* Copyright (c) 2015, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gcLogPrecious.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zAddress.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zArray.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zGlobals.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zLargePages.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zNUMA.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zPhysicalMemory.inline.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals_extension.hpp"
#include "runtime/init.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "services/memTracker.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp"
ZPhysicalMemory::ZPhysicalMemory() :
_segments() {}
ZPhysicalMemory::ZPhysicalMemory(const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment) :
_segments() {
ZPhysicalMemory::ZPhysicalMemory(const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) :
_segments() {
const ZPhysicalMemory& ZPhysicalMemory::operator=(const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) {
// Free segments
// Copy segments
return *this;
size_t ZPhysicalMemory::size() const {
size_t size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _segments.length(); i++) {
size += _segments.at(i).size();
return size;
void ZPhysicalMemory::insert_segment(int index, uintptr_t start, size_t size, bool committed) {
_segments.insert_before(index, ZPhysicalMemorySegment(start, size, committed));
void ZPhysicalMemory::replace_segment(int index, uintptr_t start, size_t size, bool committed) {
_segments.at_put(index, ZPhysicalMemorySegment(start, size, committed));
void ZPhysicalMemory::remove_segment(int index) {
void ZPhysicalMemory::add_segments(const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) {
for (int i = 0; i < pmem.nsegments(); i++) {
void ZPhysicalMemory::remove_segments() {
static bool is_mergable(const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& before, const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& after) {
return before.end() == after.start() && before.is_committed() == after.is_committed();
void ZPhysicalMemory::add_segment(const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment) {
// Insert segments in address order, merge segments when possible
for (int i = _segments.length(); i > 0; i--) {
const int current = i - 1;
if (_segments.at(current).end() <= segment.start()) {
if (is_mergable(_segments.at(current), segment)) {
if (current + 1 < _segments.length() && is_mergable(segment, _segments.at(current + 1))) {
// Merge with end of current segment and start of next segment
const size_t start = _segments.at(current).start();
const size_t size = _segments.at(current).size() + segment.size() + _segments.at(current + 1).size();
replace_segment(current, start, size, segment.is_committed());
remove_segment(current + 1);
// Merge with end of current segment
const size_t start = _segments.at(current).start();
const size_t size = _segments.at(current).size() + segment.size();
replace_segment(current, start, size, segment.is_committed());
} else if (current + 1 < _segments.length() && is_mergable(segment, _segments.at(current + 1))) {
// Merge with start of next segment
const size_t start = segment.start();
const size_t size = segment.size() + _segments.at(current + 1).size();
replace_segment(current + 1, start, size, segment.is_committed());
// Insert after current segment
insert_segment(current + 1, segment.start(), segment.size(), segment.is_committed());
if (_segments.length() > 0 && is_mergable(segment, _segments.at(0))) {
// Merge with start of first segment
const size_t start = segment.start();
const size_t size = segment.size() + _segments.at(0).size();
replace_segment(0, start, size, segment.is_committed());
// Insert before first segment
insert_segment(0, segment.start(), segment.size(), segment.is_committed());
bool ZPhysicalMemory::commit_segment(int index, size_t size) {
assert(size <= _segments.at(index).size(), "Invalid size");
assert(!_segments.at(index).is_committed(), "Invalid state");
if (size == _segments.at(index).size()) {
// Completely committed
return true;
if (size > 0) {
// Partially committed, split segment
insert_segment(index + 1, _segments.at(index).start() + size, _segments.at(index).size() - size, false /* committed */);
replace_segment(index, _segments.at(index).start(), size, true /* committed */);
return false;
bool ZPhysicalMemory::uncommit_segment(int index, size_t size) {
assert(size <= _segments.at(index).size(), "Invalid size");
assert(_segments.at(index).is_committed(), "Invalid state");
if (size == _segments.at(index).size()) {
// Completely uncommitted
return true;
if (size > 0) {
// Partially uncommitted, split segment
insert_segment(index + 1, _segments.at(index).start() + size, _segments.at(index).size() - size, true /* committed */);
replace_segment(index, _segments.at(index).start(), size, false /* committed */);
return false;
ZPhysicalMemory ZPhysicalMemory::split(size_t size) {
ZPhysicalMemory pmem;
int nsegments = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _segments.length(); i++) {
const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment = _segments.at(i);
if (pmem.size() < size) {
if (pmem.size() + segment.size() <= size) {
// Transfer segment
} else {
// Split segment
const size_t split_size = size - pmem.size();
pmem.add_segment(ZPhysicalMemorySegment(segment.start(), split_size, segment.is_committed()));
_segments.at_put(nsegments++, ZPhysicalMemorySegment(segment.start() + split_size, segment.size() - split_size, segment.is_committed()));
} else {
// Keep segment
_segments.at_put(nsegments++, segment);
return pmem;
ZPhysicalMemory ZPhysicalMemory::split_committed() {
ZPhysicalMemory pmem;
int nsegments = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _segments.length(); i++) {
const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment = _segments.at(i);
if (segment.is_committed()) {
// Transfer segment
} else {
// Keep segment
_segments.at_put(nsegments++, segment);
return pmem;
ZPhysicalMemoryManager::ZPhysicalMemoryManager(size_t max_capacity) :
_backing(max_capacity) {
// Make the whole range free
_manager.free(0, max_capacity);
bool ZPhysicalMemoryManager::is_initialized() const {
return _backing.is_initialized();
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::warn_commit_limits(size_t max_capacity) const {
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::try_enable_uncommit(size_t min_capacity, size_t max_capacity) {
assert(!is_init_completed(), "Invalid state");
// If uncommit is not explicitly disabled, max capacity is greater than
// min capacity, and uncommit is supported by the platform, then uncommit
// will be enabled.
if (!ZUncommit) {
log_info_p(gc, init)("Uncommit: Disabled");
if (max_capacity == min_capacity) {
log_info_p(gc, init)("Uncommit: Implicitly Disabled (-Xms equals -Xmx)");
FLAG_SET_ERGO(ZUncommit, false);
// Test if uncommit is supported by the operating system by committing
// and then uncommitting a granule.
ZPhysicalMemory pmem(ZPhysicalMemorySegment(0, ZGranuleSize, false /* committed */));
if (!commit(pmem) || !uncommit(pmem)) {
log_info_p(gc, init)("Uncommit: Implicitly Disabled (Not supported by operating system)");
FLAG_SET_ERGO(ZUncommit, false);
log_info_p(gc, init)("Uncommit: Enabled");
log_info_p(gc, init)("Uncommit Delay: " UINTX_FORMAT "s", ZUncommitDelay);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::nmt_commit(uintptr_t offset, size_t size) const {
// From an NMT point of view we treat the first heap view (marked0) as committed
const uintptr_t addr = ZAddress::marked0(offset);
MemTracker::record_virtual_memory_commit((void*)addr, size, CALLER_PC);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::nmt_uncommit(uintptr_t offset, size_t size) const {
if (MemTracker::enabled()) {
const uintptr_t addr = ZAddress::marked0(offset);
Tracker tracker(Tracker::uncommit);
tracker.record((address)addr, size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::alloc(ZPhysicalMemory& pmem, size_t size) {
assert(is_aligned(size, ZGranuleSize), "Invalid size");
// Allocate segments
while (size > 0) {
size_t allocated = 0;
const uintptr_t start = _manager.alloc_low_address_at_most(size, &allocated);
assert(start != UINTPTR_MAX, "Allocation should never fail");
pmem.add_segment(ZPhysicalMemorySegment(start, allocated, false /* committed */));
size -= allocated;
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::free(const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) {
// Free segments
for (int i = 0; i < pmem.nsegments(); i++) {
const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment = pmem.segment(i);
_manager.free(segment.start(), segment.size());
bool ZPhysicalMemoryManager::commit(ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) {
// Commit segments
for (int i = 0; i < pmem.nsegments(); i++) {
const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment = pmem.segment(i);
if (segment.is_committed()) {
// Segment already committed
// Commit segment
const size_t committed = _backing.commit(segment.start(), segment.size());
if (!pmem.commit_segment(i, committed)) {
// Failed or partially failed
return false;
// Success
return true;
bool ZPhysicalMemoryManager::uncommit(ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) {
// Commit segments
for (int i = 0; i < pmem.nsegments(); i++) {
const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment = pmem.segment(i);
if (!segment.is_committed()) {
// Segment already uncommitted
// Uncommit segment
const size_t uncommitted = _backing.uncommit(segment.start(), segment.size());
if (!pmem.uncommit_segment(i, uncommitted)) {
// Failed or partially failed
return false;
// Success
return true;
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::pretouch_view(uintptr_t addr, size_t size) const {
const size_t page_size = ZLargePages::is_explicit() ? ZGranuleSize : os::vm_page_size();
os::pretouch_memory((void*)addr, (void*)(addr + size), page_size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::map_view(uintptr_t addr, const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) const {
size_t size = 0;
// Map segments
for (int i = 0; i < pmem.nsegments(); i++) {
const ZPhysicalMemorySegment& segment = pmem.segment(i);
_backing.map(addr + size, segment.size(), segment.start());
size += segment.size();
// Setup NUMA interleaving for large pages
if (ZNUMA::is_enabled() && ZLargePages::is_explicit()) {
// To get granule-level NUMA interleaving when using large pages,
// we simply let the kernel interleave the memory for us at page
// fault time.
os::numa_make_global((char*)addr, size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::unmap_view(uintptr_t addr, size_t size) const {
_backing.unmap(addr, size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::pretouch(uintptr_t offset, size_t size) const {
if (ZVerifyViews) {
// Pre-touch good view
pretouch_view(ZAddress::good(offset), size);
} else {
// Pre-touch all views
pretouch_view(ZAddress::marked0(offset), size);
pretouch_view(ZAddress::marked1(offset), size);
pretouch_view(ZAddress::remapped(offset), size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::map(uintptr_t offset, const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) const {
const size_t size = pmem.size();
if (ZVerifyViews) {
// Map good view
map_view(ZAddress::good(offset), pmem);
} else {
// Map all views
map_view(ZAddress::marked0(offset), pmem);
map_view(ZAddress::marked1(offset), pmem);
map_view(ZAddress::remapped(offset), pmem);
nmt_commit(offset, size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::unmap(uintptr_t offset, size_t size) const {
nmt_uncommit(offset, size);
if (ZVerifyViews) {
// Unmap good view
unmap_view(ZAddress::good(offset), size);
} else {
// Unmap all views
unmap_view(ZAddress::marked0(offset), size);
unmap_view(ZAddress::marked1(offset), size);
unmap_view(ZAddress::remapped(offset), size);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::debug_map(uintptr_t offset, const ZPhysicalMemory& pmem) const {
// Map good view
assert(ZVerifyViews, "Should be enabled");
map_view(ZAddress::good(offset), pmem);
void ZPhysicalMemoryManager::debug_unmap(uintptr_t offset, size_t size) const {
// Unmap good view
assert(ZVerifyViews, "Should be enabled");
unmap_view(ZAddress::good(offset), size);
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