\section{The Channel Class}
The Channel class models communication between a client (a Local Resource)
and a server (a Local Till). It is a one place buffer which receives requests
from the client, which the server receives and processes. The server generates
a response to a given request which is sent to the channel, and this response
is then collected by the client. The communication channel is considered to
have failed if within some predefined timeout interval starting from the
moment a request was received, and response has not been received by the channel.
class Channel
The channel has four instance variables: one each for storing incoming request
and responses, a reference to a Timer object for timing out communication, and
the a counter (curTime) which whenever a response is expected from the server,
counts the time since the request was received from the client.
instance variables
req : [Request] := nil;
resp :[Response] := nil;
timer : Timer := new Timer();
curTime : nat := 0;
The constant value timeout is an arbitrary constant used to model the amount
of time we are prepared to wait before we conclude that the communication
channel has failed.
timeout = 1500;
A number of types are defined which are used to represent the values that are
communicated through the channel.
A request from a client consists of a command to the server, and any arguments
relating to that command.
public Request :: command : Command
data : set of ReqData;
A command is a quote value, corresponding to the possible methods that may be
called in the CentralResource.
public Command = <TriesExceeded> | <ResetTries> | <IncTries> |
<GetBalance> | <Withdrawal> | <PostStmt> |
An element of type ReqData represents a possible argument to a method in CentralResource.
public ReqData = CardId | AccountId | Amount;
public CardId :: val : Card`CardId;
public AccountId :: val : Account`AccountId;
public Amount :: val : nat;
A response consists of the command which is being responded to, and the value
computed by the corresponding method in CentralResource.
public Response :: command : Command
data : RespData;
public RespData = [nat] | bool;
The operations available in this class represent the access operations on the
buffer, together with a couple of auxilliary operations.
A client sends puts a request into the channel using SendRequest. This takes a
request and stores it in the appropriate instance variable, then resets the
timer so that a timeout can be generated if necessary. As this is a one place
buffer, we can only accept a request if there is not already one in the buffer
(specified in the pre-condition).
public SendRequest : Request ==> ()
SendRequest(r) ==
(req := r;
pre req = nil;
The server removes requests from the buffer using ReceiveRequest. This takes
the request from the buffer and resets the corresponding instance variable
to be nil.
public ReceiveRequest : () ==> Request
ReceiveRequest() ==
let r = req in
(req := nil;
return r);
The server sends a response to the buffer using SendResponse. The resp instance
variable is set to the value of the given response, and the timer is stopped as
the response has been received. Again, the pre-condition specifies that a response
can only be accepted if there is not already one waiting to be received by the client.
public SendResponse : Response ==> ()
SendResponse(r) ==
(resp := r;
pre resp = nil;
The client receives a response using ReceiveResponse. This delivers a response
(if one has been received), or the nil value (representing a timeout).
public ReceiveResponse : () ==> [Response]
ReceiveResponse() ==
let r = resp in
(resp := nil;
return r);
The Wait operation is used for synchronization. Its meaning will become clear
when the synchronization constraints are described below.
public Wait: () ==> ()
Wait() ==
The operation CheckTime is executed periodically by the channel's thread, and
is used to update the curTime instance variable.
CheckTime: () ==> ()
CheckTime() ==
curTime := timer.GetTime()
A function is defined which is used to simplify expressions in the
synchronization constraints.The predicate AllReceived takes the number of
activations and completions of a send operation and the number of activations
and completions of a receive operation, and returns true if and only if all of
the send operations have completed, all of the receive operations have completed,
and there corresponds a send operation for each receive operation.
AllReceived : nat * nat * nat * nat -> bool
AllReceived(act_send, fin_send, act_rec, fin_rec) ==
act_send = fin_send and
act_rec = fin_rec and
(act_send + fin_send) = (act_send + fin_send);
Since a Channel object will be shared by both the client and the server, we
specify synchronization constraints to ensure that the integrity of the object
is preserved.
A SendRequest can only be accepted if all previous SendRequests have been
received, all previous SendResponses have been received, and the number of
requests equals the number of responses. This ensures that no requests are
accepted while a response to a previous request is being processed.
per SendRequest =>
AllReceived(#act(SendRequest), #fin(SendRequest),
#act(ReceiveRequest), #fin(ReceiveRequest)) and
AllReceived(#act(SendResponse), #fin(SendResponse),
#act(ReceiveResponse), #fin(ReceiveResponse)) and
#act(SendRequest) = #fin(ReceiveResponse);
The synchronization constraint on SendResponse is similar to SendRequest except
that the number of SendRequests previously received must be exactly one more
than the number of SendResponses previously received.
per SendResponse =>
AllReceived(#act(SendRequest), #fin(SendRequest),
#act(ReceiveRequest), #fin(ReceiveRequest)) and
AllReceived(#act(SendResponse), #fin(SendResponse),
#act(ReceiveResponse), #fin(ReceiveResponse)) and
#act(SendRequest) - #fin(SendResponse) = 1;
A request can only be received by the server if one has been placed in the
channel by the client. Until then a call to ReceiveRequest will block.
per ReceiveRequest => req <> nil;
The operation Wait is used by a client to check whether a response has been
received for a request. Thus it will be called by a client after sending a
request. This call will block until either a response has been received, or
the current time exceeds the timeout value.
per Wait => curTime > timeout or resp <> nil;
The only remaining part of the Channel class is its thread. This periodically
calls CheckTime to update the time counter.
-- FIXME: Example used RT constructs must be rewritten using threads
-- periodic(1000)(CheckTime)
end Channel
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