class World
public TMSId = seq of char;
instance variables
static network : Network := new Network({|->});
env: Environment;
static public tms1: TMS := new TMS("Rotterdam", network);
static public tms2: TMS := new TMS("RWS", network);
static tms_m : map TMSId to TMS := {"Rotterdam" |-> tms1, "RWS" |-> tms2};
collaboration : bool := true;
public run: () ==> () --Performance
run() == (
Run("RotterdamNetwork.csv", "TMSconfiguration.csv", 300)
public runwithoutcollab: () ==> () --Performance
runwithoutcollab() == (
Run("RotterdamNetwork.csv", "TMSconfiguration.csv", 300)
public Run: seq of char * seq1 of char * [nat] ==> () --Performance
Run(network_file, tms_file, simtime) == (
network := ReadRoadNetwork(network_file);
for all tid in set dom tms_m do
ReadTMSs(tms_file, network);
env := new SimulatorEnvironment(network, tms_m, simtime);
for all tid in set dom tms_m do
public ReadRoadNetwork: seq1 of char ==> Network
ReadRoadNetwork(file_n) ==
let mk_(ok,lines) = CSV`flinecount(file_n)
if ok
then (dcl net : map Network`EdgeId to Edge := {|->};
for i = 1 to lines do
-- each line in the network configuration file contains
-- - The identifier of the edge
-- - the starting node for the edge
-- - the ending node for the edge
-- - the length of the edge
-- - the number of lanes for the edge
-- - the maximum speed for the edge
-- - flow of cars into the edge
let mk_(ok,[edgeid,startid,endid,l,lane,max,inflow]) =
CSV`freadval[seq of (nat | seq of char)](file_n,i)
in net(edgeid) := new Edge(max,lane,l,mk_token(startid),mk_token(endid));
return new Network(net)
else error;
public ReadTMSs: seq of char * Network ==> ()
ReadTMSs(file_n, n) ==
let mk_(ok,lines) = CSV`flinecount(file_n)
if ok
then (for i = 1 to lines do
-- each line in the TMS configuration file contains:
-- - the identification of the TMS
-- - an identification of the edge included
-- - a traffic control measure if available (alternatively nil is included)
-- - a priority if available (alternatively nil is included)
-- - possible suggested routes to make diversions avoiding the edge
let mk_(ok,[tmsid,edgeid,tcm,prio,diversions]) =
CSV`freadval[seq of ([nat] | seq of char |set of seq of seq of char)](file_n,i),
tid = tmsid
in ( --{["A202","S109","S102","A153"],["A42","A43","A152","A153"],["A42","S114","S102","A153"]}
if not tid in set dom tms_m
then tms_m(tid) := new TMS("Invalid TMS", n);-- this should never happen
if tcm <> nil and tcm <> "Bridge" then tms_m(tid).AddTCM(edgeid,TMS`ConvertTCM(tcm));
if tcm <> nil and tcm = "Bridge" then tms_m(tid).AddBridge(edgeid,TMS`ConvertBridge(tcm));
if prio <> nil then tms_m(tid).AddPriority(edgeid,prio);
-- if diversions <> nil
-- then network.AddDiversionRoutes(edgeid,
-- {[r(j) | j in set inds r]
-- | r in set diversions})
for all tid in set dom tms_m do tms_m(tid).CalculateInterest(n);-- sort out interested edges
else error;
public SetCollaboration: bool ==> ()
SetCollaboration(b) ==
collaboration := b;
end World
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.27 Sekunden
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