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Datei:   Sprache: JAVA

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 * @test
 * @bug 7110149 8184306 6341887
 * @summary Test basic deflater & inflater functionality
 * @key randomness

import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

public class DeInflate {

    private static Random rnd = new Random();

    static void checkStream(Deflater def, byte[] in, int len,
                            byte[] out1, byte[] out2, boolean nowrap)
        throws Throwable
        Arrays.fill(out1, (byte)0);
        Arrays.fill(out2, (byte)0);

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try (DeflaterOutputStream defos = new DeflaterOutputStream(baos, def)) {
            defos.write(in, 0, len);
        out1 = baos.toByteArray();
        int m = out1.length;

        Inflater inf = new Inflater(nowrap);
        inf.setInput(out1, 0, m);
        int n = inf.inflate(out2);

        if (n != len ||
            !Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(in, len), Arrays.copyOf(out2, len)) ||
            inf.inflate(out2) != 0) {
            System.out.printf("m=%d, n=%d, len=%d, eq=%b%n",
                              m, n, len, Arrays.equals(in, out2));
            throw new RuntimeException("De/inflater failed:" + def);

    static void checkByteBuffer(Deflater def, Inflater inf,
                                ByteBuffer in, ByteBuffer out1, ByteBuffer out2,
                                byte[] expected, int len, byte[] result,
                                boolean out1ReadOnlyWhenInflate)
            throws Throwable {

        int m = def.deflate(out1);

        if (out1ReadOnlyWhenInflate)
            out1 = out1.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        int n = inf.inflate(out2);

        out2.get(result, 0, n);

        if (n != len || out2.position() != len ||
            !Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(expected, len), Arrays.copyOf(result, len)) ||
            inf.inflate(result) != 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("De/inflater(buffer) failed:" + def);

    static void checkByteBufferReadonly(Deflater def, Inflater inf,
                                        ByteBuffer in, ByteBuffer out1, ByteBuffer out2)
            throws Throwable {
        int m = -1;
        if (!out2.isReadOnly())
            out2 = out2.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        try {
            m = def.deflate(out2);
            throw new RuntimeException("deflater: ReadOnlyBufferException: failed");
        } catch (ReadOnlyBufferException robe) {}
        m = def.deflate(out1);
        try {
            throw new RuntimeException("inflater: ReadOnlyBufferException: failed");
        } catch (ReadOnlyBufferException robe) {}

    static void check(Deflater def, byte[] in, int len,
                      byte[] out1, byte[] out2, boolean nowrap)
        throws Throwable
        Arrays.fill(out1, (byte)0);
        Arrays.fill(out2, (byte)0);

        def.setInput(in, 0, len);
        int m = def.deflate(out1);

        Inflater inf = new Inflater(nowrap);
        inf.setInput(out1, 0, m);
        int n = inf.inflate(out2);

        if (n != len ||
            !Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(in, len), Arrays.copyOf(out2, len)) ||
            inf.inflate(out2) != 0) {
            System.out.printf("m=%d, n=%d, len=%d, eq=%b%n",
                              m, n, len, Arrays.equals(in, out2));
            throw new RuntimeException("De/inflater failed:" + def);

        // readable
        Arrays.fill(out1, (byte)0);
        Arrays.fill(out2, (byte)0);
        ByteBuffer bbIn = ByteBuffer.wrap(in, 0, len);
        ByteBuffer bbOut1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(out1);
        ByteBuffer bbOut2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(out2);
        checkByteBuffer(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2, in, len, out2, false);
        checkByteBufferReadonly(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2);

        // readonly in
        Arrays.fill(out1, (byte)0);
        Arrays.fill(out2, (byte)0);
        bbIn = ByteBuffer.wrap(in, 0, len).asReadOnlyBuffer();
        bbOut1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(out1);
        bbOut2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(out2);
        checkByteBuffer(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2, in, len, out2, false);
        checkByteBufferReadonly(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2);

        // readonly out1 when inflate
        Arrays.fill(out1, (byte)0);
        Arrays.fill(out2, (byte)0);
        bbIn = ByteBuffer.wrap(in, 0, len);
        bbOut1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(out1);
        bbOut2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(out2);
        checkByteBuffer(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2, in, len, out2, true);
        checkByteBufferReadonly(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2);

        // direct
        bbIn = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(in.length);
        bbIn.put(in, 0, n).flip();
        bbOut1 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(out1.length);
        bbOut2 = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(out2.length);
        checkByteBuffer(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2, in, len, out2, false);
        checkByteBufferReadonly(def, inf, bbIn, bbOut1, bbOut2);

    static void checkDict(Deflater def, Inflater inf, byte[] src,
                          byte[] dstDef, byte[] dstInf,
                          ByteBuffer dictDef,  ByteBuffer dictInf) throws Throwable {

        int n = def.deflate(dstDef);

        inf.setInput(dstDef, 0, n);
        n = inf.inflate(dstInf);
        if (n != 0 || !inf.needsDictionary()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("checkDict failed: need dict to continue");
        n = inf.inflate(dstInf);
        // System.out.println("result: " + new String(dstInf, 0, n));
        if (n != src.length || !Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(dstInf, n), src)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("checkDict failed: inflate result");

    static void checkDict(int level, int strategy) throws Throwable {

        Deflater def = newDeflater(level, strategy, falsenew byte[0]);
        Inflater inf = new Inflater();

        byte[] src = "hello world, hello world, hello sherman".getBytes();
        byte[] dict = "hello".getBytes();

        byte[] dstDef = new byte[1024];
        byte[] dstInf = new byte[1024];

        int n = def.deflate(dstDef);

        inf.setInput(dstDef, 0, n);
        n = inf.inflate(dstInf);
        if (n != 0 || !inf.needsDictionary()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("checkDict failed: need dict to continue");
        n = inf.inflate(dstInf);
        //System.out.println("result: " + new String(dstInf, 0, n));
        if (n != src.length || !Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(dstInf, n), src)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("checkDict failed: inflate result");

        ByteBuffer dictDef = ByteBuffer.wrap(dict);
        ByteBuffer dictInf = ByteBuffer.wrap(dict);
        checkDict(def, inf, src, dstDef, dstInf, dictDef, dictInf);

        dictDef = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(dict.length);
        dictInf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(dict.length);
        checkDict(def, inf, src, dstDef, dstInf, dictDef, dictInf);


    private static Deflater newDeflater(int level, int strategy, boolean dowrap, byte[] tmp) {
        Deflater def = new Deflater(level, dowrap);
        if (strategy != Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY) {
            // The first invocation after setLevel/Strategy()
            // with a different level/stragety returns 0, if
            // there is no need to flush out anything for the
            // previous setting/"data", this is tricky and
            // appears un-documented.
        return def;

    private static Deflater resetDeflater(Deflater def, int level, int strategy) {
        return def;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {

        byte[] dataIn = new byte[1024 * 512];
        byte[] dataOut1 = new byte[dataIn.length + 1024];
        byte[] dataOut2 = new byte[dataIn.length];

        Deflater defNotWrap = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, false);
        Deflater defWrap = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true);

        for (int level = Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
                 level <= Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION; level++) {
            for (int strategy = Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
                     strategy <= Deflater.HUFFMAN_ONLY; strategy++) {
                for (boolean dowrap : new boolean[] { falsetrue }) {
                    System.out.println("level:" + level +
                                     ", strategy: " + strategy +
                                     ", dowrap: " + dowrap);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        int len = (i == 0)? dataIn.length
                                          : new Random().nextInt(dataIn.length);
                        // use a new deflater
                        Deflater def = newDeflater(level, strategy, dowrap, dataOut2);
                        check(def, dataIn, len, dataOut1, dataOut2, dowrap);

                        // reuse the deflater (with reset) and test on stream, which
                        // uses a "smaller" buffer (smaller than the overall data)
                        def = resetDeflater(dowrap ? defWrap : defNotWrap, level, strategy);
                        checkStream(def, dataIn, len, dataOut1, dataOut2, dowrap);
                // test setDictionary()
                checkDict(level, strategy);

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.4 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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