matrix_props: THEORY
IMPORTING matrices,reals@real_fun_ops
SM,SM1,SM2: VAR FullMatrix
r: VAR real
nzr: VAR nzreal
M,N,A,B: VAR Matrix
v,v1,v2: VAR Vector
i,j,k,p : VAR nat
m,n : VAR nat
pn,pm : VAR posnat
F,G: VAR [[nat,nat]->real]
Mp,Np: VAR (nonempty?)
PFM,D1,D2,D: VAR PosFullMatrix
matrix_2x2: LEMMA
rows(D)=2 AND columns(D)=2 IMPLIES
D = (:(:entry(D)(0,0),entry(D)(0,1):),
SQ,IQ,GQ: VAR Square
length_row: LEMMA length(row(SM)(i)) = IF i>=rows(SM) THEN 0 ELSE columns(SM) ENDIF
length_nth_row: LEMMA i<length(SM) IMPLIES length(nth(SM,i)) = columns(SM)
columns_cdr: LEMMA rows(D)>1 IMPLIES columns(cdr(D)) = columns(D)
columns_cons: LEMMA columns(cons(v,M)) = max(length(v),columns(M))
access_col: LEMMA access(col(SM)(i))(j) = access(row(SM)(j))(i)
% Determinant %
remove(M,i,j): {N |
(rows(M)>1 AND columns(M)>1 IMPLIES
(rows(N)=rows(M)-1 AND columns(N)=columns(M)-1)) AND
(FORALL (m,n):
LET newm= IF m>=i OR i>=rows(M) THEN m+1 ELSE m ENDIF,
newn= IF n>=j OR j>=columns(M) THEN n+1 ELSE n ENDIF IN
entry(N)(m,n)=entry(M)(newm,newn))} =
IF rows(M)=0 OR columns(M)=0 THEN null[list[real]] ELSE
form_matrix(LAMBDA (m,n):
LET newm= IF m>=i OR i>=rows(M) THEN m+1 ELSE m ENDIF,
newn= IF n>=j OR j>=columns(M) THEN n+1 ELSE n ENDIF IN entry(M)(newm,newn),rows(M)-1,columns(M)-1) ENDIF
remove_posfullmatrix: JUDGEMENT
remove(D,i,j) HAS_TYPE FullMatrix
rows_remove: LEMMA
rows(remove(M,i,j)) = IF rows(M)=0 or columns(M)=0 THEN 0 ELSE rows(M)-1 ENDIF
columns_remove: LEMMA
columns(remove(M,i,j)) = IF rows(M)<=1 OR columns(M)=0 THEN 0
ELSE columns(M)-1 ENDIF
remove_remove_1_0: LEMMA rows(D)>2 AND
columns(D)>2 AND m<=n
AND n<columns(D)-1 AND m<columns(D)-1 IMPLIES
remove(remove(D, 1, n+1), 0, m) =
remove(remove(D, 0, m), 0, n)
remove_remove_1_0_0: LEMMA rows(D)>2 AND
AND n<columns(D)-1 IMPLIES
remove(remove(D, 1, 0), 0, n)=remove(remove(D, 0, 1 + n), 0, 0)
remove_remove_1_n: LEMMA rows(D)>2 AND
AND n+m<columns(D)-1 IMPLIES
remove(remove(D, 1, n), 0, m + n)
=remove(remove(D, 0, 1 + m + n), 0, n)
entry_remove: LEMMA
entry(remove(M,i,j))(m,n) =
LET newm= IF m>=i OR i>=rows(M) THEN m+1 ELSE m ENDIF,
newn= IF n>=j OR j>=columns(M) THEN n+1 ELSE n ENDIF IN
remove_Id_0_0: LEMMA pm>1 IMPLIES remove(Id(pm),0,0) = Id(pm-1)
% remove_remove: LEMMA
% remove(remove(M,i,j),k,p)=
% LET newi = IF k<i THEN k ELSE k
remove_test: LEMMA remove((:(:1,2:),(:3,4:):),1,1)=(:(:1:):)
det(M): RECURSIVE real =
IF null?(M) OR rows(M)/=columns(M) THEN 0
ELSIF rows(M)=1 THEN entry(M)(0,0)
ELSE sigma(0,columns(M)-1,LAMBDA (k):
(-1)^k*entry(M)(0,k)*det(remove(M,0,k))) ENDIF
MEASURE length(M)
det_test: LEMMA FORALL (a,b,c,d:real):
det_size_noteq: LEMMA rows(M)/=columns(M) IMPLIES det(M)=0
% Elementary matrix operations
% Swapping two rows
swap(i,j)(F)(k,p): real = IF k=i THEN F(j,p)
ELSIF k=j THEN F(i,p)
swap_fun_test: LEMMA
LET FF = (LAMBDA (i,j:nat): 0) IN
swap(i,j)(D): {PFM|rows(PFM)=rows(D) AND columns(PFM)=columns(D) AND
FORALL (k,p): i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) IMPLIES entry(PFM)(k,p)=(IF k=i
THEN entry(D)(j,p) ELSIF k=j THEN entry(D)(i,p)
ELSE entry(D)(k,p) ENDIF)} =
entry_swap: LEMMA
entry(swap(i,j)(D))(k,p) = IF k<rows(D) AND p<columns(D)
THEN swap(i,j)(entry(D))(k,p) ELSE 0 ENDIF
swap_test: LEMMA swap(0,1)((:(:1,2:),(:3,4:):)) = (:(:3,4:),(:1,2:):)
remove_swap_1: LEMMA rows(D)>=2 AND columns(D)>=2 IMPLIES
remove(swap(0, 1)(D), 0, n) =
remove_swap_2: LEMMA i/=0 AND j/=0 AND i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D)
AND rows(D)=columns(D)
swap_sym: LEMMA swap(i,j)(D) = swap(j,i)(D)
det_swap_0_1: LEMMA rows(D)>1 IMPLIES det(swap(0,1)(D))=-det(D)
swap_swap_matrix: LEMMA i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) IMPLIES
swap_similar: LEMMA i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) AND k<rows(D) AND
i/=j AND j/=k AND k/=i IMPLIES
swap(k,j)(D) = swap(i,j)(swap(k,i)(swap(i,j)(D)))
det_swap: LEMMA i/=j AND i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) IMPLIES
row_swap: LEMMA i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) IMPLIES
row(swap(i,j)(D))(k) =
row(D)(IF k=i THEN j ELSIF k=j THEN i ELSE k ENDIF)
rows_swap: LEMMA rows(swap(i,j)(D)) = rows(D)
columns_swap: LEMMA columns(swap(i,j)(D)) = columns(D)
swap_id: LEMMA swap(i,i)(D)=D
swap_eq: LEMMA row(D)(i) = row(D)(j) IMPLIES
swap(i,j)(D) = D
det_rows_eq_0: LEMMA i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) AND
row(D)(i) = row(D)(j) AND i/=j IMPLIES
det(D) = 0
% Multiplying a row by a scalar
replace_row(i,v)(D|columns(D)=length(v)): RECURSIVE
{PFM|rows(PFM)=rows(D) AND columns(PFM)=columns(D) AND
(FORALL (j): row(PFM)(j) = IF j<rows(D) AND j=i THEN v ELSE row(D)(j) ENDIF) AND
(FORALL (j,k): entry(PFM)(j,k)=IF j<rows(D) AND j=i THEN access(v)(k) ELSE entry(D)(j,k) ENDIF)} =
IF i>=rows(D) THEN D
ELSIF rows(D)=1 THEN cons(v,null[list[real]])
ELSIF i=0 THEN cons(v,cdr(D))
ELSE cons(car(D),replace_row(i-1,v)(cdr(D))) ENDIF MEASURE rows(D)
entry_replace_row: LEMMA columns(D)=length(v) IMPLIES
entry(replace_row(i,v)(D))(j,k) = (IF j<rows(D) AND j=i THEN access(v)(k) ELSE entry(D)(j,k) ENDIF)
rows_replace_row: LEMMA columns(D) = length(v) IMPLIES
rows(replace_row(i,v)(D)) = rows(D)
columns_replace_row: LEMMA columns(D) = length(v) IMPLIES
columns(replace_row(i,v)(D)) = columns(D)
remove_replace_row: LEMMA columns(D) = length(v) AND rows(D)>1 AND columns(D)>1 IMPLIES
remove(replace_row(k,v)(D),k,j) = remove(D,k,j)
swap_replace_row: LEMMA columns(D)=length(v) AND i<rows(D) AND
j<rows(D) AND k<rows(D) IMPLIES
swap(i,j)(replace_row(k,v)(D)) = (IF i = k THEN replace_row(j,v)(swap(i,j)(D))
ELSIF j = k THEN replace_row(i,v)(swap(i,j)(D))
ELSE replace_row(k,v)(swap(i,j)(D)) ENDIF)
row_replace_row: LEMMA columns(D) = length(v) IMPLIES
row(replace_row(i,v)(D))(j) = IF j<rows(D) AND j=i THEN v ELSE row(D)(j) ENDIF
remove_replace_row_eq: LEMMA columns(D) = length(v) IMPLIES
remove(replace_row(i,v)(D),i,j) = remove(D,i,j)
det_replace_row_sum: LEMMA length(v1)=length(v2) AND columns(D)=length(v1) AND i<rows(D) IMPLIES
det(replace_row(i,v1+v2)(D)) = det(replace_row(i,v1)(D)) + det(replace_row(i,v2)(D))
det_replace_row_scal: LEMMA columns(D) = length(v) AND i<rows(D) IMPLIES
det(replace_row(i,r*v)(D)) = r*det(replace_row(i,v)(D))
replace_row_id: LEMMA i<rows(D) IMPLIES
replace_row(i,row(D)(i))(D) = D
det_replace_row_sum_scal: LEMMA i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) AND i/=j IMPLIES
det(replace_row(i,row(D)(i)+r*row(D)(j))(D)) = det(D)
replace_row_sum_to_scal: LEMMA i<rows(D) AND j<rows(D) IMPLIES
det_Id: LEMMA det(Id(pn))=1
det_first_column_zero: LEMMA
(FORALL (i): i<rows(D) IMPLIES entry(D)(i,0)=0) IMPLIES
remove_transpose: LEMMA
rows(D)>1 AND columns(D)>1 IMPLIES
remove(transpose(D),i,j) =
END matrix_props
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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