(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Library/Sum_Cpo.thy
Author: Brian Huffman
section \<open>The cpo of disjoint sums\<close>
theory Sum_Cpo
imports HOLCF
subsection \<open>Ordering on sum type\<close>
instantiation sum :: (below, below) below
definition below_sum_def:
"x \ y \ case x of
Inl a \<Rightarrow> (case y of Inl b \<Rightarrow> a \<sqsubseteq> b | Inr b \<Rightarrow> False) |
Inr a \<Rightarrow> (case y of Inl b \<Rightarrow> False | Inr b \<Rightarrow> a \<sqsubseteq> b)"
instance ..
lemma Inl_below_Inl [simp]: "Inl x \ Inl y \ x \ y"
unfolding below_sum_def by simp
lemma Inr_below_Inr [simp]: "Inr x \ Inr y \ x \ y"
unfolding below_sum_def by simp
lemma Inl_below_Inr [simp]: "\ Inl x \ Inr y"
unfolding below_sum_def by simp
lemma Inr_below_Inl [simp]: "\ Inr x \ Inl y"
unfolding below_sum_def by simp
lemma Inl_mono: "x \ y \ Inl x \ Inl y"
by simp
lemma Inr_mono: "x \ y \ Inr x \ Inr y"
by simp
lemma Inl_belowE: "\Inl a \ x; \b. \x = Inl b; a \ b\ \ R\ \ R"
by (cases x, simp_all)
lemma Inr_belowE: "\Inr a \ x; \b. \x = Inr b; a \ b\ \ R\ \ R"
by (cases x, simp_all)
lemmas sum_below_elims = Inl_belowE Inr_belowE
lemma sum_below_cases:
"\x \ y;
\<And>a b. \<lbrakk>x = Inl a; y = Inl b; a \<sqsubseteq> b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R;
\<And>a b. \<lbrakk>x = Inr a; y = Inr b; a \<sqsubseteq> b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> R"
by (cases x, safe elim!: sum_below_elims, auto)
subsection \<open>Sum type is a complete partial order\<close>
instance sum :: (po, po) po
fix x :: "'a + 'b"
show "x \ x"
by (induct x, simp_all)
fix x y :: "'a + 'b"
assume "x \ y" and "y \ x" thus "x = y"
by (induct x, auto elim!: sum_below_elims intro: below_antisym)
fix x y z :: "'a + 'b"
assume "x \ y" and "y \ z" thus "x \ z"
by (induct x, auto elim!: sum_below_elims intro: below_trans)
lemma monofun_inv_Inl: "monofun (\p. THE a. p = Inl a)"
by (rule monofunI, erule sum_below_cases, simp_all)
lemma monofun_inv_Inr: "monofun (\p. THE b. p = Inr b)"
by (rule monofunI, erule sum_below_cases, simp_all)
lemma sum_chain_cases:
assumes Y: "chain Y"
assumes A: "\A. \chain A; Y = (\i. Inl (A i))\ \ R"
assumes B: "\B. \chain B; Y = (\i. Inr (B i))\ \ R"
shows "R"
apply (cases "Y 0")
apply (rule A)
apply (rule ch2ch_monofun [OF monofun_inv_Inl Y])
apply (rule ext)
apply (cut_tac j=i in chain_mono [OF Y le0], simp)
apply (erule Inl_belowE, simp)
apply (rule B)
apply (rule ch2ch_monofun [OF monofun_inv_Inr Y])
apply (rule ext)
apply (cut_tac j=i in chain_mono [OF Y le0], simp)
apply (erule Inr_belowE, simp)
lemma is_lub_Inl: "range S <<| x \ range (\i. Inl (S i)) <<| Inl x"
apply (rule is_lubI)
apply (rule ub_rangeI)
apply (simp add: is_lub_rangeD1)
apply (frule ub_rangeD [where i=arbitrary])
apply (erule Inl_belowE, simp)
apply (erule is_lubD2)
apply (rule ub_rangeI)
apply (drule ub_rangeD, simp)
lemma is_lub_Inr: "range S <<| x \ range (\i. Inr (S i)) <<| Inr x"
apply (rule is_lubI)
apply (rule ub_rangeI)
apply (simp add: is_lub_rangeD1)
apply (frule ub_rangeD [where i=arbitrary])
apply (erule Inr_belowE, simp)
apply (erule is_lubD2)
apply (rule ub_rangeI)
apply (drule ub_rangeD, simp)
instance sum :: (cpo, cpo) cpo
apply intro_classes
apply (erule sum_chain_cases, safe)
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule is_lub_Inl)
apply (erule cpo_lubI)
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule is_lub_Inr)
apply (erule cpo_lubI)
subsection \<open>Continuity of \emph{Inl}, \emph{Inr}, and case function\<close>
lemma cont_Inl: "cont Inl"
by (intro contI is_lub_Inl cpo_lubI)
lemma cont_Inr: "cont Inr"
by (intro contI is_lub_Inr cpo_lubI)
lemmas cont2cont_Inl [simp, cont2cont] = cont_compose [OF cont_Inl]
lemmas cont2cont_Inr [simp, cont2cont] = cont_compose [OF cont_Inr]
lemmas ch2ch_Inl [simp] = ch2ch_cont [OF cont_Inl]
lemmas ch2ch_Inr [simp] = ch2ch_cont [OF cont_Inr]
lemmas lub_Inl = cont2contlubE [OF cont_Inl, symmetric]
lemmas lub_Inr = cont2contlubE [OF cont_Inr, symmetric]
lemma cont_case_sum1:
assumes f: "\a. cont (\x. f x a)"
assumes g: "\b. cont (\x. g x b)"
shows "cont (\x. case y of Inl a \ f x a | Inr b \ g x b)"
by (induct y, simp add: f, simp add: g)
lemma cont_case_sum2: "\cont f; cont g\ \ cont (case_sum f g)"
apply (rule contI)
apply (erule sum_chain_cases)
apply (simp add: cont2contlubE [OF cont_Inl, symmetric] contE)
apply (simp add: cont2contlubE [OF cont_Inr, symmetric] contE)
lemma cont2cont_case_sum:
assumes f1: "\a. cont (\x. f x a)" and f2: "\x. cont (\a. f x a)"
assumes g1: "\b. cont (\x. g x b)" and g2: "\x. cont (\b. g x b)"
assumes h: "cont (\x. h x)"
shows "cont (\x. case h x of Inl a \ f x a | Inr b \ g x b)"
apply (rule cont_apply [OF h])
apply (rule cont_case_sum2 [OF f2 g2])
apply (rule cont_case_sum1 [OF f1 g1])
lemma cont2cont_case_sum' [simp, cont2cont]:
assumes f: "cont (\p. f (fst p) (snd p))"
assumes g: "cont (\p. g (fst p) (snd p))"
assumes h: "cont (\x. h x)"
shows "cont (\x. case h x of Inl a \ f x a | Inr b \ g x b)"
using assms by (simp add: cont2cont_case_sum prod_cont_iff)
text \<open>Continuity of map function.\<close>
lemma map_sum_eq: "map_sum f g = case_sum (\a. Inl (f a)) (\b. Inr (g b))"
by (rule ext, case_tac x, simp_all)
lemma cont2cont_map_sum [simp, cont2cont]:
assumes f: "cont (\(x, y). f x y)"
assumes g: "cont (\(x, y). g x y)"
assumes h: "cont (\x. h x)"
shows "cont (\x. map_sum (\y. f x y) (\y. g x y) (h x))"
using assms by (simp add: map_sum_eq prod_cont_iff)
subsection \<open>Compactness and chain-finiteness\<close>
lemma compact_Inl: "compact a \ compact (Inl a)"
apply (rule compactI2)
apply (erule sum_chain_cases, safe)
apply (simp add: lub_Inl)
apply (erule (2) compactD2)
apply (simp add: lub_Inr)
lemma compact_Inr: "compact a \ compact (Inr a)"
apply (rule compactI2)
apply (erule sum_chain_cases, safe)
apply (simp add: lub_Inl)
apply (simp add: lub_Inr)
apply (erule (2) compactD2)
lemma compact_Inl_rev: "compact (Inl a) \ compact a"
unfolding compact_def
by (drule adm_subst [OF cont_Inl], simp)
lemma compact_Inr_rev: "compact (Inr a) \ compact a"
unfolding compact_def
by (drule adm_subst [OF cont_Inr], simp)
lemma compact_Inl_iff [simp]: "compact (Inl a) = compact a"
by (safe elim!: compact_Inl compact_Inl_rev)
lemma compact_Inr_iff [simp]: "compact (Inr a) = compact a"
by (safe elim!: compact_Inr compact_Inr_rev)
instance sum :: (chfin, chfin) chfin
apply intro_classes
apply (erule compact_imp_max_in_chain)
apply (case_tac "\i. Y i", simp_all)
instance sum :: (discrete_cpo, discrete_cpo) discrete_cpo
by intro_classes (simp add: below_sum_def split: sum.split)
subsection \<open>Using sum types with fixrec\<close>
"match_Inl = (\ x k. case x of Inl a \ k\a | Inr b \ Fixrec.fail)"
"match_Inr = (\ x k. case x of Inl a \ Fixrec.fail | Inr b \ k\b)"
lemma match_Inl_simps [simp]:
"match_Inl\(Inl a)\k = k\a"
"match_Inl\(Inr b)\k = Fixrec.fail"
unfolding match_Inl_def by simp_all
lemma match_Inr_simps [simp]:
"match_Inr\(Inl a)\k = Fixrec.fail"
"match_Inr\(Inr b)\k = k\b"
unfolding match_Inr_def by simp_all
setup \<open>
[ (\<^const_name>\<open>Inl\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>match_Inl\<close>),
(\<^const_name>\<open>Inr\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>match_Inr\<close>) ]
subsection \<open>Disjoint sum is a predomain\<close>
"encode_sum_u =
(\<Lambda>(up\<cdot>x). case x of Inl a \<Rightarrow> sinl\<cdot>(up\<cdot>a) | Inr b \<Rightarrow> sinr\<cdot>(up\<cdot>b))"
"decode_sum_u = sscase\(\(up\a). up\(Inl a))\(\(up\b). up\(Inr b))"
lemma decode_encode_sum_u [simp]: "decode_sum_u\(encode_sum_u\x) = x"
unfolding decode_sum_u_def encode_sum_u_def
by (case_tac x, simp, rename_tac y, case_tac y, simp_all)
lemma encode_decode_sum_u [simp]: "encode_sum_u\(decode_sum_u\x) = x"
unfolding decode_sum_u_def encode_sum_u_def
apply (case_tac x, simp)
apply (rename_tac a, case_tac a, simp, simp)
apply (rename_tac b, case_tac b, simp, simp)
text \<open>A deflation combinator for making unpointed types\<close>
definition udefl :: "udom defl \ udom u defl"
where "udefl = defl_fun1 (strictify\up) (fup\ID) ID"
lemma ep_pair_strictify_up:
"ep_pair (strictify\up) (fup\ID)"
apply (rule ep_pair.intro)
apply (simp add: strictify_conv_if)
apply (case_tac y, simp, simp add: strictify_conv_if)
lemma cast_udefl:
"cast\(udefl\t) = strictify\up oo cast\t oo fup\ID"
unfolding udefl_def by (simp add: cast_defl_fun1 ep_pair_strictify_up)
definition sum_liftdefl :: "udom u defl \ udom u defl \ udom u defl"
where "sum_liftdefl = (\ a b. udefl\(ssum_defl\(u_liftdefl\a)\(u_liftdefl\b)))"
lemma u_emb_bottom: "u_emb\\ = \"
by (rule pcpo_ep_pair.e_strict [unfolded pcpo_ep_pair_def, OF ep_pair_u])
definition sum_liftdefl :: "udom u defl \<rightarrow> udom u defl \<rightarrow> udom u defl"
where "sum_liftdefl = defl_fun2 (u_map\<cdot>emb oo strictify\<cdot>up)
(fup\<cdot>ID oo u_map\<cdot>prj) ssum_map"
instantiation sum :: (predomain, predomain) predomain
"liftemb = (strictify\up oo ssum_emb) oo
(ssum_map\<cdot>(u_emb oo liftemb)\<cdot>(u_emb oo liftemb) oo encode_sum_u)"
"liftprj = (decode_sum_u oo ssum_map\(liftprj oo u_prj)\(liftprj oo u_prj))
oo (ssum_prj oo fup\<cdot>ID)"
"liftdefl (t::('a + 'b) itself) = sum_liftdefl\LIFTDEFL('a)\LIFTDEFL('b)"
instance proof
show "ep_pair liftemb (liftprj :: udom u \ ('a + 'b) u)"
unfolding liftemb_sum_def liftprj_sum_def
by (intro ep_pair_comp ep_pair_ssum_map ep_pair_u predomain_ep
ep_pair_ssum ep_pair_strictify_up, simp add: ep_pair.intro)
show "cast\LIFTDEFL('a + 'b) = liftemb oo (liftprj :: udom u \ ('a + 'b) u)"
unfolding liftemb_sum_def liftprj_sum_def liftdefl_sum_def
by (simp add: sum_liftdefl_def cast_udefl cast_ssum_defl cast_u_liftdefl
cast_liftdefl cfcomp1 ssum_map_map u_emb_bottom)
subsection \<open>Configuring domain package to work with sum type\<close>
lemma liftdefl_sum [domain_defl_simps]:
"LIFTDEFL('a::predomain + 'b::predomain) =
by (rule liftdefl_sum_def)
abbreviation map_sum'
where "map_sum' f g \ Abs_cfun (map_sum (Rep_cfun f) (Rep_cfun g))"
lemma map_sum_ID [domain_map_ID]: "map_sum' ID ID = ID"
by (simp add: ID_def cfun_eq_iff map_sum.identity id_def)
lemma deflation_map_sum [domain_deflation]:
"\deflation d1; deflation d2\ \ deflation (map_sum' d1 d2)"
apply standard
apply (induct_tac x, simp_all add: deflation.idem)
apply (induct_tac x, simp_all add: deflation.below)
lemma encode_sum_u_map_sum:
"encode_sum_u\(u_map\(map_sum' f g)\(decode_sum_u\x))
= ssum_map\<cdot>(u_map\<cdot>f)\<cdot>(u_map\<cdot>g)\<cdot>x"
apply (induct x, simp add: decode_sum_u_def encode_sum_u_def)
apply (case_tac x, simp, simp add: decode_sum_u_def encode_sum_u_def)
apply (case_tac y, simp, simp add: decode_sum_u_def encode_sum_u_def)
lemma isodefl_sum [domain_isodefl]:
fixes d :: "'a::predomain \ 'a"
assumes "isodefl' d1 t1" and "isodefl' d2 t2"
shows "isodefl' (map_sum' d1 d2) (sum_liftdefl\t1\t2)"
using assms unfolding isodefl'_def liftemb_sum_def liftprj_sum_def
apply (simp add: sum_liftdefl_def cast_udefl cast_ssum_defl cast_u_liftdefl)
apply (simp add: cfcomp1 encode_sum_u_map_sum)
apply (simp add: ssum_map_map u_emb_bottom)
setup \<open>
Domain_Take_Proofs.add_rec_type (\<^type_name>\<open>sum\<close>, [true, true])
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