(* Title: HOL/Tools/SMT/z3_interface.ML
Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
Interface to Z3 based on a relaxed version of SMT-LIB.
signature Z3_INTERFACE =
val smtlib_z3C: SMT_Util.class
datatype sym = Sym of string * sym list
type mk_builtins = {
mk_builtin_typ: sym -> typ option,
mk_builtin_num: theory -> int -> typ -> cterm option,
mk_builtin_fun: theory -> sym -> cterm list -> cterm option }
val add_mk_builtins: mk_builtins -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val mk_builtin_typ: Proof.context -> sym -> typ option
val mk_builtin_num: Proof.context -> int -> typ -> cterm option
val mk_builtin_fun: Proof.context -> sym -> cterm list -> cterm option
val is_builtin_theory_term: Proof.context -> term -> bool
structure Z3_Interface: Z3_INTERFACE =
val z3C = ["z3"]
val smtlib_z3C = SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC @ z3C
(* interface *)
fun translate_config ctxt =
{order = SMT_Util.First_Order,
logic = K "",
fp_kinds = [BNF_Util.Least_FP],
serialize = #serialize (SMTLIB_Interface.translate_config SMT_Util.First_Order ctxt)}
fun is_div_mod @{const divide (int)} = true
| is_div_mod @{const modulo (int)} = true
| is_div_mod _ = false
val have_int_div_mod = exists (Term.exists_subterm is_div_mod o Thm.prop_of)
fun add_div_mod _ (thms, extra_thms) =
if have_int_div_mod thms orelse have_int_div_mod extra_thms then
(thms, @{thms div_as_z3div mod_as_z3mod} @ extra_thms)
else (thms, extra_thms)
val setup_builtins =
SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun' smtlib_z3C (@{const times (int)}, "*") #>
SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun' smtlib_z3C (\<^const>\z3div\, "div") #>
SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun' smtlib_z3C (\<^const>\z3mod\, "mod")
val _ = Theory.setup (Context.theory_map (
setup_builtins #>
SMT_Normalize.add_extra_norm (smtlib_z3C, add_div_mod) #>
SMT_Translate.add_config (smtlib_z3C, translate_config)))
(* constructors *)
datatype sym = Sym of string * sym list
(** additional constructors **)
type mk_builtins = {
mk_builtin_typ: sym -> typ option,
mk_builtin_num: theory -> int -> typ -> cterm option,
mk_builtin_fun: theory -> sym -> cterm list -> cterm option }
fun chained _ [] = NONE
| chained f (b :: bs) = (case f b of SOME y => SOME y | NONE => chained f bs)
fun chained_mk_builtin_typ bs sym =
chained (fn {mk_builtin_typ=mk, ...} : mk_builtins => mk sym) bs
fun chained_mk_builtin_num ctxt bs i T =
let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
in chained (fn {mk_builtin_num=mk, ...} : mk_builtins => mk thy i T) bs end
fun chained_mk_builtin_fun ctxt bs s cts =
let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
in chained (fn {mk_builtin_fun=mk, ...} : mk_builtins => mk thy s cts) bs end
fun fst_int_ord ((i1, _), (i2, _)) = int_ord (i1, i2)
structure Mk_Builtins = Generic_Data
type T = (int * mk_builtins) list
val empty = []
val extend = I
fun merge data = Ord_List.merge fst_int_ord data
fun add_mk_builtins mk = Mk_Builtins.map (Ord_List.insert fst_int_ord (serial (), mk))
fun get_mk_builtins ctxt = map snd (Mk_Builtins.get (Context.Proof ctxt))
(** basic and additional constructors **)
fun mk_builtin_typ _ (Sym ("Bool", _)) = SOME \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>
| mk_builtin_typ _ (Sym ("Int", _)) = SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>
| mk_builtin_typ _ (Sym ("bool", _)) = SOME \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close> (*FIXME: legacy*)
| mk_builtin_typ _ (Sym ("int", _)) = SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close> (*FIXME: legacy*)
| mk_builtin_typ ctxt sym = chained_mk_builtin_typ (get_mk_builtins ctxt) sym
fun mk_builtin_num _ i \<^typ>\<open>int\<close> = SOME (Numeral.mk_cnumber \<^ctyp>\<open>int\<close> i)
| mk_builtin_num ctxt i T =
chained_mk_builtin_num ctxt (get_mk_builtins ctxt) i T
val mk_true = Thm.cterm_of \<^context> (\<^const>\<open>Not\<close> $ \<^const>\<open>False\<close>)
val mk_false = Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>False\<close>
val mk_not = Thm.apply (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>Not\<close>)
val mk_implies = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>HOL.implies\<close>)
val mk_iff = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const HOL.eq (bool)})
val conj = Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>HOL.conj\<close>
val disj = Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>
fun mk_nary _ cu [] = cu
| mk_nary ct _ cts = uncurry (fold_rev (Thm.mk_binop ct)) (split_last cts)
val eq = SMT_Util.mk_const_pat \<^theory> \<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close> Thm.dest_ctyp0
fun mk_eq ct cu = Thm.mk_binop (SMT_Util.instT' ct eq) ct cu
val if_term =
SMT_Util.mk_const_pat \<^theory> \<^const_name>\<open>If\<close> (Thm.dest_ctyp0 o Thm.dest_ctyp1)
fun mk_if cc ct = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.apply (SMT_Util.instT' ct if_term) cc) ct
val access = SMT_Util.mk_const_pat \<^theory> \<^const_name>\<open>fun_app\<close> Thm.dest_ctyp0
fun mk_access array = Thm.apply (SMT_Util.instT' array access) array
val update =
SMT_Util.mk_const_pat \<^theory> \<^const_name>\<open>fun_upd\<close> (Thm.dest_ctyp o Thm.dest_ctyp0)
fun mk_update array index value =
let val cTs = Thm.dest_ctyp (Thm.ctyp_of_cterm array)
in Thm.apply (Thm.mk_binop (SMT_Util.instTs cTs update) array index) value end
val mk_uminus = Thm.apply (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const uminus (int)})
val add = Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const plus (int)}
val int0 = Numeral.mk_cnumber \<^ctyp>\<open>int\<close> 0
val mk_sub = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const minus (int)})
val mk_mul = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const times (int)})
val mk_div = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>z3div\<close>)
val mk_mod = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> \<^const>\<open>z3mod\<close>)
val mk_lt = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const less (int)})
val mk_le = Thm.mk_binop (Thm.cterm_of \<^context> @{const less_eq (int)})
fun mk_builtin_fun ctxt sym cts =
(case (sym, cts) of
(Sym ("true", _), []) => SOME mk_true
| (Sym ("false", _), []) => SOME mk_false
| (Sym ("not", _), [ct]) => SOME (mk_not ct)
| (Sym ("and", _), _) => SOME (mk_nary conj mk_true cts)
| (Sym ("or", _), _) => SOME (mk_nary disj mk_false cts)
| (Sym ("implies", _), [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_implies ct cu)
| (Sym ("iff", _), [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_iff ct cu)
| (Sym ("~", _), [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_iff ct cu)
| (Sym ("xor", _), [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_not (mk_iff ct cu))
| (Sym ("if", _), [ct1, ct2, ct3]) => SOME (mk_if ct1 ct2 ct3)
| (Sym ("ite", _), [ct1, ct2, ct3]) => SOME (mk_if ct1 ct2 ct3) (* FIXME: remove *)
| (Sym ("=", _), [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_eq ct cu)
| (Sym ("select", _), [ca, ck]) => SOME (Thm.apply (mk_access ca) ck)
| (Sym ("store", _), [ca, ck, cv]) => SOME (mk_update ca ck cv)
| _ =>
(case (sym, try (Thm.typ_of_cterm o hd) cts, cts) of
(Sym ("+", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, _) => SOME (mk_nary add int0 cts)
| (Sym ("-", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct]) => SOME (mk_uminus ct)
| (Sym ("-", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_sub ct cu)
| (Sym ("*", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_mul ct cu)
| (Sym ("div", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_div ct cu)
| (Sym ("mod", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_mod ct cu)
| (Sym ("<", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_lt ct cu)
| (Sym ("<=", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_le ct cu)
| (Sym (">", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_lt cu ct)
| (Sym (">=", _), SOME \<^typ>\<open>int\<close>, [ct, cu]) => SOME (mk_le cu ct)
| _ => chained_mk_builtin_fun ctxt (get_mk_builtins ctxt) sym cts))
(* abstraction *)
fun is_builtin_theory_term ctxt t =
if SMT_Builtin.is_builtin_num ctxt t then true
(case Term.strip_comb t of
(Const c, ts) => SMT_Builtin.is_builtin_fun ctxt c ts
| _ => false)
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