(* Title: HOL/MicroJava/Comp/TranslCompTp.thy
Author: Martin Strecker
theory TranslCompTp
imports Index "../BV/JVMType"
definition comb :: "['a \ 'b list \ 'c, 'c \ 'b list \ 'd, 'a] \ 'b list \ 'd"
(infixr "\" 55)
"comb == (\ f1 f2 x0. let (xs1, x1) = f1 x0;
(xs2, x2) = f2 x1
in (xs1 @ xs2, x2))"
definition comb_nil :: "'a \ 'b list \ 'a" where
"comb_nil a == ([], a)"
lemma comb_nil_left [simp]: "comb_nil \ f = f"
by (simp add: comb_def comb_nil_def split_beta)
lemma comb_nil_right [simp]: "f \ comb_nil = f"
by (simp add: comb_def comb_nil_def split_beta)
lemma comb_assoc [simp]: "(fa \ fb) \ fc = fa \ (fb \ fc)"
by (simp add: comb_def split_beta)
lemma comb_inv:
"(xs', x') = (f1 \ f2) x0 \
\<exists>xs1 x1 xs2 x2. (xs1, x1) = (f1 x0) \<and> (xs2, x2) = f2 x1 \<and> xs'= xs1 @ xs2 \<and> x'=x2"
by (case_tac "f1 x0") (simp add: comb_def split_beta)
abbreviation (input)
mt_of :: "method_type \ state_type \ method_type"
where "mt_of == fst"
abbreviation (input)
sttp_of :: "method_type \ state_type \ state_type"
where "sttp_of == snd"
definition nochangeST :: "state_type \ method_type \ state_type" where
"nochangeST sttp == ([Some sttp], sttp)"
definition pushST :: "[ty list, state_type] \ method_type \ state_type" where
"pushST tps == (\ (ST, LT). ([Some (ST, LT)], (tps @ ST, LT)))"
definition dupST :: "state_type \ method_type \ state_type" where
"dupST == (\ (ST, LT). ([Some (ST, LT)], (hd ST # ST, LT)))"
definition dup_x1ST :: "state_type \ method_type \ state_type" where
"dup_x1ST == (\ (ST, LT). ([Some (ST, LT)],
(hd ST # hd (tl ST) # hd ST # (tl (tl ST)), LT)))"
definition popST :: "[nat, state_type] \ method_type \ state_type" where
"popST n == (\ (ST, LT). ([Some (ST, LT)], (drop n ST, LT)))"
definition replST :: "[nat, ty, state_type] \ method_type \ state_type" where
"replST n tp == (\ (ST, LT). ([Some (ST, LT)], (tp # (drop n ST), LT)))"
definition storeST :: "[nat, ty, state_type] \ method_type \ state_type" where
"storeST i tp == (\ (ST, LT). ([Some (ST, LT)], (tl ST, LT [i:= OK tp])))"
(* Expressions *)
primrec compTpExpr :: "java_mb \ java_mb prog \ expr \
state_type \<Rightarrow> method_type \<times> state_type"
and compTpExprs :: "java_mb \ java_mb prog \ expr list \
state_type \<Rightarrow> method_type \<times> state_type"
"compTpExpr jmb G (NewC c) = pushST [Class c]"
| "compTpExpr jmb G (Cast c e) = (compTpExpr jmb G e) \ (replST 1 (Class c))"
| "compTpExpr jmb G (Lit val) = pushST [the (typeof (\v. None) val)]"
| "compTpExpr jmb G (BinOp bo e1 e2) =
(compTpExpr jmb G e1) \<box> (compTpExpr jmb G e2) \<box>
(case bo of
Eq => popST 2 \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean] \<box> popST 1 \<box> pushST [PrimT Boolean]
| Add => replST 2 (PrimT Integer))"
| "compTpExpr jmb G (LAcc vn) = (\ (ST, LT).
pushST [ok_val (LT ! (index jmb vn))] (ST, LT))"
| "compTpExpr jmb G (vn::=e) =
(compTpExpr jmb G e) \<box> dupST \<box> (popST 1)"
| "compTpExpr jmb G ( {cn}e..fn ) =
(compTpExpr jmb G e) \<box> replST 1 (snd (the (field (G,cn) fn)))"
| "compTpExpr jmb G (FAss cn e1 fn e2 ) =
(compTpExpr jmb G e1) \<box> (compTpExpr jmb G e2) \<box> dup_x1ST \<box> (popST 2)"
| "compTpExpr jmb G ({C}a..mn({fpTs}ps)) =
(compTpExpr jmb G a) \<box> (compTpExprs jmb G ps) \<box>
(replST ((length ps) + 1) (method_rT (the (method (G,C) (mn,fpTs)))))"
| "compTpExprs jmb G [] = comb_nil"
| "compTpExprs jmb G (e#es) = (compTpExpr jmb G e) \ (compTpExprs jmb G es)"
(* Statements *)
primrec compTpStmt :: "java_mb \ java_mb prog \ stmt \
state_type \<Rightarrow> method_type \<times> state_type"
"compTpStmt jmb G Skip = comb_nil"
| "compTpStmt jmb G (Expr e) = (compTpExpr jmb G e) \ popST 1"
| "compTpStmt jmb G (c1;; c2) = (compTpStmt jmb G c1) \ (compTpStmt jmb G c2)"
| "compTpStmt jmb G (If(e) c1 Else c2) =
(pushST [PrimT Boolean]) \<box> (compTpExpr jmb G e) \<box> popST 2 \<box>
(compTpStmt jmb G c1) \<box> nochangeST \<box> (compTpStmt jmb G c2)"
| "compTpStmt jmb G (While(e) c) =
(pushST [PrimT Boolean]) \<box> (compTpExpr jmb G e) \<box> popST 2 \<box>
(compTpStmt jmb G c) \<box> nochangeST"
definition compTpInit :: "java_mb \ (vname * ty)
\<Rightarrow> state_type \<Rightarrow> method_type \<times> state_type" where
"compTpInit jmb == (\ (vn,ty). (pushST [ty]) \ (storeST (index jmb vn) ty))"
primrec compTpInitLvars :: "[java_mb, (vname \ ty) list] \
state_type \<Rightarrow> method_type \<times> state_type"
"compTpInitLvars jmb [] = comb_nil"
| "compTpInitLvars jmb (lv#lvars) = (compTpInit jmb lv) \ (compTpInitLvars jmb lvars)"
definition start_ST :: "opstack_type" where
"start_ST == []"
definition start_LT :: "cname \ ty list \ nat \ locvars_type" where
"start_LT C pTs n == (OK (Class C))#((map OK pTs))@(replicate n Err)"
definition compTpMethod :: "[java_mb prog, cname, java_mb mdecl] \ method_type" where
"compTpMethod G C == \ ((mn,pTs),rT, jmb).
let (pns,lvars,blk,res) = jmb
in (mt_of
((compTpInitLvars jmb lvars \<box>
compTpStmt jmb G blk \<box>
compTpExpr jmb G res \<box>
(start_ST, start_LT C pTs (length lvars))))"
definition compTp :: "java_mb prog => prog_type" where
"compTp G C sig == let (D, rT, jmb) = (the (method (G, C) sig))
in compTpMethod G C (sig, rT, jmb)"
(* Computing the maximum stack size from the method_type *)
definition ssize_sto :: "(state_type option) \ nat" where
"ssize_sto sto == case sto of None \ 0 | (Some (ST, LT)) \ length ST"
definition max_of_list :: "nat list \ nat" where
"max_of_list xs == foldr max xs 0"
definition max_ssize :: "method_type \ nat" where
"max_ssize mt == max_of_list (map ssize_sto mt)"
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