(* Title: HOL/Tools/Function/scnp_reconstruct.ML
Author: Armin Heller, TU Muenchen
Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
Proof reconstruction for SCNP termination.
val sizechange_tac : Proof.context -> tactic -> tactic
val decomp_scnp_tac : ScnpSolve.label list -> Proof.context -> tactic
datatype multiset_setup =
Multiset of
msetT : typ -> typ,
mk_mset : typ -> term list -> term,
mset_regroup_conv : Proof.context -> int list -> conv,
mset_member_tac : Proof.context -> int -> int -> tactic,
mset_nonempty_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic,
mset_pwleq_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic,
set_of_simps : thm list,
smsI' : thm,
wmsI2'' : thm,
wmsI1 : thm,
reduction_pair : thm
val multiset_setup : multiset_setup -> theory -> theory
structure ScnpReconstruct : SCNP_RECONSTRUCT =
val PROFILE = Function_Common.PROFILE
open ScnpSolve
val natT = HOLogic.natT
val nat_pairT = HOLogic.mk_prodT (natT, natT)
(* Theory dependencies *)
datatype multiset_setup =
Multiset of
msetT : typ -> typ,
mk_mset : typ -> term list -> term,
mset_regroup_conv : Proof.context -> int list -> conv,
mset_member_tac : Proof.context -> int -> int -> tactic,
mset_nonempty_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic,
mset_pwleq_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic,
set_of_simps : thm list,
smsI' : thm,
wmsI2'' : thm,
wmsI1 : thm,
reduction_pair : thm
structure Multiset_Setup = Theory_Data
type T = multiset_setup option
val empty = NONE
val extend = I;
val merge = merge_options
val multiset_setup = Multiset_Setup.put o SOME
fun undef _ = error "undef"
fun get_multiset_setup ctxt = Multiset_Setup.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
|> the_default (Multiset
{ msetT = undef, mk_mset=undef,
mset_regroup_conv=undef, mset_member_tac = undef,
mset_nonempty_tac = undef, mset_pwleq_tac = undef,
set_of_simps = [],reduction_pair = refl,
smsI'=refl, wmsI2''=refl, wmsI1=refl })
fun order_rpair _ MAX = @{thm max_rpair_set}
| order_rpair msrp MS = msrp
| order_rpair _ MIN = @{thm min_rpair_set}
fun ord_intros_max true = (@{thm smax_emptyI}, @{thm smax_insertI})
| ord_intros_max false = (@{thm wmax_emptyI}, @{thm wmax_insertI})
fun ord_intros_min true = (@{thm smin_emptyI}, @{thm smin_insertI})
| ord_intros_min false = (@{thm wmin_emptyI}, @{thm wmin_insertI})
fun gen_probl D cs =
val n = Termination.get_num_points D
val arity = length o Termination.get_measures D
fun measure p i = nth (Termination.get_measures D p) i
fun mk_graph c =
val (_, p, _, q, _, _) = Termination.dest_call D c
fun add_edge i j =
case Termination.get_descent D c (measure p i) (measure q j)
of SOME (Termination.Less _) => cons (i, GTR, j)
| SOME (Termination.LessEq _) => cons (i, GEQ, j)
| _ => I
val edges =
fold_product add_edge (0 upto arity p - 1) (0 upto arity q - 1) []
G (p, q, edges)
GP (map_range arity n, map mk_graph cs)
(* General reduction pair application *)
fun rem_inv_img ctxt =
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms subsetI} 1
THEN eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms CollectE} 1
THEN REPEAT (eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms exE} 1)
THEN Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt @{thms inv_image_def}
THEN resolve_tac ctxt @{thms CollectI} 1
THEN eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjE} 1
THEN eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms ssubst} 1
THEN Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt @{thms split_conv triv_forall_equality sum.case}
(* Sets *)
val setT = HOLogic.mk_setT
fun set_member_tac ctxt m i =
if m = 0 then resolve_tac ctxt @{thms insertI1} i
else resolve_tac ctxt @{thms insertI2} i THEN set_member_tac ctxt (m - 1) i
fun set_nonempty_tac ctxt = resolve_tac ctxt @{thms insert_not_empty}
fun set_finite_tac ctxt i =
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms finite.emptyI} i
ORELSE (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms finite.insertI} i THEN (fn st => set_finite_tac ctxt i st))
(* Reconstruction *)
fun reconstruct_tac ctxt D cs (GP (_, gs)) certificate =
val Multiset
{ msetT, mk_mset,
mset_regroup_conv, mset_pwleq_tac, set_of_simps,
smsI', wmsI2'', wmsI1, reduction_pair=ms_rp, ...}
= get_multiset_setup ctxt
fun measure_fn p = nth (Termination.get_measures D p)
fun get_desc_thm cidx m1 m2 bStrict =
(case Termination.get_descent D (nth cs cidx) m1 m2 of
SOME (Termination.Less thm) =>
if bStrict then thm
else (thm COMP (Thm.lift_rule (Thm.cprop_of thm) @{thm less_imp_le}))
| SOME (Termination.LessEq (thm, _)) =>
if not bStrict then thm
else raise Fail "get_desc_thm"
| _ => raise Fail "get_desc_thm")
val (label, lev, sl, covering) = certificate
fun prove_lev strict g =
val G (p, q, _) = nth gs g
fun less_proof strict (j, b) (i, a) =
val tag_flag = b < a orelse (not strict andalso b <= a)
val stored_thm =
get_desc_thm g (measure_fn p i) (measure_fn q j)
(not tag_flag)
|> Conv.fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true)
val rule =
if strict
then if b < a then @{thm pair_lessI2} else @{thm pair_lessI1}
else if b <= a then @{thm pair_leqI2} else @{thm pair_leqI1}
resolve_tac ctxt [rule] 1 THEN PRIMITIVE (Thm.elim_implies stored_thm)
THEN (if tag_flag then Arith_Data.arith_tac ctxt 1 else all_tac)
fun steps_tac MAX strict lq lp =
val (empty, step) = ord_intros_max strict
if length lq = 0
then resolve_tac ctxt [empty] 1 THEN set_finite_tac ctxt 1
THEN (if strict then set_nonempty_tac ctxt 1 else all_tac)
val (j, b) :: rest = lq
val (i, a) = the (covering g strict j)
fun choose xs = set_member_tac ctxt (find_index (curry op = (i, a)) xs) 1
val solve_tac = choose lp THEN less_proof strict (j, b) (i, a)
resolve_tac ctxt [step] 1 THEN solve_tac THEN steps_tac MAX strict rest lp
| steps_tac MIN strict lq lp =
val (empty, step) = ord_intros_min strict
if length lp = 0
then resolve_tac ctxt [empty] 1
THEN (if strict then set_nonempty_tac ctxt 1 else all_tac)
val (i, a) :: rest = lp
val (j, b) = the (covering g strict i)
fun choose xs = set_member_tac ctxt (find_index (curry op = (j, b)) xs) 1
val solve_tac = choose lq THEN less_proof strict (j, b) (i, a)
resolve_tac ctxt [step] 1 THEN solve_tac THEN steps_tac MIN strict lq rest
| steps_tac MS strict lq lp =
fun get_str_cover (j, b) =
if is_some (covering g true j) then SOME (j, b) else NONE
fun get_wk_cover (j, b) = the (covering g false j)
val qs = subtract (op =) (map_filter get_str_cover lq) lq
val ps = map get_wk_cover qs
fun indices xs ys = map (fn y => find_index (curry op = y) xs) ys
val iqs = indices lq qs
val ips = indices lp ps
local open Conv in
fun t_conv a C =
params_conv ~1 (K ((concl_conv ~1 o arg_conv o arg1_conv o a) C)) ctxt
val goal_rewrite =
t_conv arg1_conv (mset_regroup_conv ctxt iqs)
then_conv t_conv arg_conv (mset_regroup_conv ctxt ips)
CONVERSION goal_rewrite 1
THEN (if strict then resolve_tac ctxt [smsI'] 1
else if qs = lq then resolve_tac ctxt [wmsI2''] 1
else resolve_tac ctxt [wmsI1] 1)
THEN mset_pwleq_tac ctxt 1
THEN EVERY (map2 (less_proof false) qs ps)
THEN (if strict orelse qs <> lq
then Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt set_of_simps
THEN steps_tac MAX true
(subtract (op =) qs lq) (subtract (op =) ps lp)
else all_tac)
rem_inv_img ctxt
THEN steps_tac label strict (nth lev q) (nth lev p)
val (mk_set, setT) = if label = MS then (mk_mset, msetT) else (HOLogic.mk_set, setT)
fun tag_pair p (i, tag) =
HOLogic.pair_const natT natT $
(measure_fn p i $ Bound 0) $ HOLogic.mk_number natT tag
fun pt_lev (p, lm) =
Abs ("x", Termination.get_types D p, mk_set nat_pairT (map (tag_pair p) lm))
val level_mapping =
map_index pt_lev lev
|> Termination.mk_sumcases D (setT nat_pairT)
|> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
PROFILE "Proof Reconstruction"
(CONVERSION (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg_conv (Function_Lib.regroup_union_conv ctxt sl))) 1
THEN (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms reduction_pair_lemma} 1)
THEN (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms rp_inv_image_rp} 1)
THEN (resolve_tac ctxt [order_rpair ms_rp label] 1)
THEN PRIMITIVE (Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME level_mapping])
THEN unfold_tac ctxt @{thms rp_inv_image_def}
THEN Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt @{thms split_conv fst_conv snd_conv}
THEN REPEAT (SOMEGOAL (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm Un_least}, @{thm empty_subsetI}]))
THEN EVERY (map (prove_lev true) sl)
THEN EVERY (map (prove_lev false) (subtract (op =) sl (0 upto length cs - 1))))
fun single_scnp_tac use_tags orders ctxt D = Termination.CALLS (fn (cs, i) =>
val ms_configured = is_some (Multiset_Setup.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))
val orders' =
if ms_configured then orders
else filter_out (curry op = MS) orders
val gp = gen_probl D cs
val certificate = generate_certificate use_tags orders' gp
(case certificate of
NONE => no_tac
| SOME cert =>
SELECT_GOAL (reconstruct_tac ctxt D cs gp cert) i
THEN TRY (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms wf_empty} i))
fun gen_decomp_scnp_tac orders autom_tac ctxt =
Termination.TERMINATION ctxt autom_tac (fn D =>
val decompose = Termination.decompose_tac ctxt D
val scnp_full = single_scnp_tac true orders ctxt D
REPEAT_ALL_NEW (scnp_full ORELSE' decompose)
fun gen_sizechange_tac orders autom_tac ctxt =
TRY (Function_Common.termination_rule_tac ctxt 1)
THEN TRY (Termination.wf_union_tac ctxt)
THEN (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms wf_empty} 1 ORELSE gen_decomp_scnp_tac orders autom_tac ctxt 1)
fun sizechange_tac ctxt autom_tac =
gen_sizechange_tac [MAX, MS, MIN] autom_tac ctxt
fun decomp_scnp_tac orders ctxt =
val extra_simps = Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\<open>termination_simp\<close>
val autom_tac = auto_tac (ctxt addsimps extra_simps)
gen_sizechange_tac orders autom_tac ctxt
(* Method setup *)
val orders =
((Args.$$$ "max" >> K MAX) ||
(Args.$$$ "min" >> K MIN) ||
(Args.$$$ "ms" >> K MS))
|| Scan.succeed [MAX, MS, MIN]
val _ =
(Method.setup \<^binding>\<open>size_change\<close>
(Scan.lift orders --| Method.sections clasimp_modifiers >>
(fn orders => SIMPLE_METHOD o decomp_scnp_tac orders))
"termination prover with graph decomposition and the NP subset of size change termination")
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