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(*  Title:      HOL/Decision_Procs/Reflected_Multivariate_Polynomial.thy
    Author:     Amine Chaieb

section \<open>Implementation and verification of multivariate polynomials\<close>

theory Reflected_Multivariate_Polynomial
  imports Complex_Main Rat_Pair Polynomial_List

subsection \<open>Datatype of polynomial expressions\<close>

datatype poly = C Num | Bound nat | Add poly poly | Sub poly poly
  | Mul poly poly| Neg poly| Pw poly nat| CN poly nat poly

abbreviation poly_0 :: "poly" ("0\<^sub>p") where "0\<^sub>p \ C (0\<^sub>N)"
abbreviation poly_p :: "int \ poly" ("'((_)')\<^sub>p") where "(i)\<^sub>p \ C (i)\<^sub>N"

subsection\<open>Boundedness, substitution and all that\<close>

primrec polysize:: "poly \ nat"
    "polysize (C c) = 1"
  | "polysize (Bound n) = 1"
  | "polysize (Neg p) = 1 + polysize p"
  | "polysize (Add p q) = 1 + polysize p + polysize q"
  | "polysize (Sub p q) = 1 + polysize p + polysize q"
  | "polysize (Mul p q) = 1 + polysize p + polysize q"
  | "polysize (Pw p n) = 1 + polysize p"
  | "polysize (CN c n p) = 4 + polysize c + polysize p"

primrec polybound0:: "poly \ bool" \ \a poly is INDEPENDENT of Bound 0\
    "polybound0 (C c) \ True"
  | "polybound0 (Bound n) \ n > 0"
  | "polybound0 (Neg a) \ polybound0 a"
  | "polybound0 (Add a b) \ polybound0 a \ polybound0 b"
  | "polybound0 (Sub a b) \ polybound0 a \ polybound0 b"
  | "polybound0 (Mul a b) \ polybound0 a \ polybound0 b"
  | "polybound0 (Pw p n) \ polybound0 p"
  | "polybound0 (CN c n p) \ n \ 0 \ polybound0 c \ polybound0 p"

primrec polysubst0:: "poly \ poly \ poly" \ \substitute a poly into a poly for Bound 0\
    "polysubst0 t (C c) = C c"
  | "polysubst0 t (Bound n) = (if n = 0 then t else Bound n)"
  | "polysubst0 t (Neg a) = Neg (polysubst0 t a)"
  | "polysubst0 t (Add a b) = Add (polysubst0 t a) (polysubst0 t b)"
  | "polysubst0 t (Sub a b) = Sub (polysubst0 t a) (polysubst0 t b)"
  | "polysubst0 t (Mul a b) = Mul (polysubst0 t a) (polysubst0 t b)"
  | "polysubst0 t (Pw p n) = Pw (polysubst0 t p) n"
  | "polysubst0 t (CN c n p) =
      (if n = 0 then Add (polysubst0 t c) (Mul t (polysubst0 t p))
       else CN (polysubst0 t c) n (polysubst0 t p))"

fun decrpoly:: "poly \ poly"
    "decrpoly (Bound n) = Bound (n - 1)"
  | "decrpoly (Neg a) = Neg (decrpoly a)"
  | "decrpoly (Add a b) = Add (decrpoly a) (decrpoly b)"
  | "decrpoly (Sub a b) = Sub (decrpoly a) (decrpoly b)"
  | "decrpoly (Mul a b) = Mul (decrpoly a) (decrpoly b)"
  | "decrpoly (Pw p n) = Pw (decrpoly p) n"
  | "decrpoly (CN c n p) = CN (decrpoly c) (n - 1) (decrpoly p)"
  | "decrpoly a = a"

subsection \<open>Degrees and heads and coefficients\<close>

fun degree :: "poly \ nat"
    "degree (CN c 0 p) = 1 + degree p"
  | "degree p = 0"

fun head :: "poly \ poly"
    "head (CN c 0 p) = head p"
  | "head p = p"

text \<open>More general notions of degree and head.\<close>

fun degreen :: "poly \ nat \ nat"
    "degreen (CN c n p) = (\m. if n = m then 1 + degreen p n else 0)"
  | "degreen p = (\m. 0)"

fun headn :: "poly \ nat \ poly"
    "headn (CN c n p) = (\m. if n \ m then headn p m else CN c n p)"
  | "headn p = (\m. p)"

fun coefficients :: "poly \ poly list"
    "coefficients (CN c 0 p) = c # coefficients p"
  | "coefficients p = [p]"

fun isconstant :: "poly \ bool"
    "isconstant (CN c 0 p) = False"
  | "isconstant p = True"

fun behead :: "poly \ poly"
    "behead (CN c 0 p) = (let p' = behead p in if p' = 0\<^sub>p then c else CN c 0 p')"
  | "behead p = 0\<^sub>p"

fun headconst :: "poly \ Num"
    "headconst (CN c n p) = headconst p"
  | "headconst (C n) = n"

subsection \<open>Operations for normalization\<close>

declare if_cong[fundef_cong del]
declare let_cong[fundef_cong del]

fun polyadd :: "poly \ poly \ poly" (infixl "+\<^sub>p" 60)
    "polyadd (C c) (C c') = C (c +\<^sub>N c')"
  | "polyadd (C c) (CN c' n' p') = CN (polyadd (C c) c') n' p'"
  | "polyadd (CN c n p) (C c') = CN (polyadd c (C c')) n p"
  | "polyadd (CN c n p) (CN c' n' p') =
      (if n < n' then CN (polyadd c (CN c' n' p')) n p
       else if n' < n then CN (polyadd (CN c n p) c') n' p'
          cc' = polyadd c c';
          pp' = polyadd p p'
        in if pp' = 0\<^sub>p then cc' else CN cc' n pp')"
  | "polyadd a b = Add a b"

fun polyneg :: "poly \ poly" ("~\<^sub>p")
    "polyneg (C c) = C (~\<^sub>N c)"
  | "polyneg (CN c n p) = CN (polyneg c) n (polyneg p)"
  | "polyneg a = Neg a"

definition polysub :: "poly \ poly \ poly" (infixl "-\<^sub>p" 60)
  where "p -\<^sub>p q = polyadd p (polyneg q)"

fun polymul :: "poly \ poly \ poly" (infixl "*\<^sub>p" 60)
    "polymul (C c) (C c') = C (c *\<^sub>N c')"
  | "polymul (C c) (CN c' n' p') =
      (if c = 0\<^sub>N then 0\<^sub>p else CN (polymul (C c) c') n' (polymul (C c) p'))"
  | "polymul (CN c n p) (C c') =
      (if c' = 0\<^sub>N then 0\<^sub>p else CN (polymul c (C c')) n (polymul p (C c')))"
  | "polymul (CN c n p) (CN c' n' p') =
      (if n < n' then CN (polymul c (CN c' n' p')) n (polymul p (CN c' n' p'))
       else if n' < n then CN (polymul (CN c n p) c') n' (polymul (CN c n p) p')
       else polyadd (polymul (CN c n p) c') (CN 0\<^sub>p n' (polymul (CN c n p) p')))"
  | "polymul a b = Mul a b"

declare if_cong[fundef_cong]
declare let_cong[fundef_cong]

fun polypow :: "nat \ poly \ poly"
    "polypow 0 = (\p. (1)\<^sub>p)"
  | "polypow n =
          q = polypow (n div 2) p;
          d = polymul q q
        in if even n then d else polymul p d)"

abbreviation poly_pow :: "poly \ nat \ poly" (infixl "^\<^sub>p" 60)
  where "a ^\<^sub>p k \ polypow k a"

function polynate :: "poly \ poly"
    "polynate (Bound n) = CN 0\<^sub>p n (1)\<^sub>p"
  | "polynate (Add p q) = polynate p +\<^sub>p polynate q"
  | "polynate (Sub p q) = polynate p -\<^sub>p polynate q"
  | "polynate (Mul p q) = polynate p *\<^sub>p polynate q"
  | "polynate (Neg p) = ~\<^sub>p (polynate p)"
  | "polynate (Pw p n) = polynate p ^\<^sub>p n"
  | "polynate (CN c n p) = polynate (Add c (Mul (Bound n) p))"
  | "polynate (C c) = C (normNum c)"
  by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure polysize") auto

fun poly_cmul :: "Num \ poly \ poly"
  "poly_cmul y (C x) = C (y *\<^sub>N x)"
"poly_cmul y (CN c n p) = CN (poly_cmul y c) n (poly_cmul y p)"
"poly_cmul y p = C y *\<^sub>p p"

definition monic :: "poly \ poly \ bool"
  where "monic p =
    (let h = headconst p
     in if h = 0\<^sub>N then (p, False) else (C (Ninv h) *\<^sub>p p, 0>\<^sub>N h))"

subsection \<open>Pseudo-division\<close>

definition shift1 :: "poly \ poly"
  where "shift1 p = CN 0\<^sub>p 0 p"

abbreviation funpow :: "nat \ ('a \ 'a) \ 'a \ 'a"
  where "funpow \ compow"

partial_function (tailrec) polydivide_aux :: "poly \ nat \ poly \ nat \ poly \ nat \ poly"
  "polydivide_aux a n p k s =
    (if s = 0\<^sub>p then (k, s)
        b = head s;
        m = degree s
        if m < n then (k,s)
          let p' = funpow (m - n) shift1 p
            if a = b then polydivide_aux a n p k (s -\<^sub>p p')
            else polydivide_aux a n p (Suc k) ((a *\<^sub>p s) -\<^sub>p (b *\<^sub>p p')))"

definition polydivide :: "poly \ poly \ nat \ poly"
  where "polydivide s p = polydivide_aux (head p) (degree p) p 0 s"

fun poly_deriv_aux :: "nat \ poly \ poly"
    "poly_deriv_aux n (CN c 0 p) = CN (poly_cmul ((int n)\<^sub>N) c) 0 (poly_deriv_aux (n + 1) p)"
  | "poly_deriv_aux n p = poly_cmul ((int n)\<^sub>N) p"

fun poly_deriv :: "poly \ poly"
    "poly_deriv (CN c 0 p) = poly_deriv_aux 1 p"
  | "poly_deriv p = 0\<^sub>p"

subsection \<open>Semantics of the polynomial representation\<close>

primrec Ipoly :: "'a list \ poly \ 'a::{field_char_0,power}"
    "Ipoly bs (C c) = INum c"
  | "Ipoly bs (Bound n) = bs!n"
  | "Ipoly bs (Neg a) = - Ipoly bs a"
  | "Ipoly bs (Add a b) = Ipoly bs a + Ipoly bs b"
  | "Ipoly bs (Sub a b) = Ipoly bs a - Ipoly bs b"
  | "Ipoly bs (Mul a b) = Ipoly bs a * Ipoly bs b"
  | "Ipoly bs (Pw t n) = Ipoly bs t ^ n"
  | "Ipoly bs (CN c n p) = Ipoly bs c + (bs!n) * Ipoly bs p"

abbreviation Ipoly_syntax :: "poly \ 'a list \'a::{field_char_0,power}" ("\_\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>_\<^esup>")
  where "\p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> \ Ipoly bs p"

lemma Ipoly_CInt: "Ipoly bs (C (i, 1)) = of_int i"
  by (simp add: INum_def)

lemma Ipoly_CRat: "Ipoly bs (C (i, j)) = of_int i / of_int j"
  by (simp  add: INum_def)

lemmas RIpoly_eqs = Ipoly.simps(2-7) Ipoly_CInt Ipoly_CRat

subsection \<open>Normal form and normalization\<close>

fun isnpolyh:: "poly \ nat \ bool"
    "isnpolyh (C c) = (\k. isnormNum c)"
  | "isnpolyh (CN c n p) = (\k. n \ k \ isnpolyh c (Suc n) \ isnpolyh p n \ p \ 0\<^sub>p)"
  | "isnpolyh p = (\k. False)"

lemma isnpolyh_mono: "n' \ n \ isnpolyh p n \ isnpolyh p n'"
  by (induct p rule: isnpolyh.induct) auto

definition isnpoly :: "poly \ bool"
  where "isnpoly p = isnpolyh p 0"

text \<open>polyadd preserves normal forms\<close>

lemma polyadd_normh: "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ isnpolyh (polyadd p q) (min n0 n1)"
proof (induct p q arbitrary: n0 n1 rule: polyadd.induct)
  case (2 ab c' n' p' n0 n1)
  from 2 have  th1: "isnpolyh (C ab) (Suc n')"
    by simp
  from 2(3) have th2: "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')" and nplen1: "n' \ n1"
    by simp_all
  with isnpolyh_mono have cp: "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"
    by simp
  with 2(1)[OF th1 th2] have th3:"isnpolyh (C ab +\<^sub>p c') (Suc n')"
    by simp
  from nplen1 have n01len1: "min n0 n1 \ n'"
    by simp
  then show ?case using 2 th3
    by simp
  case (3 c' n' p' ab n1 n0)
  from 3 have  th1: "isnpolyh (C ab) (Suc n')"
    by simp
  from 3(2) have th2: "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"  and nplen1: "n' \ n1"
    by simp_all
  with isnpolyh_mono have cp: "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"
    by simp
  with 3(1)[OF th2 th1] have th3:"isnpolyh (c' +\<^sub>p C ab) (Suc n')"
    by simp
  from nplen1 have n01len1: "min n0 n1 \ n'"
    by simp
  then show ?case using 3 th3
    by simp
  case (4 c n p c' n' p' n0 n1)
  then have nc: "isnpolyh c (Suc n)" and np: "isnpolyh p n"
    by simp_all
  from 4 have nc': "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')" and np'"isnpolyh p' n'"
    by simp_all
  from 4 have ngen0: "n \ n0"
    by simp
  from 4 have n'gen1: "n' \<ge> n1"
    by simp
  consider (eq) "n = n'" | (lt) "n < n'" | (gt) "n > n'"
    by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case eq
    with "4.hyps"(3)[OF nc nc']
    have ncc':"isnpolyh (c +\<^sub>p c') (Suc n)"
      by auto
    then have ncc'n01: "isnpolyh (c +\<^sub>p c') (min n0 n1)"
      using isnpolyh_mono[where n'="min n0 n1" and n="Suc n"] ngen0 n'gen1
      by auto
    from eq "4.hyps"(4)[OF np np'] have npp'"isnpolyh (p +\<^sub>p p') n"
      by simp
    have minle: "min n0 n1 \ n'"
      using ngen0 n'gen1 eq by simp
    from minle npp' ncc'n01 4 eq ngen0 n'gen1 ncc' show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Let_def)
    case lt
    have "min n0 n1 \ n0"
      by simp
    with 4 lt have th1:"min n0 n1 \ n"
      by auto
    from 4 have th21: "isnpolyh c (Suc n)"
      by simp
    from 4 have th22: "isnpolyh (CN c' n' p') n'"
      by simp
    from lt have th23: "min (Suc n) n' = Suc n"
      by arith
    from "4.hyps"(1)[OF th21 th22] have "isnpolyh (polyadd c (CN c' n' p')) (Suc n)"
      using th23 by simp
    with 4 lt th1 show ?thesis
      by simp
    case gt
    then have gt': "n' < n \<and> \<not> n < n'"
      by simp
    have "min n0 n1 \ n1"
      by simp
    with 4 gt have th1: "min n0 n1 \ n'"
      by auto
    from 4 have th21: "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"
      by simp_all
    from 4 have th22: "isnpolyh (CN c n p) n"
      by simp
    from gt have th23: "min n (Suc n') = Suc n'"
      by arith
    from "4.hyps"(2)[OF th22 th21] have "isnpolyh (polyadd (CN c n p) c') (Suc n')"
      using th23 by simp
    with 4 gt th1 show ?thesis
      by simp
qed auto

lemma polyadd[simp]: "Ipoly bs (polyadd p q) = Ipoly bs p + Ipoly bs q"
  by (induct p q rule: polyadd.induct)
     (auto simp add: Let_def field_simps distrib_left[symmetric] simp del: distrib_left_NO_MATCH)

lemma polyadd_norm: "isnpoly p \ isnpoly q \ isnpoly (polyadd p q)"
  using polyadd_normh[of p 0 q 0] isnpoly_def by simp

text \<open>The degree of addition and other general lemmas needed for the normal form of polymul.\<close>

lemma polyadd_different_degreen:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n0"
    and "isnpolyh q n1"
    and "degreen p m \ degreen q m"
    and "m \ min n0 n1"
  shows "degreen (polyadd p q) m = max (degreen p m) (degreen q m)"
  using assms
proof (induct p q arbitrary: m n0 n1 rule: polyadd.induct)
  case (4 c n p c' n' p' m n0 n1)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "n = n'")
    case True
    with 4(4)[of n n m] 4(3)[of "Suc n" "Suc n" m] 4(5-7)
    show ?thesis by (auto simp: Let_def)
    case False
    with 4 show ?thesis by auto
qed auto

lemma headnz[simp]: "isnpolyh p n \ p \ 0\<^sub>p \ headn p m \ 0\<^sub>p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: headn.induct) auto

lemma degree_isnpolyh_Suc[simp]: "isnpolyh p (Suc n) \ degree p = 0"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) auto

lemma degreen_0[simp]: "isnpolyh p n \ m < n \ degreen p m = 0"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degreen.induct) auto

lemma degree_isnpolyh_Suc': "n > 0 \ isnpolyh p n \ degree p = 0"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) auto

lemma degree_npolyhCN[simp]: "isnpolyh (CN c n p) n0 \ degree c = 0"
  using degree_isnpolyh_Suc by auto

lemma degreen_npolyhCN[simp]: "isnpolyh (CN c n p) n0 \ degreen c n = 0"
  using degreen_0 by auto

lemma degreen_polyadd:
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
    and m: "m \ max n0 n1"
  shows "degreen (p +\<^sub>p q) m \ max (degreen p m) (degreen q m)"
  using np nq m
proof (induct p q arbitrary: n0 n1 m rule: polyadd.induct)
  case (2 c c' n' p' n0 n1)
  then show ?case
    by (cases n') simp_all
  case (3 c n p c' n0 n1)
  then show ?case
    by (cases n) auto
  case (4 c n p c' n' p' n0 n1 m)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "n = n'")
    case True
    with 4(4)[of n n m] 4(3)[of "Suc n" "Suc n" m] 4(5-7)
    show ?thesis by (auto simp: Let_def)
    case False
    then show ?thesis by simp
qed auto

lemma polyadd_eq_const_degreen:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n0"
    and "isnpolyh q n1"
    and "polyadd p q = C c"
  shows "degreen p m = degreen q m"
  using assms
proof (induct p q arbitrary: m n0 n1 c rule: polyadd.induct)
  case (4 c n p c' n' p' m n0 n1 x)
  consider "n = n'" | "n > n' \ n < n'" by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    with 4 show ?thesis
      by (cases "p +\<^sub>p p' = 0\<^sub>p") (auto simp add: Let_def)
    case 2
    with 4 show ?thesis by auto
qed simp_all

lemma polymul_properties:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
    and m: "m \ min n0 n1"
  shows "isnpolyh (p *\<^sub>p q) (min n0 n1)"
    and "p *\<^sub>p q = 0\<^sub>p \ p = 0\<^sub>p \ q = 0\<^sub>p"
    and "degreen (p *\<^sub>p q) m = (if p = 0\<^sub>p \ q = 0\<^sub>p then 0 else degreen p m + degreen q m)"
  using np nq m
proof (induct p q arbitrary: n0 n1 m rule: polymul.induct)
  case (2 c c' n' p')
    case (1 n0 n1)
    with "2.hyps"(4-6)[of n' n' n'] and "2.hyps"(1-3)[of "Suc n'" "Suc n'" n']
    show ?case by (auto simp add: min_def)
    case (2 n0 n1)
    then show ?case by auto
    case (3 n0 n1)
    then show ?case using "2.hyps" by auto
  case (3 c n p c')
    case (1 n0 n1)
    with "3.hyps"(4-6)[of n n n] and "3.hyps"(1-3)[of "Suc n" "Suc n" n]
    show ?case by (auto simp add: min_def)
    case (2 n0 n1)
    then show ?case by auto
    case (3 n0 n1)
    then show ?case  using "3.hyps" by auto
  case (4 c n p c' n' p')
  let ?cnp = "CN c n p" let ?cnp' = "CN c' n' p'"
    case (1 n0 n1)
    then have cnp: "isnpolyh ?cnp n"
      and cnp': "isnpolyh ?cnp' n'"
      and np: "isnpolyh p n"
      and nc: "isnpolyh c (Suc n)"
      and np': "isnpolyh p' n'"
      and nc': "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"
      and nn0: "n \ n0"
      and nn1: "n' \ n1"
      by simp_all
    consider "n < n'" | "n' < n" | "n' = n" by arith
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case 1
      with "4.hyps"(4-5)[OF np cnp', of n] and "4.hyps"(1)[OF nc cnp', of n] nn0 cnp
      show ?thesis by (simp add: min_def)
      case 2
      with "4.hyps"(16-17)[OF cnp np', of "n'"] and "4.hyps"(13)[OF cnp nc', of "Suc n'"] nn1 cnp'
      show ?thesis by (cases "Suc n' = n") (simp_all add: min_def)
      case 3
      with "4.hyps"(16-17)[OF cnp np', of n] and "4.hyps"(13)[OF cnp nc', of n] cnp cnp' nn1 nn0
      show ?thesis
        by (auto intro!: polyadd_normh) (simp_all add: min_def isnpolyh_mono[OF nn0])
    fix n0 n1 m
    assume np: "isnpolyh ?cnp n0"
    assume np':"isnpolyh ?cnp' n1"
    assume m: "m \ min n0 n1"
    let ?d = "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p ?cnp') m"
    let ?d1 = "degreen ?cnp m"
    let ?d2 = "degreen ?cnp' m"
    let ?eq = "?d = (if ?cnp = 0\<^sub>p \ ?cnp' = 0\<^sub>p then 0 else ?d1 + ?d2)"
    consider "n' < n \ n < n'" | "n' = n" by linarith
    then show ?eq
    proof cases
      case 1
      with "4.hyps"(3,6,18) np np' m show ?thesis by auto
      case 2
      have nn': "n' = n" by fact
      then have nn: "\ n' < n \ \ n < n'" by arith
      from "4.hyps"(16,18)[of n n' n]
        "4.hyps"(13,14)[of n "Suc n'" n]
        np np' nn'
      have norm:
        "isnpolyh ?cnp n"
        "isnpolyh c' (Suc n)"
        "isnpolyh (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n"
        "isnpolyh p' n"
        "isnpolyh (?cnp *\<^sub>p p') n"
        "isnpolyh (CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p')) n"
        "?cnp *\<^sub>p c' = 0\<^sub>p \ c' = 0\<^sub>p"
        "?cnp *\<^sub>p p' \ 0\<^sub>p"
        by (auto simp add: min_def)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "m = n")
        case mn: True
        from "4.hyps"(17,18)[OF norm(1,4), of n]
          "4.hyps"(13,15)[OF norm(1,2), of n] norm nn' mn
        have degs:
          "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n = (if c' = 0\<^sub>p then 0 else ?d1 + degreen c' n)"
          "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p p') n = ?d1 + degreen p' n"
          by (simp_all add: min_def)
        from degs norm have th1: "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n < degreen (CN 0\<^sub>p n (?cnp *\<^sub>p p')) n"
          by simp
        then have neq: "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n \ degreen (CN 0\<^sub>p n (?cnp *\<^sub>p p')) n"
          by simp
        have nmin: "n \ min n n"
          by (simp add: min_def)
        from polyadd_different_degreen[OF norm(3,6) neq nmin] th1
        have deg: "degreen (CN c n p *\<^sub>p c' +\<^sub>p CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p')) n =
            degreen (CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p')) n"
          by simp
        from "4.hyps"(16-18)[OF norm(1,4), of n]
          "4.hyps"(13-15)[OF norm(1,2), of n]
          mn norm m nn' deg
        show ?thesis by simp
        case mn: False
        then have mn': "m < n"
          using m np by auto
        from nn' m np have max1: "m \ max n n"
          by simp
        then have min1: "m \ min n n"
          by simp
        then have min2: "m \ min n (Suc n)"
          by simp
        from "4.hyps"(16-18)[OF norm(1,4) min1]
          "4.hyps"(13-15)[OF norm(1,2) min2]
          degreen_polyadd[OF norm(3,6) max1]
        have "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c' +\<^sub>p CN 0\<^sub>p n (?cnp *\<^sub>p p')) m \
            max (degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') m) (degreen (CN 0\<^sub>p n (?cnp *\<^sub>p p')) m)"
          using mn nn' np np' by simp
        with "4.hyps"(16-18)[OF norm(1,4) min1]
          "4.hyps"(13-15)[OF norm(1,2) min2]
          degreen_0[OF norm(3) mn']
          nn' mn np np'
        show ?thesis by clarsimp
    case (2 n0 n1)
    then have np: "isnpolyh ?cnp n0"
      and np': "isnpolyh ?cnp' n1"
      and m: "m \ min n0 n1"
      by simp_all
    then have mn: "m \ n" by simp
    let ?c0p = "CN 0\<^sub>p n (?cnp *\<^sub>p p')"
    have False if C: "?cnp *\<^sub>p c' +\<^sub>p ?c0p = 0\<^sub>p" "n' = n"
    proof -
      from C have nn: "\ n' < n \ \ n < n'"
        by simp
      from "4.hyps"(16-18) [of n n n]
        "4.hyps"(13-15)[of n "Suc n" n]
        np np' C(2) mn
      have norm:
        "isnpolyh ?cnp n"
        "isnpolyh c' (Suc n)"
        "isnpolyh (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n"
        "isnpolyh p' n"
        "isnpolyh (?cnp *\<^sub>p p') n"
        "isnpolyh (CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p')) n"
        "?cnp *\<^sub>p c' = 0\<^sub>p \ c' = 0\<^sub>p"
        "?cnp *\<^sub>p p' \ 0\<^sub>p"
        "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n = (if c' = 0\<^sub>p then 0 else degreen ?cnp n + degreen c' n)"
        "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p p') n = degreen ?cnp n + degreen p' n"
        by (simp_all add: min_def)
      from norm have cn: "isnpolyh (CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p')) n"
        by simp
      have degneq: "degreen (?cnp *\<^sub>p c') n < degreen (CN 0\<^sub>p n (?cnp *\<^sub>p p')) n"
        using norm by simp
      from polyadd_eq_const_degreen[OF norm(3) cn C(1), where m="n"] degneq
      show ?thesis by simp
    then show ?case using "4.hyps" by clarsimp
qed auto

lemma polymul[simp]: "Ipoly bs (p *\<^sub>p q) = Ipoly bs p * Ipoly bs q"
  by (induct p q rule: polymul.induct) (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma polymul_normh:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ isnpolyh (p *\<^sub>p q) (min n0 n1)"
  using polymul_properties(1) by blast

lemma polymul_eq0_iff:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ p *\<^sub>p q = 0\<^sub>p \ p = 0\<^sub>p \ q = 0\<^sub>p"
  using polymul_properties(2) by blast

lemma polymul_degreen:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ m \ min n0 n1 \
    degreen (p *\<^sub>p q) m = (if p = 0\<^sub>p \<or> q = 0\<^sub>p then 0 else degreen p m + degreen q m)"
  by (fact polymul_properties(3))

lemma polymul_norm:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpoly p \ isnpoly q \ isnpoly (polymul p q)"
  using polymul_normh[of "p" "0" "q" "0"] isnpoly_def by simp

lemma headconst_zero: "isnpolyh p n0 \ headconst p = 0\<^sub>N \ p = 0\<^sub>p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0 rule: headconst.induct) auto

lemma headconst_isnormNum: "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnormNum (headconst p)"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0) auto

lemma monic_eqI:
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "INum (headconst p) * Ipoly bs (fst (monic p)) =
    (Ipoly bs p ::'a::{field_char_0, power})"
  unfolding monic_def Let_def
proof (cases "headconst p = 0\<^sub>N", simp_all add: headconst_zero[OF np])
  let ?h = "headconst p"
  assume pz: "p \ 0\<^sub>p"
    assume hz: "INum ?h = (0::'a)"
    from headconst_isnormNum[OF np] have norm: "isnormNum ?h" "isnormNum 0\<^sub>N"
      by simp_all
    from isnormNum_unique[where ?'a = 'a, OF norm] hz have "?h = 0\<^sub>N"
      by simp
    with headconst_zero[OF np] have "p = 0\<^sub>p"
      by blast
    with pz have False
      by blast
  then show "INum (headconst p) = (0::'a) \ \p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = 0"
    by blast

text \<open>polyneg is a negation and preserves normal forms\<close>

lemma polyneg[simp]: "Ipoly bs (polyneg p) = - Ipoly bs p"
  by (induct p rule: polyneg.induct) auto

lemma polyneg0: "isnpolyh p n \ (~\<^sub>p p) = 0\<^sub>p \ p = 0\<^sub>p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: polyneg.induct) (auto simp add: Nneg_def)

lemma polyneg_polyneg: "isnpolyh p n0 \ ~\<^sub>p (~\<^sub>p p) = p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0 rule: polyneg.induct) auto

lemma polyneg_normh: "isnpolyh p n \ isnpolyh (polyneg p) n"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: polyneg.induct) (auto simp add: polyneg0)

lemma polyneg_norm: "isnpoly p \ isnpoly (polyneg p)"
  using isnpoly_def polyneg_normh by simp

text \<open>polysub is a substraction and preserves normal forms\<close>

lemma polysub[simp]: "Ipoly bs (polysub p q) = Ipoly bs p - Ipoly bs q"
  by (simp add: polysub_def)

lemma polysub_normh: "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ isnpolyh (polysub p q) (min n0 n1)"
  by (simp add: polysub_def polyneg_normh polyadd_normh)

lemma polysub_norm: "isnpoly p \ isnpoly q \ isnpoly (polysub p q)"
  using polyadd_norm polyneg_norm by (simp add: polysub_def)

lemma polysub_same_0[simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n0 \ polysub p p = 0\<^sub>p"
  unfolding polysub_def split_def fst_conv snd_conv
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0) (auto simp add: Let_def Nsub0[simplified Nsub_def])

lemma polysub_0:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ p -\<^sub>p q = 0\<^sub>p \ p = q"
  unfolding polysub_def split_def fst_conv snd_conv
  by (induct p q arbitrary: n0 n1 rule:polyadd.induct)
    (auto simp: Nsub0[simplified Nsub_def] Let_def)

text \<open>polypow is a power function and preserves normal forms\<close>

lemma polypow[simp]: "Ipoly bs (polypow n p) = (Ipoly bs p :: 'a::field_char_0) ^ n"
proof (induct n rule: polypow.induct)
  case 1
  then show ?case by simp
  case (2 n)
  let ?q = "polypow ((Suc n) div 2) p"
  let ?d = "polymul ?q ?q"
  consider "odd (Suc n)" | "even (Suc n)" by auto
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case odd: 1
    have *: "(Suc (Suc (Suc 0) * (Suc n div Suc (Suc 0)))) = Suc n div 2 + Suc n div 2 + 1"
      by arith
    from odd have "Ipoly bs (p ^\<^sub>p Suc n) = Ipoly bs (polymul p ?d)"
      by (simp add: Let_def)
    also have "\ = (Ipoly bs p) * (Ipoly bs p)^(Suc n div 2) * (Ipoly bs p)^(Suc n div 2)"
      using "2.hyps" by simp
    also have "\ = (Ipoly bs p) ^ (Suc n div 2 + Suc n div 2 + 1)"
      by (simp only: power_add power_one_right) simp
    also have "\ = (Ipoly bs p) ^ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0) * (Suc n div Suc (Suc 0))))"
      by (simp only: *)
    finally show ?thesis
      unfolding numeral_2_eq_2 [symmetric]
      using odd_two_times_div_two_nat [OF odd] by simp
    case even: 2
    from even have "Ipoly bs (p ^\<^sub>p Suc n) = Ipoly bs ?d"
      by (simp add: Let_def)
    also have "\ = (Ipoly bs p) ^ (2 * (Suc n div 2))"
      using "2.hyps" by (simp only: mult_2 power_add) simp
    finally show ?thesis
      using even_two_times_div_two [OF even] by simp

lemma polypow_normh:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n \ isnpolyh (polypow k p) n"
proof (induct k arbitrary: n rule: polypow.induct)
  case 1
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 k n)
  let ?q = "polypow (Suc k div 2) p"
  let ?d = "polymul ?q ?q"
  from 2 have *: "isnpolyh ?q n" and **: "isnpolyh p n"
    by blast+
  from polymul_normh[OF * *] have dn: "isnpolyh ?d n"
    by simp
  from polymul_normh[OF ** dn] have on: "isnpolyh (polymul p ?d) n"
    by simp
  from dn on show ?case by (simp, unfold Let_def) auto

lemma polypow_norm:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpoly p \ isnpoly (polypow k p)"
  by (simp add: polypow_normh isnpoly_def)

text \<open>Finally the whole normalization\<close>

lemma polynate [simp]: "Ipoly bs (polynate p) = (Ipoly bs p :: 'a ::field_char_0)"
  by (induct p rule:polynate.induct) auto

lemma polynate_norm[simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpoly (polynate p)"
  by (induct p rule: polynate.induct)
     (simp_all add: polyadd_norm polymul_norm polysub_norm polyneg_norm polypow_norm,
      simp_all add: isnpoly_def)

text \<open>shift1\<close>

lemma shift1: "Ipoly bs (shift1 p) = Ipoly bs (Mul (Bound 0) p)"
  by (simp add: shift1_def)

lemma shift1_isnpoly:
  assumes "isnpoly p"
    and "p \ 0\<^sub>p"
  shows "isnpoly (shift1 p) "
  using assms by (simp add: shift1_def isnpoly_def)

lemma shift1_nz[simp]:"shift1 p \ 0\<^sub>p"
  by (simp add: shift1_def)

lemma funpow_shift1_isnpoly: "isnpoly p \ p \ 0\<^sub>p \ isnpoly (funpow n shift1 p)"
  by (induct n arbitrary: p) (auto simp add: shift1_isnpoly funpow_swap1)

lemma funpow_isnpolyh:
  assumes "\p. isnpolyh p n \ isnpolyh (f p) n"
    and "isnpolyh p n"
  shows "isnpolyh (funpow k f p) n"
  using assms by (induct k arbitrary: p) auto

lemma funpow_shift1:
  "(Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 p) :: 'a :: field_char_0) =
    Ipoly bs (Mul (Pw (Bound 0) n) p)"
  by (induct n arbitrary: p) (simp_all add: shift1_isnpoly shift1)

lemma shift1_isnpolyh: "isnpolyh p n0 \ p \ 0\<^sub>p \ isnpolyh (shift1 p) 0"
  using isnpolyh_mono[where n="n0" and n'="0" and p="p"] by (simp add: shift1_def)

lemma funpow_shift1_1:
  "(Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 p) :: 'a :: field_char_0) =
    Ipoly bs (funpow n shift1 (1)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p)"
  by (simp add: funpow_shift1)

lemma poly_cmul[simp]: "Ipoly bs (poly_cmul c p) = Ipoly bs (Mul (C c) p)"
  by (induct p rule: poly_cmul.induct) (auto simp add: field_simps)

lemma behead:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n"
  shows "Ipoly bs (Add (Mul (head p) (Pw (Bound 0) (degree p))) (behead p)) =
    (Ipoly bs p :: 'a :: field_char_0)"
  using assms
proof (induct p arbitrary: n rule: behead.induct)
  case (1 c p n)
  then have pn: "isnpolyh p n" by simp
  from 1(1)[OF pn]
  have th:"Ipoly bs (Add (Mul (head p) (Pw (Bound 0) (degree p))) (behead p)) = Ipoly bs p" .
  then show ?case using "1.hyps"
    apply (simp add: Let_def,cases "behead p = 0\<^sub>p")
    apply (simp_all add: th[symmetric] field_simps)
qed (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma behead_isnpolyh:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n"
  shows "isnpolyh (behead p) n"
  using assms by (induct p rule: behead.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def isnpolyh_mono)

subsection \<open>Miscellaneous lemmas about indexes, decrementation, substitution  etc ...\<close>

lemma isnpolyh_polybound0: "isnpolyh p (Suc n) \ polybound0 p"
proof (induct p arbitrary: n rule: poly.induct, auto, goal_cases)
  case prems: (1 c n p n')
  then have "n = Suc (n - 1)"
    by simp
  then have "isnpolyh p (Suc (n - 1))"
    using \<open>isnpolyh p n\<close> by simp
  with prems(2) show ?case
    by simp

lemma isconstant_polybound0: "isnpolyh p n0 \ isconstant p \ polybound0 p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0 rule: isconstant.induct) (auto simp add: isnpolyh_polybound0)

lemma decrpoly_zero[simp]: "decrpoly p = 0\<^sub>p \ p = 0\<^sub>p"
  by (induct p) auto

lemma decrpoly_normh: "isnpolyh p n0 \ polybound0 p \ isnpolyh (decrpoly p) (n0 - 1)"
  apply (induct p arbitrary: n0)
         apply auto
  apply atomize
  apply (rename_tac nat a b, erule_tac x = "Suc nat" in allE)
  apply auto

lemma head_polybound0: "isnpolyh p n0 \ polybound0 (head p)"
  by (induct p  arbitrary: n0 rule: head.induct) (auto intro: isnpolyh_polybound0)

lemma polybound0_I:
  assumes "polybound0 a"
  shows "Ipoly (b # bs) a = Ipoly (b' # bs) a"
  using assms by (induct a rule: poly.induct) auto

lemma polysubst0_I: "Ipoly (b # bs) (polysubst0 a t) = Ipoly ((Ipoly (b # bs) a) # bs) t"
  by (induct t) simp_all

lemma polysubst0_I':
  assumes "polybound0 a"
  shows "Ipoly (b # bs) (polysubst0 a t) = Ipoly ((Ipoly (b' # bs) a) # bs) t"
  by (induct t) (simp_all add: polybound0_I[OF assms, where b="b" and b'="b'"])

lemma decrpoly:
  assumes "polybound0 t"
  shows "Ipoly (x # bs) t = Ipoly bs (decrpoly t)"
  using assms by (induct t rule: decrpoly.induct) simp_all

lemma polysubst0_polybound0:
  assumes "polybound0 t"
  shows "polybound0 (polysubst0 t a)"
  using assms by (induct a rule: poly.induct) auto

lemma degree0_polybound0: "isnpolyh p n \ degree p = 0 \ polybound0 p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) (auto simp add: isnpolyh_polybound0)

primrec maxindex :: "poly \ nat"
    "maxindex (Bound n) = n + 1"
  | "maxindex (CN c n p) = max (n + 1) (max (maxindex c) (maxindex p))"
  | "maxindex (Add p q) = max (maxindex p) (maxindex q)"
  | "maxindex (Sub p q) = max (maxindex p) (maxindex q)"
  | "maxindex (Mul p q) = max (maxindex p) (maxindex q)"
  | "maxindex (Neg p) = maxindex p"
  | "maxindex (Pw p n) = maxindex p"
  | "maxindex (C x) = 0"

definition wf_bs :: "'a list \ poly \ bool"
  where "wf_bs bs p \ length bs \ maxindex p"

lemma wf_bs_coefficients: "wf_bs bs p \ \c \ set (coefficients p). wf_bs bs c"
proof (induct p rule: coefficients.induct)
  case (1 c p)
  show ?case
    fix x
    assume "x \ set (coefficients (CN c 0 p))"
    then consider "x = c" | "x \ set (coefficients p)"
      by auto
    then show "wf_bs bs x"
    proof cases
      case prems: 1
      then show ?thesis
        using "1.prems" by (simp add: wf_bs_def)
      case prems: 2
      from "1.prems" have "wf_bs bs p"
        by (simp add: wf_bs_def)
      with "1.hyps" prems show ?thesis
        by blast
qed simp_all

lemma maxindex_coefficients: "\c \ set (coefficients p). maxindex c \ maxindex p"
  by (induct p rule: coefficients.induct) auto

lemma wf_bs_I: "wf_bs bs p \ Ipoly (bs @ bs') p = Ipoly bs p"
  by (induct p) (auto simp add: nth_append wf_bs_def)

lemma take_maxindex_wf:
  assumes wf: "wf_bs bs p"
  shows "Ipoly (take (maxindex p) bs) p = Ipoly bs p"
proof -
  let ?ip = "maxindex p"
  let ?tbs = "take ?ip bs"
  from wf have "length ?tbs = ?ip"
    unfolding wf_bs_def by simp
  then have wf': "wf_bs ?tbs p"
    unfolding wf_bs_def by  simp
  have eq: "bs = ?tbs @ drop ?ip bs"
    by simp
  from wf_bs_I[OF wf', of "drop ?ip bs"] show ?thesis
    using eq by simp

lemma decr_maxindex: "polybound0 p \ maxindex (decrpoly p) = maxindex p - 1"
  by (induct p) auto

lemma wf_bs_insensitive: "length bs = length bs' \ wf_bs bs p = wf_bs bs' p"
  by (simp add: wf_bs_def)

lemma wf_bs_insensitive': "wf_bs (x # bs) p = wf_bs (y # bs) p"
  by (simp add: wf_bs_def)

lemma wf_bs_coefficients': "\c \ set (coefficients p). wf_bs bs c \ wf_bs (x # bs) p"
  by (induct p rule: coefficients.induct) (auto simp add: wf_bs_def)

lemma coefficients_Nil[simp]: "coefficients p \ []"
  by (induct p rule: coefficients.induct) simp_all

lemma coefficients_head: "last (coefficients p) = head p"
  by (induct p rule: coefficients.induct) auto

lemma wf_bs_decrpoly: "wf_bs bs (decrpoly p) \ wf_bs (x # bs) p"
  unfolding wf_bs_def by (induct p rule: decrpoly.induct) auto

lemma length_le_list_ex: "length xs \ n \ \ys. length (xs @ ys) = n"
  by (rule exI[where x="replicate (n - length xs) z" for z]) simp

lemma isnpolyh_Suc_const: "isnpolyh p (Suc n) \ isconstant p"
  apply (cases p)
         apply auto
  apply (rename_tac nat a, case_tac "nat")
   apply simp_all

lemma wf_bs_polyadd: "wf_bs bs p \ wf_bs bs q \ wf_bs bs (p +\<^sub>p q)"
  by (induct p q rule: polyadd.induct) (auto simp add: Let_def wf_bs_def)

lemma wf_bs_polyul: "wf_bs bs p \ wf_bs bs q \ wf_bs bs (p *\<^sub>p q)"
  apply (induct p q arbitrary: bs rule: polymul.induct)
                      apply (simp_all add: wf_bs_polyadd wf_bs_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule wf_bs_polyadd[unfolded wf_bs_def, rule_format])
  apply auto

lemma wf_bs_polyneg: "wf_bs bs p \ wf_bs bs (~\<^sub>p p)"
  by (induct p rule: polyneg.induct) (auto simp: wf_bs_def)

lemma wf_bs_polysub: "wf_bs bs p \ wf_bs bs q \ wf_bs bs (p -\<^sub>p q)"
  unfolding polysub_def split_def fst_conv snd_conv
  using wf_bs_polyadd wf_bs_polyneg by blast

subsection \<open>Canonicity of polynomial representation, see lemma isnpolyh_unique\<close>

definition "polypoly bs p = map (Ipoly bs) (coefficients p)"
definition "polypoly' bs p = map (Ipoly bs \ decrpoly) (coefficients p)"
definition "poly_nate bs p = map (Ipoly bs \ decrpoly) (coefficients (polynate p))"

lemma coefficients_normh: "isnpolyh p n0 \ \q \ set (coefficients p). isnpolyh q n0"
proof (induct p arbitrary: n0 rule: coefficients.induct)
  case (1 c p n0)
  have cp: "isnpolyh (CN c 0 p) n0"
    by fact
  then have norm: "isnpolyh c 0" "isnpolyh p 0" "p \ 0\<^sub>p" "n0 = 0"
    by (auto simp add: isnpolyh_mono[where n'=0])
  from "1.hyps"[OF norm(2)] norm(1) norm(4) show ?case
    by simp
qed auto

lemma coefficients_isconst: "isnpolyh p n \ \q \ set (coefficients p). isconstant q"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: coefficients.induct) (auto simp add: isnpolyh_Suc_const)

lemma polypoly_polypoly':
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "polypoly (x # bs) p = polypoly' bs p"
proof -
  let ?cf = "set (coefficients p)"
  from coefficients_normh[OF np] have cn_norm: "\ q\ ?cf. isnpolyh q n0" .
  have "polybound0 q" if "q \ ?cf" for q
  proof -
    from that cn_norm have *: "isnpolyh q n0"
      by blast
    from coefficients_isconst[OF np] that have "isconstant q"
      by blast
    with isconstant_polybound0[OF *] show ?thesis
      by blast
  then have "\q \ ?cf. polybound0 q" ..
  then have "\q \ ?cf. Ipoly (x # bs) q = Ipoly bs (decrpoly q)"
    using polybound0_I[where b=x and bs=bs and b'=y] decrpoly[where x=x and bs=bs]
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding polypoly_def polypoly'_def by simp

lemma polypoly_poly:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "Ipoly (x # bs) p = poly (polypoly (x # bs) p) x"
  using assms
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0 bs rule: coefficients.induct) (auto simp add: polypoly_def)

lemma polypoly'_poly:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "\p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>x # bs\<^esup> = poly (polypoly' bs p) x"
  using polypoly_poly[OF assms, simplified polypoly_polypoly'[OF assms]] .

lemma polypoly_poly_polybound0:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n0"
    and "polybound0 p"
  shows "polypoly bs p = [Ipoly bs p]"
  using assms
  unfolding polypoly_def
  apply (cases p)
         apply auto
  apply (rename_tac nat a, case_tac nat)
   apply auto

lemma head_isnpolyh: "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh (head p) n0"
  by (induct p rule: head.induct) auto

lemma headn_nz[simp]: "isnpolyh p n0 \ headn p m = 0\<^sub>p \ p = 0\<^sub>p"
  by (cases p) auto

lemma head_eq_headn0: "head p = headn p 0"
  by (induct p rule: head.induct) simp_all

lemma head_nz[simp]: "isnpolyh p n0 \ head p = 0\<^sub>p \ p = 0\<^sub>p"
  by (simp add: head_eq_headn0)

lemma isnpolyh_zero_iff:
  assumes nq: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and eq :"\bs. wf_bs bs p \ \p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = (0::'a::{field_char_0, power})"
  shows "p = 0\<^sub>p"
  using nq eq
proof (induct "maxindex p" arbitrary: p n0 rule: less_induct)
  case less
  note np = \<open>isnpolyh p n0\<close> and zp = \<open>\<forall>bs. wf_bs bs p \<longrightarrow> \<lparr>p\<rparr>\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = (0::'a)\<close>
  show "p = 0\<^sub>p"
  proof (cases "maxindex p = 0")
    case True
    with np obtain c where "p = C c" by (cases p) auto
    with zp np show ?thesis by (simp add: wf_bs_def)
    case nz: False
    let ?h = "head p"
    let ?hd = "decrpoly ?h"
    let ?ihd = "maxindex ?hd"
    from head_isnpolyh[OF np] head_polybound0[OF np]
    have h: "isnpolyh ?h n0" "polybound0 ?h"
      by simp_all
    then have nhd: "isnpolyh ?hd (n0 - 1)"
      using decrpoly_normh by blast

    from maxindex_coefficients[of p] coefficients_head[of p, symmetric]
    have mihn: "maxindex ?h \ maxindex p"
      by auto
    with decr_maxindex[OF h(2)] nz have ihd_lt_n: "?ihd < maxindex p"
      by auto

    have "\?hd\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = 0" if bs: "wf_bs bs ?hd" for bs :: "'a list"
    proof -
      let ?ts = "take ?ihd bs"
      let ?rs = "drop ?ihd bs"
      from bs have ts: "wf_bs ?ts ?hd"
        by (simp add: wf_bs_def)
      have bs_ts_eq: "?ts @ ?rs = bs"
        by simp
      from wf_bs_decrpoly[OF ts] have tsh: " \x. wf_bs (x # ?ts) ?h"
        by simp
      from ihd_lt_n have "\x. length (x # ?ts) \ maxindex p"
        by simp
      with length_le_list_ex obtain xs where xs: "length ((x # ?ts) @ xs) = maxindex p"
        by blast
      then have "\x. wf_bs ((x # ?ts) @ xs) p"
        by (simp add: wf_bs_def)
      with zp have "\x. Ipoly ((x # ?ts) @ xs) p = 0"
        by blast
      then have "\x. Ipoly (x # (?ts @ xs)) p = 0"
        by simp
      with polypoly_poly[OF np, where ?'a = 'a] polypoly_polypoly'[OF np, where ?'a = 'a]
      have "\x. poly (polypoly' (?ts @ xs) p) x = poly [] x"
        by simp
      then have "poly (polypoly' (?ts @ xs) p) = poly []"
        by auto
      then have "\c \ set (coefficients p). Ipoly (?ts @ xs) (decrpoly c) = 0"
        using poly_zero[where ?'a='a] by (simp add: polypoly'_def)
      with coefficients_head[of p, symmetric]
      have *: "Ipoly (?ts @ xs) ?hd = 0"
        by simp
      from bs have wf''"wf_bs ?ts ?hd"
        by (simp add: wf_bs_def)
      with * wf_bs_I[of ?ts ?hd xs] have "Ipoly ?ts ?hd = 0"
        by simp
      with wf'' wf_bs_I[of ?ts ?hd ?rs] bs_ts_eq show ?thesis
        by simp
    then have hdz: "\bs. wf_bs bs ?hd \ \?hd\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = (0::'a)"
      by blast
    from less(1)[OF ihd_lt_n nhd] hdz have "?hd = 0\<^sub>p"
      by blast
    then have "?h = 0\<^sub>p" by simp
    with head_nz[OF np] show ?thesis by simp

lemma isnpolyh_unique:
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
  shows "(\bs. \p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = (\q\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> :: 'a::{field_char_0,power})) \ p = q"
proof auto
  assume "\bs. (\p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> ::'a) = \q\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup>"
  then have "\bs.\p -\<^sub>p q\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup>= (0::'a)"
    by simp
  then have "\bs. wf_bs bs (p -\<^sub>p q) \ \p -\<^sub>p q\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>bs\<^esup> = (0::'a)"
    using wf_bs_polysub[where p=p and q=q] by auto
  with isnpolyh_zero_iff[OF polysub_normh[OF np nq]] polysub_0[OF np nq] show "p = q"
    by blast

text \<open>Consequences of unicity on the algorithms for polynomial normalization.\<close>

lemma polyadd_commute:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
  shows "p +\<^sub>p q = q +\<^sub>p p"
  using isnpolyh_unique[OF polyadd_normh[OF np nq] polyadd_normh[OF nq np]]
  by simp

lemma zero_normh: "isnpolyh 0\<^sub>p n"
  by simp

lemma one_normh: "isnpolyh (1)\<^sub>p n"
  by simp

lemma polyadd_0[simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "p +\<^sub>p 0\<^sub>p = p"
    and "0\<^sub>p +\<^sub>p p = p"
  using isnpolyh_unique[OF polyadd_normh[OF np zero_normh] np]
    isnpolyh_unique[OF polyadd_normh[OF zero_normh np] np] by simp_all

lemma polymul_1[simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "p *\<^sub>p (1)\<^sub>p = p"
    and "(1)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p = p"
  using isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF np one_normh] np]
    isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF one_normh np] np] by simp_all

lemma polymul_0[simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "p *\<^sub>p 0\<^sub>p = 0\<^sub>p"
    and "0\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p = 0\<^sub>p"
  using isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF np zero_normh] zero_normh]
    isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF zero_normh np] zero_normh] by simp_all

lemma polymul_commute:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
  shows "p *\<^sub>p q = q *\<^sub>p p"
  using isnpolyh_unique[OF polymul_normh[OF np nq] polymul_normh[OF nq np],
    where ?'a = "'a::{field_char_0, power}"]
  by simp

declare polyneg_polyneg [simp]

lemma isnpolyh_polynate_id [simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
  shows "polynate p = p"
  using isnpolyh_unique[where ?'a= "'a::field_char_0",
      OF polynate_norm[of p, unfolded isnpoly_def] np]
    polynate[where ?'a = "'a::field_char_0"]
  by simp

lemma polynate_idempotent[simp]:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "polynate (polynate p) = polynate p"
  using isnpolyh_polynate_id[OF polynate_norm[of p, unfolded isnpoly_def]] .

lemma poly_nate_polypoly': "poly_nate bs p = polypoly' bs (polynate p)"
  unfolding poly_nate_def polypoly'_def ..

lemma poly_nate_poly:
  "poly (poly_nate bs p) = (\x:: 'a ::field_char_0. \p\\<^sub>p\<^bsup>x # bs\<^esup>)"
  using polypoly'_poly[OF polynate_norm[unfolded isnpoly_def], symmetric, of bs p]
  unfolding poly_nate_polypoly' by auto

subsection \<open>Heads, degrees and all that\<close>

lemma degree_eq_degreen0: "degree p = degreen p 0"
  by (induct p rule: degree.induct) simp_all

lemma degree_polyneg:
  assumes "isnpolyh p n"
  shows "degree (polyneg p) = degree p"
  apply (induct p rule: polyneg.induct)
  using assms
         apply simp_all
  apply (case_tac na)
   apply auto

lemma degree_polyadd:
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
  shows "degree (p +\<^sub>p q) \ max (degree p) (degree q)"
  using degreen_polyadd[OF np nq, where m= "0"] degree_eq_degreen0 by simp

lemma degree_polysub:
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
  shows "degree (p -\<^sub>p q) \ max (degree p) (degree q)"
  from nq have nq': "isnpolyh (~\<^sub>p q) n1"
    using polyneg_normh by simp
  from degree_polyadd[OF np nq'] show ?thesis
    by (simp add: polysub_def degree_polyneg[OF nq])

lemma degree_polysub_samehead:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
    and h: "head p = head q"
    and d: "degree p = degree q"
  shows "degree (p -\<^sub>p q) < degree p \ (p -\<^sub>p q = 0\<^sub>p)"
  unfolding polysub_def split_def fst_conv snd_conv
  using np nq h d
proof (induct p q rule: polyadd.induct)
  case (1 c c')
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: Nsub_def Nsub0[simplified Nsub_def])
  case (2 c c' n' p')
  from 2 have "degree (C c) = degree (CN c' n' p')"
    by simp
  then have nz: "n' > 0"
    by (cases n') auto
  then have "head (CN c' n' p') = CN c' n' p'"
    by (cases n') auto
  with 2 show ?case
    by simp
  case (3 c n p c')
  then have "degree (C c') = degree (CN c n p)"
    by simp
  then have nz: "n > 0"
    by (cases n) auto
  then have "head (CN c n p) = CN c n p"
    by (cases n) auto
  with 3 show ?case by simp
  case (4 c n p c' n' p')
  then have H:
    "isnpolyh (CN c n p) n0"
    "isnpolyh (CN c' n' p') n1"
    "head (CN c n p) = head (CN c' n' p')"
    "degree (CN c n p) = degree (CN c' n' p')"
    by simp_all
  then have degc: "degree c = 0" and degc': "degree c' = 0"
    by simp_all
  then have degnc: "degree (~\<^sub>p c) = 0" and degnc': "degree (~\<^sub>p c') = 0"
    using H(1-2) degree_polyneg by auto
  from H have cnh: "isnpolyh c (Suc n)" and c'nh: "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"
    by simp_all
  from degree_polysub[OF cnh c'nh, simplified polysub_def] degc degc'
  have degcmc': "degree (c +\<^sub>p ~\<^sub>pc') = 0"
    by simp
  from H have pnh: "isnpolyh p n" and p'nh: "isnpolyh p' n'"
    by auto
  consider "n = n'" | "n < n'" | "n > n'"
    by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case nn': 1
    consider "n = 0" | "n > 0" by arith
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case 1
      with 4 nn' show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: Let_def degcmc')
      case 2
      with nn' H(3) have "c = c'" and "p = p'"
        by (cases n; auto)+
      with nn' 4 show ?thesis
        using polysub_same_0[OF p'nh, simplified polysub_def split_def fst_conv snd_conv]
        using polysub_same_0[OF c'nh, simplified polysub_def]
        by (simp add: Let_def)
    case nn': 2
    then have n'p: "n' > 0"
      by simp
    then have headcnp':"head (CN c' n' p') = CN c' n' p'"
      by (cases n') simp_all
    with 4 nn' have degcnp'"degree (CN c' n' p') = 0"
      and degcnpeq: "degree (CN c n p) = degree (CN c' n' p')"
      by (cases n', simp_all)
    then have "n > 0"
      by (cases n) simp_all
    then have headcnp: "head (CN c n p) = CN c n p"
      by (cases n) auto
    from H(3) headcnp headcnp' nn' show ?thesis
      by auto
    case nn': 3
    then have np: "n > 0" by simp
    then have headcnp:"head (CN c n p) = CN c n p"
      by (cases n) simp_all
    from 4 have degcnpeq: "degree (CN c' n' p') = degree (CN c n p)"
      by simp
    from np have degcnp: "degree (CN c n p) = 0"
      by (cases n) simp_all
    with degcnpeq have "n' > 0"
      by (cases n') simp_all
    then have headcnp': "head (CN c' n' p') = CN c' n' p'"
      by (cases n') auto
    from H(3) headcnp headcnp' nn' show ?thesis by auto
qed auto

lemma shift1_head : "isnpolyh p n0 \ head (shift1 p) = head p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0 rule: head.induct) (simp_all add: shift1_def)

lemma funpow_shift1_head: "isnpolyh p n0 \ p \ 0\<^sub>p \ head (funpow k shift1 p) = head p"
proof (induct k arbitrary: n0 p)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc k n0 p)
  then have "isnpolyh (shift1 p) 0"
    by (simp add: shift1_isnpolyh)
  with Suc have "head (funpow k shift1 (shift1 p)) = head (shift1 p)"
    and "head (shift1 p) = head p"
    by (simp_all add: shift1_head)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: funpow_swap1)

lemma shift1_degree: "degree (shift1 p) = 1 + degree p"
  by (simp add: shift1_def)

lemma funpow_shift1_degree: "degree (funpow k shift1 p) = k + degree p "
  by (induct k arbitrary: p) (auto simp add: shift1_degree)

lemma funpow_shift1_nz: "p \ 0\<^sub>p \ funpow n shift1 p \ 0\<^sub>p"
  by (induct n arbitrary: p) simp_all

lemma head_isnpolyh_Suc[simp]: "isnpolyh p (Suc n) \ head p = p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) auto
lemma headn_0[simp]: "isnpolyh p n \ m < n \ headn p m = p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degreen.induct) auto
lemma head_isnpolyh_Suc': "n > 0 \ isnpolyh p n \ head p = p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) auto
lemma head_head[simp]: "isnpolyh p n0 \ head (head p) = head p"
  by (induct p rule: head.induct) auto

lemma polyadd_eq_const_degree:
  "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ polyadd p q = C c \ degree p = degree q"
  using polyadd_eq_const_degreen degree_eq_degreen0 by simp

lemma polyadd_head:
  assumes np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
    and deg: "degree p \ degree q"
  shows "head (p +\<^sub>p q) = (if degree p < degree q then head q else head p)"
  using np nq deg
  apply (induct p q arbitrary: n0 n1 rule: polyadd.induct)
                      apply simp_all
    apply (case_tac n', simp, simp)
   apply (case_tac n, simp, simp)
  apply (case_tac n, case_tac n', simp add: Let_def)
    apply (auto simp add: polyadd_eq_const_degree)[2]
    apply (metis head_nz)
   apply (metis head_nz)
  apply (metis degree.simps(9) gr0_conv_Suc head.simps(1) less_Suc0 not_less_eq)

lemma polymul_head_polyeq:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
  shows "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ p \ 0\<^sub>p \ q \ 0\<^sub>p \ head (p *\<^sub>p q) = head p *\<^sub>p head q"
proof (induct p q arbitrary: n0 n1 rule: polymul.induct)
  case (2 c c' n' p' n0 n1)
  then have "isnpolyh (head (CN c' n' p')) n1" "isnormNum c"
    by (simp_all add: head_isnpolyh)
  then show ?case
    using 2 by (cases n') auto
  case (3 c n p c' n0 n1)
  then have "isnpolyh (head (CN c n p)) n0" "isnormNum c'"
    by (simp_all add: head_isnpolyh)
  then show ?case
    using 3 by (cases n) auto
  case (4 c n p c' n' p' n0 n1)
  then have norm: "isnpolyh p n" "isnpolyh c (Suc n)" "isnpolyh p' n'" "isnpolyh c' (Suc n')"
    "isnpolyh (CN c n p) n" "isnpolyh (CN c' n' p') n'"
    by simp_all
  consider "n < n'" | "n' < n" | "n' = n" by arith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case nn': 1
    then show ?thesis
      using norm "4.hyps"(2)[OF norm(1,6)] "4.hyps"(1)[OF norm(2,6)]
      apply simp
      apply (cases n)
       apply simp
      apply (cases n')
       apply simp_all
    case nn': 2
    then show ?thesis
      using norm "4.hyps"(6) [OF norm(5,3)] "4.hyps"(5)[OF norm(5,4)]
      apply simp
      apply (cases n')
       apply simp
      apply (cases n)
       apply auto
    case nn': 3
    from nn' polymul_normh[OF norm(5,4)]
    have ncnpc': "isnpolyh (CN c n p *\<^sub>p c') n" by (simp add: min_def)
    from nn' polymul_normh[OF norm(5,3)] norm
    have ncnpp': "isnpolyh (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p') n" by simp
    from nn' ncnpp' polymul_eq0_iff[OF norm(5,3)] norm(6)
    have ncnpp0': "isnpolyh (CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p')) n" by simp
    from polyadd_normh[OF ncnpc' ncnpp0']
    have nth: "isnpolyh ((CN c n p *\<^sub>p c') +\<^sub>p (CN 0\<^sub>p n (CN c n p *\<^sub>p p'))) n"
      by (simp add: min_def)
    consider "n > 0" | "n = 0" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case np: 1
      with nn' head_isnpolyh_Suc'[OF np nth]
        head_isnpolyh_Suc'[OF np norm(5)] head_isnpolyh_Suc'[OF np norm(6)[simplified nn']]
      show ?thesis by simp
      case nz: 2
      from polymul_degreen[OF norm(5,4), where m="0"]
        polymul_degreen[OF norm(5,3), where m="0"] nn' nz degree_eq_degreen0
        norm(5,6) degree_npolyhCN[OF norm(6)]
      have dth: "degree (CN c 0 p *\<^sub>p c') < degree (CN 0\<^sub>p 0 (CN c 0 p *\<^sub>p p'))"
        by simp
      then have dth': "degree (CN c 0 p *\<^sub>p c') \ degree (CN 0\<^sub>p 0 (CN c 0 p *\<^sub>p p'))"
        by simp
      from polyadd_head[OF ncnpc'[simplified nz] ncnpp0'[simplified nz] dth'] dth
      show ?thesis
        using norm "4.hyps"(6)[OF norm(5,3)] "4.hyps"(5)[OF norm(5,4)] nn' nz
        by simp
qed simp_all

lemma degree_coefficients: "degree p = length (coefficients p) - 1"
  by (induct p rule: degree.induct) auto

lemma degree_head[simp]: "degree (head p) = 0"
  by (induct p rule: head.induct) auto

lemma degree_CN: "isnpolyh p n \ degree (CN c n p) \ 1 + degree p"
  by (cases n) simp_all

lemma degree_CN': "isnpolyh p n \ degree (CN c n p) \ degree p"
  by (cases n) simp_all

lemma polyadd_different_degree:
  "isnpolyh p n0 \ isnpolyh q n1 \ degree p \ degree q \
    degree (polyadd p q) = max (degree p) (degree q)"
  using polyadd_different_degreen degree_eq_degreen0 by simp

lemma degreen_polyneg: "isnpolyh p n0 \ degreen (~\<^sub>p p) m = degreen p m"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n0 rule: polyneg.induct) auto

lemma degree_polymul:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
  shows "degree (p *\<^sub>p q) \ degree p + degree q"
  using polymul_degreen[OF np nq, where m="0"]  degree_eq_degreen0 by simp

lemma polyneg_degree: "isnpolyh p n \ degree (polyneg p) = degree p"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) auto

lemma polyneg_head: "isnpolyh p n \ head (polyneg p) = polyneg (head p)"
  by (induct p arbitrary: n rule: degree.induct) auto

subsection \<open>Correctness of polynomial pseudo division\<close>

lemma polydivide_aux_properties:
  assumes "SORT_CONSTRAINT('a::field_char_0)"
    and np: "isnpolyh p n0"
    and ns: "isnpolyh s n1"
    and ap: "head p = a"
    and ndp: "degree p = n"
    and pnz: "p \ 0\<^sub>p"
  shows "polydivide_aux a n p k s = (k', r) \ k' \ k \ (degree r = 0 \ degree r < degree p) \
    (\<exists>nr. isnpolyh r nr) \<and> (\<exists>q n1. isnpolyh q n1 \<and> (polypow (k' - k) a) *\<^sub>p s = p *\<^sub>p q +\<^sub>p r)"
  using ns
proof (induct "degree s" arbitrary: s k k' r n1 rule: less_induct)
  case less
  let ?qths = "\q n1. isnpolyh q n1 \ (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s = p *\<^sub>p q +\<^sub>p r)"
  let ?ths = "polydivide_aux a n p k s = (k', r) \ k \ k' \
    (degree r = 0 \<or> degree r < degree p) \<and> (\<exists>nr. isnpolyh r nr) \<and> ?qths"
  let ?b = "head s"
  let ?p' = "funpow (degree s - n) shift1 p"
  let ?xdn = "funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p"
  let ?akk' = "a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k)"
  note ns = \<open>isnpolyh s n1\<close>
  from np have np0: "isnpolyh p 0"
    using isnpolyh_mono[where n="n0" and n'="0" and p="p"] by simp
  have np': "isnpolyh ?p' 0"
    using funpow_shift1_isnpoly[OF np0[simplified isnpoly_def[symmetric]] pnz, where n="degree s - n"] isnpoly_def
    by simp
  have headp': "head ?p' = head p"
    using funpow_shift1_head[OF np pnz] by simp
  from funpow_shift1_isnpoly[where p="(1)\<^sub>p"] have nxdn: "isnpolyh ?xdn 0"
    by (simp add: isnpoly_def)
  from polypow_normh [OF head_isnpolyh[OF np0], where k="k' - k"] ap
  have nakk':"isnpolyh ?akk' 0" by blast
  show ?ths
  proof (cases "s = 0\<^sub>p")
    case True
    with np show ?thesis
      apply (clarsimp simp: polydivide_aux.simps)
      apply (rule exI[where x="0\<^sub>p"])
      apply simp
    case sz: False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "degree s < n")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using ns ndp np polydivide_aux.simps
        apply auto
        apply (rule exI[where x="0\<^sub>p"])
        apply simp
      case dn': False
      then have dn: "degree s \ n"
        by arith
      have degsp': "degree s = degree ?p'"
        using dn ndp funpow_shift1_degree[where k = "degree s - n" and p="p"]
        by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "?b = a")
        case ba: True
        then have headsp': "head s = head ?p'"
          using ap headp' by simp
        have nr: "isnpolyh (s -\<^sub>p ?p') 0"
          using polysub_normh[OF ns np'] by simp
        from degree_polysub_samehead[OF ns np' headsp' degsp']
        consider "degree (s -\<^sub>p ?p') < degree s" | "s -\<^sub>p ?p' = 0\<^sub>p" by auto
        then show ?thesis
        proof cases
          case deglt: 1
          from polydivide_aux.simps sz dn' ba
          have eq: "polydivide_aux a n p k s = polydivide_aux a n p k (s -\<^sub>p ?p')"
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "k \ k' \ (degree r = 0 \ degree r < degree p) \ (\nr. isnpolyh r nr) \ ?qths"
            if h1: "polydivide_aux a n p k s = (k', r)"
          proof -
            from less(1)[OF deglt nr, of k k' r] trans[OF eq[symmetric] h1]
            have kk': "k \ k'"
              and nr: "\nr. isnpolyh r nr"
              and dr: "degree r = 0 \ degree r < degree p"
              and q1: "\q nq. isnpolyh q nq \ a ^\<^sub>p k' - k *\<^sub>p (s -\<^sub>p ?p') = p *\<^sub>p q +\<^sub>p r"
              by auto
            from q1 obtain q n1 where nq: "isnpolyh q n1"
              and asp: "a^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p (s -\<^sub>p ?p') = p *\<^sub>p q +\<^sub>p r"
              by blast
            from nr obtain nr where nr': "isnpolyh r nr"
              by blast
            from polymul_normh[OF nakk' ns] have nakks'"isnpolyh (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) 0"
              by simp
            from polyadd_normh[OF polymul_normh[OF nakk' nxdn] nq]
            have nq': "isnpolyh (?akk' *\<^sub>p ?xdn +\<^sub>p q) 0" by simp
            from polyadd_normh[OF polymul_normh[OF np
              polyadd_normh[OF polymul_normh[OF nakk' nxdn] nq]] nr']
            have nqr': "isnpolyh (p *\<^sub>p (?akk' *\<^sub>p ?xdn +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r) 0"
              by simp
            from asp have "\bs :: 'a::field_char_0 list.
              Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p (s -\<^sub>p ?p')) = Ipoly bs (p *\<^sub>p q +\<^sub>p r)"
              by simp
            then have "\bs :: 'a::field_char_0 list.
              Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)*\<^sub>p s) =
              Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs ?p' + Ipoly bs p * Ipoly bs q + Ipoly bs r"
              by (simp add: field_simps)
            then have "\bs :: 'a::field_char_0 list.
              Ipoly bs (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) =
              Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p *\<^sub>p p) +
              Ipoly bs p * Ipoly bs q + Ipoly bs r"
              by (auto simp only: funpow_shift1_1)
            then have "\bs:: 'a::field_char_0 list.
              Ipoly bs (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) =
              Ipoly bs p * (Ipoly bs (a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) * Ipoly bs (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +
              Ipoly bs q) + Ipoly bs r"
              by (simp add: field_simps)
            then have "\bs:: 'a::field_char_0 list.
              Ipoly bs (a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s) =
              Ipoly bs (p *\<^sub>p ((a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r)"
              by simp
            with isnpolyh_unique[OF nakks' nqr']
            have "a ^\<^sub>p (k' - k) *\<^sub>p s =
              p *\<^sub>p ((a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q) +\<^sub>p r"
              by blast
            with nq' have ?qths
              apply (rule_tac x="(a^\<^sub>p (k' - k)) *\<^sub>p (funpow (degree s - n) shift1 (1)\<^sub>p) +\<^sub>p q" in exI)
              apply (rule_tac x="0" in exI)
              apply simp
            with kk' nr dr show ?thesis
              by blast
          then show ?thesis by blast
          case spz: 2
          from spz isnpolyh_unique[OF polysub_normh[OF ns np'], where q="0\<^sub>p", symmetric, where ?'a = "'a::field_char_0"]
          have "\bs:: 'a::field_char_0 list. Ipoly bs s = Ipoly bs ?p'"
            by simp
          with np nxdn have "\bs:: 'a::field_char_0 list. Ipoly bs s = Ipoly bs (?xdn *\<^sub>p p)"
            by (simp only: funpow_shift1_1) simp
          then have sp': "s = ?xdn *\<^sub>p p"
            using isnpolyh_unique[OF ns polymul_normh[OF nxdn np]]
            by blast
          have ?thesis if h1: "polydivide_aux a n p k s = (k', r)"
          proof -
            from sz dn' ba
            have "polydivide_aux a n p k s = polydivide_aux a n p k (s -\<^sub>p ?p')"
              by (simp add: Let_def polydivide_aux.simps)
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