(* Title: HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_replay_methods.ML
Author: Mathias Fleury, MPII, JKU
Proof method for replaying veriT proofs.
(*methods for verit proof rules*)
val method_for: string -> Proof.context -> thm list -> term list -> term Symtab.table ->
(string * term) list -> term -> thm
val requires_subproof_assms : string list -> string -> bool
val requires_local_input: string list -> string -> bool
val eq_congruent_pred: Proof.context -> 'a -> term -> thm
val discharge: Proof.context -> thm list -> term -> thm
structure Verit_Replay_Methods: VERIT_REPLAY_METHODS =
(*Some general comments on the proof format:
1. Double negations are not always removed. This means for example that the equivalence rules
cannot assume that the double negations have already been removed. Therefore, we match the
term, instantiate the theorem, then use simp (to remove double negations), and finally use
2. The reconstruction for rule forall_inst is buggy and tends to be very fragile, because the rule
is doing much more that is supposed to do. Moreover types can make trivial goals (for the
boolean structure) impossible to prove.
3. Duplicate literals are sometimes removed, mostly by the SAT solver.
Rules unsupported on purpose:
* Distinct_Elim, XOR, let (we don't need them).
* deep_skolemize (because it is not clear if verit still generates using it).
datatype verit_rule =
False | True |
(*input: a repeated (normalized) assumption of assumption of in a subproof*)
Normalized_Input | Local_Input |
Subproof |
And | Not_And | And_Pos | And_Neg |
Or | Or_Pos | Not_Or | Or_Neg |
Implies | Implies_Neg1 | Implies_Neg2 | Implies_Pos | Not_Implies1 | Not_Implies2 |
Equiv_neg1 | Equiv_pos1 | Equiv_pos2 | Equiv_neg2 | Not_Equiv1 | Not_Equiv2 | Equiv1 | Equiv2 |
ITE_Pos1 | ITE_Pos2 | ITE_Neg1 | ITE_Neg2 | Not_ITE1 | Not_ITE2 | ITE_Intro | ITE1 | ITE2 |
Eq_Congruent | Eq_Reflexive | Eq_Transitive | Eq_Congruent_Pred | Trans | Refl | Cong |
LA_Disequality | LA_Generic | LA_Tautology | LIA_Generic | LA_Totality | LA_RW_Eq |
NLA_Generic |
Forall_Inst | Qnt_Rm_Unused | Qnt_Join | Onepoint | Bind | Skolem_Forall | Skolem_Ex |
Theory_Resolution | Resolution |
(*Temporary rules, that the verit developpers want to remove:*)
AC_Simp |
Bfun_Elim |
Qnt_CNF |
(*Used to introduce skolem constants*)
Definition |
(*Former cong rules*)
Bool_Simplify | Or_Simplify | Not_Simplify | And_Simplify | Equiv_Simplify |
Implies_Simplify | Connective_Def | Minus_Simplify | Comp_Simplify |
Eq_Simplify | ITE_Simplify | Sum_Simplify | Prod_Simplify |
Qnt_Simplify | Not_Not | Tautological_Clause | Duplicate_Literals |
(*Unsupported rule*)
Unsupported |
(*For compression*)
fun verit_rule_of "bind" = Bind
| verit_rule_of "cong" = Cong
| verit_rule_of "refl" = Refl
| verit_rule_of "equiv1" = Equiv1
| verit_rule_of "equiv2" = Equiv2
| verit_rule_of "equiv_pos1" = Equiv_pos1
(*Equiv_pos2 covered below*)
| verit_rule_of "equiv_neg1" = Equiv_neg1
| verit_rule_of "equiv_neg2" = Equiv_neg2
| verit_rule_of "sko_forall" = Skolem_Forall
| verit_rule_of "sko_ex" = Skolem_Ex
| verit_rule_of "eq_reflexive" = Eq_Reflexive
| verit_rule_of "forall_inst" = Forall_Inst
| verit_rule_of "implies_pos" = Implies_Pos
| verit_rule_of "or" = Or
| verit_rule_of "not_or" = Not_Or
| verit_rule_of "resolution" = Resolution
| verit_rule_of "trans" = Trans
| verit_rule_of "false" = False
| verit_rule_of "ac_simp" = AC_Simp
| verit_rule_of "and" = And
| verit_rule_of "not_and" = Not_And
| verit_rule_of "and_pos" = And_Pos
| verit_rule_of "and_neg" = And_Neg
| verit_rule_of "or_pos" = Or_Pos
| verit_rule_of "or_neg" = Or_Neg
| verit_rule_of "not_equiv1" = Not_Equiv1
| verit_rule_of "not_equiv2" = Not_Equiv2
| verit_rule_of "not_implies1" = Not_Implies1
| verit_rule_of "not_implies2" = Not_Implies2
| verit_rule_of "implies_neg1" = Implies_Neg1
| verit_rule_of "implies_neg2" = Implies_Neg2
| verit_rule_of "implies" = Implies
| verit_rule_of "bfun_elim" = Bfun_Elim
| verit_rule_of "ite1" = ITE1
| verit_rule_of "ite2" = ITE2
| verit_rule_of "not_ite1" = Not_ITE1
| verit_rule_of "not_ite2" = Not_ITE2
| verit_rule_of "ite_pos1" = ITE_Pos1
| verit_rule_of "ite_pos2" = ITE_Pos2
| verit_rule_of "ite_neg1" = ITE_Neg1
| verit_rule_of "ite_neg2" = ITE_Neg2
| verit_rule_of "la_disequality" = LA_Disequality
| verit_rule_of "lia_generic" = LIA_Generic
| verit_rule_of "la_generic" = LA_Generic
| verit_rule_of "la_tautology" = LA_Tautology
| verit_rule_of "la_totality" = LA_Totality
| verit_rule_of "la_rw_eq"= LA_RW_Eq
| verit_rule_of "nla_generic"= NLA_Generic
| verit_rule_of "eq_transitive" = Eq_Transitive
| verit_rule_of "qnt_rm_unused" = Qnt_Rm_Unused
| verit_rule_of "onepoint" = Onepoint
| verit_rule_of "qnt_join" = Qnt_Join
| verit_rule_of "subproof" = Subproof
| verit_rule_of "bool_simplify" = Bool_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "or_simplify" = Or_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "ite_simplify" = ITE_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "and_simplify" = And_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "not_simplify" = Not_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "equiv_simplify" = Equiv_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "eq_simplify" = Eq_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "implies_simplify" = Implies_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "connective_def" = Connective_Def
| verit_rule_of "minus_simplify" = Minus_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "sum_simplify" = Sum_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "prod_simplify" = Prod_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "comp_simplify" = Comp_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "qnt_simplify" = Qnt_Simplify
| verit_rule_of "tautology" = Tautological_Clause
| verit_rule_of "qnt_cnf" = Qnt_CNF
| verit_rule_of r =
if r = Verit_Proof.normalized_input_rule then Normalized_Input
else if r = Verit_Proof.local_input_rule then Local_Input
else if r = Verit_Proof.veriT_def then Definition
else if r = Verit_Proof.not_not_rule then Not_Not
else if r = Verit_Proof.contract_rule then Duplicate_Literals
else if r = Verit_Proof.ite_intro_rule then ITE_Intro
else if r = Verit_Proof.eq_congruent_rule then Eq_Congruent
else if r = Verit_Proof.eq_congruent_pred_rule then Eq_Congruent_Pred
else if r = Verit_Proof.theory_resolution2_rule then Theory_Resolution2
else if r = Verit_Proof.th_resolution_rule then Theory_Resolution
else if r = Verit_Proof.equiv_pos2_rule then Equiv_pos2
else (@{print} ("Unsupport rule", r); Unsupported)
fun string_of_verit_rule Bind = "Bind"
| string_of_verit_rule Cong = "Cong"
| string_of_verit_rule Refl = "Refl"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv1 = "Equiv1"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv2 = "Equiv2"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv_pos1 = "Equiv_pos1"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv_pos2 = "Equiv_pos2"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv_neg1 = "Equiv_neg1"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv_neg2 = "Equiv_neg2"
| string_of_verit_rule Skolem_Forall = "Skolem_Forall"
| string_of_verit_rule Skolem_Ex = "Skolem_Ex"
| string_of_verit_rule Eq_Reflexive = "Eq_Reflexive"
| string_of_verit_rule Theory_Resolution = "Theory_Resolution"
| string_of_verit_rule Theory_Resolution2 = "Theory_Resolution2"
| string_of_verit_rule Forall_Inst = "forall_inst"
| string_of_verit_rule Or = "Or"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Or = "Not_Or"
| string_of_verit_rule Resolution = "Resolution"
| string_of_verit_rule Eq_Congruent = "eq_congruent"
| string_of_verit_rule Trans = "trans"
| string_of_verit_rule False = "false"
| string_of_verit_rule And = "and"
| string_of_verit_rule And_Pos = "and_pos"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_And = "not_and"
| string_of_verit_rule And_Neg = "and_neg"
| string_of_verit_rule Or_Pos = "or_pos"
| string_of_verit_rule Or_Neg = "or_neg"
| string_of_verit_rule AC_Simp = "ac_simp"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Equiv1 = "not_equiv1"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Equiv2 = "not_equiv2"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Implies1 = "not_implies1"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Implies2 = "not_implies2"
| string_of_verit_rule Implies_Neg1 = "implies_neg1"
| string_of_verit_rule Implies_Neg2 = "implies_neg2"
| string_of_verit_rule Implies = "implies"
| string_of_verit_rule Bfun_Elim = "bfun_elim"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE1 = "ite1"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE2 = "ite2"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_ITE1 = "not_ite1"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_ITE2 = "not_ite2"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE_Pos1 = "ite_pos1"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE_Pos2 = "ite_pos2"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE_Neg1 = "ite_neg1"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE_Neg2 = "ite_neg2"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE_Intro = "ite_intro"
| string_of_verit_rule LA_Disequality = "la_disequality"
| string_of_verit_rule LA_Generic = "la_generic"
| string_of_verit_rule LIA_Generic = "lia_generic"
| string_of_verit_rule LA_Tautology = "la_tautology"
| string_of_verit_rule LA_RW_Eq = "la_rw_eq"
| string_of_verit_rule LA_Totality = "LA_Totality"
| string_of_verit_rule NLA_Generic = "nla_generic"
| string_of_verit_rule Eq_Transitive = "eq_transitive"
| string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Rm_Unused = "qnt_remove_unused"
| string_of_verit_rule Onepoint = "onepoint"
| string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Join = "qnt_join"
| string_of_verit_rule Eq_Congruent_Pred = "eq_congruent_pred"
| string_of_verit_rule Normalized_Input = Verit_Proof.normalized_input_rule
| string_of_verit_rule Local_Input = Verit_Proof.local_input_rule
| string_of_verit_rule Subproof = "subproof"
| string_of_verit_rule Bool_Simplify = "bool_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Equiv_Simplify = "equiv_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Eq_Simplify = "eq_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Simplify = "not_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule And_Simplify = "and_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Or_Simplify = "or_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule ITE_Simplify = "ite_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Implies_Simplify = "implies_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Connective_Def = "connective_def"
| string_of_verit_rule Minus_Simplify = "minus_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Sum_Simplify = "sum_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Prod_Simplify = "prod_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Comp_Simplify = "comp_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Simplify = "qnt_simplify"
| string_of_verit_rule Not_Not = Verit_Proof.not_not_rule
| string_of_verit_rule Tautological_Clause = "tautology"
| string_of_verit_rule Duplicate_Literals = Verit_Proof.contract_rule
| string_of_verit_rule Qnt_CNF = "qnt_cnf"
| string_of_verit_rule r = "Unknown rule: " ^ \<^make_string> r
fun replay_error ctxt msg rule thms t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.replay_error ctxt msg (string_of_verit_rule rule) thms t
(* utility function *)
fun eqsubst_all ctxt thms =
K ((REPEAT o HEADGOAL) (EqSubst.eqsubst_asm_tac ctxt [0] thms))
THEN' K ((REPEAT o HEADGOAL) (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0] thms))
fun simplify_tac ctxt thms =
|> empty_simpset
|> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
|> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps @{thms simp_thms} addsimps thms)
|> Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac
(* sko_forall requires the assumptions to be able to prove the equivalence in case of double
skolemization. See comment below. *)
fun requires_subproof_assms _ t =
member (op =) ["refl", "sko_forall", "sko_ex", "cong"] t
fun requires_local_input _ t =
member (op =) [Verit_Proof.local_input_rule] t
(*This is a weaker simplification form. It is weaker, but is also less likely to loop*)
fun partial_simplify_tac ctxt thms =
|> empty_simpset
|> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
|> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps @{thms simp_thms} addsimps thms)
|> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
val try_provers = SMT_Replay_Methods.try_provers "verit"
fun TRY' tac = fn i => TRY (tac i)
fun REPEAT' tac = fn i => REPEAT (tac i)
fun REPEAT_CHANGED tac = fn i => REPEAT (CHANGED (tac i))
(* Bind *)
(*The bind rule is non-obvious due to the handling of quantifiers:
"\<And>x y a. x = y ==> (\<forall>b. P a b x) \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>b. P' a b y)"
\<forall>a. (\<forall>b x. P a b x) \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>b y. P' a b y)
is a valid application.*)
val bind_thms =
[@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x x'. x = x' \<Longrightarrow> P x = Q x') \ (\x. P x) = (\y. Q y)\ by blast},
@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x x'. x = x' \<Longrightarrow> P x = Q x') \ (\x. P x) = (\y. Q y)\ by blast},
@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x x'. x = x' \<Longrightarrow> P x = Q x') \ (\x. P x = Q x)\ by blast},
@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x x'. x = x' \<Longrightarrow> P x = Q x') \ (\x. P x = Q x)\ by blast}]
val bind_thms_same_name =
[@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x. P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x) = (\<forall>y. Q y)\<close> by blast},
@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x. P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>x. P x) = (\<exists>y. Q y)\<close> by blast},
@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x. P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>x. P x = Q x)\<close> by blast},
@{lemma \<open>(\<And>x. P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x = Q x)\<close> by blast}]
fun extract_quantified_names_q (_ $ Abs (name, _, t)) =
apfst (curry (op ::) name) (extract_quantified_names_q t)
| extract_quantified_names_q t = ([], t)
fun extract_forall_quantified_names_q (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.All\<close>, _) $ Abs (name, ty, t)) =
(name, ty) :: (extract_forall_quantified_names_q t)
| extract_forall_quantified_names_q _ = []
fun extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.All\<close>, _) $ Abs (name, _, t)) =
name :: (extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q t)
| extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q (t $ u) =
extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q t @ extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q u
| extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q _ = []
val extract_quantified_names_ba =
#> extract_quantified_names_q
##> HOLogic.dest_eq
##> fst
##> extract_quantified_names_q
##> fst
val extract_quantified_names =
#> (op @)
val extract_all_forall_quantified_names =
#> HOLogic.dest_eq
#> fst
#> extract_all_forall_quantified_names_q
fun extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Ex\<close>, _) $ Abs (name, _, t)) =
name :: (extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q t)
| extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q (t $ u) =
extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q t @ extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q u
| extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q _ = []
val extract_all_exists_quantified_names =
#> HOLogic.dest_eq
#> fst
#> extract_all_exists_quantified_names_q
val extract_bind_names =
#> apply2 (fn (Free (name, _)) => name)
fun combine_quant ctxt ((n1, n2) :: bounds) (n1' :: formula) =
TRY' (if n1 = n1'
then if n1 <> n2
resolve_tac ctxt bind_thms
THEN' TRY'(resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm refl}])
THEN' combine_quant ctxt bounds formula
else resolve_tac ctxt bind_thms_same_name THEN' combine_quant ctxt bounds formula
else resolve_tac ctxt @{thms allI} THEN' combine_quant ctxt ((n1, n2) :: bounds) formula)
| combine_quant _ _ _ = K all_tac
fun bind_quants ctxt args t =
combine_quant ctxt (map extract_bind_names args) (extract_quantified_names t)
fun generalize_prems_q [] prems = prems
| generalize_prems_q (_ :: quants) prems =
generalize_prems_q quants (@{thm spec} OF [prems])
fun generalize_prems t = generalize_prems_q (fst (extract_quantified_names_ba t))
fun bind ctxt [prems] args t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
bind_quants ctxt args t
THEN' TRY' (SOLVED' (resolve_tac ctxt [generalize_prems t prems]
THEN_ALL_NEW TRY' (assume_tac ctxt ORELSE' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl}))))
| bind ctxt thms _ t = replay_error ctxt "invalid bind application" Bind thms t
(* Congruence/Refl *)
fun cong ctxt thms = try_provers ctxt
(string_of_verit_rule Cong) [
("basic", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_basic ctxt thms),
("unfolding then reflexivity", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_unfolding_trivial ctxt thms),
("unfolding then auto", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_unfolding_first ctxt thms),
("full", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_full ctxt thms)] thms
fun refl ctxt thm t =
(case find_first (fn thm => t = Thm.full_prop_of thm) thm of
SOME thm => thm
| NONE =>
(case try (fn t => SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate ctxt t @{thm refl}) t of
NONE => cong ctxt thm t
| SOME thm => thm))
(* Instantiation *)
fun dropWhile _ [] = []
| dropWhile f (x :: xs) = if f x then dropWhile f xs else x :: xs
fun forall_inst ctxt _ _ insts t =
fun instantiate_and_solve i ({context = ctxt, prems = [prem], ...}: Subgoal.focus) =
val t = Thm.prop_of prem
val quants = t
|> SMT_Replay_Methods.dest_prop
|> extract_forall_quantified_names_q
val insts = map (Symtab.lookup insts o fst) (rev quants)
|> dropWhile (curry (op =) NONE)
|> rev
fun option_map _ NONE = NONE
| option_map f (SOME a) = SOME (f a)
fun instantiate_with inst prem =
Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [NONE, inst] @{thm spec} OF [prem]
val inst_thm =
fold instantiate_with
(map (option_map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt)) insts)
(Method.insert_tac ctxt [inst_thm]
THEN' TRY' (fn i => assume_tac ctxt i)
THEN' TRY' (partial_simplify_tac ctxt @{thms eq_commute})) i
| instantiate_and_solve _ ({context = ctxt, prems = thms, ...}: Subgoal.focus) =
replay_error ctxt "invalid application" Forall_Inst thms t
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
match_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF [@{thm impI}]]
THEN' (fn i => Subgoal.FOCUS (instantiate_and_solve i) ctxt i))
(* Or *)
fun or _ (thm :: _) _ = thm
| or ctxt thms t = replay_error ctxt "invalid bind application" Or thms t
(* Implication *)
val implies_pos_thm =
[@{lemma \<open>\<not>(A \<longrightarrow> B) \<or> \<not>A \<or> B\<close> by blast},
@{lemma \<open>\<not>(\<not>A \<longrightarrow> B) \<or> A \<or> B\<close> by blast}]
fun implies_pos ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
resolve_tac ctxt implies_pos_thm)
fun extract_rewrite_rule_assumption _ thms =
fun is_rewrite_rule thm =
(case Thm.prop_of thm of
\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ _ $ Free(_, _)) => true
| _ => false)
fun is_context_rule thm =
(case Thm.prop_of thm of
\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ Free(_, _) $ Free(_, _)) => true
| _ => false)
val ctxt_eq =
|> filter is_context_rule
val rew =
|> filter_out is_context_rule
|> filter is_rewrite_rule
(ctxt_eq, rew)
fun rewrite_all_skolems thm_indirect ctxt (SOME thm :: thms) =
EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0] [thm_indirect OF [thm]]
THEN' (partial_simplify_tac ctxt (@{thms eq_commute}))
THEN' rewrite_all_skolems thm_indirect ctxt thms
| rewrite_all_skolems thm_indirect ctxt (NONE :: thms) = rewrite_all_skolems thm_indirect ctxt thms
| rewrite_all_skolems _ _ [] = K (all_tac)
fun extract_var_name (thm :: thms) =
let val name = Thm.concl_of thm
|> SMT_Replay_Methods.dest_prop
|> HOLogic.dest_eq
|> fst
|> (fn Const(_,_) $ Abs(name, _, _) => [(name,@{thm sym} OF [thm])]
| _ => [])
in name :: extract_var_name thms end
| extract_var_name [] = []
fun skolem_tac extractor thm1 thm2 ctxt thms t =
val (ctxt_eq, ts) = extract_rewrite_rule_assumption ctxt thms
fun ordered_definitions () =
val var_order = extractor t
val thm_names_with_var = extract_var_name ts |> flat
in map (AList.lookup (op =) thm_names_with_var) var_order end
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
K (unfold_tac ctxt ctxt_eq)
THEN' ((SOLVED' (K (unfold_tac ctxt (map (fn thm => thm1 OF [@{thm sym} OF [thm]]) ts))))
(rewrite_all_skolems thm2 ctxt (ordered_definitions ())
THEN' partial_simplify_tac ctxt @{thms eq_commute})))
val skolem_forall =
skolem_tac extract_all_forall_quantified_names @{thm verit_sko_forall_indirect}
@{thm verit_sko_forall_indirect2}
val skolem_ex =
skolem_tac extract_all_exists_quantified_names @{thm verit_sko_ex_indirect}
@{thm verit_sko_ex_indirect2}
fun eq_reflexive ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate ctxt t @{thm refl}
fun not_not_prove ctxt _ =
K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms not_not})
THEN' match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_or_simplify_1}
fun duplicate_literals_prove ctxt prems =
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' match_tac ctxt @{thms ccontr}
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_disj not_not})
THEN' TRY o CHANGED_PROP o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (ematch_tac ctxt @{thms conjE})
THEN' CHANGED_PROP o REPEAT_ALL_NEW (ematch_tac ctxt @{thms disjE})
THEN' REPEAT' (ematch_tac ctxt @{thms notE} THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
fun tautological_clause_prove ctxt _ =
match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_or_neg}
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms not_not disj_assoc[symmetric]})
THEN' TRY' (match_tac ctxt @{thms notE} THEN_ALL_NEW assume_tac ctxt)
val theory_resolution2_lemma = @{lemma \<open>a \<Longrightarrow> a = b \<Longrightarrow> b\<close> by blast}
fun prove_abstract abstracter tac ctxt thms t =
val thms = map (Conv.fconv_rule Thm.eta_long_conversion) thms
val t' = Thm.eta_long_conversion (Object_Logic.dest_judgment ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt t))
val (_, t2) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.prop_of t')
val thm =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove_abstract ctxt thms t2 tac (
fold_map (abstracter o SMT_Replay_Methods.dest_thm) thms ##>>
abstracter (SMT_Replay_Methods.dest_prop t2))
@{thm verit_Pure_trans} OF [t', thm]
val not_not = prove_abstract SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_bool_shallow not_not_prove
val tautological_clause =
prove_abstract SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_bool_shallow tautological_clause_prove
val duplicate_literals =
prove_abstract SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_bool_shallow duplicate_literals_prove
val unit_res = prove_abstract SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_bool_shallow SMT_Replay_Methods.prop_tac
(*match_instantiate does not work*)
fun theory_resolution2 ctxt prems t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => match_tac ctxt [theory_resolution2_lemma OF prems])
fun normalized_input ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' TRY' (K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms SMT.trigger_def}))
THEN' TRY' (partial_simplify_tac ctxt @{thms eq_commute}))
val false_rule_thm = @{lemma \<open>\<not>False\<close> by blast}
fun false_rule ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate ctxt t false_rule_thm
(* Transitivity *)
val trans_bool_thm =
@{lemma \<open>P = Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<Longrightarrow> P\<close> by blast}
fun trans ctxt thms t =
val prop_of = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.full_prop_of
fun combine_thms [thm1, thm2] =
(case (prop_of thm1, prop_of thm2) of
((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t1 $ t2),
(Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t3 $ t4)) =>
if t2 aconv t3 then thm1 RSN (1, thm2 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
else if t2 aconv t4 then thm1 RSN ((1, ((thm2 RS sym)) RSN (2, @{thm trans})))
else if t1 aconv t4 then thm2 RSN (1, thm1 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
else raise Fail "invalid trans theorem"
| _ => trans_bool_thm OF [thm1, thm2])
| combine_thms (thm1 :: thm2 :: thms) =
combine_thms (combine_thms [thm1, thm2] :: thms)
| combine_thms thms = replay_error ctxt "invalid bind application" Trans thms t
val t' = Thm.eta_long_conversion (Object_Logic.dest_judgment ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt t))
val (_, t2) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.prop_of t')
val thms = map (Conv.fconv_rule Thm.eta_long_conversion) thms
val trans_thm = combine_thms thms
(case (prop_of trans_thm, t2) of
((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t1 $ _),
(Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t3 $ _)) =>
if t1 aconv t3 then trans_thm else trans_thm RS sym
| _ => trans_thm (*to be on the safe side*))
fun tmp_AC_rule ctxt thms t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt thms
THEN' REPEAT_ALL_NEW (partial_simplify_tac ctxt @{thms eq_commute}
THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt @{thms ac_simps conj_ac})
THEN' TRY' (Classical.fast_tac ctxt)))
(* And/Or *)
fun not_and_rule_prove ctxt prems =
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj})
THEN_ALL_NEW TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
fun or_pos_prove ctxt _ =
K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_disj not_not})
THEN' match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos}
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj de_Morgan_disj not_not})
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
fun not_or_rule_prove ctxt prems =
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_disj not_not})
THEN' TRY' (REPEAT' (match_tac ctxt @{thms conjI}))
THEN_ALL_NEW ((REPEAT' (ematch_tac ctxt @{thms conjE}))
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
fun and_rule_prove ctxt prems =
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' (fn i => REPEAT (dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjE} i THEN assume_tac ctxt (i+1)))
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
fun and_neg_rule_prove ctxt _ =
match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_neg}
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj not_not})
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
fun prover tac = prove_abstract SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_prop tac
val and_rule = prover and_rule_prove
val not_and_rule = prover not_and_rule_prove
val not_or_rule = prover not_or_rule_prove
val or_pos_rule = prover or_pos_prove
val and_neg_rule = prover and_neg_rule_prove
val or_neg_rule = prove_abstract SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_bool (fn ctxt => fn _ =>
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_or_neg}
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms not_not})
(SOLVED' (match_tac ctxt @{thms disjI1} THEN_ALL_NEW assume_tac ctxt)
ORELSE' (match_tac ctxt @{thms disjI2} THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)))))
fun and_pos ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos})
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
(* Equivalence Transformation *)
fun prove_equiv equiv_thm ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt [equiv_thm OF [thm]]
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
| prove_equiv _ ctxt thms t = replay_error ctxt "invalid application in some equiv rule" Unsupported thms t
val not_equiv1 = prove_equiv @{lemma \<open>\<not>(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> A \<or> B\<close> by blast}
val not_equiv2 = prove_equiv @{lemma \<open>\<not>(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>A \<or> \<not>B\<close> by blast}
val equiv1 = prove_equiv @{lemma \<open>(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>A \<or> B\<close> by blast}
val equiv2 = prove_equiv @{lemma \<open>(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> A \<or> \<not>B\<close> by blast}
val not_implies1 = prove_equiv @{lemma \<open>\<not>(A \<longrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> A\<close> by blast}
val not_implies2 = prove_equiv @{lemma \<open>\<not>(A \<longrightarrow>B) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>B\<close> by blast}
(* Equivalence Lemma *)
(*equiv_pos2 is very important for performance. We have tried various tactics, including
a specialisation of SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate, but there never was a measurable
and consistent gain.*)
fun prove_equiv_pos_neg2 thm ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate ctxt t thm
val equiv_pos1_thm = @{lemma \<open>\<not>(a \<longleftrightarrow> b) \<or> a \<or> \<not>b\<close> by blast+}
val equiv_pos1 = prove_equiv_pos_neg2 equiv_pos1_thm
val equiv_pos2_thm = @{lemma \<open>\<And>a b. (a \<noteq> b) \<or> \<not>a \<or> b\<close> by blast+}
val equiv_pos2 = prove_equiv_pos_neg2 equiv_pos2_thm
val equiv_neg1_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a \<longleftrightarrow> b) \<or> \<not>a \<or> \<not>b\<close> by blast+}
val equiv_neg1 = prove_equiv_pos_neg2 equiv_neg1_thm
val equiv_neg2_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a \<longleftrightarrow> b) \<or> a \<or> b\<close> by blast}
val equiv_neg2 = prove_equiv_pos_neg2 equiv_neg2_thm
fun implies_pos_neg_term ctxt thm (\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $
(\<^term>\<open>HOL.disj\<close> $ (\<^term>\<open>HOL.implies\<close> $ a $ b) $ _)) =
Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt (map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of ctxt) [a, b]) thm
| implies_pos_neg_term ctxt thm t =
replay_error ctxt "invalid application in Implies" Unsupported [thm] t
fun prove_implies_pos_neg thm ctxt _ t =
let val thm = implies_pos_neg_term ctxt thm t
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt [thm]
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
val implies_neg1_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a \<longrightarrow> b) \<or> a\<close> by blast}
val implies_neg1 = prove_implies_pos_neg implies_neg1_thm
val implies_neg2_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a \<longrightarrow> b) \<or> \<not>b\<close> by blast}
val implies_neg2 = prove_implies_pos_neg implies_neg2_thm
val implies_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a \<longrightarrow> b) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>a \<or> b\<close> by blast}
fun implies_rules ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt [implies_thm OF prems]
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
(* BFun *)
val bfun_theorems = @{thms verit_bfun_elim}
fun bfun_elim ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' TRY' (eqsubst_all ctxt bfun_theorems)
THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt @{thms eq_commute all_conj_distrib ex_disj_distrib}))
(* If-Then-Else *)
fun prove_ite ite_thm thm ctxt =
resolve_tac ctxt [ite_thm OF [thm]]
THEN' K (unfold_tac ctxt @{thms not_not})
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
val ite_pos1_thm =
@{lemma \<open>\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> Q\<close> by auto}
fun ite_pos1 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
resolve_tac ctxt [ite_pos1_thm])
val ite_pos2_thms =
@{lemma \<open>\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<or> \<not>x \<or> P\<close> \<open>\<not>(if \<not>x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> P\<close> by auto}
fun ite_pos2 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => resolve_tac ctxt ite_pos2_thms)
val ite_neg1_thms =
@{lemma \<open>(if x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> \<not>Q\<close> \<open>(if x then P else \<not>Q) \<or> x \<or> Q\<close> by auto}
fun ite_neg1 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => resolve_tac ctxt ite_neg1_thms)
val ite_neg2_thms =
@{lemma \<open>(if x then P else Q) \<or> \<not>x \<or> \<not>P\<close> \<open>(if \<not>x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> \<not>P\<close>
\<open>(if x then \<not>P else Q) \<or> \<not>x \<or> P\<close> \<open>(if \<not>x then \<not>P else Q) \<or> x \<or> P\<close>
by auto}
fun ite_neg2 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => resolve_tac ctxt ite_neg2_thms)
val ite1_thm =
@{lemma \<open>(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> x \<or> Q\<close> by (auto split: if_splits) }
fun ite1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => prove_ite ite1_thm thm ctxt)
val ite2_thm =
@{lemma \<open>(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>x \<or> P\<close> by (auto split: if_splits) }
fun ite2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => prove_ite ite2_thm thm ctxt)
val not_ite1_thm =
@{lemma \<open>\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> x \<or> \<not>Q\<close> by (auto split: if_splits) }
fun not_ite1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => prove_ite not_ite1_thm thm ctxt)
val not_ite2_thm =
@{lemma \<open>\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>x \<or> \<not>P\<close> by (auto split: if_splits) }
fun not_ite2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => prove_ite not_ite2_thm thm ctxt)
(*ite_intro can introduce new terms that are in the proof exactly the sames as the old one, but are
not internally, hence the possible reordering.*)
fun ite_intro ctxt _ t =
fun simplify_ite ctxt thms =
|> empty_simpset
|> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
|> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps thms @ @{thms if_True if_False refl simp_thms if_cancel})
|> Raw_Simplifier.add_eqcong @{thm verit_ite_if_cong}
|> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ => simplify_ite ctxt []
THEN' TRY' (simplify_ite ctxt @{thms eq_commute}))
(* Quantifiers *)
val rm_unused = @{lemma \<open>(\<forall>x. P) = P\<close> \<open>(\<exists>x. P) = P\<close> by blast+}
fun qnt_cnf_tac ctxt =
simplify_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj de_Morgan_disj imp_conv_disj
iff_conv_conj_imp if_bool_eq_disj ex_simps all_simps ex_disj_distrib
verit_connective_def(3) all_conj_distrib}
THEN' TRY' (Blast.blast_tac ctxt)
fun qnt_rm_unused ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
K (unfold_tac ctxt rm_unused))
fun onepoint ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
THEN' Simplifier.full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss (empty_simpset ctxt)
addsimps @{thms HOL.simp_thms HOL.all_simps}
addsimprocs [@{simproc HOL.defined_All}, @{simproc HOL.defined_Ex}])
THEN' TRY' (Blast.blast_tac ctxt)
THEN' TRY' (Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.combsN ctxt []))
fun qnt_join ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t Classical.fast_tac
fun qnt_cnf ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t qnt_cnf_tac
fun qnt_simplify ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
partial_simplify_tac ctxt [])
(* Equality *)
fun eq_transitive ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF @{thms impI}])
THEN' REPEAT' (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms impI})
THEN' REPEAT' (eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI})
THEN' REPEAT' (fn i => dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_eq_transitive} i THEN assume_tac ctxt (i+1))
THEN' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl})
fun find_rew rews t t' =
(case AList.lookup (op =) rews (t, t') of
SOME thm => SOME (thm COMP @{thm symmetric})
| NONE =>
(case AList.lookup (op =) rews (t', t) of
SOME thm => SOME thm
| NONE => NONE))
fun eq_pred_conv rews t ctxt ctrm =
(case find_rew rews t (Thm.term_of ctrm) of
SOME thm => Conv.rewr_conv thm ctrm
| NONE =>
(case t of
f $ arg =>
(Conv.fun_conv (eq_pred_conv rews f ctxt) then_conv
Conv.arg_conv (eq_pred_conv rews arg ctxt)) ctrm
| _ => Conv.all_conv ctrm))
fun eq_pred_rewrite_tac ({context = ctxt, prems, concl, ...}: Subgoal.focus) =
val rews = prems
|> map_filter (try (apfst (HOLogic.dest_eq o Thm.term_of o Object_Logic.dest_judgment ctxt o
Thm.cconcl_of) o `(fn x => x)))
|> map (apsnd (fn x => @{thm eq_reflection} OF [x]))
fun conv_left conv = Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg_conv conv)
fun conv_left_neg conv = Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg_conv conv))
val (t1, conv_term) =
(case Thm.term_of (Object_Logic.dest_judgment ctxt concl) of
Const(_, _) $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Not\<close>, _) $ t1) $ _ => (t1, conv_left)
| Const(_, _) $ t1 $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Not\<close>, _) $ _) => (t1, conv_left_neg)
| Const(_, _) $ t1 $ _ => (t1, conv_left)
| t1 => (t1, conv_left))
fun throwing_CONVERSION cv i st = Seq.single (Conv.gconv_rule cv i st)
throwing_CONVERSION (conv_term (eq_pred_conv rews t1 ctxt))
fun eq_congruent_pred ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
REPEAT' (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1[of \_ = _\]} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF @{thms impI}])
THEN' (fn i => Subgoal.FOCUS (fn focus => eq_pred_rewrite_tac focus i) ctxt i)
THEN' (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl excluded_middle excluded_middle[of \\_\, unfolded not_not]}
ORELSE' assume_tac ctxt))
val eq_congruent = eq_congruent_pred
(* Subproof *)
fun subproof ctxt [prem] t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF [@{thm impI}],
@{thm disj_not1[of \<open>\<not>_\<close>, unfolded not_not]} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF [@{thm impI}]]
THEN' resolve_tac ctxt [prem]
THEN_ALL_NEW assume_tac ctxt
THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
ORELSE' TRY' (Method.insert_tac ctxt [prem] THEN' Blast.blast_tac ctxt))
| subproof ctxt prems t =
replay_error ctxt "invalid application, only one assumption expected" Subproof prems t
(* Simplifying Steps *)
(* The reconstruction is a bit tricky: At first we only rewrite only based on the rules that are
passed as argument. Then we simply use simp_thms to reconstruct all the proofs (and these theorems
cover all the simplification below).
fun rewrite_only_thms ctxt thms =
|> empty_simpset
|> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
|> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps thms)
|> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
fun rewrite_thms ctxt thms =
|> empty_simpset
|> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
|> Raw_Simplifier.add_eqcong @{thm eq_reflection[OF imp_cong]}
|> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps thms addsimps @{thms simp_thms})
|> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
fun chain_rewrite_thms ctxt thms =
TRY' (rewrite_only_thms ctxt thms)
THEN' TRY' (rewrite_thms ctxt thms)
fun chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt thms1 thms2 =
TRY' (rewrite_only_thms ctxt thms1)
THEN' TRY' (rewrite_thms ctxt thms2)
fun chain_rewrite_thms_two_step ctxt thms1 thms2 thms3 thms4 =
chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt thms1 thms2
THEN' TRY' (chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt thms3 thms4)
val imp_refl = @{lemma \<open>(P \<longrightarrow> P) = True\<close> by blast}
fun rewrite_bool_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(chain_rewrite_thms ctxt @{thms verit_bool_simplify}))
fun rewrite_and_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt @{thms verit_and_simplify verit_and_simplify1}
@{thms verit_and_simplify}))
fun rewrite_or_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt @{thms verit_or_simplify verit_or_simplify_1}
@{thms verit_or_simplify})
THEN' TRY' (REPEAT' (match_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos}) THEN' assume_tac ctxt))
fun rewrite_not_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(rewrite_only_thms ctxt @{thms verit_not_simplify}))
fun rewrite_equiv_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(rewrite_only_thms ctxt @{thms verit_equiv_simplify}))
fun rewrite_eq_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt
@{thms verit_eq_simplify}
(Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems ac_simps})))
fun rewrite_implies_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(rewrite_only_thms ctxt @{thms verit_implies_simplify}))
(* It is more efficient to first fold the implication symbols.
That is however not enough when symbols appears within
expressions, hence we also unfold implications in the
other direction. *)
fun rewrite_connective_def ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
chain_rewrite_thms_two_step ctxt
(imp_refl :: @{thms not_not verit_connective_def[symmetric]})
(@{thms verit_connective_def[symmetric]})
(imp_refl :: @{thms not_not verit_connective_def})
(@{thms verit_connective_def}))
fun rewrite_minus_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
chain_rewrite_two_step_with_ac_simps ctxt
@{thms arith_simps verit_minus_simplify}
(Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems ac_simps} @
@{thms numerals arith_simps arith_special
fun rewrite_comp_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
chain_rewrite_thms ctxt @{thms verit_comp_simplify})
fun rewrite_ite_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
(rewrite_only_thms ctxt @{thms verit_ite_simplify}))
(* Simplifications *)
fun simplify_arith ctxt thms = partial_simplify_tac ctxt
(thms @ Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems ac_simps} @ @{thms arith_simps})
fun sum_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
simplify_arith ctxt @{thms verit_sum_simplify arith_special})
fun prod_simplify ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
simplify_arith ctxt @{thms verit_prod_simplify})
(* Arithmetics *)
val la_rw_eq_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a :: nat) = b \<or> (a \<le> b) \<or> (a \<ge> b)\<close> by auto}
fun la_rw_eq ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate ctxt t la_rw_eq_thm
fun la_generic_prove args ctxt _ = SMT_Replay_Arith.la_farkas args ctxt
fun la_generic ctxt _ args =
prove_abstract (SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_arith_shallow ctxt) (la_generic_prove args) ctxt []
fun lia_generic ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove_arith_rewrite SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_neq ctxt t
fun la_disequality ctxt _ t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.match_instantiate ctxt t @{thm verit_la_disequality}
(* Combining all together *)
fun unsupported rule ctxt thms _ _ _ = SMT_Replay_Methods.replay_error ctxt "Unsupported verit rule"
rule thms
fun ignore_args f ctxt thm _ _ _ t = f ctxt thm t
fun ignore_decls f ctxt thm args insts _ t = f ctxt thm args insts t
fun ignore_insts f ctxt thm args _ _ t = f ctxt thm args t
fun choose And = ignore_args and_rule
| choose And_Neg = ignore_args and_neg_rule
| choose And_Pos = ignore_args and_pos
| choose And_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_and_simplify
| choose Bind = ignore_insts bind
| choose Bool_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_bool_simplify
| choose Comp_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_comp_simplify
| choose Cong = ignore_args cong
| choose Connective_Def = ignore_args rewrite_connective_def
| choose Duplicate_Literals = ignore_args duplicate_literals
| choose Eq_Congruent = ignore_args eq_congruent
| choose Eq_Congruent_Pred = ignore_args eq_congruent_pred
| choose Eq_Reflexive = ignore_args eq_reflexive
| choose Eq_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_eq_simplify
| choose Eq_Transitive = ignore_args eq_transitive
| choose Equiv1 = ignore_args equiv1
| choose Equiv2 = ignore_args equiv2
| choose Equiv_neg1 = ignore_args equiv_neg1
| choose Equiv_neg2 = ignore_args equiv_neg2
| choose Equiv_pos1 = ignore_args equiv_pos1
| choose Equiv_pos2 = ignore_args equiv_pos2
| choose Equiv_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_equiv_simplify
| choose False = ignore_args false_rule
| choose Forall_Inst = ignore_decls forall_inst
| choose Implies = ignore_args implies_rules
| choose Implies_Neg1 = ignore_args implies_neg1
| choose Implies_Neg2 = ignore_args implies_neg2
| choose Implies_Pos = ignore_args implies_pos
| choose Implies_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_implies_simplify
| choose ITE1 = ignore_args ite1
| choose ITE2 = ignore_args ite2
| choose ITE_Intro = ignore_args ite_intro
| choose ITE_Neg1 = ignore_args ite_neg1
| choose ITE_Neg2 = ignore_args ite_neg2
| choose ITE_Pos1 = ignore_args ite_pos1
| choose ITE_Pos2 = ignore_args ite_pos2
| choose ITE_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_ite_simplify
| choose LA_Disequality = ignore_args la_disequality
| choose LA_Generic = ignore_insts la_generic
| choose LA_RW_Eq = ignore_args la_rw_eq
| choose LA_Tautology = ignore_args SMT_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma_wo_shallow
| choose LA_Totality = ignore_args SMT_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma_wo_shallow
| choose LIA_Generic = ignore_args lia_generic
| choose Local_Input = ignore_args refl
| choose Minus_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_minus_simplify
| choose NLA_Generic = ignore_args SMT_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma_wo_shallow
| choose Normalized_Input = ignore_args normalized_input
| choose Not_And = ignore_args not_and_rule
| choose Not_Equiv1 = ignore_args not_equiv1
| choose Not_Equiv2 = ignore_args not_equiv2
| choose Not_Implies1 = ignore_args not_implies1
| choose Not_Implies2 = ignore_args not_implies2
| choose Not_ITE1 = ignore_args not_ite1
| choose Not_ITE2 = ignore_args not_ite2
| choose Not_Not = ignore_args not_not
| choose Not_Or = ignore_args not_or_rule
| choose Not_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_not_simplify
| choose Or = ignore_args or
| choose Or_Neg = ignore_args or_neg_rule
| choose Or_Pos = ignore_args or_pos_rule
| choose Or_Simplify = ignore_args rewrite_or_simplify
| choose Theory_Resolution2 = ignore_args theory_resolution2
| choose Prod_Simplify = ignore_args prod_simplify
| choose Qnt_Join = ignore_args qnt_join
| choose Qnt_Rm_Unused = ignore_args qnt_rm_unused
| choose Onepoint = ignore_args onepoint
| choose Qnt_Simplify = ignore_args qnt_simplify
| choose Refl = ignore_args refl
| choose Resolution = ignore_args unit_res
| choose Skolem_Ex = ignore_args skolem_ex
| choose Skolem_Forall = ignore_args skolem_forall
| choose Subproof = ignore_args subproof
| choose Sum_Simplify = ignore_args sum_simplify
| choose Tautological_Clause = ignore_args tautological_clause
| choose Theory_Resolution = ignore_args unit_res
| choose AC_Simp = ignore_args tmp_AC_rule
| choose Bfun_Elim = ignore_args bfun_elim
| choose Qnt_CNF = ignore_args qnt_cnf
| choose Trans = ignore_args trans
| choose r = unsupported (string_of_verit_rule r)
type verit_method = Proof.context -> thm list -> term -> thm
type abs_context = int * term Termtab.table
fun with_tracing rule method ctxt thms args insts decls t =
let val _ = SMT_Replay_Methods.trace_goal ctxt rule thms t
in method ctxt thms args insts decls t end
fun method_for rule = with_tracing rule (choose (verit_rule_of rule))
fun discharge ctxt [thm] t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
resolve_tac ctxt [thm] THEN_ALL_NEW (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl}))
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