* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
// MAIN.CPP - Entry point for the Architecture Description Language Compiler
#include "adlc.hpp"
static void usage(ArchDesc& AD); // Print usage message and exit
static char *strip_ext(char *fname); // Strip off name extension
static char *base_plus_suffix(const char* base, const char *suffix);// New concatenated string
static int get_legal_text(FileBuff &fbuf, char **legal_text); // Get pointer to legal text
ArchDesc* globalAD = NULL; // global reference to Architecture Description object
const char* get_basename(const char* filename) {
const char *basename = filename;
const char *cp;
for (cp = basename; *cp; cp++) {
if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '\\') {
basename = cp+1;
return basename;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ArchDesc AD; // Architecture Description object
globalAD = &AD;
// ResourceMark mark;
ADLParser *ADL_Parse; // ADL Parser object to parse AD file
// Check for proper arguments
if( argc == 1 ) usage(AD); // No arguments? Then print usage
// Read command line arguments and file names
for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { // For all arguments
char *s = argv[i]; // Get option/filename
if( *s++ == '-' ) { // It's a flag? (not a filename)
if( !*s ) { // Stand-alone `-' means stdin
//********** INSERT CODE HERE **********
} else while (*s != '\0') { // While have flags on option
switch (*s++) { // Handle flag
case 'd': // Debug flag
AD._dfa_debug += 1; // Set Debug Flag
case 'g': // Debug ad location flag
AD._adlocation_debug += 1; // Set Debug ad location Flag
case 'o': // No Output Flag
AD._no_output ^= 1; // Toggle no_output flag
case 'q': // Quiet Mode Flag
AD._quiet_mode ^= 1; // Toggle quiet_mode flag
case 'w': // Disable Warnings Flag
AD._disable_warnings ^= 1; // Toggle disable_warnings flag
case 'T': // Option to make DFA as many subroutine calls.
AD._dfa_small += 1; // Set Mode Flag
case 'c': { // Set C++ Output file name
AD._CPP_file._name = s;
const char *base = strip_ext(strdup(s));
AD._CPP_CLONE_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_clone.cpp");
AD._CPP_EXPAND_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_expand.cpp");
AD._CPP_FORMAT_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_format.cpp");
AD._CPP_GEN_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_gen.cpp");
AD._CPP_MISC_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_misc.cpp");
AD._CPP_PEEPHOLE_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_peephole.cpp");
AD._CPP_PIPELINE_file._name = base_plus_suffix(base,"_pipeline.cpp");
s += strlen(s);
case 'h': // Set C++ Output file name
AD._HPP_file._name = s; s += strlen(s);
case 'v': // Set C++ Output file name
AD._VM_file._name = s; s += strlen(s);
case 'a': // Set C++ Output file name
AD._DFA_file._name = s;
AD._bug_file._name = s;
s += strlen(s);
case '#': // Special internal debug flag
AD._adl_debug++; // Increment internal debug level
case 's': // Output which instructions are cisc-spillable
AD._cisc_spill_debug = true;
case 'D': // Flag Definition
char* flag = s;
s += strlen(s);
char* def = strchr(flag, '=');
if (def == NULL) def = (char*)"1";
else *def++ = '\0';
AD.set_preproc_def(flag, def);
case 'U': // Flag Un-Definition
char* flag = s;
s += strlen(s);
AD.set_preproc_def(flag, NULL);
default: // Unknown option
usage(AD); // So print usage and exit
} // End of switch on options...
} // End of while have options...
} else { // Not an option; must be a filename
AD._ADL_file._name = argv[i]; // Set the input filename
// // Files for storage, based on input file name
const char *base = strip_ext(strdup(argv[i]));
char *temp = base_plus_suffix("dfa_",base);
AD._DFA_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,".cpp");
delete[] temp;
temp = base_plus_suffix("ad_",base);
AD._CPP_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,".cpp");
AD._CPP_CLONE_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_clone.cpp");
AD._CPP_EXPAND_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_expand.cpp");
AD._CPP_FORMAT_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_format.cpp");
AD._CPP_GEN_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_gen.cpp");
AD._CPP_MISC_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_misc.cpp");
AD._CPP_PEEPHOLE_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_peephole.cpp");
AD._CPP_PIPELINE_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,"_pipeline.cpp");
AD._HPP_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,".hpp");
delete[] temp;
temp = base_plus_suffix("adGlobals_",base);
AD._VM_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,".hpp");
delete[] temp;
temp = base_plus_suffix("bugs_",base);
AD._bug_file._name = base_plus_suffix(temp,".out");
delete[] temp;
} // End of files vs options...
} // End of while have command line arguments
// Open files used to store the matcher and its components
if (AD.open_files() == 0) return 1; // Open all input/output files
// Build the File Buffer, Parse the input, & Generate Code
FileBuff ADL_Buf(&AD._ADL_file, AD); // Create a file buffer for input file
// Get pointer to legal text at the beginning of AD file.
// It will be used in generated ad files.
char* legal_text;
int legal_sz = get_legal_text(ADL_Buf, &legal_text);
ADL_Parse = new ADLParser(ADL_Buf, AD); // Create a parser to parse the buffer
ADL_Parse->parse(); // Parse buffer & build description lists
if( AD._dfa_debug >= 1 ) { // For higher debug settings, print dump
delete ADL_Parse; // Delete parser
// Verify that the results of the parse are consistent
// Prepare to generate the result files:
// Make sure every file starts with a copyright:
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_CLONE_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_EXPAND_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_FORMAT_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_GEN_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_MISC_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_PEEPHOLE_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._CPP_PIPELINE_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._VM_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.addSunCopyright(legal_text, legal_sz, AD._DFA_file._fp); // .cpp
// Add include guards for all .hpp files
AD.addIncludeGuardStart(AD._HPP_file, "GENERATED_ADFILES_AD_HPP"); // .hpp
AD.addIncludeGuardStart(AD._VM_file, "GENERATED_ADFILES_ADGLOBALS_HPP"); // .hpp
// Add includes
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._VM_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "memory/allocation.inline.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "code/codeCache.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "code/compiledIC.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "code/nativeInst.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "code/vmreg.inline.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "gc/shared/collectedHeap.inline.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "oops/compiledICHolder.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "oops/compressedOops.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "oops/markWord.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "oops/method.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "oops/oop.inline.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/c2_MacroAssembler.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/cfgnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/intrinsicnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/locknode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/opcodes.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/regalloc.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/regmask.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "opto/runtime.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "runtime/safepointMechanism.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "utilities/growableArray.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_file, "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "memory/allocation.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "oops/compressedOops.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "code/nativeInst.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "opto/output.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "opto/machnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "opto/node.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "opto/regalloc.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "opto/subnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._HPP_file, "opto/vectornode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_CLONE_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_CLONE_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_EXPAND_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_EXPAND_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_EXPAND_file, "oops/compressedOops.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_FORMAT_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_FORMAT_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_FORMAT_file, "compiler/oopMap.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_GEN_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_GEN_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_GEN_file, "opto/cfgnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_GEN_file, "opto/locknode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_GEN_file, "opto/rootnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_MISC_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_MISC_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_PEEPHOLE_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_PEEPHOLE_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_PIPELINE_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._CPP_PIPELINE_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "precompiled.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "adfiles", get_basename(AD._HPP_file._name));
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "oops/compressedOops.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "opto/cfgnode.hpp"); // Use PROB_MAX in predicate.
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "opto/intrinsicnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "opto/matcher.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "opto/narrowptrnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "opto/opcodes.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "opto/convertnode.hpp");
AD.addInclude(AD._DFA_file, "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp");
// Make sure each .cpp file starts with include lines:
// files declaring and defining generators for Mach* Objects (hpp,cpp)
// Generate the result files:
// enumerations, class definitions, object generators, and the DFA
// file containing enumeration of machine operands & instructions (hpp)
AD.addPreHeaderBlocks(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.buildMachOperEnum(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.buildMachOpcodesEnum(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.buildMachRegisterNumbers(AD._VM_file._fp); // VM file
AD.buildMachRegisterEncodes(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp file
AD.declareRegSizes(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.build_pipeline_enums(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
// output definition of class "State"
AD.defineStateClass(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
// file declaring the Mach* classes derived from MachOper and MachNode
// declare and define maps: in the .hpp and .cpp files respectively
AD.addSourceBlocks(AD._CPP_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addHeaderBlocks(AD._HPP_file._fp); // .hpp
AD.buildReduceMaps(AD._HPP_file._fp, AD._CPP_file._fp);
AD.buildMustCloneMap(AD._HPP_file._fp, AD._CPP_file._fp);
// build CISC_spilling oracle and MachNode::cisc_spill() methods
AD.build_cisc_spill_instructions(AD._HPP_file._fp, AD._CPP_file._fp);
// define methods for machine dependent State, MachOper, and MachNode classes
AD.buildMachOperGenerator(AD._CPP_GEN_file._fp);// .cpp
AD.buildMachNodeGenerator(AD._CPP_GEN_file._fp);// .cpp
// define methods for machine dependent instruction matching
AD.buildInstructMatchCheck(AD._CPP_file._fp); // .cpp
// define methods for machine dependent frame management
AD.buildFrameMethods(AD._CPP_file._fp); // .cpp
// do this last:
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_CLONE_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_EXPAND_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_FORMAT_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_GEN_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_MISC_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_PEEPHOLE_file._fp); // .cpp
AD.addPreprocessorChecks(AD._CPP_PIPELINE_file._fp); // .cpp
// define the finite automata that selects lowest cost production
// Add include guards for all .hpp files
AD.addIncludeGuardEnd(AD._HPP_file, "GENERATED_ADFILES_AD_HPP"); // .hpp
AD.addIncludeGuardEnd(AD._VM_file, "GENERATED_ADFILES_ADGLOBALS_HPP"); // .hpp
AD.close_files(0); // Close all input/output files
// Final printout and statistics
// cout << program;
if( AD._dfa_debug & 2 ) { // For higher debug settings, print timing info
// Timer t_stop;
// Timer t_total = t_stop - t_start; // Total running time
// cerr << "\n---Architecture Description Totals---\n";
// cerr << ", Total lines: " << TotalLines;
// float l = TotalLines;
// cerr << "\nTotal Compilation Time: " << t_total << "\n";
// float ft = (float)t_total;
// if( ft > 0.0 ) fprintf(stderr,"Lines/sec: %#5.2f\n", l/ft);
return (AD._syntax_errs + AD._semantic_errs + AD._internal_errs); // Bye Bye!!
static void usage(ArchDesc& AD)
printf("Architecture Description Language Compiler\n\n");
printf("Usage: adlc [-doqwTs] [-#]* [-D[=]] [-U] [-c] [-h] [-a] [-v] \n");
printf(" d produce DFA debugging info\n");
printf(" o no output produced, syntax and semantic checking only\n");
printf(" q quiet mode, suppresses all non-essential messages\n");
printf(" w suppress warning messages\n");
printf(" T make DFA as many subroutine calls\n");
printf(" s output which instructions are cisc-spillable\n");
printf(" D define preprocessor symbol\n");
printf(" U undefine preprocessor symbol\n");
printf(" c specify CPP file name (default: %s)\n", AD._CPP_file._name);
printf(" h specify HPP file name (default: %s)\n", AD._HPP_file._name);
printf(" a specify DFA output file name\n");
printf(" v specify adGlobals output file name\n");
printf(" # increment ADL debug level\n");
int ArchDesc::open_file(bool required, ADLFILE & ADF, const char *action)
if (required &&
(ADF._fp = fopen(ADF._name, action)) == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Cannot open file for %s: %s\n", action, ADF._name);
return 0;
return 1;
int ArchDesc::open_files(void)
if (_ADL_file._name == NULL)
{ printf("ERROR: No ADL input file specified\n"); return 0; }
if (!open_file(true , _ADL_file, "r")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _DFA_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _HPP_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_CLONE_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_EXPAND_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_FORMAT_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_GEN_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_MISC_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_PEEPHOLE_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _CPP_PIPELINE_file, "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(!_no_output, _VM_file , "w")) { return 0; }
if (!open_file(_dfa_debug != 0, _bug_file, "w")) { return 0; }
return 1;
void ArchDesc::close_file(int delete_out, ADLFILE& ADF)
if (ADF._fp) {
if (delete_out) remove(ADF._name);
void ArchDesc::close_files(int delete_out)
if (_ADL_file._fp) fclose(_ADL_file._fp);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_CLONE_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_EXPAND_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_FORMAT_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_GEN_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_MISC_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_PEEPHOLE_file);
close_file(delete_out, _CPP_PIPELINE_file);
close_file(delete_out, _HPP_file);
close_file(delete_out, _DFA_file);
close_file(delete_out, _bug_file);
if (!_quiet_mode) {
if (_no_output || delete_out) {
if (_ADL_file._name) printf("%s: ", _ADL_file._name);
printf("No output produced");
else {
if (_ADL_file._name) printf("%s --> ", _ADL_file._name);
printf("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s",
static char *strip_ext(char *fname)
char *ep;
if (fname) {
ep = fname + strlen(fname) - 1; // start at last character and look for '.'
while (ep >= fname && *ep != '.') --ep;
if (*ep == '.') *ep = '\0'; // truncate string at '.'
return fname;
// New concatenated string
static char *base_plus_suffix(const char* base, const char *suffix)
int len = (int)strlen(base) + (int)strlen(suffix) + 1;
char* fname = new char[len];
return fname;
// Get pointer to legal text at the beginning of AD file.
// This code assumes that a legal text starts at the beginning of .ad files,
// is commented by "//" at each line and ends with empty line.
int get_legal_text(FileBuff &fbuf, char **legal_text)
char* legal_start = fbuf.get_line();
assert(legal_start[0] == '/' && legal_start[1] == '/', "Incorrect header of AD file");
char* legal_end = fbuf.get_line();
assert(strncmp(legal_end, "// Copyright", 12) == 0, "Incorrect header of AD file");
while(legal_end[0] == '/' && legal_end[1] == '/') {
legal_end = fbuf.get_line();
*legal_text = legal_start;
return (int) (legal_end - legal_start);
#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
void *operator new( size_t size, int, const char *, int ) throw() {
return ::operator new( size );
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