[(IMPORTING synch_constant_definitions)
P: posnat, % Nominal duration of a synchronization interval
T0: int, % Clocktime at start of protocol
rho: nnreal, % Bound on drift for a good oscillator
alpha_l, alpha_u: nnreal, % negative and positive read error bounds
pi_0: {pi_0: posreal | P_bound?(P, rho, alpha_l, alpha_u, pi_0)}
synch_constant_definitions[P, T0, rho, alpha_l, alpha_u, pi_0],
interval_clocks[P, T0, rho]
% Invariants for a sequence of sets of good clocks. If the protocol
% guarantees a sequence of non-empty sets that satisfy these
% properties, then it also ensures the top level properties of
% precision and accuracy.
j, j1, j2: VAR nat
hst, hst1, hst2: VAR [nat -> non_empty_finite_set[good_clock]]
ic, ic1, ic2: VAR interval_clock
T, T1, T2: VAR int
pl, pu: VAR real
pi, al, au: VAR nnreal
periodic_precision?(hst, j, pi): bool =
% ic_max(hst)(j)(T(j)) - ic_min(hst)(j)(T(j)) <= pi
t(ic_max(hst))(j) - t(ic_min(hst))(j) <= pi
initial_precision?(hst, pi): bool = periodic_precision?(hst, 0, pi)
periodic_precision_enhancement?(hst, pi): bool =
periodic_precision?(hst, j, pi)
periodic_precision?(hst, j + 1, pi)
lower_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pl): bool =
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic_min(hst), ic_min(hst), pl)
upper_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pu): bool =
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic_max(hst), ic_max(hst), pu)
synch_protocol_invariants?(hst, pi, pl, pu): bool =
periodic_precision_enhancement?(hst, pi) AND
lower_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pl) AND
upper_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pu)
% Intermediate consequences of the protocol invariants related to compatible?.
all_periodic_precision?(hst, pi): bool =
FORALL j: periodic_precision?(hst, j, pi)
all_periodic_precision_iff_peer_precision: LEMMA
all_periodic_precision?(hst, pi) IFF
peer_precision?(ic_min(hst), ic_max(hst), pi)
all_periodic_precision: LEMMA
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
periodic_precision_enhancement?(hst, pi)
all_periodic_precision?(hst, pi)
minmax_adjustment_lower_bound: LEMMA
all_periodic_precision?(hst, pi) AND
lower_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pl)
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic_max(hst), ic_min(hst), pl - pi)
minmax_adjustment_upper_bound: LEMMA
all_periodic_precision?(hst, pi) AND
upper_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pu)
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic_min(hst), ic_max(hst), pu + pi)
% Relating traces from a history satisfying the invariants to the
% compatibility relations used to establish precision and weak
% accuracy
trace?(ic, hst): bool = FORALL j: hst(j)(ic(j))
min_le_trace: LEMMA
trace?(ic, hst) IMPLIES
% ic_min(hst)(j)(T) <= ic(j)(T)
t(ic_min(hst))(j) <= t(ic)(j)
trace_le_max: LEMMA
trace?(ic, hst) IMPLIES
% ic(j)(T) <= ic_max(hst)(j)(T)
t(ic)(j) <= t(ic_max(hst))(j)
trace_diff: LEMMA
trace?(ic1, hst1) AND
trace?(ic2, hst2)
% ic1(j1)(T1) - ic2(j2)(T2) <= ic_max(hst1)(j1)(T1) - ic_min(hst2)(j2)(T2)
t(ic1)(j1) - t(ic2)(j2) <= t(ic_max(hst1))(j1) - t(ic_min(hst2))(j2)
traces_peer_precision: LEMMA
trace?(ic1, hst) AND
trace?(ic2, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
periodic_precision_enhancement?(hst, pi)
peer_precision?(ic1, ic2, pi)
traces_lower: LEMMA
trace?(ic1, hst) AND
trace?(ic2, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
periodic_precision_enhancement?(hst, pi) AND
lower_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pl)
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, pl - pi)
traces_upper: LEMMA
trace?(ic1, hst) AND
trace?(ic2, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
periodic_precision_enhancement?(hst, pi) AND
upper_accuracy_preservation?(hst, pu)
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic2, pu + pi)
% mappings from traces
traces_compatible: LEMMA
trace?(ic1, hst) AND
trace?(ic2, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
synch_protocol_invariants?(hst, pi, P / rate - al, P * rate + au)
compatible?(ic1, ic2, pi + max(al, au))
trace_lower_accuracy: LEMMA
trace?(ic, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
synch_protocol_invariants?(hst, pi, P / rate - al, pu)
lower_accuracy_bound?(ic, al, pi)
trace_upper_accuracy: LEMMA
trace?(ic, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi) AND
synch_protocol_invariants?(hst, pi, pl, P * rate + au)
upper_accuracy_bound?(ic, au, pi)
weakly_accurate_clock: TYPE = {ic | weakly_accurate?(ic, p_min, p_max)}
trace_weakly_accurate: LEMMA
trace?(ic, hst) AND
initial_precision?(hst, pi_0) AND
synch_protocol_invariants?(hst, pi_0, p_lower, p_upper)
weakly_accurate?(ic, p_min, p_max)
END synch_protocol_invariants
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
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