class Network
public EdgeId = seq of char;
public Request ::
originator : EdgeId
service : TMS`ServiceId
severity: real
cost : real
accepted : bool;
instance variables
connections : map EdgeId to Edge := {|->};
requests: map EdgeId to set of Request := {|->};
offers: map EdgeId to set of Request := {|->};
notproblematic : map World`TMSId to set of EdgeId := {|->};
public Network: map EdgeId to Edge ==> Network
Network(conn) ==
connections := conn;
public MakeOffer: EdgeId * real ==> ()
MakeOffer (eid, cost) ==
( let reqs = {mu(r,accepted |-> false, cost |-> cost) | r in set requests(eid)}
offers(eid) := (if eid in set dom offers
then offers(eid)
else {}) union reqs;
IO`printf("The following offers are made: %s", [offers(eid)])
pre eid in set dom requests;
public AddRequests: map EdgeId to set of Request ==> ()
AddRequests(req_m) ==
requests := requests ++ {id |-> req_m(id) union
if id in set dom requests
then requests(id)
else {}
| id in set dom req_m};
pure public GetNotProblematic: () ==> set of EdgeId
GetNotProblematic() ==
return dunion rng notproblematic;
pure public GetRequests: EdgeId ==> set of Request
GetRequests(eid) ==
return if eid in set dom requests
then requests(eid)
else {};
pure public GetOffers: EdgeId ==> map EdgeId to set of Request
GetOffers(requestor) ==
return { provider |->{offer |offer in set offers(provider)}
| provider in set dom offers & provider = requestor};
public AcceptOffers: EdgeId * set of Request ==> ()
AcceptOffers(eid, accepted) ==
offers(eid) := (if eid in set dom offers
then offers(eid)
else {}) union accepted;
pure public GetAcceptedOffers: EdgeId ==> set of Request
GetAcceptedOffers(eid) ==
return if eid in set dom offers
then {offer | offer in set offers(eid) & offer.accepted}
else {};
public ResetOffers: () ==> ()
ResetOffers() ==
(requests := {|->};
offers := {|->});
public CancelOldProblematicEdges: World`TMSId * set of Network`EdgeId ==> ()
CancelOldProblematicEdges(tmsid,edges) ==
notproblematic(tmsid) := edges union if tmsid in set dom notproblematic
then notproblematic(tmsid)
else {};
public ResetNotproblematic: World`TMSId ==> ()
ResetNotproblematic(tmsid) ==
notproblematic(tmsid) := {};
pure public OfInterestTo: EdgeId ==> set of EdgeId
OfInterestTo(edgeid) ==
let s = connections(edgeid).GetStartNode(),
e = connections(edgeid).GetEndNode()
return {eid | eid in set dom connections
& connections(eid).GetEndNode() = s or connections(eid).GetStartNode() = e}
pre edgeid in set dom connections;
public LeadsToInNSteps: EdgeId * nat1 ==> set of EdgeId
LeadsToInNSteps(edgeid,n) ==
let s = connections(edgeid).GetStartNode(),
leadsto = {eid | eid in set dom connections
& connections(eid).GetEndNode() = s}
if n = 1
then return leadsto
else let starts = {connections(eid).GetEndNode()
| eid in set leadsto},
rest = dunion {LeadsToInNSteps(eid,n-1)
| eid in set leadsto
& connections(eid).GetEndNode() in set starts}
return leadsto union rest
pre edgeid in set dom connections;
pure public GetMaxSpeed: EdgeId ==> nat
GetMaxSpeed(edgeid) ==
return connections(edgeid).maxSpeed
pre edgeid in set dom connections;
pure public GetOpenLanes: EdgeId ==> nat
GetOpenLanes(edgeid) ==
return connections(edgeid).laneCount
pre edgeid in set dom connections;
public GetEdgeIds: () ==> set of EdgeId
GetEdgeIds() == return dom connections;
pure public IsInputEdge: EdgeId * EdgeId ==> bool
IsInputEdge (eid1, eid2) ==
return connections(eid1).GetEndNode() = connections(eid2).GetStartNode()
pre {eid1,eid2} subset dom connections;
-- Test if eid1 is an input edge to eid2
pure public IsOutputEdge: EdgeId * EdgeId ==> bool
IsOutputEdge (eid1, eid2) ==
return connections(eid1).GetStartNode() = connections(eid2).GetEndNode()
pre {eid1,eid2} subset dom connections;
-- Test if eid1 is an output edge of eid2
--public AddDiversionRoutes: EdgeId * set of seq of EdgeId ==> ()
--AddDiversionRoutes(eid,routes) ==
-- div_routes(eid) := routes;
pure public GetConnections: () ==> map EdgeId to Edge
GetConnections() ==
return connections;
end Network
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