(* Title: HOL/Library/Countable_Complete_Lattices.thy
Author: Johannes Hölzl
section \<open>Countable Complete Lattices\<close>
theory Countable_Complete_Lattices
imports Main Countable_Set
lemma UNIV_nat_eq: "UNIV = insert 0 (range Suc)"
by (metis UNIV_eq_I nat.nchotomy insertCI rangeI)
class countable_complete_lattice = lattice + Inf + Sup + bot + top +
assumes ccInf_lower: "countable A \ x \ A \ Inf A \ x"
assumes ccInf_greatest: "countable A \ (\x. x \ A \ z \ x) \ z \ Inf A"
assumes ccSup_upper: "countable A \ x \ A \ x \ Sup A"
assumes ccSup_least: "countable A \ (\x. x \ A \ x \ z) \ Sup A \ z"
assumes ccInf_empty [simp]: "Inf {} = top"
assumes ccSup_empty [simp]: "Sup {} = bot"
subclass bounded_lattice
fix a
show "bot \ a" by (auto intro: ccSup_least simp only: ccSup_empty [symmetric])
show "a \ top" by (auto intro: ccInf_greatest simp only: ccInf_empty [symmetric])
lemma ccINF_lower: "countable A \ i \ A \ (INF i \ A. f i) \ f i"
using ccInf_lower [of "f ` A"] by simp
lemma ccINF_greatest: "countable A \ (\i. i \ A \ u \ f i) \ u \ (INF i \ A. f i)"
using ccInf_greatest [of "f ` A"] by auto
lemma ccSUP_upper: "countable A \ i \ A \ f i \ (SUP i \ A. f i)"
using ccSup_upper [of "f ` A"] by simp
lemma ccSUP_least: "countable A \ (\i. i \ A \ f i \ u) \ (SUP i \ A. f i) \ u"
using ccSup_least [of "f ` A"] by auto
lemma ccInf_lower2: "countable A \ u \ A \ u \ v \ Inf A \ v"
using ccInf_lower [of A u] by auto
lemma ccINF_lower2: "countable A \ i \ A \ f i \ u \ (INF i \ A. f i) \ u"
using ccINF_lower [of A i f] by auto
lemma ccSup_upper2: "countable A \ u \ A \ v \ u \ v \ Sup A"
using ccSup_upper [of A u] by auto
lemma ccSUP_upper2: "countable A \ i \ A \ u \ f i \ u \ (SUP i \ A. f i)"
using ccSUP_upper [of A i f] by auto
lemma le_ccInf_iff: "countable A \ b \ Inf A \ (\a\A. b \ a)"
by (auto intro: ccInf_greatest dest: ccInf_lower)
lemma le_ccINF_iff: "countable A \ u \ (INF i \ A. f i) \ (\i\A. u \ f i)"
using le_ccInf_iff [of "f ` A"] by simp
lemma ccSup_le_iff: "countable A \ Sup A \ b \ (\a\A. a \ b)"
by (auto intro: ccSup_least dest: ccSup_upper)
lemma ccSUP_le_iff: "countable A \ (SUP i \ A. f i) \ u \ (\i\A. f i \ u)"
using ccSup_le_iff [of "f ` A"] by simp
lemma ccInf_insert [simp]: "countable A \ Inf (insert a A) = inf a (Inf A)"
by (force intro: le_infI le_infI1 le_infI2 antisym ccInf_greatest ccInf_lower)
lemma ccINF_insert [simp]: "countable A \ (INF x\insert a A. f x) = inf (f a) (Inf (f ` A))"
unfolding image_insert by simp
lemma ccSup_insert [simp]: "countable A \ Sup (insert a A) = sup a (Sup A)"
by (force intro: le_supI le_supI1 le_supI2 antisym ccSup_least ccSup_upper)
lemma ccSUP_insert [simp]: "countable A \ (SUP x\insert a A. f x) = sup (f a) (Sup (f ` A))"
unfolding image_insert by simp
lemma ccINF_empty [simp]: "(INF x\{}. f x) = top"
unfolding image_empty by simp
lemma ccSUP_empty [simp]: "(SUP x\{}. f x) = bot"
unfolding image_empty by simp
lemma ccInf_superset_mono: "countable A \ B \ A \ Inf A \ Inf B"
by (auto intro: ccInf_greatest ccInf_lower countable_subset)
lemma ccSup_subset_mono: "countable B \ A \ B \ Sup A \ Sup B"
by (auto intro: ccSup_least ccSup_upper countable_subset)
lemma ccInf_mono:
assumes [intro]: "countable B" "countable A"
assumes "\b. b \ B \ \a\A. a \ b"
shows "Inf A \ Inf B"
proof (rule ccInf_greatest)
fix b assume "b \ B"
with assms obtain a where "a \ A" and "a \ b" by blast
from \<open>a \<in> A\<close> have "Inf A \<le> a" by (rule ccInf_lower[rotated]) auto
with \<open>a \<le> b\<close> show "Inf A \<le> b" by auto
qed auto
lemma ccINF_mono:
"countable A \ countable B \ (\m. m \ B \ \n\A. f n \ g m) \ (INF n\A. f n) \ (INF n\B. g n)"
using ccInf_mono [of "g ` B" "f ` A"] by auto
lemma ccSup_mono:
assumes [intro]: "countable B" "countable A"
assumes "\a. a \ A \ \b\B. a \ b"
shows "Sup A \ Sup B"
proof (rule ccSup_least)
fix a assume "a \ A"
with assms obtain b where "b \ B" and "a \ b" by blast
from \<open>b \<in> B\<close> have "b \<le> Sup B" by (rule ccSup_upper[rotated]) auto
with \<open>a \<le> b\<close> show "a \<le> Sup B" by auto
qed auto
lemma ccSUP_mono:
"countable A \ countable B \ (\n. n \ A \ \m\B. f n \ g m) \ (SUP n\A. f n) \ (SUP n\B. g n)"
using ccSup_mono [of "g ` B" "f ` A"] by auto
lemma ccINF_superset_mono:
"countable A \ B \ A \ (\x. x \ B \ f x \ g x) \ (INF x\A. f x) \ (INF x\B. g x)"
by (blast intro: ccINF_mono countable_subset dest: subsetD)
lemma ccSUP_subset_mono:
"countable B \ A \ B \ (\x. x \ A \ f x \ g x) \ (SUP x\A. f x) \ (SUP x\B. g x)"
by (blast intro: ccSUP_mono countable_subset dest: subsetD)
lemma less_eq_ccInf_inter: "countable A \ countable B \ sup (Inf A) (Inf B) \ Inf (A \ B)"
by (auto intro: ccInf_greatest ccInf_lower)
lemma ccSup_inter_less_eq: "countable A \ countable B \ Sup (A \ B) \ inf (Sup A) (Sup B)"
by (auto intro: ccSup_least ccSup_upper)
lemma ccInf_union_distrib: "countable A \ countable B \ Inf (A \ B) = inf (Inf A) (Inf B)"
by (rule antisym) (auto intro: ccInf_greatest ccInf_lower le_infI1 le_infI2)
lemma ccINF_union:
"countable A \ countable B \ (INF i\A \ B. M i) = inf (INF i\A. M i) (INF i\B. M i)"
by (auto intro!: antisym ccINF_mono intro: le_infI1 le_infI2 ccINF_greatest ccINF_lower)
lemma ccSup_union_distrib: "countable A \ countable B \ Sup (A \ B) = sup (Sup A) (Sup B)"
by (rule antisym) (auto intro: ccSup_least ccSup_upper le_supI1 le_supI2)
lemma ccSUP_union:
"countable A \ countable B \ (SUP i\A \ B. M i) = sup (SUP i\A. M i) (SUP i\B. M i)"
by (auto intro!: antisym ccSUP_mono intro: le_supI1 le_supI2 ccSUP_least ccSUP_upper)
lemma ccINF_inf_distrib: "countable A \ inf (INF a\A. f a) (INF a\A. g a) = (INF a\A. inf (f a) (g a))"
by (rule antisym) (rule ccINF_greatest, auto intro: le_infI1 le_infI2 ccINF_lower ccINF_mono)
lemma ccSUP_sup_distrib: "countable A \ sup (SUP a\A. f a) (SUP a\A. g a) = (SUP a\A. sup (f a) (g a))"
by (rule antisym[rotated]) (rule ccSUP_least, auto intro: le_supI1 le_supI2 ccSUP_upper ccSUP_mono)
lemma ccINF_const [simp]: "A \ {} \ (INF i \ A. f) = f"
unfolding image_constant_conv by auto
lemma ccSUP_const [simp]: "A \ {} \ (SUP i \ A. f) = f"
unfolding image_constant_conv by auto
lemma ccINF_top [simp]: "(INF x\A. top) = top"
by (cases "A = {}") simp_all
lemma ccSUP_bot [simp]: "(SUP x\A. bot) = bot"
by (cases "A = {}") simp_all
lemma ccINF_commute: "countable A \ countable B \ (INF i\A. INF j\B. f i j) = (INF j\B. INF i\A. f i j)"
by (iprover intro: ccINF_lower ccINF_greatest order_trans antisym)
lemma ccSUP_commute: "countable A \ countable B \ (SUP i\A. SUP j\B. f i j) = (SUP j\B. SUP i\A. f i j)"
by (iprover intro: ccSUP_upper ccSUP_least order_trans antisym)
fixes a :: "'a::{countable_complete_lattice, linorder}"
lemma less_ccSup_iff: "countable S \ a < Sup S \ (\x\S. a < x)"
unfolding not_le [symmetric] by (subst ccSup_le_iff) auto
lemma less_ccSUP_iff: "countable A \ a < (SUP i\A. f i) \ (\x\A. a < f x)"
using less_ccSup_iff [of "f ` A"] by simp
lemma ccInf_less_iff: "countable S \ Inf S < a \ (\x\S. x < a)"
unfolding not_le [symmetric] by (subst le_ccInf_iff) auto
lemma ccINF_less_iff: "countable A \ (INF i\A. f i) < a \ (\x\A. f x < a)"
using ccInf_less_iff [of "f ` A"] by simp
class countable_complete_distrib_lattice = countable_complete_lattice +
assumes sup_ccInf: "countable B \ sup a (Inf B) = (INF b\B. sup a b)"
assumes inf_ccSup: "countable B \ inf a (Sup B) = (SUP b\B. inf a b)"
lemma sup_ccINF:
"countable B \ sup a (INF b\B. f b) = (INF b\B. sup a (f b))"
by (simp only: sup_ccInf image_image countable_image)
lemma inf_ccSUP:
"countable B \ inf a (SUP b\B. f b) = (SUP b\B. inf a (f b))"
by (simp only: inf_ccSup image_image countable_image)
subclass distrib_lattice
fix a b c
from sup_ccInf[of "{b, c}" a] have "sup a (Inf {b, c}) = (INF d\{b, c}. sup a d)"
by simp
then show "sup a (inf b c) = inf (sup a b) (sup a c)"
by simp
lemma ccInf_sup:
"countable B \ sup (Inf B) a = (INF b\B. sup b a)"
by (simp add: sup_ccInf sup_commute)
lemma ccSup_inf:
"countable B \ inf (Sup B) a = (SUP b\B. inf b a)"
by (simp add: inf_ccSup inf_commute)
lemma ccINF_sup:
"countable B \ sup (INF b\B. f b) a = (INF b\B. sup (f b) a)"
by (simp add: sup_ccINF sup_commute)
lemma ccSUP_inf:
"countable B \ inf (SUP b\B. f b) a = (SUP b\B. inf (f b) a)"
by (simp add: inf_ccSUP inf_commute)
lemma ccINF_sup_distrib2:
"countable A \ countable B \ sup (INF a\A. f a) (INF b\B. g b) = (INF a\A. INF b\B. sup (f a) (g b))"
by (subst ccINF_commute) (simp_all add: sup_ccINF ccINF_sup)
lemma ccSUP_inf_distrib2:
"countable A \ countable B \ inf (SUP a\A. f a) (SUP b\B. g b) = (SUP a\A. SUP b\B. inf (f a) (g b))"
by (subst ccSUP_commute) (simp_all add: inf_ccSUP ccSUP_inf)
fixes f :: "'a \ 'b::countable_complete_lattice"
assumes "mono f"
lemma mono_ccInf:
"countable A \ f (Inf A) \ (INF x\A. f x)"
using \<open>mono f\<close>
by (auto intro!: countable_complete_lattice_class.ccINF_greatest intro: ccInf_lower dest: monoD)
lemma mono_ccSup:
"countable A \ (SUP x\A. f x) \ f (Sup A)"
using \<open>mono f\<close> by (auto intro: countable_complete_lattice_class.ccSUP_least ccSup_upper dest: monoD)
lemma mono_ccINF:
"countable I \ f (INF i \ I. A i) \ (INF x \ I. f (A x))"
by (intro countable_complete_lattice_class.ccINF_greatest monoD[OF \<open>mono f\<close>] ccINF_lower)
lemma mono_ccSUP:
"countable I \ (SUP x \ I. f (A x)) \ f (SUP i \ I. A i)"
by (intro countable_complete_lattice_class.ccSUP_least monoD[OF \<open>mono f\<close>] ccSUP_upper)
subsubsection \<open>Instances of countable complete lattices\<close>
instance "fun" :: (type, countable_complete_lattice) countable_complete_lattice
by standard
(auto simp: le_fun_def intro!: ccSUP_upper ccSUP_least ccINF_lower ccINF_greatest)
subclass (in complete_lattice) countable_complete_lattice
by standard (auto intro: Sup_upper Sup_least Inf_lower Inf_greatest)
subclass (in complete_distrib_lattice) countable_complete_distrib_lattice
by standard (auto intro: sup_Inf inf_Sup)
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