* Copyright (c) 1999, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "ci/ciClassList.hpp"
#include "ci/ciObjectFactory.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmClassMacros.hpp"
#include "code/debugInfoRec.hpp"
#include "code/dependencies.hpp"
#include "code/exceptionHandlerTable.hpp"
#include "compiler/compiler_globals.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilerThread.hpp"
#include "oops/methodData.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
class CompileTask;
class OopMapSet;
// ciEnv
// This class is the top level broker for requests from the compiler
// to the VM.
class ciEnv : StackObj {
friend class CompileBroker;
friend class Dependencies; // for get_object, during logging
friend class RecordLocation;
friend class PrepareExtraDataClosure;
Arena* _arena; // Alias for _ciEnv_arena except in init_shared_objects()
Arena _ciEnv_arena;
ciObjectFactory* _factory;
OopRecorder* _oop_recorder;
DebugInformationRecorder* _debug_info;
Dependencies* _dependencies;
const char* _failure_reason;
bool _inc_decompile_count_on_failure;
int _compilable;
bool _break_at_compile;
int _num_inlined_bytecodes;
CompileTask* _task; // faster access to CompilerThread::task
CompileLog* _log; // faster access to CompilerThread::log
void* _compiler_data; // compiler-specific stuff, if any
char* _name_buffer;
int _name_buffer_len;
// Cache Jvmti state
uint64_t _jvmti_redefinition_count;
bool _jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint;
bool _jvmti_can_access_local_variables;
bool _jvmti_can_post_on_exceptions;
bool _jvmti_can_pop_frame;
bool _jvmti_can_get_owned_monitor_info; // includes can_get_owned_monitor_stack_depth_info
bool _jvmti_can_walk_any_space;
// Cache DTrace flags
bool _dtrace_method_probes;
bool _dtrace_alloc_probes;
// Distinguished instances of certain ciObjects..
static ciObject* _null_object_instance;
#define VM_CLASS_DECL(name, ignore_s) static ciInstanceKlass* _##name;
static ciSymbol* _unloaded_cisymbol;
static ciInstanceKlass* _unloaded_ciinstance_klass;
static ciObjArrayKlass* _unloaded_ciobjarrayklass;
static jobject _ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException_handle;
static jobject _ArrayStoreException_handle;
static jobject _ClassCastException_handle;
ciInstance* _NullPointerException_instance;
ciInstance* _ArithmeticException_instance;
ciInstance* _ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException_instance;
ciInstance* _ArrayStoreException_instance;
ciInstance* _ClassCastException_instance;
ciInstance* _the_null_string; // The Java string "null"
ciInstance* _the_min_jint_string; // The Java string "-2147483648"
// Look up a klass by name from a particular class loader (the accessor's).
// If require_local, result must be defined in that class loader, or NULL.
// If !require_local, a result from remote class loader may be reported,
// if sufficient class loader constraints exist such that initiating
// a class loading request from the given loader is bound to return
// the class defined in the remote loader (or throw an error).
// Return an unloaded klass if !require_local and no class at all is found.
// The CI treats a klass as loaded if it is consistently defined in
// another loader, even if it hasn't yet been loaded in all loaders
// that could potentially see it via delegation.
ciKlass* get_klass_by_name(ciKlass* accessing_klass,
ciSymbol* klass_name,
bool require_local);
// Constant pool access.
ciKlass* get_klass_by_index(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int klass_index,
bool& is_accessible,
ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass);
ciConstant get_constant_by_index(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int pool_index, int cache_index,
ciInstanceKlass* accessor);
ciField* get_field_by_index(ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass,
int field_index);
ciMethod* get_method_by_index(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int method_index, Bytecodes::Code bc,
ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass);
// Implementation methods for loading and constant pool access.
ciKlass* get_klass_by_name_impl(ciKlass* accessing_klass,
const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
ciSymbol* klass_name,
bool require_local);
ciKlass* get_klass_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int klass_index,
bool& is_accessible,
ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass);
ciConstant get_constant_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int pool_index, int cache_index,
ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass);
ciField* get_field_by_index_impl(ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass,
int field_index);
ciMethod* get_method_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int method_index, Bytecodes::Code bc,
ciInstanceKlass* loading_klass);
// Helper methods
bool check_klass_accessibility(ciKlass* accessing_klass,
Klass* resolved_klass);
Method* lookup_method(ciInstanceKlass* accessor,
ciKlass* holder,
Symbol* name,
Symbol* sig,
Bytecodes::Code bc,
constantTag tag);
ciConstant unbox_primitive_value(ciObject* cibox, BasicType expected_bt = T_ILLEGAL);
ciConstant get_resolved_constant(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int obj_index);
// Get a ciObject from the object factory. Ensures uniqueness
// of ciObjects.
ciObject* get_object(oop o) {
if (o == NULL) {
return _null_object_instance;
} else {
return _factory->get(o);
ciSymbol* get_symbol(Symbol* o) {
if (o == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return _factory->get_symbol(o);
ciMetadata* get_metadata(Metadata* o) {
if (o == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return _factory->get_metadata(o);
ciMetadata* cached_metadata(Metadata* o) {
return _factory->cached_metadata(o);
ciInstance* get_instance(oop o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_object(o)->as_instance();
ciObjArrayKlass* get_obj_array_klass(Klass* o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_metadata(o)->as_obj_array_klass();
ciTypeArrayKlass* get_type_array_klass(Klass* o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_metadata(o)->as_type_array_klass();
ciKlass* get_klass(Klass* o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_metadata(o)->as_klass();
ciInstanceKlass* get_instance_klass(Klass* o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_metadata(o)->as_instance_klass();
ciMethod* get_method(Method* o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_metadata(o)->as_method();
ciMethodData* get_method_data(MethodData* o) {
if (o == NULL) return NULL;
return get_metadata(o)->as_method_data();
ciMethod* get_method_from_handle(Method* method);
ciInstance* get_or_create_exception(jobject& handle, Symbol* name);
// Get a ciMethod representing either an unfound method or
// a method with an unloaded holder. Ensures uniqueness of
// the result.
ciMethod* get_unloaded_method(ciKlass* holder,
ciSymbol* name,
ciSymbol* signature,
ciInstanceKlass* accessor) {
ciInstanceKlass* declared_holder = get_instance_klass_for_declared_method_holder(holder);
return _factory->get_unloaded_method(declared_holder, name, signature, accessor);
// Get a ciKlass representing an unloaded klass.
// Ensures uniqueness of the result.
ciKlass* get_unloaded_klass(ciKlass* accessing_klass,
ciSymbol* name) {
return _factory->get_unloaded_klass(accessing_klass, name, true);
// Get a ciKlass representing an unloaded klass mirror.
// Result is not necessarily unique, but will be unloaded.
ciInstance* get_unloaded_klass_mirror(ciKlass* type) {
return _factory->get_unloaded_klass_mirror(type);
// Get a ciInstance representing an unresolved method handle constant.
ciInstance* get_unloaded_method_handle_constant(ciKlass* holder,
ciSymbol* name,
ciSymbol* signature,
int ref_kind) {
return _factory->get_unloaded_method_handle_constant(holder, name, signature, ref_kind);
// Get a ciInstance representing an unresolved method type constant.
ciInstance* get_unloaded_method_type_constant(ciSymbol* signature) {
return _factory->get_unloaded_method_type_constant(signature);
// See if we already have an unloaded klass for the given name
// or return NULL if not.
ciKlass *check_get_unloaded_klass(ciKlass* accessing_klass, ciSymbol* name) {
return _factory->get_unloaded_klass(accessing_klass, name, false);
// Get a ciReturnAddress corresponding to the given bci.
// Ensures uniqueness of the result.
ciReturnAddress* get_return_address(int bci) {
return _factory->get_return_address(bci);
// Get a ciMethodData representing the methodData for a method
// with none.
ciMethodData* get_empty_methodData() {
return _factory->get_empty_methodData();
// General utility : get a buffer of some required length.
// Used in symbol creation.
char* name_buffer(int req_len);
// Is this thread currently in the VM state?
static bool is_in_vm();
// Helper routine for determining the validity of a compilation with
// respect to method dependencies (e.g. concurrent class loading).
void validate_compile_task_dependencies(ciMethod* target);
enum {
ciEnv(CompileTask* task);
// Used only during initialization of the ci
ciEnv(Arena* arena);
OopRecorder* oop_recorder() { return _oop_recorder; }
void set_oop_recorder(OopRecorder* r) { _oop_recorder = r; }
DebugInformationRecorder* debug_info() { return _debug_info; }
void set_debug_info(DebugInformationRecorder* i) { _debug_info = i; }
Dependencies* dependencies() { return _dependencies; }
void set_dependencies(Dependencies* d) { _dependencies = d; }
// This is true if the compilation is not going to produce code.
// (It is reasonable to retry failed compilations.)
bool failing() { return _failure_reason != NULL; }
// Reason this compilation is failing, such as "too many basic blocks".
const char* failure_reason() { return _failure_reason; }
// Return state of appropriate compatibility
int compilable() { return _compilable; }
const char* retry_message() const {
switch (_compilable) {
case ciEnv::MethodCompilable_not_at_tier:
return "retry at different tier";
case ciEnv::MethodCompilable_never:
return "not retryable";
case ciEnv::MethodCompilable:
return NULL;
return NULL;
bool break_at_compile() { return _break_at_compile; }
void set_break_at_compile(bool z) { _break_at_compile = z; }
// Cache Jvmti state
bool cache_jvmti_state();
bool jvmti_state_changed() const;
bool should_retain_local_variables() const {
return _jvmti_can_access_local_variables || _jvmti_can_pop_frame;
bool jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint() const { return _jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint; }
bool jvmti_can_post_on_exceptions() const { return _jvmti_can_post_on_exceptions; }
bool jvmti_can_get_owned_monitor_info() const { return _jvmti_can_get_owned_monitor_info; }
bool jvmti_can_walk_any_space() const { return _jvmti_can_walk_any_space; }
// Cache DTrace flags
void cache_dtrace_flags();
bool dtrace_method_probes() const { return _dtrace_method_probes; }
bool dtrace_alloc_probes() const { return _dtrace_alloc_probes; }
// The compiler task which has created this env.
// May be useful to find out compile_id, comp_level, etc.
CompileTask* task() { return _task; }
// Handy forwards to the task:
int comp_level(); // task()->comp_level()
uint compile_id(); // task()->compile_id()
// Register the result of a compilation.
void register_method(ciMethod* target,
int entry_bci,
CodeOffsets* offsets,
int orig_pc_offset,
CodeBuffer* code_buffer,
int frame_words,
OopMapSet* oop_map_set,
ExceptionHandlerTable* handler_table,
ImplicitExceptionTable* inc_table,
AbstractCompiler* compiler,
bool has_unsafe_access,
bool has_wide_vectors,
bool has_monitors,
int immediate_oops_patched,
RTMState rtm_state = NoRTM);
// Access to certain well known ciObjects.
#define VM_CLASS_FUNC(name, ignore_s) \
ciInstanceKlass* name() { \
return _##name;\
ciInstance* NullPointerException_instance() {
assert(_NullPointerException_instance != NULL, "initialization problem");
return _NullPointerException_instance;
ciInstance* ArithmeticException_instance() {
assert(_ArithmeticException_instance != NULL, "initialization problem");
return _ArithmeticException_instance;
// Lazy constructors:
ciInstance* ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException_instance();
ciInstance* ArrayStoreException_instance();
ciInstance* ClassCastException_instance();
ciInstance* the_null_string();
ciInstance* the_min_jint_string();
static ciSymbol* unloaded_cisymbol() {
return _unloaded_cisymbol;
static ciObjArrayKlass* unloaded_ciobjarrayklass() {
return _unloaded_ciobjarrayklass;
static ciInstanceKlass* unloaded_ciinstance_klass() {
return _unloaded_ciinstance_klass;
ciInstance* unloaded_ciinstance();
ciInstanceKlass* get_box_klass_for_primitive_type(BasicType type);
ciKlass* find_system_klass(ciSymbol* klass_name);
// Note: To find a class from its name string, use ciSymbol::make,
// but consider adding to vmSymbols.hpp instead.
// converts the ciKlass* representing the holder of a method into a
// ciInstanceKlass*. This is needed since the holder of a method in
// the bytecodes could be an array type. Basically this converts
// array types into java/lang/Object and other types stay as they are.
static ciInstanceKlass* get_instance_klass_for_declared_method_holder(ciKlass* klass);
// Access to the compile-lifetime allocation arena.
Arena* arena() { return _arena; }
// What is the current compilation environment?
static ciEnv* current() { return CompilerThread::current()->env(); }
// Overload with current thread argument
static ciEnv* current(CompilerThread *thread) { return thread->env(); }
// Per-compiler data. (Used by C2 to publish the Compile* pointer.)
void* compiler_data() { return _compiler_data; }
void set_compiler_data(void* x) { _compiler_data = x; }
// Notice that a method has been inlined in the current compile;
// used only for statistics.
void notice_inlined_method(ciMethod* method);
// Total number of bytecodes in inlined methods in this compile
int num_inlined_bytecodes() const;
// Output stream for logging compilation info.
CompileLog* log() { return _log; }
void set_log(CompileLog* log) { _log = log; }
void record_failure(const char* reason); // Record failure and report later
void report_failure(const char* reason); // Report failure immediately
void record_method_not_compilable(const char* reason, bool all_tiers = false);
void record_out_of_memory_failure();
// RedefineClasses support
void metadata_do(MetadataClosure* f) { _factory->metadata_do(f); }
// Replay support
static int klass_compare(const InstanceKlass* const &ik1, const InstanceKlass* const &ik2) {
if (ik1 > ik2) {
return 1;
} else if (ik1 < ik2) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
bool dyno_loc(const InstanceKlass* ik, const char *&loc) const;
void set_dyno_loc(const InstanceKlass* ik);
void record_best_dyno_loc(const InstanceKlass* ik);
bool print_dyno_loc(outputStream* out, const InstanceKlass* ik) const;
GrowableArray<const InstanceKlass*>* _dyno_klasses;
GrowableArray<const char *>* _dyno_locs;
char _dyno_name[MAX_DYNO_NAME_LENGTH+1];
// Dump the compilation replay data for the ciEnv to the stream.
void dump_replay_data(int compile_id);
void dump_inline_data(int compile_id);
void dump_replay_data(outputStream* out);
void dump_replay_data_unsafe(outputStream* out);
void dump_replay_data_helper(outputStream* out);
void dump_compile_data(outputStream* out);
const char *dyno_name(const InstanceKlass* ik) const;
const char *replay_name(const InstanceKlass* ik) const;
const char *replay_name(ciKlass* i) const;
void record_lambdaform(Thread* thread, oop obj);
void record_member(Thread* thread, oop obj);
void record_mh(Thread* thread, oop obj);
void record_call_site_obj(Thread* thread, oop obj);
void record_call_site_method(Thread* thread, Method* adapter);
void process_invokedynamic(const constantPoolHandle &cp, int index, JavaThread* thread);
void process_invokehandle(const constantPoolHandle &cp, int index, JavaThread* thread);
void find_dynamic_call_sites();
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