(* Title: HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/core_data.ML
Author: Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
Data of the predicate compiler core.
signature CORE_DATA =
type mode = Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode
type compilation = Predicate_Compile_Aux.compilation
type compilation_funs = Predicate_Compile_Aux.compilation_funs
datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
definition : thm,
intro : thm,
elim : thm,
neg_intro : thm option
datatype pred_data = PredData of {
pos : Position.T,
intros : (string option * thm) list,
elim : thm option,
preprocessed : bool,
function_names : (compilation * (mode * string) list) list,
predfun_data : (mode * predfun_data) list,
needs_random : mode list
structure PredData : THEORY_DATA (* FIXME keep data private *)
(* queries *)
val defined_functions : compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> bool
val is_registered : Proof.context -> string -> bool
val function_name_of : compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> mode -> string
val the_elim_of : Proof.context -> string -> thm
val has_elim : Proof.context -> string -> bool
val needs_random : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> bool
val predfun_intro_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
val predfun_neg_intro_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm option
val predfun_elim_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
val predfun_definition_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
val all_preds_of : Proof.context -> string list
val modes_of: compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> mode list
val all_modes_of : compilation -> Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list
val all_random_modes_of : Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list
val intros_of : Proof.context -> string -> thm list
val names_of : Proof.context -> string -> string option list
val intros_graph_of : Proof.context -> thm list Graph.T
(* updaters *)
val register_predicate : (string * thm list * thm) -> theory -> theory
val register_intros : string * thm list -> theory -> theory
(* FIXME: naming of function is strange *)
val defined_function_of : compilation -> string -> theory -> theory
val add_intro : string option * thm -> theory -> theory
val set_elim : thm -> theory -> theory
val set_function_name : compilation -> string -> mode -> string -> theory -> theory
val add_predfun_data : string -> mode -> thm * ((thm * thm) * thm option) -> theory -> theory
val set_needs_random : string -> mode list -> theory -> theory
(* sophisticated updaters *)
val extend_intro_graph : string list -> theory -> theory
val preprocess_intros : string -> theory -> theory
(* alternative function definitions *)
val register_alternative_function : string -> mode -> string -> theory -> theory
val alternative_compilation_of_global : theory -> string -> mode ->
(compilation_funs -> typ -> term) option
val alternative_compilation_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode ->
(compilation_funs -> typ -> term) option
val functional_compilation : string -> mode -> compilation_funs -> typ -> term
val force_modes_and_functions : string -> (mode * (string * bool)) list -> theory -> theory
val force_modes_and_compilations : string ->
(mode * ((compilation_funs -> typ -> term) * bool)) list -> theory -> theory
structure Core_Data : CORE_DATA =
open Predicate_Compile_Aux;
(* book-keeping *)
datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
definition : thm,
intro : thm,
elim : thm,
neg_intro : thm option
fun rep_predfun_data (PredfunData data) = data;
fun mk_predfun_data (definition, ((intro, elim), neg_intro)) =
PredfunData {definition = definition, intro = intro, elim = elim, neg_intro = neg_intro}
datatype pred_data = PredData of {
pos: Position.T,
intros : (string option * thm) list,
elim : thm option,
preprocessed : bool,
function_names : (compilation * (mode * string) list) list,
predfun_data : (mode * predfun_data) list,
needs_random : mode list
fun rep_pred_data (PredData data) = data;
val pos_of = #pos o rep_pred_data;
fun mk_pred_data
(pos, (((intros, elim), preprocessed), (function_names, (predfun_data, needs_random)))) =
PredData {pos = pos, intros = intros, elim = elim, preprocessed = preprocessed,
function_names = function_names, predfun_data = predfun_data, needs_random = needs_random}
fun map_pred_data f
(PredData {pos, intros, elim, preprocessed, function_names, predfun_data, needs_random}) =
(f (pos, (((intros, elim), preprocessed), (function_names, (predfun_data, needs_random)))))
fun eq_pred_data (PredData d1, PredData d2) =
eq_list (eq_pair (op =) Thm.eq_thm) (#intros d1, #intros d2) andalso
eq_option Thm.eq_thm (#elim d1, #elim d2)
structure PredData = Theory_Data
type T = pred_data Graph.T;
val empty = Graph.empty;
val extend = I;
val merge =
Graph.join (fn key => fn (x, y) =>
if eq_pred_data (x, y)
then raise Graph.SAME
error ("Duplicate predicate declarations for " ^ quote key ^
Position.here (pos_of x) ^ Position.here (pos_of y)));
(* queries *)
fun lookup_pred_data ctxt name =
Option.map rep_pred_data (try (Graph.get_node (PredData.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))) name)
fun the_pred_data ctxt name =
(case lookup_pred_data ctxt name of
NONE => error ("No such predicate: " ^ quote name)
| SOME data => data)
val is_registered = is_some oo lookup_pred_data
val all_preds_of = Graph.keys o PredData.get o Proof_Context.theory_of
val intros_of = map snd o #intros oo the_pred_data
val names_of = map fst o #intros oo the_pred_data
fun the_elim_of ctxt name =
(case #elim (the_pred_data ctxt name) of
NONE => error ("No elimination rule for predicate " ^ quote name)
| SOME thm => thm)
val has_elim = is_some o #elim oo the_pred_data
fun function_names_of compilation ctxt name =
(case AList.lookup (op =) (#function_names (the_pred_data ctxt name)) compilation of
error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation ^
" functions defined for predicate " ^ quote name)
| SOME fun_names => fun_names)
fun function_name_of compilation ctxt name mode =
(case AList.lookup eq_mode (function_names_of compilation ctxt name) mode of
error ("No " ^ string_of_compilation compilation ^
" function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^ " of predicate " ^ quote name)
| SOME function_name => function_name)
fun modes_of compilation ctxt name = map fst (function_names_of compilation ctxt name)
fun all_modes_of compilation ctxt =
map_filter (fn name => Option.map (pair name) (try (modes_of compilation ctxt) name))
(all_preds_of ctxt)
val all_random_modes_of = all_modes_of Random
fun defined_functions compilation ctxt name =
(case lookup_pred_data ctxt name of
NONE => false
| SOME data => AList.defined (op =) (#function_names data) compilation)
fun needs_random ctxt s m =
member (op =) (#needs_random (the_pred_data ctxt s)) m
fun lookup_predfun_data ctxt name mode =
Option.map rep_predfun_data
(AList.lookup eq_mode (#predfun_data (the_pred_data ctxt name)) mode)
fun the_predfun_data ctxt name mode =
(case lookup_predfun_data ctxt name mode of
error ("No function defined for mode " ^ string_of_mode mode ^
" of predicate " ^ name)
| SOME data => data)
val predfun_definition_of = #definition ooo the_predfun_data
val predfun_intro_of = #intro ooo the_predfun_data
val predfun_elim_of = #elim ooo the_predfun_data
val predfun_neg_intro_of = #neg_intro ooo the_predfun_data
val intros_graph_of =
Graph.map (K (map snd o #intros o rep_pred_data)) o PredData.get o Proof_Context.theory_of
fun prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_cases_rule, nparams)) cases_rule =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val nargs = length (binder_types (fastype_of pred))
fun meta_eq_of th = th RS @{thm eq_reflection}
val tuple_rew_rules = map meta_eq_of [@{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm prod.inject}]
fun instantiate i n ({context = ctxt2, prems, ...}: Subgoal.focus) =
fun inst_pair_of (ix, (ty, t)) = ((ix, ty), t)
fun inst_of_matches tts =
fold (Pattern.match thy) tts (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
|> snd |> Vartab.dest |> map (apsnd (Thm.cterm_of ctxt2) o inst_pair_of)
val (cases, (eqs, prems1)) = apsnd (chop (nargs - nparams)) (chop n prems)
val case_th =
rewrite_rule ctxt2 (@{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq} :: map meta_eq_of eqs) (nth cases (i - 1))
val prems2 = maps (dest_conjunct_prem o rewrite_rule ctxt2 tuple_rew_rules) prems1
val pats =
map (swap o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop)
(take nargs (Thm.prems_of case_th))
val case_th' =
Thm.instantiate ([], inst_of_matches pats) case_th
OF replicate nargs @{thm refl}
val thesis =
Thm.instantiate ([], inst_of_matches (Thm.prems_of case_th' ~~ map Thm.prop_of prems2))
case_th' OF prems2
in resolve_tac ctxt2 [thesis] 1 end
Goal.prove ctxt (Term.add_free_names cases_rule []) [] cases_rule
(fn {context = ctxt1, ...} =>
eresolve_tac ctxt1 [pre_cases_rule] 1 THEN (fn st =>
let val n = Thm.nprems_of st in
st |> ALLGOALS (fn i =>
rewrite_goal_tac ctxt1 @{thms split_paired_all} i THEN
SUBPROOF (instantiate i n) ctxt1 i)
(* updaters *)
(* fetching introduction rules or registering introduction rules *)
val no_compilation = ([], ([], []))
fun fetch_pred_data ctxt name =
(case try (Inductive.the_inductive_global ctxt) name of
SOME (info as (_, result)) =>
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val pos = Position.thread_data ()
fun is_intro_of intro =
val (const, _) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of intro))
in (fst (dest_Const const) = name) end;
val intros = map (preprocess_intro thy) (filter is_intro_of (#intrs result))
val index = find_index (fn s => s = name) (#names (fst info))
val pre_elim = nth (#elims result) index
val pred = nth (#preds result) index
val elim_t = mk_casesrule ctxt pred intros
val nparams = length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
val elim = prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_elim, nparams)) elim_t
mk_pred_data (pos, (((map (pair NONE) intros, SOME elim), true), no_compilation))
| NONE => error ("No such predicate: " ^ quote name))
fun add_predfun_data name mode data =
val add = (apsnd o apsnd o apsnd o apfst) (cons (mode, mk_predfun_data data))
in PredData.map (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data add)) end
fun is_inductive_predicate ctxt name =
is_some (try (Inductive.the_inductive_global ctxt) name)
fun depending_preds_of ctxt (key, value) =
val intros = map (Thm.prop_of o snd) ((#intros o rep_pred_data) value)
fold Term.add_const_names intros []
|> (fn cs =>
if member (op =) cs \<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close> then
insert (op =) \<^const_name>\<open>Predicate.eq\<close> cs
else cs)
|> filter (fn c => (not (c = key)) andalso
(is_inductive_predicate ctxt c orelse is_registered ctxt c))
fun add_intro (opt_case_name, thm) thy =
val (name, _) = dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl thm))
fun cons_intro gr =
(case try (Graph.get_node gr) name of
SOME _ =>
Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data
(apsnd (apfst (apfst (apfst (fn intros => intros @ [(opt_case_name, thm)])))))) gr
| NONE =>
mk_pred_data (Position.thread_data (),
(((([(opt_case_name, thm)], NONE), false), no_compilation)))) gr)
in PredData.map cons_intro thy end
fun set_elim thm =
val (name, _) =
dest_Const (fst (strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (hd (Thm.prems_of thm)))))
PredData.map (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apsnd (apfst (apfst (apsnd (K (SOME thm))))))))
fun register_predicate (constname, intros, elim) thy =
val named_intros = map (pair NONE) intros
if not (member (op =) (Graph.keys (PredData.get thy)) constname) then
(Graph.new_node (constname,
mk_pred_data (Position.thread_data (),
(((named_intros, SOME elim), false), no_compilation)))) thy
else thy
fun register_intros (constname, pre_intros) thy =
val T = Sign.the_const_type thy constname
fun constname_of_intro intr = fst (dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl intr)))
val _ = if not (forall (fn intr => constname_of_intro intr = constname) pre_intros) then
error ("register_intros: Introduction rules of different constants are used\n" ^
"expected rules for " ^ constname ^ ", but received rules for " ^
commas (map constname_of_intro pre_intros))
else ()
val pred = Const (constname, T)
val pre_elim =
(Drule.export_without_context o Skip_Proof.make_thm thy)
(mk_casesrule (Proof_Context.init_global thy) pred pre_intros)
in register_predicate (constname, pre_intros, pre_elim) thy end
fun defined_function_of compilation pred =
val set = (apsnd o apsnd o apfst) (cons (compilation, []))
PredData.map (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
fun set_function_name compilation pred mode name =
val set = (apsnd o apsnd o apfst)
(AList.map_default (op =) (compilation, [(mode, name)]) (cons (mode, name)))
PredData.map (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
fun set_needs_random name modes =
val set = (apsnd o apsnd o apsnd o apsnd) (K modes)
PredData.map (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data set))
fun extend' value_of edges_of key (G, visited) =
val (G', v) =
(case try (Graph.get_node G) key of
SOME v => (G, v)
| NONE => (Graph.new_node (key, value_of key) G, value_of key))
val (G'', visited') =
fold (extend' value_of edges_of)
(subtract (op =) visited (edges_of (key, v)))
(G', key :: visited)
(fold (Graph.add_edge o (pair key)) (edges_of (key, v)) G'', visited')
fun extend value_of edges_of key G = fst (extend' value_of edges_of key (G, []))
fun extend_intro_graph names thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
PredData.map (fold (extend (fetch_pred_data ctxt) (depending_preds_of ctxt)) names) thy
fun preprocess_intros name thy =
PredData.map (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apsnd (apfst (fn (rules, preprocessed) =>
if preprocessed then (rules, preprocessed)
val (named_intros, SOME elim) = rules
val named_intros' = map (apsnd (preprocess_intro thy)) named_intros
val pred = Const (name, Sign.the_const_type thy name)
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val elim_t = mk_casesrule ctxt pred (map snd named_intros')
val elim' = prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (elim, 0)) elim_t
((named_intros', SOME elim'), true)
(* registration of alternative function names *)
structure Alt_Compilations_Data = Theory_Data
type T = (mode * (compilation_funs -> typ -> term)) list Symtab.table
val empty = Symtab.empty
val extend = I
fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (K true) data
fun alternative_compilation_of_global thy pred_name mode =
AList.lookup eq_mode (Symtab.lookup_list (Alt_Compilations_Data.get thy) pred_name) mode
fun alternative_compilation_of ctxt pred_name mode =
AList.lookup eq_mode
(Symtab.lookup_list (Alt_Compilations_Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) pred_name) mode
fun force_modes_and_compilations pred_name compilations thy =
(* thm refl is a dummy thm *)
val modes = map fst compilations
val (needs_random, non_random_modes) =
apply2 (map fst) (List.partition (fn (_, (_, random)) => random) compilations)
val non_random_dummys = map (rpair "dummy") non_random_modes
val all_dummys = map (rpair "dummy") modes
val dummy_function_names =
map (rpair all_dummys) Predicate_Compile_Aux.random_compilations @
map (rpair non_random_dummys) Predicate_Compile_Aux.non_random_compilations
val alt_compilations = map (apsnd fst) compilations
thy |>
(Position.thread_data (),
((([], SOME @{thm refl}), true), (dummy_function_names, ([], needs_random))))))
|> Alt_Compilations_Data.map (Symtab.insert (K false) (pred_name, alt_compilations))
fun functional_compilation fun_name mode compfuns T =
val (inpTs, outpTs) = split_map_modeT (fn _ => fn T => (SOME T, NONE)) mode (binder_types T)
val bs = map (pair "x") inpTs
val bounds = map Bound (rev (0 upto (length bs) - 1))
val f = Const (fun_name, inpTs ---> HOLogic.mk_tupleT outpTs)
in fold_rev Term.abs bs (mk_single compfuns (list_comb (f, bounds))) end
fun register_alternative_function pred_name mode fun_name =
Alt_Compilations_Data.map (Symtab.insert_list (eq_pair eq_mode (K false))
(pred_name, (mode, functional_compilation fun_name mode)))
fun force_modes_and_functions pred_name fun_names =
force_modes_and_compilations pred_name
(map (fn (mode, (fun_name, random)) => (mode, (functional_compilation fun_name mode, random)))
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