(* Title: HOL/Bali/Evaln.thy
Author: David von Oheimb and Norbert Schirmer
subsection \<open>Operational evaluation (big-step) semantics of Java expressions and
theory Evaln imports TypeSafe begin
text \<open>
Variant of \<^term>\<open>eval\<close> relation with counter for bounded recursive depth.
In principal \<^term>\<open>evaln\<close> could replace \<^term>\<open>eval\<close>.
Validity of the axiomatic semantics builds on \<^term>\<open>evaln\<close>.
For recursive method calls the axiomatic semantics rule assumes the method ok
to derive a proof for the body. To prove the method rule sound we need to
perform induction on the recursion depth.
For the completeness proof of the axiomatic semantics the notion of the most
general formula is used. The most general formula right now builds on the
ordinary evaluation relation \<^term>\<open>eval\<close>.
So sometimes we have to switch between \<^term>\<open>evaln\<close> and \<^term>\<open>eval\<close> and vice
versa. To make
this switch easy \<^term>\<open>evaln\<close> also does all the technical accessibility tests
\<^term>\<open>check_field_access\<close> and \<^term>\<open>check_method_access\<close> like \<^term>\<open>eval\<close>.
If it would omit them \<^term>\<open>evaln\<close> and \<^term>\<open>eval\<close> would only be equivalent
for welltyped, and definitely assigned terms.
evaln :: "[prog, state, term, nat, vals, state] \ bool"
("_\_ \_\\_\ '(_, _')" [61,61,80,61,0,0] 60)
and evarn :: "[prog, state, var, vvar, nat, state] \ bool"
("_\_ \_=\_\_\ _" [61,61,90,61,61,61] 60)
and eval_n:: "[prog, state, expr, val, nat, state] \ bool"
("_\_ \_-\_\_\ _" [61,61,80,61,61,61] 60)
and evalsn :: "[prog, state, expr list, val list, nat, state] \ bool"
("_\_ \_\\_\_\ _" [61,61,61,61,61,61] 60)
and execn :: "[prog, state, stmt, nat, state] \ bool"
("_\_ \_\_\ _" [61,61,65, 61,61] 60)
for G :: prog
"G\s \c \n\ s' \ G\s \In1r c\\n\ (\ , s')"
| "G\s \e-\v \n\ s' \ G\s \In1l e\\n\ (In1 v , s')"
| "G\s \e=\vf \n\ s' \ G\s \In2 e\\n\ (In2 vf, s')"
| "G\s \e\\v \n\ s' \ G\s \In3 e\\n\ (In3 v , s')"
\<comment> \<open>propagation of abrupt completion\<close>
| Abrupt: "G\(Some xc,s) \t\\n\ (undefined3 t,(Some xc,s))"
\<comment> \<open>evaluation of variables\<close>
| LVar: "G\Norm s \LVar vn=\lvar vn s\n\ Norm s"
| FVar: "\G\Norm s0 \Init statDeclC\n\ s1; G\s1 \e-\a\n\ s2;
(v,s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2;
s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3"
| AVar: "\G\ Norm s0 \e1-\a\n\ s1 ; G\s1 \e2-\i\n\ s2;
(v,s2') = avar G i a s2\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e1.[e2]=\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2'"
\<comment> \<open>evaluation of expressions\<close>
| NewC: "\G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s1;
G\<turnstile> s1 \<midarrow>halloc (CInst C)\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>NewC C-\<succ>Addr a\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
| NewA: "\G\Norm s0 \init_comp_ty T\n\ s1; G\s1 \e-\i'\n\ s2;
G\<turnstile>abupd (check_neg i') s2 \<midarrow>halloc (Arr T (the_Intg i'))\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s3\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>New T[e]-\<succ>Addr a\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3"
| Cast: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1;
s2 = abupd (raise_if (\<not>G,snd s1\<turnstile>v fits T) ClassCast) s1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Cast T e-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
| Inst: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1;
b = (v\<noteq>Null \<and> G,store s1\<turnstile>v fits RefT T)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e InstOf T-\<succ>Bool b\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1"
| Lit: "G\Norm s \Lit v-\v\n\ Norm s"
| UnOp: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1\
\<Longrightarrow> G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>UnOp unop e-\<succ>(eval_unop unop v)\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1"
| BinOp: "\G\Norm s0 \e1-\v1\n\ s1;
G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>(if need_second_arg binop v1 then (In1l e2) else (In1r Skip))
\<succ>\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (In1 v2,s2)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>BinOp binop e1 e2-\<succ>(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
| Super: "G\Norm s \Super-\val_this s\n\ Norm s"
| Acc: "\G\Norm s0 \va=\(v,f)\n\ s1\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Acc va-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1"
| Ass: "\G\Norm s0 \va=\(w,f)\n\ s1;
G\<turnstile> s1 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v \<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>va:=e-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> assign f v s2"
| Cond: "\G\Norm s0 \e0-\b\n\ s1;
G\<turnstile> s1 \<midarrow>(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e0 ? e1 : e2-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
| Call:
"\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\n\ s1; G\s1 \args\\vs\n\ s2;
D = invocation_declclass G mode (store s2) a' statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\;
s3=init_lvars G D \<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs\<rparr> mode a' vs s2;
s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode \name=mn,parTs=pTs\ a' s3;
G\<turnstile>s3'\<midarrow>Methd D \<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs\<rparr>-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s4
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>{accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn({pTs}args)-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (restore_lvars s2 s4)"
| Methd:"\G\Norm s0 \body G D sig-\v\n\ s1\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Methd D sig-\<succ>v\<midarrow>Suc n\<rightarrow> s1"
| Body: "\G\Norm s0\Init D\n\ s1; G\s1 \c\n\ s2;
s3 = (if (\<exists> l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \<or>
abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l)))
then abupd (\<lambda> x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2
else s2)\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Body D c
-\<succ>the (locals (store s2) Result)\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow>abupd (absorb Ret) s3"
\<comment> \<open>evaluation of expression lists\<close>
| Nil:
"G\Norm s0 \[]\\[]\n\ Norm s0"
| Cons: "\G\Norm s0 \e -\ v \n\ s1;
G\<turnstile> s1 \<midarrow>es\<doteq>\<succ>vs\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e#es\<doteq>\<succ>v#vs\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
\<comment> \<open>execution of statements\<close>
| Skip: "G\Norm s \Skip\n\ Norm s"
| Expr: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Expr e\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1"
| Lab: "\G\Norm s0 \c \n\ s1\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>l\<bullet> c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> abupd (absorb l) s1"
| Comp: "\G\Norm s0 \c1 \n\ s1;
G\<turnstile> s1 \<midarrow>c2 \<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>c1;; c2\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
| If: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n\ s1;
G\<turnstile> s1\<midarrow>(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>If(e) c1 Else c2 \<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
| Loop: "\G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n\ s1;
if the_Bool b
then (G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2 \<and>
G\<turnstile>(abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) \<midarrow>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3)
else s3 = s1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3"
| Jmp: "G\Norm s \Jmp j\n\ (Some (Jump j), s)"
| Throw:"\G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\n\ s1\ \
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Throw e\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> abupd (throw a') s1"
| Try: "\G\Norm s0 \c1\n\ s1; G\s1 \sxalloc\ s2;
if G,s2\<turnstile>catch tn then G\<turnstile>new_xcpt_var vn s2 \<midarrow>c2\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3 else s3 = s2\<rbrakk>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3"
| Fin: "\G\Norm s0 \c1\n\ (x1,s1);
G\<turnstile>Norm s1 \<midarrow>c2\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2;
s3=(if (\<exists> err. x1=Some (Error err))
then (x1,s1)
else abupd (abrupt_if (x1\<noteq>None) x1) s2)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>c1 Finally c2\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3"
| Init: "\the (class G C) = c;
if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0
else (G\<turnstile>Norm (init_class_obj G C s0)
\<midarrow>(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1 \<and>
G\<turnstile>set_lvars Map.empty s1 \<midarrow>init c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2 \<and>
s3 = restore_lvars s1 s2)\<rbrakk>
G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Init C\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s3"
declare if_split [split del] if_split_asm [split del]
option.split [split del] option.split_asm [split del]
not_None_eq [simp del]
split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del]
setup \<open>map_theory_simpset (fn ctxt => ctxt delloop "split_all_tac")\<close>
inductive_cases evaln_cases: "G\s \t\\n\ (v, s')"
inductive_cases evaln_elim_cases:
"G\(Some xc, s) \t \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r Skip \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (Jmp j) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (l\ c) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In3 ([]) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In3 (e#es) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Lit w) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (UnOp unop e) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In2 (LVar vn) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Cast T e) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (e InstOf T) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Super) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Acc va) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (Expr e) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (c1;; c2) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Methd C sig) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Body D c) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (e0 ? e1 : e2) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (If(e) c1 Else c2) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (l\ While(e) c) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (c1 Finally c2) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (Throw e) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (NewC C) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (New T[e]) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l (Ass va e) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (Try c1 Catch(tn vn) c2) \\n\ (x, s')"
"G\Norm s \In2 ({accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In2 (e1.[e2]) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1l ({accC,statT,mode}e\mn({pT}p)) \\n\ (v, s')"
"G\Norm s \In1r (Init C) \\n\ (x, s')"
declare if_split [split] if_split_asm [split]
option.split [split] option.split_asm [split]
not_None_eq [simp]
split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp]
declaration \<open>K (Simplifier.map_ss (fn ss => ss addloop ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac)))\<close>
lemma evaln_Inj_elim: "G\s \t\\n\ (w,s') \ case t of In1 ec \
(case ec of Inl e \<Rightarrow> (\<exists>v. w = In1 v) | Inr c \<Rightarrow> w = \<diamondsuit>)
| In2 e \<Rightarrow> (\<exists>v. w = In2 v) | In3 e \<Rightarrow> (\<exists>v. w = In3 v)"
apply (erule evaln_cases , auto)
apply (induct_tac "t")
apply (rename_tac a, induct_tac "a")
apply auto
text \<open>The following simplification procedures set up the proper injections of
terms and their corresponding values in the evaluation relation:
E.g. an expression
(injection \<^term>\<open>In1l\<close> into terms) always evaluates to ordinary values
(injection \<^term>\<open>In1\<close> into generalised values \<^term>\<open>vals\<close>).
lemma evaln_expr_eq: "G\s \In1l t\\n\ (w, s') = (\v. w=In1 v \ G\s \t-\v \n\ s')"
by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto)
lemma evaln_var_eq: "G\s \In2 t\\n\ (w, s') = (\vf. w=In2 vf \ G\s \t=\vf\n\ s')"
by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto)
lemma evaln_exprs_eq: "G\s \In3 t\\n\ (w, s') = (\vs. w=In3 vs \ G\s \t\\vs\n\ s')"
by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto)
lemma evaln_stmt_eq: "G\s \In1r t\\n\ (w, s') = (w=\ \ G\s \t \n\ s')"
by (auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto, frule evaln_Inj_elim, auto)
simproc_setup evaln_expr ("G\s \In1l t\\n\ (w, s')") = \
fn _ => fn _ => fn ct =>
(case Thm.term_of ct of
(_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE
| _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_expr_eq}))\<close>
simproc_setup evaln_var ("G\s \In2 t\\n\ (w, s')") = \
fn _ => fn _ => fn ct =>
(case Thm.term_of ct of
(_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE
| _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_var_eq}))\<close>
simproc_setup evaln_exprs ("G\s \In3 t\\n\ (w, s')") = \
fn _ => fn _ => fn ct =>
(case Thm.term_of ct of
(_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE
| _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_exprs_eq}))\<close>
simproc_setup evaln_stmt ("G\s \In1r t\\n\ (w, s')") = \
fn _ => fn _ => fn ct =>
(case Thm.term_of ct of
(_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const _ $ _) $ _) => NONE
| _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_stmt_eq}))\<close>
ML \<open>ML_Thms.bind_thms ("evaln_AbruptIs", sum3_instantiate \<^context> @{thm evaln.Abrupt})\<close>
declare evaln_AbruptIs [intro!]
lemma evaln_Callee: "G\Norm s\In1l (Callee l e)\\n\ (v,s') = False"
proof -
{ fix s t v s'
assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and
normal: "normal s" and
callee: "t=In1l (Callee l e)"
then have "False" by induct auto
then show ?thesis
by (cases s') fastforce
lemma evaln_InsInitE: "G\Norm s\In1l (InsInitE c e)\\n\ (v,s') = False"
proof -
{ fix s t v s'
assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and
normal: "normal s" and
callee: "t=In1l (InsInitE c e)"
then have "False" by induct auto
then show ?thesis
by (cases s') fastforce
lemma evaln_InsInitV: "G\Norm s\In2 (InsInitV c w)\\n\ (v,s') = False"
proof -
{ fix s t v s'
assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and
normal: "normal s" and
callee: "t=In2 (InsInitV c w)"
then have "False" by induct auto
then show ?thesis
by (cases s') fastforce
lemma evaln_FinA: "G\Norm s\In1r (FinA a c)\\n\ (v,s') = False"
proof -
{ fix s t v s'
assume eval: "G\s \t\\n\ (v,s')" and
normal: "normal s" and
callee: "t=In1r (FinA a c)"
then have "False" by induct auto
then show ?thesis
by (cases s') fastforce
lemma evaln_abrupt_lemma: "G\s \e\\n\ (v,s') \
fst s = Some xc \<longrightarrow> s' = s \<and> v = undefined3 e"
apply (erule evaln_cases , auto)
lemma evaln_abrupt:
"\s'. G\(Some xc,s) \e\\n\ (w,s') = (s' = (Some xc,s) \
w=undefined3 e \<and> G\<turnstile>(Some xc,s) \<midarrow>e\<succ>\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (undefined3 e,(Some xc,s)))"
apply auto
apply (frule evaln_abrupt_lemma, auto)+
simproc_setup evaln_abrupt ("G\(Some xc,s) \e\\n\ (w,s')") = \
fn _ => fn _ => fn ct =>
(case Thm.term_of ct of
(_ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Some\<close>,_) $ _)$ _))
| _ => SOME (mk_meta_eq @{thm evaln_abrupt}))
lemma evaln_LitI: "G\s \Lit v-\(if normal s then v else undefined)\n\ s"
apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None")
by (auto intro!: evaln.Lit)
lemma CondI:
"\s1. \G\s \e-\b\n\ s1; G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\n\ s2\ \
G\<turnstile>s \<midarrow>e ? e1 : e2-\<succ>(if normal s1 then v else undefined)\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None")
by (auto intro!: evaln.Cond)
lemma evaln_SkipI [intro!]: "G\s \Skip\n\ s"
apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None")
by (auto intro!: evaln.Skip)
lemma evaln_ExprI: "G\s \e-\v\n\ s' \ G\s \Expr e\n\ s'"
apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None")
by (auto intro!: evaln.Expr)
lemma evaln_CompI: "\G\s \c1\n\ s1; G\s1 \c2\n\ s2\ \ G\s \c1;; c2\n\ s2"
apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None")
by (auto intro!: evaln.Comp)
lemma evaln_IfI:
"\G\s \e-\v\n\ s1; G\s1 \(if the_Bool v then c1 else c2)\n\ s2\ \
G\<turnstile>s \<midarrow>If(e) c1 Else c2\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2"
apply (case_tac "s", case_tac "a = None")
by (auto intro!: evaln.If)
lemma evaln_SkipD [dest!]: "G\s \Skip\n\ s' \ s' = s"
by (erule evaln_cases, auto)
lemma evaln_Skip_eq [simp]: "G\s \Skip\n\ s' = (s = s')"
apply auto
subsubsection \<open>evaln implies eval\<close>
lemma evaln_eval:
assumes evaln: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)"
shows "G\s0 \t\\ (v,s1)"
using evaln
proof (induct)
case (Loop s0 e b n s1 c s2 l s3)
note \<open>G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1\<close>
have "if the_Bool b
then (G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>c\<rightarrow> s2) \<and>
G\<turnstile>abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2 \<midarrow>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rightarrow> s3
else s3 = s1"
using Loop.hyps by simp
ultimately show ?case by (rule eval.Loop)
case (Try s0 c1 n s1 s2 C vn c2 s3)
note \<open>G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>c1\<rightarrow> s1\<close>
note \<open>G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s2\<close>
have "if G,s2\catch C then G\new_xcpt_var vn s2 \c2\ s3 else s3 = s2"
using Try.hyps by simp
ultimately show ?case by (rule eval.Try)
case (Init C c s0 s3 n s1 s2)
note \<open>the (class G C) = c\<close>
have "if inited C (globs s0)
then s3 = Norm s0
else G\<turnstile>Norm ((init_class_obj G C) s0)
\<midarrow>(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\<rightarrow> s1 \<and>
G\<turnstile>(set_lvars Map.empty) s1 \<midarrow>init c\<rightarrow> s2 \<and>
s3 = (set_lvars (locals (store s1))) s2"
using Init.hyps by simp
ultimately show ?case by (rule eval.Init)
qed (rule eval.intros,(assumption+ | assumption?))+
lemma Suc_le_D_lemma: "\Suc n <= m'; (\m. n <= m \ P (Suc m)) \ \ P m'"
apply (frule Suc_le_D)
apply fast
lemma evaln_nonstrict [rule_format (no_asm), elim]:
"G\s \t\\n\ (w, s') \ \m. n\m \ G\s \t\\m\ (w, s')"
apply (erule evaln.induct)
apply (tactic \<open>ALLGOALS (EVERY' [strip_tac \<^context>,
TRY o eresolve_tac \<^context> @{thms Suc_le_D_lemma},
REPEAT o smp_tac \<^context> 1,
resolve_tac \<^context> @{thms evaln.intros} THEN_ALL_NEW TRY o assume_tac \<^context>])\<close>)
(* 3 subgoals *)
apply (auto split del: if_split)
lemmas evaln_nonstrict_Suc = evaln_nonstrict [OF _ le_refl [THEN le_SucI]]
lemma evaln_max2: "\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2')\ \
G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>t1\<succ>\<midarrow>max n1 n2\<rightarrow> (w1, s1') \<and> G\<turnstile>s2 \<midarrow>t2\<succ>\<midarrow>max n1 n2\<rightarrow> (w2, s2')"
by (fast intro: max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2)
corollary evaln_max2E [consumes 2]:
"\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2');
\<lbrakk>G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>t1\<succ>\<midarrow>max n1 n2\<rightarrow> (w1, s1');G\<turnstile>s2 \<midarrow>t2\<succ>\<midarrow>max n1 n2\<rightarrow> (w2, s2') \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (drule (1) evaln_max2) simp
lemma evaln_max3:
"\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2'); G\s3 \t3\\n3\ (w3, s3')\ \
G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>t1\<succ>\<midarrow>max (max n1 n2) n3\<rightarrow> (w1, s1') \<and>
G\<turnstile>s2 \<midarrow>t2\<succ>\<midarrow>max (max n1 n2) n3\<rightarrow> (w2, s2') \<and>
G\<turnstile>s3 \<midarrow>t3\<succ>\<midarrow>max (max n1 n2) n3\<rightarrow> (w3, s3')"
apply (drule (1) evaln_max2, erule thin_rl)
apply (fast intro!: max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2)
corollary evaln_max3E:
"\G\s1 \t1\\n1\ (w1, s1'); G\s2 \t2\\n2\ (w2, s2'); G\s3 \t3\\n3\ (w3, s3');
\<lbrakk>G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>t1\<succ>\<midarrow>max (max n1 n2) n3\<rightarrow> (w1, s1');
G\<turnstile>s2 \<midarrow>t2\<succ>\<midarrow>max (max n1 n2) n3\<rightarrow> (w2, s2');
G\<turnstile>s3 \<midarrow>t3\<succ>\<midarrow>max (max n1 n2) n3\<rightarrow> (w3, s3')
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (drule (2) evaln_max3) simp
lemma le_max3I1: "(n2::nat) \ max n1 (max n2 n3)"
proof -
have "n2 \ max n2 n3"
by (rule max.cobounded1)
have "max n2 n3 \ max n1 (max n2 n3)"
by (rule max.cobounded2)
show ?thesis .
lemma le_max3I2: "(n3::nat) \ max n1 (max n2 n3)"
proof -
have "n3 \ max n2 n3"
by (rule max.cobounded2)
have "max n2 n3 \ max n1 (max n2 n3)"
by (rule max.cobounded2)
show ?thesis .
declare [[simproc del: wt_expr wt_var wt_exprs wt_stmt]]
subsubsection \<open>eval implies evaln\<close>
lemma eval_evaln:
assumes eval: "G\s0 \t\\ (v,s1)"
shows "\n. G\s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)"
using eval
proof (induct)
case (Abrupt xc s t)
obtain n where
"G\(Some xc, s) \t\\n\ (undefined3 t, (Some xc, s))"
by (iprover intro: evaln.Abrupt)
then show ?case ..
case Skip
show ?case by (blast intro: evaln.Skip)
case (Expr s0 e v s1)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
then have "G\Norm s0 \Expr e\n\ s1"
by (rule evaln.Expr)
then show ?case ..
case (Lab s0 c s1 l)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \c\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
then have "G\Norm s0 \l\ c\n\ abupd (absorb l) s1"
by (rule evaln.Lab)
then show ?case ..
case (Comp s0 c1 s1 c2 s2)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \c1\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \c2\n2\ s2"
by (iprover)
then have "G\Norm s0 \c1;; c2\max n1 n2\ s2"
by (blast intro: evaln.Comp dest: evaln_max2 )
then show ?case ..
case (If s0 e b s1 c1 c2 s2)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\n2\ s2"
by (iprover)
then have "G\Norm s0 \If(e) c1 Else c2\max n1 n2\ s2"
by (blast intro: evaln.If dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Loop s0 e b s1 c s2 l s3)
from Loop.hyps obtain n1 where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\b\n1\ s1"
by (iprover)
moreover from Loop.hyps obtain n2 where
"if the_Bool b
then (G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>c\<midarrow>n2\<rightarrow> s2 \<and>
G\<turnstile>(abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)\<midarrow>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<midarrow>n2\<rightarrow> s3)
else s3 = s1"
by simp (iprover intro: evaln_nonstrict max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2)
have "G\Norm s0 \l\ While(e) c\max n1 n2\ s3"
apply -
apply (rule evaln.Loop)
apply (iprover intro: evaln_nonstrict intro: max.cobounded1)
apply (auto intro: evaln_nonstrict intro: max.cobounded2)
then show ?case ..
case (Jmp s j)
fix n have "G\Norm s \Jmp j\n\ (Some (Jump j), s)"
by (rule evaln.Jmp)
then show ?case ..
case (Throw s0 e a s1)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\a\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
then have "G\Norm s0 \Throw e\n\ abupd (throw a) s1"
by (rule evaln.Throw)
then show ?case ..
case (Try s0 c1 s1 s2 catchC vn c2 s3)
from Try.hyps obtain n1 where
"G\Norm s0 \c1\n1\ s1"
by (iprover)
note sxalloc = \<open>G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s2\<close>
from Try.hyps obtain n2 where
"if G,s2\catch catchC then G\new_xcpt_var vn s2 \c2\n2\ s3 else s3 = s2"
by fastforce
have "G\Norm s0 \Try c1 Catch(catchC vn) c2\max n1 n2\ s3"
by (auto intro!: evaln.Try max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2)
then show ?case ..
case (Fin s0 c1 x1 s1 c2 s2 s3)
from Fin obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \c1\n1\ (x1, s1)"
"G\Norm s1 \c2\n2\ s2"
by iprover
note s3 = \<open>s3 = (if \<exists>err. x1 = Some (Error err)
then (x1, s1)
else abupd (abrupt_if (x1 \<noteq> None) x1) s2)\<close>
"G\Norm s0 \c1 Finally c2\max n1 n2\ s3"
by (blast intro: evaln.Fin dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Init C c s0 s3 s1 s2)
note cls = \<open>the (class G C) = c\<close>
moreover from Init.hyps obtain n where
"if inited C (globs s0) then s3 = Norm s0
else (G\<turnstile>Norm (init_class_obj G C s0)
\<midarrow>(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1 \<and>
G\<turnstile>set_lvars Map.empty s1 \<midarrow>init c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s2 \<and>
s3 = restore_lvars s1 s2)"
by (auto intro: evaln_nonstrict max.cobounded1 max.cobounded2)
ultimately have "G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s3"
by (rule evaln.Init)
then show ?case ..
case (NewC s0 C s1 a s2)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \Init C\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
with NewC
have "G\Norm s0 \NewC C-\Addr a\n\ s2"
by (iprover intro: evaln.NewC)
then show ?case ..
case (NewA s0 T s1 e i s2 a s3)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \init_comp_ty T\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \e-\i\n2\ s2"
by (iprover)
note \<open>G\<turnstile>abupd (check_neg i) s2 \<midarrow>halloc Arr T (the_Intg i)\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s3\<close>
have "G\Norm s0 \New T[e]-\Addr a\max n1 n2\ s3"
by (blast intro: evaln.NewA dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Cast s0 e v s1 s2 castT)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
note \<open>s2 = abupd (raise_if (\<not> G,snd s1\<turnstile>v fits castT) ClassCast) s1\<close>
have "G\Norm s0 \Cast castT e-\v\n\ s2"
by (rule evaln.Cast)
then show ?case ..
case (Inst s0 e v s1 b T)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
note \<open>b = (v \<noteq> Null \<and> G,snd s1\<turnstile>v fits RefT T)\<close>
have "G\Norm s0 \e InstOf T-\Bool b\n\ s1"
by (rule evaln.Inst)
then show ?case ..
case (Lit s v)
fix n have "G\Norm s \Lit v-\v\n\ Norm s"
by (rule evaln.Lit)
then show ?case ..
case (UnOp s0 e v s1 unop)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
hence "G\Norm s0 \UnOp unop e-\eval_unop unop v\n\ s1"
by (rule evaln.UnOp)
then show ?case ..
case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \e1-\v1\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \(if need_second_arg binop v1 then In1l e2
else In1r Skip)\<succ>\<midarrow>n2\<rightarrow> (In1 v2, s2)"
by (iprover)
hence "G\Norm s0 \BinOp binop e1 e2-\(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\max n1 n2
\<rightarrow> s2"
by (blast intro!: evaln.BinOp dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Super s )
fix n have "G\Norm s \Super-\val_this s\n\ Norm s"
by (rule evaln.Super)
then show ?case ..
case (Acc s0 va v f s1)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \va=\(v, f)\n\ s1"
by (iprover)
have "G\Norm s0 \Acc va-\v\n\ s1"
by (rule evaln.Acc)
then show ?case ..
case (Ass s0 var w f s1 e v s2)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \var=\(w, f)\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \e-\v\n2\ s2"
by (iprover)
have "G\Norm s0 \var:=e-\v\max n1 n2\ assign f v s2"
by (blast intro: evaln.Ass dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \e0-\b\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\n2\ s2"
by (iprover)
have "G\Norm s0 \e0 ? e1 : e2-\v\max n1 n2\ s2"
by (blast intro: evaln.Cond dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Call s0 e a' s1 args vs s2 invDeclC mode statT mn pTs' s3 s3' accC' v s4)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\a'\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \args\\vs\n2\ s2"
by iprover
note \<open>invDeclC = invocation_declclass G mode (store s2) a' statT
note \<open>s3 = init_lvars G invDeclC \<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs'\<rparr> mode a' vs s2\<close>
note \<open>s3'=check_method_access G accC' statT mode \<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs'\<rparr> a' s3\<close>
from Call.hyps
obtain m where
"G\s3' \Methd invDeclC \name=mn, parTs=pTs'\-\v\m\ s4"
by iprover
have "G\Norm s0 \{accC',statT,mode}e\mn( {pTs'}args)-\v\max n1 (max n2 m)\
(set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4"
by (auto intro!: evaln.Call max.cobounded1 le_max3I1 le_max3I2)
thus ?case ..
case (Methd s0 D sig v s1)
then obtain n where
"G\Norm s0 \body G D sig-\v\n\ s1"
by iprover
then have "G\Norm s0 \Methd D sig-\v\Suc n\ s1"
by (rule evaln.Methd)
then show ?case ..
case (Body s0 D s1 c s2 s3)
from Body.hyps obtain n1 n2 where
evaln_init: "G\Norm s0 \Init D\n1\ s1" and
evaln_c: "G\s1 \c\n2\ s2"
by (iprover)
note \<open>s3 = (if \<exists>l. fst s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \<or>
fst s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))
then abupd (\<lambda>x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2
else s2)\<close>
"G\Norm s0 \Body D c-\the (locals (store s2) Result)\max n1 n2
\<rightarrow> abupd (absorb Ret) s3"
by (iprover intro: evaln.Body dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (LVar s vn )
obtain n where
"G\Norm s \LVar vn=\lvar vn s\n\ Norm s"
by (iprover intro: evaln.LVar)
then show ?case ..
case (FVar s0 statDeclC s1 e a s2 v s2' stat fn s3 accC)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \Init statDeclC\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \e-\a\n2\ s2"
by iprover
note \<open>s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'\<close>
and \<open>(v, s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2\<close>
have "G\Norm s0 \{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\v\max n1 n2\ s3"
by (iprover intro: evaln.FVar dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (AVar s0 e1 a s1 e2 i s2 v s2')
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \e1-\a\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \e2-\i\n2\ s2"
by iprover
note \<open>(v, s2') = avar G i a s2\<close>
have "G\Norm s0 \e1.[e2]=\v\max n1 n2\ s2'"
by (blast intro!: evaln.AVar dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
case (Nil s0)
show ?case by (iprover intro: evaln.Nil)
case (Cons s0 e v s1 es vs s2)
then obtain n1 n2 where
"G\Norm s0 \e-\v\n1\ s1"
"G\s1 \es\\vs\n2\ s2"
by iprover
have "G\Norm s0 \e # es\\v # vs\max n1 n2\ s2"
by (blast intro!: evaln.Cons dest: evaln_max2)
then show ?case ..
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