(* Title: HOL/Bali/State.thy
Author: David von Oheimb
subsection \<open>State for evaluation of Java expressions and statements\<close>
theory State
imports DeclConcepts
text \<open>
design issues:
\item all kinds of objects (class instances, arrays, and class objects)
are handeled via a general object abstraction
\item the heap and the map for class objects are combined into a single table
\<open>(recall (loc, obj) table \<times> (qtname, obj) table ~= (loc + qtname, obj) table)\<close>
subsubsection "objects"
datatype obj_tag = \<comment> \<open>tag for generic object\<close>
CInst qtname \<comment> \<open>class instance\<close>
| Arr ty int \<comment> \<open>array with component type and length\<close>
\<comment> \<open>| CStat qtname the tag is irrelevant for a class object,
i.e. the static fields of a class,
since its type is given already by the reference to
it (see below)\<close>
type_synonym vn = "fspec + int" \<comment> \<open>variable name\<close>
record obj =
tag :: "obj_tag" \<comment> \<open>generalized object\<close>
"values" :: "(vn, val) table"
(type) "fspec" <= (type) "vname \ qtname"
(type) "vn" <= (type) "fspec + int"
(type) "obj" <= (type) "\tag::obj_tag, values::vn \ val option\"
(type) "obj" <= (type) "\tag::obj_tag, values::vn \ val option,\::'a\"
the_Arr :: "obj option \ ty \ int \ (vn, val) table"
where "the_Arr obj = (SOME (T,k,t). obj = Some \tag=Arr T k,values=t\)"
lemma the_Arr_Arr [simp]: "the_Arr (Some \tag=Arr T k,values=cs\) = (T,k,cs)"
apply (auto simp: the_Arr_def)
lemma the_Arr_Arr1 [simp,intro,dest]:
"\tag obj = Arr T k\ \ the_Arr (Some obj) = (T,k,values obj)"
apply (auto simp add: the_Arr_def)
upd_obj :: "vn \ val \ obj \ obj"
where "upd_obj n v = (\obj. obj \values:=(values obj)(n\v)\)"
lemma upd_obj_def2 [simp]:
"upd_obj n v obj = obj \values:=(values obj)(n\v)\"
apply (auto simp: upd_obj_def)
obj_ty :: "obj \ ty" where
"obj_ty obj = (case tag obj of
CInst C \<Rightarrow> Class C
| Arr T k \<Rightarrow> T.[])"
lemma obj_ty_eq [intro!]: "obj_ty \tag=oi,values=x\ = obj_ty \tag=oi,values=y\"
by (simp add: obj_ty_def)
lemma obj_ty_eq1 [intro!,dest]:
"tag obj = tag obj' \ obj_ty obj = obj_ty obj'"
by (simp add: obj_ty_def)
lemma obj_ty_cong [simp]:
"obj_ty (obj \values:=vs\) = obj_ty obj"
by auto
lemma obj_ty_CInst [simp]:
"obj_ty \tag=CInst C,values=vs\ = Class C"
by (simp add: obj_ty_def)
lemma obj_ty_CInst1 [simp,intro!,dest]:
"\tag obj = CInst C\ \ obj_ty obj = Class C"
by (simp add: obj_ty_def)
lemma obj_ty_Arr [simp]:
"obj_ty \tag=Arr T i,values=vs\ = T.[]"
by (simp add: obj_ty_def)
lemma obj_ty_Arr1 [simp,intro!,dest]:
"\tag obj = Arr T i\ \ obj_ty obj = T.[]"
by (simp add: obj_ty_def)
lemma obj_ty_widenD:
"G\obj_ty obj\RefT t \ (\C. tag obj = CInst C) \ (\T k. tag obj = Arr T k)"
apply (unfold obj_ty_def)
apply (auto split: obj_tag.split_asm)
obj_class :: "obj \ qtname" where
"obj_class obj = (case tag obj of
CInst C \<Rightarrow> C
| Arr T k \<Rightarrow> Object)"
lemma obj_class_CInst [simp]: "obj_class \tag=CInst C,values=vs\ = C"
by (auto simp: obj_class_def)
lemma obj_class_CInst1 [simp,intro!,dest]:
"tag obj = CInst C \ obj_class obj = C"
by (auto simp: obj_class_def)
lemma obj_class_Arr [simp]: "obj_class \tag=Arr T k,values=vs\ = Object"
by (auto simp: obj_class_def)
lemma obj_class_Arr1 [simp,intro!,dest]:
"tag obj = Arr T k \ obj_class obj = Object"
by (auto simp: obj_class_def)
lemma obj_ty_obj_class: "G\obj_ty obj\ Class statC = G\obj_class obj \\<^sub>C statC"
apply (case_tac "tag obj")
apply (auto simp add: obj_ty_def obj_class_def)
apply (case_tac "statC = Object")
apply (auto dest: widen_Array_Class)
subsubsection "object references"
type_synonym oref = "loc + qtname" \<comment> \<open>generalized object reference\<close>
Heap :: "loc \ oref"
Stat :: "qtname \ oref"
"Heap" => "CONST Inl"
"Stat" => "CONST Inr"
(type) "oref" <= (type) "loc + qtname"
fields_table :: "prog \ qtname \ (fspec \ field \ bool) \ (fspec, ty) table" where
"fields_table G C P =
map_option type \<circ> table_of (filter (case_prod P) (DeclConcepts.fields G C))"
lemma fields_table_SomeI:
"\table_of (DeclConcepts.fields G C) n = Some f; P n f\
\<Longrightarrow> fields_table G C P n = Some (type f)"
apply (unfold fields_table_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (erule map_of_filter_in)
apply assumption
apply simp
(* unused *)
lemma fields_table_SomeD': "fields_table G C P fn = Some T \
\<exists>f. (fn,f)\<in>set(DeclConcepts.fields G C) \<and> type f = T"
apply (unfold fields_table_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule map_of_SomeD)
apply auto
lemma fields_table_SomeD:
"\fields_table G C P fn = Some T; unique (DeclConcepts.fields G C)\ \
\<exists>f. table_of (DeclConcepts.fields G C) fn = Some f \<and> type f = T"
apply (unfold fields_table_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (erule table_of_filter_unique_SomeD)
apply assumption
apply simp
in_bounds :: "int \ int \ bool" ("(_/ in'_bounds _)" [50, 51] 50)
where "i in_bounds k = (0 \ i \ i < k)"
arr_comps :: "'a \ int \ int \ 'a option"
where "arr_comps T k = (\i. if i in_bounds k then Some T else None)"
var_tys :: "prog \ obj_tag \ oref \ (vn, ty) table" where
"var_tys G oi r =
(case r of
Heap a \<Rightarrow> (case oi of
CInst C \<Rightarrow> fields_table G C (\<lambda>n f. \<not>static f) (+) Map.empty
| Arr T k \<Rightarrow> Map.empty (+) arr_comps T k)
| Stat C \<Rightarrow> fields_table G C (\<lambda>fn f. declclassf fn = C \<and> static f)
(+) Map.empty)"
lemma var_tys_Some_eq:
"var_tys G oi r n = Some T
= (case r of
Inl a \<Rightarrow> (case oi of
CInst C \<Rightarrow> (\<exists>nt. n = Inl nt \<and> fields_table G C (\<lambda>n f.
\<not>static f) nt = Some T)
| Arr t k \<Rightarrow> (\<exists> i. n = Inr i \<and> i in_bounds k \<and> t = T))
| Inr C \<Rightarrow> (\<exists>nt. n = Inl nt \<and>
fields_table G C (\<lambda>fn f. declclassf fn = C \<and> static f) nt
= Some T))"
apply (unfold var_tys_def arr_comps_def)
apply (force split: sum.split_asm sum.split obj_tag.split)
subsubsection "stores"
type_synonym globs \<comment> \<open>global variables: heap and static variables\<close>
= "(oref , obj) table"
type_synonym heap
= "(loc , obj) table"
(* type_synonym locals
= "(lname, val) table" *)
(type) "globs" <= (type) "(oref , obj) table"
(type) "heap" <= (type) "(loc , obj) table"
(* (type) "locals" <= (type) "(lname, val) table" *)
datatype st = (* pure state, i.e. contents of all variables *)
st globs locals
subsection "access"
globs :: "st \ globs"
where "globs = case_st (\g l. g)"
locals :: "st \ locals"
where "locals = case_st (\g l. l)"
definition heap :: "st \ heap" where
"heap s = globs s \ Heap"
lemma globs_def2 [simp]: " globs (st g l) = g"
by (simp add: globs_def)
lemma locals_def2 [simp]: "locals (st g l) = l"
by (simp add: locals_def)
lemma heap_def2 [simp]: "heap s a=globs s (Heap a)"
by (simp add: heap_def)
abbreviation val_this :: "st \ val"
where "val_this s == the (locals s This)"
abbreviation lookup_obj :: "st \ val \ obj"
where "lookup_obj s a' == the (heap s (the_Addr a'))"
subsection "memory allocation"
new_Addr :: "heap \ loc option" where
"new_Addr h = (if (\a. h a \ None) then None else Some (SOME a. h a = None))"
lemma new_AddrD: "new_Addr h = Some a \ h a = None"
apply (auto simp add: new_Addr_def)
apply (erule someI)
lemma new_AddrD2: "new_Addr h = Some a \ \b. h b \ None \ b \ a"
apply (drule new_AddrD)
apply auto
lemma new_Addr_SomeI: "h a = None \ \b. new_Addr h = Some b \ h b = None"
apply (simp add: new_Addr_def)
apply (fast intro: someI2)
subsection "initialization"
abbreviation init_vals :: "('a, ty) table \ ('a, val) table"
where "init_vals vs == map_option default_val \ vs"
lemma init_arr_comps_base [simp]: "init_vals (arr_comps T 0) = Map.empty"
apply (unfold arr_comps_def in_bounds_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply auto
lemma init_arr_comps_step [simp]:
"0 < j \ init_vals (arr_comps T j ) =
init_vals (arr_comps T (j - 1))(j - 1\<mapsto>default_val T)"
apply (unfold arr_comps_def in_bounds_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply auto
subsection "update"
gupd :: "oref \ obj \ st \ st" ("gupd'(_\_')" [10, 10] 1000)
where "gupd r obj = case_st (\g l. st (g(r\obj)) l)"
lupd :: "lname \ val \ st \ st" ("lupd'(_\_')" [10, 10] 1000)
where "lupd vn v = case_st (\g l. st g (l(vn\v)))"
upd_gobj :: "oref \ vn \ val \ st \ st"
where "upd_gobj r n v = case_st (\g l. st (chg_map (upd_obj n v) r g) l)"
set_locals :: "locals \ st \ st"
where "set_locals l = case_st (\g l'. st g l)"
init_obj :: "prog \ obj_tag \ oref \ st \ st"
where "init_obj G oi r = gupd(r\\tag=oi, values=init_vals (var_tys G oi r)\)"
init_class_obj :: "prog \ qtname \ st \ st"
where "init_class_obj G C == init_obj G undefined (Inr C)"
lemma gupd_def2 [simp]: "gupd(r\obj) (st g l) = st (g(r\obj)) l"
apply (unfold gupd_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma lupd_def2 [simp]: "lupd(vn\v) (st g l) = st g (l(vn\v))"
apply (unfold lupd_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma globs_gupd [simp]: "globs (gupd(r\obj) s) = globs s(r\obj)"
apply (induct "s")
by (simp add: gupd_def)
lemma globs_lupd [simp]: "globs (lupd(vn\v ) s) = globs s"
apply (induct "s")
by (simp add: lupd_def)
lemma locals_gupd [simp]: "locals (gupd(r\obj) s) = locals s"
apply (induct "s")
by (simp add: gupd_def)
lemma locals_lupd [simp]: "locals (lupd(vn\v ) s) = locals s(vn\v )"
apply (induct "s")
by (simp add: lupd_def)
lemma globs_upd_gobj_new [rule_format (no_asm), simp]:
"globs s r = None \ globs (upd_gobj r n v s) = globs s"
apply (unfold upd_gobj_def)
apply (induct "s")
apply auto
lemma globs_upd_gobj_upd [rule_format (no_asm), simp]:
"globs s r=Some obj\ globs (upd_gobj r n v s) = globs s(r\upd_obj n v obj)"
apply (unfold upd_gobj_def)
apply (induct "s")
apply auto
lemma locals_upd_gobj [simp]: "locals (upd_gobj r n v s) = locals s"
apply (induct "s")
by (simp add: upd_gobj_def)
lemma globs_init_obj [simp]: "globs (init_obj G oi r s) t =
(if t=r then Some \<lparr>tag=oi,values=init_vals (var_tys G oi r)\<rparr> else globs s t)"
apply (unfold init_obj_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma locals_init_obj [simp]: "locals (init_obj G oi r s) = locals s"
by (simp add: init_obj_def)
lemma surjective_st [simp]: "st (globs s) (locals s) = s"
apply (induct "s")
by auto
lemma surjective_st_init_obj:
"st (globs (init_obj G oi r s)) (locals s) = init_obj G oi r s"
apply (subst locals_init_obj [THEN sym])
apply (rule surjective_st)
lemma heap_heap_upd [simp]:
"heap (st (g(Inl a\obj)) l) = heap (st g l)(a\obj)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_stat_upd [simp]: "heap (st (g(Inr C\obj)) l) = heap (st g l)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_local_upd [simp]: "heap (st g (l(vn\v))) = heap (st g l)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_gupd_Heap [simp]: "heap (gupd(Heap a\obj) s) = heap s(a\obj)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_gupd_Stat [simp]: "heap (gupd(Stat C\obj) s) = heap s"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_lupd [simp]: "heap (lupd(vn\v) s) = heap s"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_upd_gobj_Stat [simp]: "heap (upd_gobj (Stat C) n v s) = heap s"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (case_tac "globs s (Stat C)")
apply auto
lemma set_locals_def2 [simp]: "set_locals l (st g l') = st g l"
apply (unfold set_locals_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma set_locals_id [simp]: "set_locals (locals s) s = s"
apply (unfold set_locals_def)
apply (induct_tac "s")
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma set_set_locals [simp]: "set_locals l (set_locals l' s) = set_locals l s"
apply (unfold set_locals_def)
apply (induct_tac "s")
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma locals_set_locals [simp]: "locals (set_locals l s) = l"
apply (unfold set_locals_def)
apply (induct_tac "s")
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma globs_set_locals [simp]: "globs (set_locals l s) = globs s"
apply (unfold set_locals_def)
apply (induct_tac "s")
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma heap_set_locals [simp]: "heap (set_locals l s) = heap s"
apply (unfold heap_def)
apply (induct_tac "s")
apply (simp (no_asm))
subsubsection "abrupt completion"
primrec the_Xcpt :: "abrupt \ xcpt"
where "the_Xcpt (Xcpt x) = x"
primrec the_Jump :: "abrupt => jump"
where "the_Jump (Jump j) = j"
primrec the_Loc :: "xcpt \ loc"
where "the_Loc (Loc a) = a"
primrec the_Std :: "xcpt \ xname"
where "the_Std (Std x) = x"
abrupt_if :: "bool \ abopt \ abopt \ abopt"
where "abrupt_if c x' x = (if c \ (x = None) then x' else x)"
lemma abrupt_if_True_None [simp]: "abrupt_if True x None = x"
by (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
lemma abrupt_if_True_not_None [simp]: "x \ None \ abrupt_if True x y \ None"
by (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
lemma abrupt_if_False [simp]: "abrupt_if False x y = y"
by (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
lemma abrupt_if_Some [simp]: "abrupt_if c x (Some y) = Some y"
by (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
lemma abrupt_if_not_None [simp]: "y \ None \ abrupt_if c x y = y"
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
by auto
lemma split_abrupt_if:
"P (abrupt_if c x' x) =
((c \<and> x = None \<longrightarrow> P x') \<and> (\<not> (c \<and> x = None) \<longrightarrow> P x))"
apply (unfold abrupt_if_def)
apply (split if_split)
apply auto
abbreviation raise_if :: "bool \ xname \ abopt \ abopt"
where "raise_if c xn == abrupt_if c (Some (Xcpt (Std xn)))"
abbreviation np :: "val \ abopt \ abopt"
where "np v == raise_if (v = Null) NullPointer"
abbreviation check_neg :: "val \ abopt \ abopt"
where "check_neg i' == raise_if (the_Intg i'<0) NegArrSize"
abbreviation error_if :: "bool \ error \ abopt \ abopt"
where "error_if c e == abrupt_if c (Some (Error e))"
lemma raise_if_None [simp]: "(raise_if c x y = None) = (\c \ y = None)"
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
by auto
declare raise_if_None [THEN iffD1, dest!]
lemma if_raise_if_None [simp]:
"((if b then y else raise_if c x y) = None) = ((c \ b) \ y = None)"
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
apply auto
lemma raise_if_SomeD [dest!]:
"raise_if c x y = Some z \ c \ z=(Xcpt (Std x)) \ y=None \ (y=Some z)"
apply (case_tac y)
apply (case_tac c)
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
apply auto
lemma error_if_None [simp]: "(error_if c e y = None) = (\c \ y = None)"
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
by auto
declare error_if_None [THEN iffD1, dest!]
lemma if_error_if_None [simp]:
"((if b then y else error_if c e y) = None) = ((c \ b) \ y = None)"
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
apply auto
lemma error_if_SomeD [dest!]:
"error_if c e y = Some z \ c \ z=(Error e) \ y=None \ (y=Some z)"
apply (case_tac y)
apply (case_tac c)
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
apply (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
apply auto
absorb :: "jump \ abopt \ abopt"
where "absorb j a = (if a=Some (Jump j) then None else a)"
lemma absorb_SomeD [dest!]: "absorb j a = Some x \ a = Some x"
by (auto simp add: absorb_def)
lemma absorb_same [simp]: "absorb j (Some (Jump j)) = None"
by (auto simp add: absorb_def)
lemma absorb_other [simp]: "a \ Some (Jump j) \ absorb j a = a"
by (auto simp add: absorb_def)
lemma absorb_Some_NoneD: "absorb j (Some abr) = None \ abr = Jump j"
by (simp add: absorb_def)
lemma absorb_Some_JumpD: "absorb j s = Some (Jump j') \ j'\j"
by (simp add: absorb_def)
subsubsection "full program state"
state = "abopt \ st" \ \state including abruption information\
(type) "abopt" <= (type) "abrupt option"
(type) "state" <= (type) "abopt \ st"
Norm :: "st \ state"
where "Norm s == (None, s)"
abbreviation (input)
abrupt :: "state \ abopt"
where "abrupt == fst"
abbreviation (input)
store :: "state \ st"
where "store == snd"
lemma single_stateE: "\Z. Z = (s::state) \ False"
apply (erule_tac x = "(Some k,y)" for k y in all_dupE)
apply (erule_tac x = "(None,y)" for y in allE)
apply clarify
lemma state_not_single: "All ((=) (x::state)) \ R"
apply (drule_tac x = "(if abrupt x = None then Some x' else None, y)" for x' y in spec)
apply clarsimp
normal :: "state \ bool"
where "normal = (\s. abrupt s = None)"
lemma normal_def2 [simp]: "normal s = (abrupt s = None)"
apply (unfold normal_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
heap_free :: "nat \ state \ bool"
where "heap_free n = (\s. atleast_free (heap (store s)) n)"
lemma heap_free_def2 [simp]: "heap_free n s = atleast_free (heap (store s)) n"
apply (unfold heap_free_def)
apply simp
subsection "update"
abupd :: "(abopt \ abopt) \ state \ state"
where "abupd f = map_prod f id"
supd :: "(st \ st) \ state \ state"
where "supd = map_prod id"
lemma abupd_def2 [simp]: "abupd f (x,s) = (f x,s)"
by (simp add: abupd_def)
lemma abupd_abrupt_if_False [simp]: "\ s. abupd (abrupt_if False xo) s = s"
by simp
lemma supd_def2 [simp]: "supd f (x,s) = (x,f s)"
by (simp add: supd_def)
lemma supd_lupd [simp]:
"\ s. supd (lupd vn v ) s = (abrupt s,lupd vn v (store s))"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: split_tupled_all)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma supd_gupd [simp]:
"\ s. supd (gupd r obj) s = (abrupt s,gupd r obj (store s))"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: split_tupled_all)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma supd_init_obj [simp]:
"supd (init_obj G oi r) s = (abrupt s,init_obj G oi r (store s))"
apply (unfold init_obj_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma abupd_store_invariant [simp]: "store (abupd f s) = store s"
by (cases s) simp
lemma supd_abrupt_invariant [simp]: "abrupt (supd f s) = abrupt s"
by (cases s) simp
abbreviation set_lvars :: "locals \ state \ state"
where "set_lvars l == supd (set_locals l)"
abbreviation restore_lvars :: "state \ state \ state"
where "restore_lvars s' s == set_lvars (locals (store s')) s"
lemma set_set_lvars [simp]: "\ s. set_lvars l (set_lvars l' s) = set_lvars l s"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: split_tupled_all)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma set_lvars_id [simp]: "\ s. set_lvars (locals (store s)) s = s"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: split_tupled_all)
apply (simp (no_asm))
subsubsection "initialisation test"
inited :: "qtname \ globs \ bool"
where "inited C g = (g (Stat C) \ None)"
initd :: "qtname \ state \ bool"
where "initd C = inited C \ globs \ store"
lemma not_inited_empty [simp]: "\inited C Map.empty"
apply (unfold inited_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma inited_gupdate [simp]: "inited C (g(r\obj)) = (inited C g \ r = Stat C)"
apply (unfold inited_def)
apply (auto split: st.split)
lemma inited_init_class_obj [intro!]: "inited C (globs (init_class_obj G C s))"
apply (unfold inited_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
lemma not_initedD: "\ inited C g \ g (Stat C) = None"
apply (unfold inited_def)
apply (erule notnotD)
lemma initedD: "inited C g \ \ obj. g (Stat C) = Some obj"
apply (unfold inited_def)
apply auto
lemma initd_def2 [simp]: "initd C s = inited C (globs (store s))"
apply (unfold initd_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
subsubsection \<open>\<open>error_free\<close>\<close>
error_free :: "state \ bool"
where "error_free s = (\ (\ err. abrupt s = Some (Error err)))"
lemma error_free_Norm [simp,intro]: "error_free (Norm s)"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_normal [simp,intro]: "normal s \ error_free s"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_Xcpt [simp]: "error_free (Some (Xcpt x),s)"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_Jump [simp,intro]: "error_free (Some (Jump j),s)"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_Error [simp]: "error_free (Some (Error e),s) = False"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_Some [simp,intro]:
"\ (\ err. x=Error err) \ error_free ((Some x),s)"
by (auto simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_abupd_absorb [simp,intro]:
"error_free s \ error_free (abupd (absorb j) s)"
by (cases s)
(auto simp add: error_free_def absorb_def
split: if_split_asm)
lemma error_free_absorb [simp,intro]:
"error_free (a,s) \ error_free (absorb j a, s)"
by (auto simp add: error_free_def absorb_def
split: if_split_asm)
lemma error_free_abrupt_if [simp,intro]:
"\error_free s; \ (\ err. x=Error err)\
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (abupd (abrupt_if p (Some x)) s)"
by (cases s)
(auto simp add: abrupt_if_def
split: if_split)
lemma error_free_abrupt_if1 [simp,intro]:
"\error_free (a,s); \ (\ err. x=Error err)\
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (abrupt_if p (Some x) a, s)"
by (auto simp add: abrupt_if_def
split: if_split)
lemma error_free_abrupt_if_Xcpt [simp,intro]:
"error_free s
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (abupd (abrupt_if p (Some (Xcpt x))) s)"
by simp
lemma error_free_abrupt_if_Xcpt1 [simp,intro]:
"error_free (a,s)
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (abrupt_if p (Some (Xcpt x)) a, s)"
by simp
lemma error_free_abrupt_if_Jump [simp,intro]:
"error_free s
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (abupd (abrupt_if p (Some (Jump j))) s)"
by simp
lemma error_free_abrupt_if_Jump1 [simp,intro]:
"error_free (a,s)
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (abrupt_if p (Some (Jump j)) a, s)"
by simp
lemma error_free_raise_if [simp,intro]:
"error_free s \ error_free (abupd (raise_if p x) s)"
by simp
lemma error_free_raise_if1 [simp,intro]:
"error_free (a,s) \ error_free ((raise_if p x a), s)"
by simp
lemma error_free_supd [simp,intro]:
"error_free s \ error_free (supd f s)"
by (cases s) (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_supd1 [simp,intro]:
"error_free (a,s) \ error_free (a,f s)"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
lemma error_free_set_lvars [simp,intro]:
"error_free s \ error_free ((set_lvars l) s)"
by (cases s) simp
lemma error_free_set_locals [simp,intro]:
"error_free (x, s)
\<Longrightarrow> error_free (x, set_locals l s')"
by (simp add: error_free_def)
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