HAInputs = seq of HAInput;
HAInput = Change * TargetTemp * CurrentTemp * TargetHumid * CurrentHumid;
Change = bool;
TargetTemp = nat
inv num == num <= 100;
CurrentTemp = nat
inv num == num <= 100;
TargetHumid = nat
inv num == num <= 100;
CurrentHumid = nat
inv num == num <= 100;
HAOut = seq of OutStep;
OutStep = EnvManipulation * AbsTime;
AbsTime = nat;
EnvManipulation = <OpenWindow> | <CloseWindow> | <IncTemp> | <DecTemp> | <LeaveTemp>;
TempChangeDuration : nat = 2;
HumidChangeDuration : nat = 4;
StepLength : nat = 1;
HomeAutomation: HAInputs -> HAOut
HomeAutomation(haInputs) ==
HA(haInputs, [], 0);
HA: HAInputs * HAOut * nat -> HAOut
HA(haInputs, outputSoFar, curTime) ==
if haInputs = []
then outputSoFar
else let mk_(change,targetTemp,currentTemp,targetHumid,currentHumid) = hd haInputs,
rest = tl haInputs,
nextTime = curTime + StepLength
if outputSoFar <> []
then let mk_(-,timeOfLastInput) = outputSoFar(len outputSoFar)
if curTime <= timeOfLastInput and change
then let interruptedOutput = InterruptOutput(outputSoFar,curTime),
newOutput = CounterOutput(interruptedOutput,curTime)
HA(rest,AddOutput(targetTemp, currentTemp, targetHumid,
currentHumid, curTime, newOutput), nextTime)
else ChangeHA(haInputs,outputSoFar,curTime)
else ChangeHA(haInputs,outputSoFar,curTime);
ChangeHA: HAInputs * HAOut * AbsTime -> HAOut
ChangeHA(haInputs,outputSoFar,curTime) ==
let mk_(change,targetTemp,currentTemp,targetHumid,currentHumid) = hd haInputs,
rest = tl haInputs,
nextTime = curTime + StepLength
if change
then HA(rest,AddOutput(targetTemp, currentTemp, targetHumid, currentHumid,
curTime, outputSoFar), nextTime)
else HA(rest,outputSoFar,nextTime);
AddOutput: nat * nat * nat * nat * nat * seq of OutStep -> seq of OutStep
AddOutput(targetTemp, curTemp, targetHumid, curHumid, curTime, outputSoFar) ==
if targetHumid <> curHumid
then HumidChanged(targetTemp, curTemp, targetHumid, curHumid, curTime, outputSoFar)
elseif targetTemp <> curTemp
then TempChanged(targetTemp, curTemp, curTime, outputSoFar)
else outputSoFar;
TempChanged: nat * nat * nat * seq of OutStep -> seq of OutStep
TempChanged(targetTemp, curTemp, curTime, outputSoFar) ==
let nextTime = curTime+(abs(curTemp-targetTemp))*TempChangeDuration,
action = if curTemp > targetTemp then <DecTemp> else <IncTemp>
outputSoFar ^ [mk_(action,curTime)] ^ [mk_(<LeaveTemp>,nextTime)];
HumidChanged: nat * nat * nat * nat * nat * seq of OutStep -> seq of OutStep
HumidChanged(targetTemp, curTemp, targetHumid, curHumid, curTime, outputSoFar) ==
let tempChanged = (curHumid-targetHumid)*HumidChangeDuration/TempChangeDuration,
action = if (curTemp-tempChanged) > targetTemp then <DecTemp> else <IncTemp>,
timeChange = curTime+(curHumid-targetHumid)*HumidChangeDuration
outputSoFar ^ [mk_(<OpenWindow>,curTime)] ^
if (curTemp-tempChanged) <> targetTemp
then [mk_(<CloseWindow>, timeChange),
mk_(action, timeChange),
mk_(<LeaveTemp>, timeChange +
((abs(curTemp-targetTemp)) - tempChanged)*TempChangeDuration)]
else [mk_(<CloseWindow>, timeChange)];
InterruptOutput : seq of OutStep * nat -> seq of OutStep
InterruptOutput(output, curTime) ==
[output(i) | i in set inds output & let mk_(-,t) = output(i) in t <= curTime];
CounterOutput : seq of OutStep * nat -> seq of OutStep
CounterOutput(output, curTime) ==
let mk_(lastOutput,-) = output(len output)
if lastOutput = <OpenWindow>
then output ^ [mk_(<CloseWindow>, curTime)]
elseif (lastOutput = <IncTemp> or lastOutput = <DecTemp>)
then output ^ [mk_(<LeaveTemp>, curTime)]
else output;
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