(* Title: HOL/Quotient_Examples/Int_Pow.thy
Author: Ondrej Kuncar
Author: Lars Noschinski
theory Int_Pow
imports Main "HOL-Algebra.Group"
This file demonstrates how to restore Lifting/Transfer enviromenent.
We want to define int_pow (a power with an integer exponent) by directly accessing
the representation type "nat * nat" that was used to define integers.
context monoid
(* first some additional lemmas that are missing in monoid *)
lemma Units_nat_pow_Units [intro, simp]:
"a \ Units G \ a [^] (c :: nat) \ Units G" by (induct c) auto
lemma Units_r_cancel [simp]:
"[| z \ Units G; x \ carrier G; y \ carrier G |] ==>
(x \<otimes> z = y \<otimes> z) = (x = y)"
assume eq: "x \ z = y \ z"
and G: "z \ Units G" "x \ carrier G" "y \ carrier G"
then have "x \ (z \ inv z) = y \ (z \ inv z)"
by (simp add: m_assoc[symmetric] Units_closed del: Units_r_inv)
with G show "x = y" by simp
assume eq: "x = y"
and G: "z \ Units G" "x \ carrier G" "y \ carrier G"
then show "x \ z = y \ z" by simp
lemma inv_mult_units:
"[| x \ Units G; y \ Units G |] ==> inv (x \ y) = inv y \ inv x"
proof -
assume G: "x \ Units G" "y \ Units G"
then have "x \ carrier G" "y \ carrier G" by auto
with G have "inv (x \ y) \ (x \ y) = (inv y \ inv x) \ (x \ y)"
by (simp add: m_assoc) (simp add: m_assoc [symmetric])
with G show ?thesis by (simp del: Units_l_inv)
lemma mult_same_comm:
assumes [simp, intro]: "a \ Units G"
shows "a [^] (m::nat) \ inv (a [^] (n::nat)) = inv (a [^] n) \ a [^] m"
proof (cases "m\n")
have [simp]: "a \ carrier G" using \a \ _\ by (rule Units_closed)
case True
then obtain k where *:"m = k + n" and **:"m = n + k" by (metis le_iff_add add.commute)
have "a [^] (m::nat) \ inv (a [^] (n::nat)) = a [^] k"
using * by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc)
also have "\ = inv (a [^] n) \ a [^] m"
using ** by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
have [simp]: "a \ carrier G" using \a \ _\ by (rule Units_closed)
case False
then obtain k where *:"n = k + m" and **:"n = m + k"
by (metis le_iff_add add.commute nat_le_linear)
have "a [^] (m::nat) \ inv (a [^] (n::nat)) = inv(a [^] k)"
using * by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc[symmetric] inv_mult_units)
also have "\ = inv (a [^] n) \ a [^] m"
using ** by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc inv_mult_units)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma mult_inv_same_comm:
"a \ Units G \ inv (a [^] (m::nat)) \ inv (a [^] (n::nat)) = inv (a [^] n) \ inv (a [^] m)"
by (simp add: inv_mult_units[symmetric] nat_pow_mult ac_simps Units_closed)
includes int.lifting (* restores Lifting/Transfer for integers *)
lemma int_pow_rsp:
assumes eq: "(b::nat) + e = d + c"
assumes a_in_G [simp, intro]: "a \ Units G"
shows "a [^] b \ inv (a [^] c) = a [^] d \ inv (a [^] e)"
proof(cases "b\c")
have [simp]: "a \ carrier G" using \a \ _\ by (rule Units_closed)
case True
then obtain n where "b = n + c" by (metis le_iff_add add.commute)
then have "d = n + e" using eq by arith
from \<open>b = _\<close> have "a [^] b \<otimes> inv (a [^] c) = a [^] n"
by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc)
also from \<open>d = _\<close> have "\<dots> = a [^] d \<otimes> inv (a [^] e)"
by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc)
finally show ?thesis .
have [simp]: "a \ carrier G" using \a \ _\ by (rule Units_closed)
case False
then obtain n where "c = n + b" by (metis le_iff_add add.commute nat_le_linear)
then have "e = n + d" using eq by arith
from \<open>c = _\<close> have "a [^] b \<otimes> inv (a [^] c) = inv (a [^] n)"
by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc[symmetric] inv_mult_units)
also from \<open>e = _\<close> have "\<dots> = a [^] d \<otimes> inv (a [^] e)"
by (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] m_assoc[symmetric] inv_mult_units)
finally show ?thesis .
This definition is more convinient than the definition in HOL/Algebra/Group because
it doesn't contain a test z < 0 when a [^] z is being defined.
lift_definition int_pow :: "('a, 'm) monoid_scheme \ 'a \ int \ 'a" is
"\G a (n1, n2). if a \ Units G \ monoid G then (a [^]\<^bsub>G\<^esub> n1) \\<^bsub>G\<^esub> (inv\<^bsub>G\<^esub> (a [^]\<^bsub>G\<^esub> n2)) else \\<^bsub>G\<^esub>"
unfolding intrel_def by (auto intro: monoid.int_pow_rsp)
Thus, for example, the proof of distributivity of int_pow and addition
doesn't require a substantial number of case distinctions.
lemma int_pow_dist:
assumes [simp]: "a \ Units G"
shows "int_pow G a ((n::int) + m) = int_pow G a n \\<^bsub>G\<^esub> int_pow G a m"
proof -
fix k l m :: nat
have "a [^] l \ (inv (a [^] m) \ inv (a [^] k)) = (a [^] l \ inv (a [^] k)) \ inv (a [^] m)"
(is "?lhs = _")
by (simp add: mult_inv_same_comm m_assoc Units_closed)
also have "\ = (inv (a [^] k) \ a [^] l) \ inv (a [^] m)"
by (simp add: mult_same_comm)
also have "\ = inv (a [^] k) \ (a [^] l \ inv (a [^] m))" (is "_ = ?rhs")
by (simp add: m_assoc Units_closed)
finally have "?lhs = ?rhs" .
then show ?thesis
by (transfer fixing: G) (auto simp add: nat_pow_mult[symmetric] inv_mult_units m_assoc Units_closed)
lifting_update int.lifting
lifting_forget int.lifting
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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