class SetpointProfileCSV
instance variables
-- file to read and the number of lines it contains
filename: seq of char;
lines: int;
line: int;
-- current and next setpoint
setpoint: real;
next_setpoint: [(real * real)]
-- constructor for SetpointProfileCSV
public SetpointProfileCSV: real * seq of char ==> SetpointProfileCSV
SetpointProfileCSV(init, file) ==
-- count lines in file
filename := file;
line := 1;
let mk_(success,l) = CSV`flinecount(file) in
if not success then quit("Failed to read input file '%s': %s.", [file, new CSV().ferror()]);
lines := l
setpoint := init;
next_setpoint := nil
-- constructor for SetpointProfileCSV
public SetpointProfileCSV: seq of char ==> SetpointProfileCSV
SetpointProfileCSV(file) ==
SetpointProfileCSV(0.0, file);
-- read the next setpoint from the file
private ReadNextSetpoint: () ==> ()
ReadNextSetpoint() ==
let mk_(-,vals) = CSV`freadval[seq of real](filename,line) in
if len vals <> 2 then quit("Incorrect number of values in %s line %s (expected: 2, actual: %s)\n", [filename,line,len vals])
next_setpoint := mk_(vals(1),vals(2));
line := line + 1;
pre line <= lines and next_setpoint = nil;
-- return the value of the current setpoint
public GetSetpoint: () ==> real
GetSetpoint() ==
( dcl curtime : real := time / 1.0E9;
-- no more setpoints
if line = lines then return setpoint;
-- read from file if we need to
if next_setpoint = nil then ReadNextSetpoint();
-- update setpoint if necessary
let mk_(t,sp) = next_setpoint in
if curtime >= t then
setpoint := sp;
next_setpoint := nil
-- show the computed setpoint
IO`printf("setpoint (%s) = %s\n", [curtime, setpoint]);
-- return current setpoint
return setpoint
-- quit with given error (printf version)
private quit: seq of char * seq of ? ==> ()
quit(m,s) ==
IO`printf(m ^ "\n",s);
-- quit with given error (println version)
private quit: seq of char ==> ()
quit(m) ==
end SetpointProfileCSV
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