class EventDispatcher is subclass of Logger
instance variables
queues : map seq of char to AbstractTask := {|->};
messages : seq of AbstractTaskEvent := [];
interrupts: seq of AbstractTaskEvent := []
-- Register is used to maintain a callback link to all the tasks in the
-- system and the environment. the link is used by the SendNetwork and
-- SendInterrupt operations and the event loop of the EventDispatcher
-- (see thread)
public Register: AbstractTask ==> ()
Register (pat) ==
queues := queues munion { pat.getName() |-> pat }
pre pat.getName() not in set dom queues;
-- setEvent is used to maintain temporary queues for the event loop of
-- EventDispatcher. it is called by the SendNetwork and SendInterrupt
-- operations which are in turn called from the other tasks in the
-- system and the environment.
setEvent: AbstractTask * Event ==> ()
setEvent (pat, pe) ==
if isofclass(NetworkEvent,pe)
then messages := messages ^ [new AbstractTaskEvent(pat,pe)]
else interrupts := interrupts ^ [new AbstractTaskEvent(pat,pe)];
-- getEvent is used to retrieve events from the temporary event
-- queues if they are available. otherwise getEvent is blocked
-- (see sync) which will also block the event handler of
-- EventDispatcher
getEvent: () ==> AbstractTask * Event
getEvent () ==
if len interrupts > 0
then ( dcl res : AbstractTaskEvent := hd interrupts;
interrupts := tl interrupts;
return res.getFields() )
else ( dcl res : AbstractTaskEvent := hd messages;
messages := tl messages;
return res.getFields() );
-- SendNetwork is typically called by a system or an environment
-- task. The event is logged for post analysis and it is added
-- to the temporary event queue for handling by the event loop
public SendNetwork: seq of char * seq of char * nat ==> ()
SendNetwork (psrc, pdest, pid) ==
duration (0)
( dcl pbt: AbstractTask := queues(pdest);
printNetworkEvent(psrc, pdest, pid);
setEvent(pbt, new NetworkEvent(pid)) )
pre pdest in set dom queues;
-- SendInterrupt is typically called by a system or an environment
-- task. The event is logged for post analysis and it is added
-- to the temporary event queue for handling by the event loop
public SendInterrupt: seq of char * seq of char * nat ==> ()
SendInterrupt (psrc, pdest, pid) ==
duration (0)
( dcl pbt: AbstractTask := queues(pdest);
printInterruptEvent(psrc, pdest, pid);
setEvent(pbt, new InterruptEvent(pid)) )
pre pdest in set dom queues;
-- the event handler of EventDispatcher. note that we can simulate the overhead
-- of the operating system, which is typically also running on our system,
-- by changing the duration below. note that the while loop is blocked (and
-- this thread will be suspended) if there are no events in either queue
duration (0)
while (true) do
def mk_ (pat,pe) = getEvent() in
-- setEvent and getEvent are mutually exclusive
mutex(setEvent, getEvent);
-- the thread shall be blocked until there is at least one message available
per getEvent => len messages > 0 or len interrupts > 0
end EventDispatcher
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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