a \ 'b) \ bool"
"order_emb A B f \ weak_partial_order A
\<and> weak_partial_order B
\<and> (\<forall>x\<in>carrier A. \<forall>y\<in>carrier A. f x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>B\<^esub> f y \<longleftrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq>\<^bsub>A\<^esub> y )"
lemma order_emb_isotone: "order_emb A B f \ isotone A B f"
by (auto simp add: isotone_def order_emb_def)
subsubsection \<open>Commuting functions\<close>
definition commuting :: "('a, 'c) gorder_scheme \ ('a \ 'a) \ ('a \ 'a) \ bool" where
"commuting A f g = (\x\carrier A. (f \ g) x .=\<^bsub>A\<^esub> (g \ f) x)"
subsection \<open>Partial orders where \<open>eq\<close> is the Equality\<close>
locale partial_order = weak_partial_order +
assumes eq_is_equal: "(.=) = (=)"
declare weak_le_antisym [rule del]
lemma le_antisym [intro]:
"\x \ y; y \ x; x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x = y"
using weak_le_antisym unfolding eq_is_equal .
lemma lless_eq:
"x \ y \ x \ y \ x \ y"
unfolding lless_def by (simp add: eq_is_equal)
lemma set_eq_is_eq: "A {.=} B \ A = B"
by (auto simp add: set_eq_def elem_def eq_is_equal)
lemma (in partial_order) dual_order:
"partial_order (inv_gorder L)"
proof -
interpret dwo: weak_partial_order "inv_gorder L"
by (metis dual_weak_order)
show ?thesis
by (unfold_locales, simp add:eq_is_equal)
lemma dual_order_iff:
"partial_order (inv_gorder A) \ partial_order A"
assume assm:"partial_order (inv_gorder A)"
then interpret po: partial_order "inv_gorder A"
rewrites "carrier (inv_gorder A) = carrier A"
and "le (inv_gorder A) = (\ x y. le A y x)"
and "eq (inv_gorder A) = eq A"
by (simp_all)
show "partial_order A"
apply (unfold_locales, simp_all add: po.sym)
apply (metis po.trans)
apply (metis po.weak_le_antisym, metis po.le_trans)
apply (metis (full_types) po.eq_is_equal, metis po.eq_is_equal)
assume "partial_order A"
thus "partial_order (inv_gorder A)"
by (metis partial_order.dual_order)
text \<open>Least and greatest, as predicate\<close>
lemma (in partial_order) least_unique:
"\least L x A; least L y A\ \ x = y"
using weak_least_unique unfolding eq_is_equal .
lemma (in partial_order) greatest_unique:
"\greatest L x A; greatest L y A\ \ x = y"
using weak_greatest_unique unfolding eq_is_equal .
subsection \<open>Bounded Orders\<close>
top :: "_ => 'a" ("\\") where
"\\<^bsub>L\<^esub> = (SOME x. greatest L x (carrier L))"
bottom :: "_ => 'a" ("\\") where
"\\<^bsub>L\<^esub> = (SOME x. least L x (carrier L))"
locale weak_partial_order_bottom = weak_partial_order L for L (structure) +
assumes bottom_exists: "\ x. least L x (carrier L)"
lemma bottom_least: "least L \ (carrier L)"
proof -
obtain x where "least L x (carrier L)"
by (metis bottom_exists)
thus ?thesis
by (auto intro:someI2 simp add: bottom_def)
lemma bottom_closed [simp, intro]:
"\ \ carrier L"
by (metis bottom_least least_mem)
lemma bottom_lower [simp, intro]:
"x \ carrier L \ \ \ x"
by (metis bottom_least least_le)
locale weak_partial_order_top = weak_partial_order L for L (structure) +
assumes top_exists: "\ x. greatest L x (carrier L)"
lemma top_greatest: "greatest L \ (carrier L)"
proof -
obtain x where "greatest L x (carrier L)"
by (metis top_exists)
thus ?thesis
by (auto intro:someI2 simp add: top_def)
lemma top_closed [simp, intro]:
"\ \ carrier L"
by (metis greatest_mem top_greatest)
lemma top_higher [simp, intro]:
"x \ carrier L \ x \ \"
by (metis greatest_le top_greatest)
subsection \<open>Total Orders\<close>
locale weak_total_order = weak_partial_order +
assumes total: "\x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x \ y \ y \ x"
text \<open>Introduction rule: the usual definition of total order\<close>
lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_total_orderI:
assumes total: "!!x y. \x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x \ y \ y \ x"
shows "weak_total_order L"
by unfold_locales (rule total)
subsection \<open>Total orders where \<open>eq\<close> is the Equality\<close>
locale total_order = partial_order +
assumes total_order_total: "\x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x \ y \ y \ x"
sublocale total_order < weak?: weak_total_order
by unfold_locales (rule total_order_total)
text \<open>Introduction rule: the usual definition of total order\<close>
lemma (in partial_order) total_orderI:
assumes total: "!!x y. \x \ carrier L; y \ carrier L\ \ x \ y \ y \ x"
shows "total_order L"
by unfold_locales (rule total)
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